Public libraries. 21st Century saloons?

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Re: Public libraries. 21st Century saloons?

Post by temporal1 »

PBS and Sesame Street are not public libraries, per se.
They are used for education, entertainment, they help prepare children for reading, school, libraries.

They receive some government funds/taxpayer dollars.
Many want tax dollars removed.

We watched PBS/NPR almost exclusively when our children were young.
We made small, regular donations to our local stations. Gave that up years ago.

Things have worsened regarding their overall partisan presentation, the worst is in their children’s programming, which i no longer trust. The most recent example:

Illinois Family Institute / “Facebook Removes IFI’s Sesame Street Post” ... -ifi-post/
.. By calling theologically orthodox views of sexual immorality “hate speech,” Facebook engaged in “hate speech” based on “religious affiliation,” thereby violating its own Community Standards.

Word to the Overlords:
Expressions of moral disapproval of volitional acts that you Overlords celebrate do not constitute hatred of persons no matter how many times you claim they do.

Our time is so dark that society rejoices in exposing toddlers to cross-dressing and homosexuality,
and heaps condemnation on those who call such perversion wicked. :shock: :(

Hey Christians, you know those lumps you keep tripping on in the darkness?
They’re dead canaries. :shock: :(

“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20)

“Please share this article before Facebook deletes it.”
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Re: Public libraries. 21st Century saloons?

Post by violet »

My children are avid readers. In fact we can have over fifty books checked out at once regularly. My oldest has "out read" our current library so we travel a bit farther to get to the next one in our county. Having said this, it seems that once my children get out of what I would consider middle grade and advance into young adult, we don't have a lot left to read. Even a lot of the Caldecott winners of recent do not support what our family holds as "values." So, once my oldest came in with a stack of books explaining to me why she would not be finishing this book or that one, we started hunting out discount book fairs to find more books that shared our family values. The librarian has asked us to come up with book suggestions as they really struggle to find books for the kids of the older age. But, the fact is, our library really has turned into an internet hub. So, there is not a lot of finances going towards the young adult section simply because there are not a lot of books checked out in that age bracket.

so, yeah, we don't use the library as much as what we used to.

What we find that we love is the Little Free Libraries all over the place. They are typically filled with older books that my kids seem to enjoy. So, we try to make it a point to stop at all of them that we can find and we even travel with some books to donate...this is how the Little Free Libraries work.

I don't care much for political agendas being pushed onto children during reading time with the above article. I would not support that type of reading activity. I suspect that if the "world" doesn't show up, then the men dressed as woman reading program would not continue. I think of it as free market so to speak. We don't have this issue in my area though, so it is of little concern.

so, yes, Temporal1, I do agree a lot with your assessment of the library. It has in our family's opinion gone to the world. I suppose we could complain, or say something, but well, being how much we enjoy the hunt of a new book at the Little Free Library, we have accumulated quite a library and it is fun to give back as well.
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Re: Public libraries. 21st Century saloons?

Post by temporal1 »

GaryK wrote: Thu Jul 28, 2022 7:30 am
In third through fifth grade, the district begins lessons on “LGBTQIA2S+” activism. The curriculum presents the categories of “man” and “woman” as manifestations of the “dominant culture” that has used sexual norms to oppress minorities. “The culture, systems, and assumptions that everyone is straight is called heteronormative. The culture, systems, and assumptions that everyone is cisgender is called cisnormative,” the curriculum claims. “Therefore, the culture, systems, and assumptions that everyone is straight and cis is called cisheteronormativity.” This system, according to the lesson plan, is a form of “oppression” designed to benefit “white straight cis boys” and to punish “LGBTQIA2S+” people.

Take note of the documents at the end of the article.
^^ The documents are graphic materials presented to young students, with instructions to teachers about how to execute the “lessons.” These and similar have been making their way into gov schools+libraries for years. Not new!!
i may have first seen LifeSiteNews report/warn about this, 10 years ago?! They are deadly serious with their plans. Taxpayer funding is KEY. Teachers must teach the curriculum or lose their jobs.
RZehr wrote: Thu Jul 28, 2022 12:48 pm I was in Portland today.
The homeless tents are set up along the city sidewalks and main highways, the drug addicts are common place, the litter and garbage and graffiti are everywhere you look. I guess the public is just getting used to it now.

This is a city that has completely rejected all sense of absolute morality, and embraced immorality.
And this city is an example of where this leads.

