Bunny Trails

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Re: Sattler College Turmoil

Post by Ken »

RZehr wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 1:54 pm
Ken wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 12:17 pm
Josh wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 9:00 am Wrong, Ken. None of us would be subsidising anything. No tax dollars would be flowing to pay for anything.
If you are a wealthy billionaire and you make a donation to Harvard, that donation is subsidized because you can deduct it from the taxes that you would otherwise owe.

If Harvard invests that money in real estate, stocks, bonds, private equity, or any other form of investment, Harvard pays no taxes on the earnings, which represents additional taxpayer subsidies since Harvard still relies on public services paid for by the public despite not paying property or income taxes.

If you, as a wealthy billionaire and send your child to Harvard and and Harvard uses its private wealth (accumulated tax-free) to educate your child for free, then your child's education is being subsidized by taxpayers through the privileged tax treatment that Harvard has received through every step of the process.

Governments raise money and spend money. Giving any individual or institution special treatment or advantage on either the revenue or spending side of the equation amounts to a subsidy that the rest of the taxpayers have to make up.

It would be exactly the same thing if you are running a business. If you own a grocery store and allow certain people to take groceries without paying then you will have to raise prices for everyone else, operate at a loss, or both. The government is no different. When certain people or institutions don't pay their fair share then everyone else has to pick up the slack.

A quick bit of googling tells me that in the US, tax-deductible charitable contributions average about $500 billion per year and tax-exempt revenues by non-profits like hospitals and universities average about $2.4 trillion per year. So all combined that is nearly $3 trillion per year in income and revenues that is not being taxed and for which the rest of us has to make up every year. Either through taxes that are higher than they would otherwise need to be, or deficit spending and national debt which sucks money out of the economy, raises interest rates for all of us, and passes the burden on down to our children and grandchildren.

You are paying for those tax deductions that have made Harvard the wealthiest university in the history of the world whether you realize it or not.

Same thing applies to Sattler as well. Finny has no doubt structured his financial support to Sattler in such as fashion so as to reduce the taxes he owes to the greatest extent possible. And Sattler itself has organized itself to reduce or eliminate any taxes that would otherwise be owed.

There is nothing nefarious about this. It is the system we have set up whereby the the tax code is used to encourage charitable contributions to, and investment in private education. As opposed to direct public subsidies as happen in some other countries. Just don't be naive enough to think that it doesn't represent a public subsidy. If wealthy philanthropists and public institutions aren't getting any benefit from this system then we might as well just erase those provisions from the tax code, right? If they aren't actually DOING anything.
This only makes sense if the starting premise is that all earned money is the governments, and then there is a calculation made to determine how much money the individual be permitted to have.

But if the money starts out as the individuals money, and then a calculation is made to determine how much money the individual will pay to the government (which is the system we have), then you explanation makes no sense.

But I’m pretty sure we’ve debated this matter a couple times already.
I would suggest that the better way to look at it is to start with the premise that all people are equal citizens in this society and that when we do necessary taxation (and yes, taxes are necessary), the burden should be spread equally. So we should all pay the same rate for income tax, sales tax, property tax, etc. As should institutions as well.

Then when you start privileging certain people or institutions by granting them special exemptions to any tax you are simply passing the burden on to others. Either directly in the form of higher taxes. Or indirectly in the form of debt that gets passed on to future generations.

If we eliminated all the tax breaks in our society: Tax exemptions for institutions like Harvard and "non-profit" hospital conglomerates, tax exemptions for the purchase of new electric vehicles, tax deductions for oil drilling, tax exemptions for moving corporations overseas, tax breaks for billionaire NFL owners to construct new billion dollar NFL stadiums, etc. etc. etc. Then the tax rates for the rest of us could be a lot lower.
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Re: Bunny Trails

Post by Grace »

Then when you start privileging certain people or institutions by granting them special exemptions to any tax you are simply passing the burden on to others. Either directly in the form of higher taxes. Or indirectly in the form of debt that gets passed on to future generations.

