
Christian ethics and theology with an Anabaptist perspective
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Post by NedFlanders »

A government needs a governor.

Earthly governments have earthly governors.

Isaiah tells us that Jesus is Governor.

If Jesus is at the right hand of God governing and He prayed the Father’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven then the kingdom of God is wherever Jesus reigns. This reign will produce actions that are the same as how it will be in heaven.

When Jesus is ruling a persons life they will not resist evil, they will turn the other cheek, they will retaliate only in love, they bless those that curse them, they will give to those who are hunger, they will visit the widow in their affliction, they will cloth the sick, they will do all these things and more for His namesake. Their allegiance is to Him and they desire the heavenly country in such a way it comes out in heaven being brought down to earth. It is peace, righteousness, and joy in the Holy Ghost. It is praise in trial, it is trusting God in that He will work all together for good so that we let go and don’t use force to convince or change others. It is dying to self and justifying any wrong by circumstances but living out eternal heavenly principles now.

Let’s fill our lives, thoughts, and all we do with the light of Christ as ambassadors of heaven - representing His will and way on earth as it is in heaven.

This, I cannot do while involved in politics. Christ gives us much direction in the sermon on the mount of ways we are to live to express and be part of that heaven coming down to earth. Commands of which no earthly civil human government adheres to - but the true church does.
Paul tells us in Romans 12 how we are to live and then a different way that conflicts with another way in Romans 13 because there are separate rulers.

We don’t oppose the governments of this world, we rather have being yoked with Christ and cannot be yoked with another ruler.

And there is much more we could say!

Let us share His rule, reign, and righteousness - the kingdom of God brought down to earth!
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Psalms 119:2 Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and that seek him with the whole heart.
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Re: Government!

Post by Sudsy »

If I understand your admonition here as our mission here is not working with worldly governments but rather promoting the Kingdom of God separate from what earthly kingdoms are doing, I agree. Our concerns and efforts are to be about eternal things that are not dependent on the temporary choices made by earthly governments. Where sin abounds, grace abounds all the more. Sin does not stop God's grace from flowing but God's grace will stop sin. Do we really believe that ?
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Re: Government!

Post by Robert »

I don't look to earthly governments to solve all my issues. I do vote, but not fanatic about it. If things get in the way, I can easily miss voting day.

I feel voting is one small way for me to speak truth to power. I often vote for those who do not get elected, but want a voice crying out in the wilderness. I do not vote to win, but to speak.

Not saying I am perfect, but if only the corrupted vote, then we will only get corrupted leaders.

I see government as a necessary evil that is needed to maintain a functional foundation for the populous to grow from. I do not see it as a tool to provide the needs, but a tool to provide the ability for those it governs to prosper.

This is the way the founders of the US Constitution viewed things also. The US government has grown to a massive corrupt behemoth. I hope someone comes to trim it down or the whole thing will collapse from its bloated weight. I fear soon we will all start suffering from that and when it crashes, I fear for what is next. It will not be a pretty picture.
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Re: Government!

Post by NedFlanders »

The founders of the US were corrupt in themselves using rebellion and war to achieve power. Not Christlike. I would say it has always been corrupt, not different than any other civil government. I do believe it is a necessary evil as well that God allows and even ordains in a fallen world but something very distinct and separate from His people and how Christians are to live.
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Psalms 119:2 Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and that seek him with the whole heart.
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