How do you or did perceive candidate Trump's position on abortion

Events occurring and how they relate/affect Anabaptist faith and culture.

Which one best describes your understanding?

Always felt Trump's position was transactional/finger in the wind/pandering.
Suspected Trump's position might be transactional/finger in the wind/pandering.
Now realizing that Trump's position is or might be transactional/finger in the wind/pandering.
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Now realizing that Trump's position IS transactional/finger in the wind/pandering.
Still believe Trump's position is mostly or wholly anti-abortion and the media is just mis-reporting things to make it look like he's a centrist turncoat.
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Still believe Trump's position is mostly or wholly anti-abortion and that he is only now playing some kind of 3-D chess and will lead the pro-life political movement to even more victories.
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Nothing can shake your conviction that Trump's position is wholly anti-abortion and he is the best figurehead for the movement.
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Re: How do you or did perceive candidate Trump's position on abortion

Post by Moses »

HondurasKeiser wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 10:15 am
Valerie wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 7:53 am Trump is emphatically pro-life- he makes exceptions for certain reasons for abortions as he has said "we have to win" so he is still anti-abortion but also is honest where he gives a little & why. If he loses, advocates for abortion up to 9 months gain.
I am emphatically pro-life, Josh is emphatically pro-life, you are emphatically pro-life. Trump is emphatically not pro-life and to claim that he is strikes me as an exercise in self-delusion.
Trump is emphatically pro-[Trump]life.
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Re: How do you or did perceive candidate Trump's position on abortion

Post by Josh »

HondurasKeiser wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 10:15 am
Valerie wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 7:53 am Trump is emphatically pro-life- he makes exceptions for certain reasons for abortions as he has said "we have to win" so he is still anti-abortion but also is honest where he gives a little & why. If he loses, advocates for abortion up to 9 months gain.
I am emphatically pro-life, Josh is emphatically pro-life, you are emphatically pro-life. Trump is emphatically not pro-life and to claim that he is strikes me as an exercise in self-delusion.
And despite all that, he did way more to advance the political causes the pro-life faction wanted than any of us did. Sometimes one can judge someone by deeds more than words.
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Re: How do you or did perceive candidate Trump's position on abortion

Post by HondurasKeiser »

Josh wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 10:42 am
HondurasKeiser wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 10:15 am
Valerie wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 7:53 am Trump is emphatically pro-life- he makes exceptions for certain reasons for abortions as he has said "we have to win" so he is still anti-abortion but also is honest where he gives a little & why. If he loses, advocates for abortion up to 9 months gain.
I am emphatically pro-life, Josh is emphatically pro-life, you are emphatically pro-life. Trump is emphatically not pro-life and to claim that he is strikes me as an exercise in self-delusion.
And despite all that, he did way more to advance the political causes the pro-life faction wanted than any of us did. Sometimes one can judge someone by deeds more than words.
Did he? I for one am quite happy with his Supreme Court Justice choices and I am also quite happy that Dobbs ended Roe (Trump himself is more circumspect about that decision). You could be hyper-technical and say that the pro-life faction wanted the end of Roe/Casey more than anything but I am not sure that's exactly true...what the want(ed) more than anything is the end of abortion, full stop. In that I am with them. Did Dobbs advance or hinder the Pro-Life cause of ending abortion? Maybe it's too soon to tell...indeed probably it's too soon to tell but from where I sit, abortion-rights are nearly everywhere moving from strength to strength and the Pro-Life Movement is everywhere in retreat and disarray. At this point Trump is hindering and not helping the pro-life cause and he's taking a lot of nominally pr-life voters with him.
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Re: How do you or did perceive candidate Trump's position on abortion

Post by Ken »