Drugs use is supported. Vagrancy and theft is supported. Immorality is celebrated vigorously. Slothfulness is praised.

Violence is only punished depending on whether the perpetrator and the victim have correct or incorrect ideology and identify.
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Re: Public libraries. 21st Century saloons?

Post by temporal1 »

saloon saloons
i had little idea what was about to unfold across the country when i started this topic.

New library association:

WLA / World Library Association

KTRH Local Houston and Texas News / World Library Association Offers Alternative to ALA's Woke Agenda ... ke-agenda/

i hope for the best.
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Re: Public libraries. 21st Century saloons?

Post by temporal1 »

IFI / ILLINOIS FAMILY INSTITUTE / “What’s a Library For?“ ... brary-for/
The British destroyed our original Library of Congress and the 3,000 books it housed, in 1814 during the War of 1812.

Following that loss, Thomas Jefferson offered to sell his collection of 6,487 books to the Library for whatever price Congress fixed as the value. Congress paid him $23,950.

At the time, Jefferson had the largest and finest library in the entire New World. It contained classics in politics, history, philosophy, law, literature, science and fine arts.

Today, the Library of Congress is the largest library in the world and holds 173 million items, 39 million of them are books. Every day 15,000 items are added to the collection by the library’s 3,000 employees.

Libraries are places where our history is stored. Where truths already discovered can be easily found. Where, through story and legend, we can be spurred to pursue dangerous challenges, be motivated to overcome heartbreaking adversity, be inspired to courageous self-sacrifice. They are repositories of our history and the history of peoples around the world. They keep the record of our discoveries in math and physics, music and art.

Libraries track the noble and the common, the beautiful and the hideous. Almost every community has one.
The purpose of libraries is to help make us better.

Are they? Are they making us better?

Do the drag queen story hours for children — as many libraries have started to offer — make us or our children better? Do books like Crank in the teen section, a book that makes meth use and teen rape seem acceptable, seem good? Are books like It’s Perfectly Normal which encourages children ten and up to experiment with all manner of sexual activities inspiring?

Something has gone completely wrong with our libraries.
My own local library has three dozen titles by Ellen Hopkins the sick author of Crank, the-written-for-teen obscenity.
My library, the Schaumburg Township Library, is not an isolated example. Why?

:arrow: The simple explanation is we are hiring the wrong people to be librarians. :arrow:

A few weeks ago Emily Drabinski took over as President of the American Library Association.
She ran for the position openly as a Marxist and as a lesbian.

I won’t get into the deep weeds of her lesbian identity for this article, although it is relevant because she wants libraries to be more LGBT-friendly places for children by stocking more books that promote the lifestyle. Presumably, she favors such books as
It’s Perfectly Normal, and maybe This Book is Gay, a book that teaches boys how to engage in mutual masturbation.

There are many other such books in our libraries as well.
She also falsely characterizes, as book banning, attempts to keep books like these out of the children and teen sections.

It’s her Marxist ideology that is most concerning, though.

How is it possible that anyone could be elected to any important position who is openly a Marxist?
Drabinski was elected by other librarians.

The American Library Association has almost 50,000 members, most of whom are librarians and most of them work for public libraries. Drabinski campaigned as a Marxist.

In the hundred-plus years since the Russian Revolution, Marxism has been responsible for 200 million deaths.
The Marxist ideology that embraces abortion has added many hundreds of millions more globally.
It is corrosive to every founding principle of our nation, to the Judeo-Christian beliefs of our Founding Fathers, and to the family structure from which government was modeled.

These librarians who elected Drabinski must not be reading any history of Marxism in their own libraries.
Or maybe they have.

Then there is the pornography that has taken over many of the library stacks and the online resources provided by the modern librarians.

Why do these librarians think it is important to expose children to stories of rape and incest, and how-to manuals on every manner of sexual activity? They know it’s obscene, otherwise, they would not be one of the two biggest lobbying groups to block the repeal of the obscenity exemption for teachers and librarians.

In 42 states, teachers and librarians are exempt from prosecution for exposing obscene materials to children.
Illinois is one of those states.

The other big group preventing the repeal of that exemption is teachers through their unions.

Why are local library boards hiring people who believe that Marxism and providing obscene materials to children are a public good?
Why are we electing people who hire those who have such twisted thinking?

Christians still outnumber every other group in the United States.
This is another example where we are failing to influence the culture as we are all called to do.
In this case, it is an especially grievous failure.

We are allowing children to be led astray. In fact, we are complicit in it.