"Privileging certain people"....LOL :laugh, like the Biden's and their not paying taxes. Just had to interject that. Carry on.
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Re: Bunny Trails

Post by Ken »

Grace wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 4:18 pm
Then when you start privileging certain people or institutions by granting them special exemptions to any tax you are simply passing the burden on to others. Either directly in the form of higher taxes. Or indirectly in the form of debt that gets passed on to future generations.

"Privileging certain people"....LOL :laugh, like the Biden's and their not paying taxes. Just had to interject that. Carry on.
Since you brought it up, can you tell us what marginal tax rate the Bidens paid compared to Trump? Pick the most recent year, 2022. That information is publicly available.
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Re: Bunny Trails

Post by Grace »

Ken wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 5:42 pm
Grace wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 4:18 pm
Then when you start privileging certain people or institutions by granting them special exemptions to any tax you are simply passing the burden on to others. Either directly in the form of higher taxes. Or indirectly in the form of debt that gets passed on to future generations.

"Privileging certain people"....LOL :laugh, like the Biden's and their not paying taxes. Just had to interject that. Carry on.
Since you brought it up, can you tell us what marginal tax rate the Bidens paid compared to Trump? Pick the most recent year, 2022. That information is publicly available.

Hunter Biden - failed to pay $1.4 million in taxes while spending millions of dollars on a lavish lifestyle.
Ashley Biden - failed to pay $5,000.
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Re: Bunny Trails

Post by JayP »

I generally refrain from the political discussions but the issues of Trump vs. Biden on taxes fall into. L early different realms of morality.

Trump follows the accounting tricks, lying that is common among the rich’s lawyers ability to play games with the tax codes. That is capturing losses, using real estate law and yes, false values of goods.

The Biden tax issues are more in the simple avoidance (well evasion because it is illegal) of not reporting income.
For example, when a Hunter’s buddy lends Hunter several million dollars without any repayment plan, that should be subject to income and/or gift taxes since it is not a loan (in any normal person’s eyes).

I am amused when the supporters of each side accuse the other of immorals or illegalities and fail to see their own sides foibles.

Interesting side note. Biden promotes his good standing as a Catholic but did you know no one can find proof of his marriage in the Catholic Church? His wife being divorced means she would need an annulment. No records of such, and no records of their marriage (no question their marriage at the UN building was legal from a civil standpoint), either.

But if you ask, I like many in DE have asked the bishop, the response is “We do not investigate people complaining so and so is not properly married in the church.”
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Re: A YouTuber visits a Nationwide Fellowship church

Post by Grace »

Robert wrote: Fri Jan 26, 2024 7:36 pm The video was good, but only shows the ultra conservative wing. Rosedale , LMC, MCUSA looks a lot different, but are Mennonite also.

Goodgirl, if you are looking a Rosedale Conference(CMC) church might work well for you if you are looking for some conservative aspects without a lot of the legalism.

Just to add some humor to this thread. The Rosedale Mennonites even made it to the popular TV show, "Glee". The show's costume designer hit the nail on the head with the cape dresses, but not so much with the coverings. I know, kind of off topic, so carry on.

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Re: Trans student killed in school

Post by Ken »

ken_sylvania wrote: Sun Feb 25, 2024 12:35 am
Ken wrote: Sat Feb 24, 2024 10:43 pm
RZehr wrote: Sat Feb 24, 2024 10:18 am
Unimportant distinction between the two words in this case - movement and media.
Pretty much one and the same. Just like the right wing movement is one and the same with right wing media.
No they are not one and the same. Not even remotely so. Regardless of what you seem to think. We live in a straight world in which the media by far promotes the dominant straight world and LGBT people along with their activist types are nothing but a minor curiosity.
You really think this story would have been promoted as it was if it hadn't been for the initial implications that this student was attacked and killed because of their gender identity?
You are talking about two separate issues.

