Motivated by Reward - Yes/No ?

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Hats Off
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Re: Motivated by Reward - Yes/No ?

Post by Hats Off »

When Billy Graham came to the Senators stadium in Canada, seats were reserved at the front for the people who were involved in bringing him to Ottawa, as well as for local dignitaries. Behind them sat the people who were responsible to go to the help of any who responded to Graham's message and needed prayers or other support. Behind them, were the people who paid extra for better seats. Behind them, the people sat in the order in which they had registered. Finally, the late registrants sat in the parking lot watching on large screen TV.

Is this our concept of heaven? Does the thief on the cross get to watch on large screen TV while the Billy Grahams and other pastors and teachers get to sit at Jesus' feet? Will some live in "just a cottage" while others live in "mansions just over the hilltop"? Do we really believe that there will be different classes of people in heaven, some with many jewels or stars in their crown, while others come empty handed and bare headed?
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Re: Motivated by Reward - Yes/No ?

Post by cmbl »

I do see Jesus referring to eternal rewards/treasure in heaven.

To reflect on Hats Off's post, as someone who has only ever been on earth, I'm only familiar with earthly treasures. Earthly treasures are the object of comparison and covetousness. I'm don't know what heavenly treasures are like, but I expect them to differ from earthly ones in that respect.
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Re: Motivated by Reward - Yes/No ?

Post by Josh »

I think Jesus is using analogies of how rewards / treasures work on earth, somewhat like how he spoke in parables.

Heaven's economy is, I imagine, different than earth's.
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Re: Motivated by Reward - Yes/No ?

Post by Sudsy »

Hats Off wrote:When Billy Graham came to the Senators stadium in Canada, seats were reserved at the front for the people who were involved in bringing him to Ottawa, as well as for local dignitaries. Behind them sat the people who were responsible to go to the help of any who responded to Graham's message and needed prayers or other support. Behind them, were the people who paid extra for better seats. Behind them, the people sat in the order in which they had registered. Finally, the late registrants sat in the parking lot watching on large screen TV.

Is this our concept of heaven? Does the thief on the cross get to watch on large screen TV while the Billy Grahams and other pastors and teachers get to sit at Jesus' feet? Will some live in "just a cottage" while others live in "mansions just over the hilltop"? Do we really believe that there will be different classes of people in heaven, some with many jewels or stars in their crown, while others come empty handed and bare headed?
Yes, to some degree and according to what Jesus said and the book of Revelation speaks about, I do believe there will be rewards in heaven based on believer's works. Jesus pointed out to the Pharisees (works only people) that if they did their religious acts to get the attention of men, then there will be no eternal reward in heaven. To obtain these rewards our works will be tested to see just what we were seeking by doing these good works. I believe if they pass the test of perhaps areas such as a trully love for God; a desire to be obedient; a love for others expecting nothing immediately in return; no seeking of man's applause; no act of looking holy, laying down one's life for their faith, were they done for the glory of God, etc. then yes, recognition rewards (spoken of as crowns with stars) are promised.

Although we can't work to obtain salvation (Jesus did all the work necessary for that), we were created to do good works and be rewarded for them. Eternal life is a gift of God, not of works but our works as believers are extremely important and I'm afraid Jesus teachings in this area are brushed off sometimes because serving Him for other reasons appear more noble. But what does scripture say ? Why were we created ? To sit around and argue doctrine ? To debate what is the holiest way to live ? And how did Jesus describe what it means to shine our lights ? Seems to me good deeds are one of the top things mentioned for a believer and it is not wrong to work toward reward.

"For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.” (Ephesians 2)

"Instruct them to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, storing up for themselves the treasure of a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is life indeed.” (1 Timothy 6)

“Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward in heaven is great; for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.” (Matthew 5)

"Therefore we also have as our ambition, whether at home or absent, to be pleasing to Him. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad.” (2 Corinthians 5)

I suspect when scripture says the last shall be first and the first last, that it is speaking of rewards and positions in heaven. Those that may appear to us at the moment to be doing great ministries may end up being the last and those with little recognition here may ended up with great reward. Man looks on the outward but God is looking on the heart.