HondurasKeiser wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 10:59 am
Josh wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 10:42 am
HondurasKeiser wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 10:15 am
I am emphatically pro-life, Josh is emphatically pro-life, you are emphatically pro-life. Trump is emphatically not pro-life and to claim that he is strikes me as an exercise in self-delusion.
And despite all that, he did way more to advance the political causes the pro-life faction wanted than any of us did. Sometimes one can judge someone by deeds more than words.
Did he? I for one am quite happy with his Supreme Court Justice choices and I am also quite happy that Dobbs ended Roe (Trump himself is more circumspect about that decision). You could be hyper-technical and say that the pro-life faction wanted the end of Roe/Casey more than anything but I am not sure that's exactly true...what the want(ed) more than anything is the end of abortion, full stop. In that I am with them. Did Dobbs advance or hinder the Pro-Life cause of ending abortion? Maybe it's too soon to tell...indeed probably it's too soon to tell but from where I sit, abortion-rights are nearly everywhere moving from strength to strength and the Pro-Life Movement is everywhere in retreat and disarray. At this point Trump is hindering and not helping the pro-life cause and he's taking a lot of nominally pr-life voters with him.
1. A principal campaign promise of his in 2016 was that he would nominate judges to overturn Roe
2. He appointed 3 judges who formed the majority opinion that did, in fact, overturn Roe
3. Since then he has repeatedly taken credit for overturning Roe in numerous speeches to various evangelical groups.

But his recent mealy mouthed pronouncements about "leaving things to the states" is a canard. What people actually want to know is where you stand on abortion itself, not where you stand on what is the proper forum for regulating abortion. He has been all over the map on that question. Prior to running for the presidency in 2015/2016 he was pro-choice in his politics. During his 2016 campaign he was solidly pro-life and spoke about the need to restrict abortion, to punish women for having abortions, and so forth. Today in 2024 it seems he has his finger to the wind once again and senses that an overtly pro-life stance is to his political disadvantage and so is trying to walk it back without offending evangelicals. Which is a very narrow path to tread.

One thing about Trump. He has wily and feral political instincts. But I think this is going to be his biggest challenge yet. It will for sure come up in the debate unless the moderators are beyond incompetent. So he will have to have a good answer.
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A fool can throw out more questions than a wise man can answer. -RZehr

Re: How do you or did perceive candidate Trump's position on abortion

Post by Josh »

The pro-life faction has been saying my entire life that the most important political cause is repealing Roe vs. Wade. And in turn, electing Presidents who would appoint Justices who would repeal that.

So they got what they wanted. Now what? The one observation here is that Trump and his appointees accomplished what the pro-life faction told us was very important, politically.
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Re: How do you or did perceive candidate Trump's position on abortion

Post by Josh »

Ken wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 11:43 am One thing about Trump. He has wily and feral political instincts. But I think this is going to be his biggest challenge yet. It will for sure come up in the debate unless the moderators are beyond incompetent. So he will have to have a good answer.
… Harris is going to debate him that he’s not pro life enough? Her campaign is currently going around claiming he wants to enact a national abortion ban.
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Re: How do you or did perceive candidate Trump's position on abortion

Post by Ken »

Josh wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 11:46 am
Ken wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 11:43 am One thing about Trump. He has wily and feral political instincts. But I think this is going to be his biggest challenge yet. It will for sure come up in the debate unless the moderators are beyond incompetent. So he will have to have a good answer.
… Harris is going to debate him that he’s not pro life enough? Her campaign is currently going around claiming he wants to enact a national abortion ban.
If the subject comes up Harris will most likely make the claim using Trump's own statements and those of other Republicans that Trump and the Republican party seek a national abortion ban. If she is doing any debate prep at all, they will most likely have a statement to that effect well prepared.