First, trans issues are in the news largely because the right has turned them into a culture war issue across the south including Oklahoma. And that is a pretty recent thing. You don't believe me? I'm willing to bet that 95% of the news coverage of trans issues in schools over the past 2 years has originated from the right. Starting from politicians on down. Oklahoma is in the news because right wing politicians in Oklahoma have decided to make what bathroom a 15 year old uses into a culture war campaign issue. Of all the problems facing Oklahoma today, if you watch the conservatives running the state you would think the number one issue is which bathroom and what pronoun some kid decides to use. It isn't LGBT activists who are doing that.

Second, the actual media today in 2024 promotes the same straight conventional hetero sexuality it has always promoted. Because that is the kind of sex that sells. LGBT "activists" are just a trivial side show. Don't believe me? We just went through the biggest media event of the year with the Super Bowl. And what was the coverage obsessively all about? The pretty blond girl and the macho football player who captured her heart. It couldn't be more stereotypical 1950s if they tried. And the half-time show was Usher who is as ripped and macho as any singer today. Again, the most opposite from LGBT as you can get.


Who are the biggest media influences on young girls today? Look up any list of most influential media stars, actresses, singers, etc. Every last one is straight and promoting very conventional straight notions of sexuality and attractiveness. Because that is what sells.

Taylor Swift, Beyonce, Barbie (Margot Robbie), Zendaya, Jenna Ortega, Rihanna, Ariana Grande, Selena Gomez, Nicki Minaj etc. These are the types who the mainstream media is putting forward as stars and role models for young girls to aspire to. And if you don't know who any are just google them. Every last one is extremely conventionally straight.

Same for boys. The athletes, actors, musicians, and other stars that the mainstream media puts forward as role models for boys? Straight, straight, straight, straight. Every last one of them. In fact hyper-masculine is more the thing. Your average teen boy is more trying to look like the ripped stars they see on the screen and in the NBA and NFL than any sort of trans drag queen.

I get that the conservative world is currently in a moral panic about LGBT kids, now that they've moved on from black lives matter, CRT, and litter boxes in schools. But that doesn't actually mean it is something the mainstream media is promoting. It is actually the opposite that is true and always has been.
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Re: Bunny Trails

Post by Robert »

LGBT issues ARE being pushed by many in public schools. I disagree with your statement that it is the right pushing it. In my observations, it is the left pushing for inclusion and the right reacting to that push and pushing back. There have been several cases of boys going into the girls restroom and attacking a girl. This is unacceptable and I also think it is wrong to not to give the girls a safe space in the restrooms and in the locker rooms along with in the sport they are participating in.
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Re: Trans student killed in school

Post by ken_sylvania »

Ken wrote: Sun Feb 25, 2024 1:27 am
ken_sylvania wrote: Sun Feb 25, 2024 12:35 am
Ken wrote: Sat Feb 24, 2024 10:43 pm

No they are not one and the same. Not even remotely so. Regardless of what you seem to think. We live in a straight world in which the media by far promotes the dominant straight world and LGBT people along with their activist types are nothing but a minor curiosity.
You really think this story would have been promoted as it was if it hadn't been for the initial implications that this student was attacked and killed because of their gender identity?
You are talking about two separate issues.

First, trans issues are in the news largely because the right has turned them into a culture war issue across the south including Oklahoma. And that is a pretty recent thing. You don't believe me? I'm willing to bet that 95% of the news coverage of trans issues in schools over the past 2 years has originated from the right. Starting from politicians on down. Oklahoma is in the news because right wing politicians in Oklahoma have decided to make what bathroom a 15 year old uses into a culture war campaign issue. Of all the problems facing Oklahoma today, if you watch the conservatives running the state you would think the number one issue is which bathroom and what pronoun some kid decides to use. It isn't LGBT activists who are doing that.

