Frequency of Communion

Christian ethics and theology with an Anabaptist perspective
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Re: Frequency of Communion

Post by Sudsy »

Hats Off wrote:
Matthew 5:
23 Therefore (Matt. 8:4) if you bring your gift to the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, 24(Job 42:8; 1 Tim. 2:8; 1 Pet. 3:7)leave your gift there before the altar, and go your way. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift.
This is cited as a reason that we do not want to commune together without being at peace with one another. How can we have peace with Jesus if we do not have peace with one another. Jesus' death is still central - but if this is meaningful, we will need peace with each other.
I agree that reconciliation with another believer when required is important and I believe scripture indicates it is important it be achieved asap. I remember times as a youth in the Pentecostal church, where we took communion once a month, where just prior to the communion ceremony the pastor would ask us to examine our attitudes and relationship with other believers and if there was anything that needed forgiving and reconciling to go to them right then and be reconciled. I recall some very wonderful times of apologies, forgiveness and reconciliation that took place. Sometimes a person had no idea what another believer was holding against them. They just felt that something was hindering fellowship.

I also support the view from that text in James were we are to confess our sins to one another so we can know how to encourage and pray for each other. This can also help us with humility by admitting to our weak areas and can foster more 'spurring on' of each other to serve the Lord better. We need to be careful to not act like the Pharisees that Jesus rebuked.

So, although I believe in an 'open communion' where any born again believer can share in the communion practise, there is, imo, a dimension that is 'closed' just because those who make this their local church can also participate in the reconciling part. I believe some MBs will remind visitors to remember their accountability to be reconciled with believers in their home church.
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Re: Frequency of Communion

Post by KingdomBuilder »

Josh wrote:There’s always an exception for wine purchased for religious purposes. In Ohio, there is a special liquour licence for selling wine for this exact purpose, including being exempt from the 3-tier system.

(Churches that observe the Eucharist often will go through a lot of wine and can get it much cheaper than others can.)
Yeah, I've heard of these exceptions. But harder still when there are no liquor stores in within an hour. Maybe they could order online 8-)
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