The question is how will Trump answer in a way that threads the needle he is trying to thread. And will he do it in a credible fashion. He isn't the most disciplined person when it comes to policy proclamations. Usually he just seems to wing it off the cuff.
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A fool can throw out more questions than a wise man can answer. -RZehr

Re: How do you or did perceive candidate Trump's position on abortion

Post by Valerie »

HondurasKeiser wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 10:15 am
Valerie wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 7:53 am Trump is emphatically pro-life- he makes exceptions for certain reasons for abortions as he has said "we have to win" so he is still anti-abortion but also is honest where he gives a little & why. If he loses, advocates for abortion up to 9 months gain.
I am emphatically pro-life, Josh is emphatically pro-life, you are emphatically pro-life. Trump is emphatically not pro-life and to claim that he is strikes me as an exercise in self-delusion.
He is pro-life life.
Kamala Harris is pro-death

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Re: How do you or did perceive candidate Trump's position on abortion

Post by HondurasKeiser »

Valerie wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 12:44 pm
HondurasKeiser wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 10:15 am
Valerie wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 7:53 am Trump is emphatically pro-life- he makes exceptions for certain reasons for abortions as he has said "we have to win" so he is still anti-abortion but also is honest where he gives a little & why. If he loses, advocates for abortion up to 9 months gain.
I am emphatically pro-life, Josh is emphatically pro-life, you are emphatically pro-life. Trump is emphatically not pro-life and to claim that he is strikes me as an exercise in self-delusion.
He is pro-life life.
Kamala Harris is pro-death

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This from the article I posted yesterday. There links attached to some of the specific claims so if you navigate to the article you can click on them to read further.
To begin with, there is the high-handed way Trump has gutted the platform of any distinctly social conservative language (not just on abortion but on things like the definition of marriage). Having thus thrown socons under the bus, he has proceeded to back up over them, repeatedly. Democrats will still insist he could be playing 4D pro-life chess this whole time, because that’s how they will get themselves elected. The rest of us are free to state the obvious. He’s willfully misread and praised a SCOTUS ruling as if it enshrined a right to chemical abortion, when the ruling did no such thing. He’s boasted that his administration will be “great for women and their reproductive rights.” He’s denigrated so-called “heartbeat bills” which set a cutoff at 6 weeks as “stupid” and “a terrible mistake.” He was still so focused on taking jabs at Ron DeSantis that he recently appeared ignorant of what Florida’s new Amendment 4 even contained (protecting abortion through the duration of the pregnancy), merely repeating vaguely that “6 weeks is too early.” Pro-lifers are now trying hard to find a silver lining in his newly informed announcement that he will vote no on the amendment, because it’s “too extreme.”
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Re: How do you or did perceive candidate Trump's position on abortion

Post by Valerie »

HondurasKeiser wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 12:49 pm
Valerie wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 12:44 pm
HondurasKeiser wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 10:15 am
I am emphatically pro-life, Josh is emphatically pro-life, you are emphatically pro-life. Trump is emphatically not pro-life and to claim that he is strikes me as an exercise in self-delusion.
He is pro-life life.
Kamala Harris is pro-death

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This from the article I posted yesterday. There links attached to some of the specific claims so if you navigate to the article you can click on them to read further.
To begin with, there is the high-handed way Trump has gutted the platform of any distinctly social conservative language (not just on abortion but on things like the definition of marriage). Having thus thrown socons under the bus, he has proceeded to back up over them, repeatedly. Democrats will still insist he could be playing 4D pro-life chess this whole time, because that’s how they will get themselves elected. The rest of us are free to state the obvious. He’s willfully misread and praised a SCOTUS ruling as if it enshrined a right to chemical abortion, when the ruling did no such thing. He’s boasted that his administration will be “great for women and their reproductive rights.” He’s denigrated so-called “heartbeat bills” which set a cutoff at 6 weeks as “stupid” and “a terrible mistake.” He was still so focused on taking jabs at Ron DeSantis that he recently appeared ignorant of what Florida’s new Amendment 4 even contained (protecting abortion through the duration of the pregnancy), merely repeating vaguely that “6 weeks is too early.” Pro-lifers are now trying hard to find a silver lining in his newly informed announcement that he will vote no on the amendment, because it’s “too extreme.”
Instead of articles, it's best to actually listen to him discuss it.
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