Second, the actual media today in 2024 promotes the same straight conventional hetero sexuality it has always promoted. Because that is the kind of sex that sells. LGBT "activists" are just a trivial side show. Don't believe me? We just went through the biggest media event of the year with the Super Bowl. And what was the coverage obsessively all about? The pretty blond girl and the macho football player who captured her heart. It couldn't be more stereotypical 1950s if they tried. And the half-time show was Usher who is as ripped and macho as any singer today. Again, the most opposite from LGBT as you can get.


Who are the biggest media influences on young girls today? Look up any list of most influential media stars, actresses, singers, etc. Every last one is straight and promoting very conventional straight notions of sexuality and attractiveness. Because that is what sells.

Taylor Swift, Beyonce, Barbie (Margot Robbie), Zendaya, Jenna Ortega, Rihanna, Ariana Grande, Selena Gomez, Nicki Minaj etc. These are the types who the mainstream media is putting forward as stars and role models for young girls to aspire to. And if you don't know who any are just google them. Every last one is extremely conventionally straight.

Same for boys. The athletes, actors, musicians, and other stars that the mainstream media puts forward as role models for boys? Straight, straight, straight, straight. Every last one of them. In fact hyper-masculine is more the thing. Your average teen boy is more trying to look like the ripped stars they see on the screen and in the NBA and NFL than any sort of trans drag queen.

I get that the conservative world is currently in a moral panic about LGBT kids, now that they've moved on from black lives matter, CRT, and litter boxes in schools. But that doesn't actually mean it is something the mainstream media is promoting. It is actually the opposite that is true and always has been.
Your entire article proves absolutely nothing about whether left-of-center mainstream media has a pro-LGBT bias or whether the viral spread of the story about the OK student who died was fueled by LGBT shills claiming or implying that the death was a result of an attack based on gender identity.

I also notice you didn't even bother to answer my question.
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Re: Bunny Trails

Post by Grace »

Second, the actual media today in 2024 promotes the same straight conventional hetero sexuality it has always promoted. Because that is the kind of sex that sells. LGBT "activists" are just a trivial side show. Don't believe me? We just went through the biggest media event of the year with the Super Bowl. And what was the coverage obsessively all about? The pretty blond girl and the macho football player who captured her heart. It couldn't be more stereotypical 1950s if they tried. And the half-time show was Usher who is as ripped and macho as any singer today. Again, the most opposite from LGBT as you can get.Who are the biggest media influences on young girls today? Look up any list of most influential media stars, actresses, singers, etc. Every last one is straight and promoting very conventional straight notions of sexuality and attractiveness. Because that is what sells.

Taylor Swift, Beyonce, Barbie (Margot Robbie), Zendaya, Jenna Ortega, Rihanna, Ariana Grande, Selena Gomez, Nicki Minaj etc. These are the types who the mainstream media is putting forward as stars and role models for young girls to aspire to. And if you don't know who any are just google them. Every last one is extremely conventionally straight.

Same for boys. The athletes, actors, musicians, and other stars that the mainstream media puts forward as role models for boys? Straight, straight, straight, straight. Every last one of them. In fact hyper-masculine is more the thing. Your average teen boy is more trying to look like the ripped stars they see on the screen and in the NBA and NFL than any sort of trans drag queen.

I get that the conservative world is currently in a moral panic about LGBT kids, now that they've moved on from black lives matter, CRT, and litter boxes in schools. But that doesn't actually mean it is something the mainstream media is promoting. It is actually the opposite that is true and always has been.
The media’s obsession with pop stars has nothing to do with LGBT issues, but everything to do with what sells these days. It just happens that Taylor Swift is the biggest pop star on the world stage. And her relationship with a football player will be a media focus for that reason alone. There have been numerous gay pop stars in the past, such as Elton John, Ricky Matin, George Michael and Freddy Mercury, who were in the media spotlight.

Neither is the conservative world in a moral panic about LGBT kids. However they are concerned about the indoctrination of gender confused kids and the promotion of permanently mutilating their bodies.
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