Discipleship as the Foundation of Church Planting

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Discipleship as the Foundation of Church Planting

Post by Ernie »

http://www.sermoncloud.com/church-plant ... -planting/

Listen to this sermon and then comment here.
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The old woodcutter spoke again. “It is impossible to talk with you. You always draw conclusions. Life is so vast, yet you judge all of life with one page or one word. You see only a fragment. Unless you know the whole story, how can you judge?"
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Re: Discipleship as the Foundation of Church Planting

Post by Wade »

Please keep in mind that I am from an unchurched background with my perspective.

I have noticed something with other local men I have come in contact with that are seeking truth.

One of which has never met his father despite the fact that his father lives in the same area and he has tried to connect with him.
Another said his father was never involved with his life even though he was home every night he spent all his time on the computer.
And yet another has never mentioned his father even once.
Myself, I had a good connection with my father on the surface but it never went deep as he didn't have an interest in spiritual things.

Discipleship and connecting with a mentor is a big deal for a new comer that couldn't be emphasized enough.

The challenge is that because our mentoring relationships are broken, lacking, or non-existent, we are going to struggle to relate to you mentors properly because we don't know how. Obviously we need God's grace and patience.

One thing to note about Finny's comments about admonitionment is that for at least me personally when a mentor or elder has come to me in a gentle loving way and told me I am doing wrong or has said to back off of something for a bit, but it was done in an effort to help me see my state in the sight of God and in restoring or building my relationship to/with Him - my trust to that person's help grows so much more. Sometimes that isn't instant and sometimes people are offended but we aren't going to grow in Christ being coddled.

Don't give up on us. Send a note, that's often all it takes to encourage us(not the gift as much as the giving).
I have one man that has continued to reach out and help and encourage and admonish me(in a mentoring way). Guess who I think and pray about, as well as tell people about and look to in examples of being like in following Christ?! And it has encouraged me to reach out more.

I don't recall it was said straight forward but I think it was implied at least that: We new comers need to have purpose and that means getting involved. - Discipleship

I really like the group questions in this sermon and I think I will listen to this audio again
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