Our job is to guide every aspect of our children’s upbringing. We will be held responsible for it.

Yet, most of us don’t even vote in library board or school board elections.
If we do, we have no idea what the people believe or make no effort to hold them accountable after they are elected.
We don’t know the issues.
We don’t know what books are in the children’s sections. :shock:
We don’t know what our own children are reading. :shock:

In two local election cycles, all this could change if every Christian would wake up and follow the instruction manual,
the Bible, we have been given.

Engage the culture.

Jesus said to His disciples:
“Things that cause people to stumble are bound to come, but woe to anyone through whom they come.

It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble. – Luke 17:1-2

IFI website
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Re: Public libraries. 21st Century saloons?

Post by temporal1 »

temporal1 wrote: Tue Aug 01, 2023 7:29 pm saloon saloons
i had little idea what was about to unfold across the country when i started this topic.

New library association:

WLA / World Library Association

KTRH Local Houston and Texas News / World Library Association Offers Alternative to ALA's Woke Agenda ... ke-agenda/

i hope for the best.

Louisiana HB 777 Would Criminalize Librarians and Libraries Who Join the American Library Association

Alabama pushes two bills to restrict what’s in the library: ‘It’s creating a nanny state.’ ... state.html

Meanwhile, Illinois races to the bottom:
Lawmakers increase protections for Illinois libraries and its workers ... s-workers/

- - - - - - -
temporal1 wrote: Sun Apr 07, 2024 9:31 am
Josh wrote: Sun Apr 07, 2024 8:39 am .. I think it’s entirely reasonable to:

#1, not allow minors to access pornography, as a society wide decision. (This is already the law of the land, actually.)

#2, otherwise allow minors free access to a wide variety of information without censorship. :arrow:

Pornography is not “information”. There is no need for it. Whereas freedom of political speech is very important.

THE FEDERALIST / “No, Age-Appropriate Library Restrictions Are Not ‘Book Bans’ “
“A public, taxpayer-funded entity refusing to purchase and disseminate a book does not constitute a ‘ban,’
contrary to media reports.” ... book-bans/

This whole thing is blown ‘way out of perspective by those with no common sense and too much time, money+power.
It’s the duty of parents and those responsible for minors, dependents, to protect them. To refuse is to neglect if not abuse.

Speaking of “literature” :arrow:
2019 / DrWojo: Orwell
DrWojo wrote: Sat Feb 02, 2019 1:17 am Image
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Re: Public libraries. 21st Century saloons?

Post by barnhart »

I'm curious. People Mennonet must have contact with a broad range of library systems, how many have witnessed the things cited in these articles. What is your library like?
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Re: Public libraries. 21st Century saloons?

Post by Josh »

When I was a kid, the library didn’t have pornography in it and my parents let me ride my bike there by myself. It’s always been reasonable to ban obscene material from public libraries.

In the present era, public libraries in cities seem to mostly be places for the homeless to congregate and (mis-)use the computers.
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Re: Public libraries. 21st Century saloons?

Post by Szdfan »

Josh wrote: Mon Apr 08, 2024 7:39 am When I was a kid, the library didn’t have pornography in it and my parents let me ride my bike there by myself. It’s always been reasonable to ban obscene material from public libraries.

In the present era, public libraries in cities seem to mostly be places for the homeless to congregate and (mis-)use the computers.
What about your local library, not some library in a city where you don't live. Assuming they were old enough, would you allow your kids to ride their bikes to the library. What's been your experience with you local library?
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Re: Public libraries. 21st Century saloons?

Post by Josh »

Szdfan wrote: Mon Apr 08, 2024 8:39 am
Josh wrote: Mon Apr 08, 2024 7:39 am When I was a kid, the library didn’t have pornography in it and my parents let me ride my bike there by myself. It’s always been reasonable to ban obscene material from public libraries.

In the present era, public libraries in cities seem to mostly be places for the homeless to congregate and (mis-)use the computers.
What about your local library, not some library in a city where you don't live. Assuming they were old enough, would you allow your kids to ride their bikes to the library. What's been your experience with you local library?
I live in an area where things like drag queen story hour are (not yet) tolerated, and the library does not have obscene books promoted. Such are the “perks” of living in a red state and not in a Democrat and leftist-dominated city.

The overarching question remains: should libraries stock obscene books and promote them to children? Should libraries promote drag queens, drag in general, cross dressing, homosexuality, and transsexuality to children? What’s your position on this?
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