Personally, I think if I would have given eternal reward more focus, I would have lived differently and I know I blew the possible reward for too many works on seeking self attention (which I still struggle with - the flesh and the spirit battle).

Perhaps the scripture saying that God will wipe the tears from our eyes has much to do with what we did 'for Him' when it was just for our own glory. A sobering thought.
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Re: Motivated by Reward - Yes/No ?

Post by KingdomBuilder »

When I read these verses, I don't see them as some sort of "incentive"- to me they are more simply spiritual realities. I don't think these words are
Ike dangling raw meat in front of a dog as bait/ motivation; I'd say these verses are more for those who are already on the path towards receiving salvation.
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Re: Motivated by Reward - Yes/No ?

Post by Sudsy »

KingdomBuilder wrote:When I read these verses, I don't see them as some sort of "incentive"- to me they are more simply spiritual realities. I don't think these words are
Ike dangling raw meat in front of a dog as bait/ motivation; I'd say these verses are more for those who are already on the path towards receiving salvation.
So, do you believe in the judgment of Christians as spoken of in 2 cor 5:10 - "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may be paid back according to what he has done while in the body, whether good or evil." Here Paul is talking to believers. We will each be judged by our works as believers and either we will receive rewards or it will be evident why we missed out being rewarded.

"If anyone builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, or straw, each builder’s work will be plainly seen, for the Day will make it clear, because it will be revealed by fire. And the fire will test what kind of work each has done. If what someone has built survives, he will receive a reward. If someone’s work is burned up, he will suffer loss. He himself will be saved, but only as through fire." - 1 cor 3. Again talking to believers.

Counting the cost (i.e. persecution) here and now is one side of Christianity but another side is the blessing, abundant life, eternal life and also future rewards. That latter side should outweigh the cost side to give us this immediate blessing of peace and joy and much more in the Holy Spirit.

“Watch out that you do not lose what you have worked for, but that you may be rewarded fully” - 2 John 8

I think Jesus was pretty keen on investing but investing on things that bring eternal life benefits.
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Re: Motivated by Reward - Yes/No ?

Post by KingdomBuilder »

I'm not disagreeing with there being "rewards". I disagree with them as being infinitives / motivators in and of themselves within the scripture.

Did I say anything to indicate that I don't believe in the eternal judgement as it's described in the Word?
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Re: Motivated by Reward - Yes/No ?

Post by Hats Off »

To be in Heaven with Jesus should seem like reward enough. While I acknowledge those scriptures indicating reward, I am of the earth, that is the only experience I have and on earth those with the greater rewards or higher positions seem to be elevated above the ordinary person. I can not grasp heaven as a place where there is respect of persons although I can also identify with the man who said he will be happy on the back pasture looking after the white horses.
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Re: Motivated by Reward - Yes/No ?

Post by Sudsy »

KingdomBuilder wrote:I'm not disagreeing with there being "rewards". I disagree with them as being infinitives / motivators in and of themselves within the scripture.

Did I say anything to indicate that I don't believe in the eternal judgement as it's described in the Word?
I was just wondering what your thinking was with regard to rewards. I believe there will possibly be 3 judgments. One, the great white throne judgment for those whose names are not in the book of life, the unregenerated. Two, for believers only, the 'bema', the judgment seat of Christ where each believer will be judged on their performance/works as believers. And a possible third after the tribulation period and prior to the millennium period, the sheep from the goats judgment. The effect of their being saved are their good works for the sheep.

Not saying you are one but It seems to me that Christians who do not talk much about rewards also have trouble with Christ saying that we are to have an abundant life now. They seem to view Christianity more from a suffering and costly perspective than a victorious, joy and peace filled perspective. And the cross is seen more from a sad perspective. I don't disagree that this life is costly and requires suffering on our fleshly nature but what should stand out above that is the promises of unspeakable joy, peace beyond understanding, abundance in spiritual gifts and fruit, love for everyone and eternal life with rewards and many other things that should make Christianity stand out as a city on a hill.

Anyway, I didn't expect we would all view eternal rewards as a motivator but mainly wanted to point out how Jesus and Paul referred to them for some reason.
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