Amish Salve-maker in Jail, Facing Federal Prison

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Re: Amish Salve-maker in Jail, Facing Federal Prison

Post by Valerie »

Interesting- many lives have been saved by the Onocologist who came up with the baking soda treatment, and it was our friends Onocologist in Chicago who recommended he go to Italy.
He lived, alive and well several years later.
Our other friend chose conventional and died- as so many have. After wiping out all their income leaving families to try to survive the bills left to them.
But it was not a 'natural' doctor that encouraged our friend to go but an actual Onocologist, and an Onocologist who came up with the method which has healed many- in some cases, a man with experience is not at the mercy of a man with an argument but I'm glad to see they are improving on chemo, I have just heard so many horror stories.

Wonder if Joy (on here) would be interested in sharing her baking soda testimony?
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Judas Maccabeus
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Re: Amish Salve-maker in Jail, Facing Federal Prison

Post by Judas Maccabeus »

Valerie wrote:Interesting- many lives have been saved by the Onocologist who came up with the baking soda treatment, and it was our friends Onocologist in Chicago who recommended he go to Italy.
He lived, alive and well several years later.
Our other friend chose conventional and died- as so many have. After wiping out all their income leaving families to try to survive the bills left to them.
But it was not a 'natural' doctor that encouraged our friend to go but an actual Onocologist, and an Onocologist who came up with the method which has healed many- in some cases, a man with experience is not at the mercy of a man with an argument but I'm glad to see they are improving on chemo, I have just heard so many horror stories.

Wonder if Joy (on here) would be interested in sharing her baking soda testimony?
Guy that promotes this is going to cool his heels for a few years. Maybe he can peddle his fake cures in the "house of many doors" ... ted-2017-1

One person testimonials of a "cure" do not impress me at all. Carefully constructed double blind studies on a large group of patients do.

Of course, you actually have to DO the hard work, rather than just writing books or going on TV shows.

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Re: Amish Salve-maker in Jail, Facing Federal Prison

Post by appleman2006 »

Chemo has worked for many many people I know. And for many types of cancer it has improving success rates all the time. Most often when it does not work is when people have waited too long to begin and often because they have been convinced to try any number of quackery before. Sorry if this sounds harsh but unless you are a trained health practitioner and I mean really trained you have no business overruling one's advice. You may be playing with someone's life. Be very carefull.
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Re: Amish Salve-maker in Jail, Facing Federal Prison

Post by Valerie »

Judas Maccabeus wrote:
Valerie wrote:Interesting- many lives have been saved by the Onocologist who came up with the baking soda treatment, and it was our friends Onocologist in Chicago who recommended he go to Italy.
He lived, alive and well several years later.
Our other friend chose conventional and died- as so many have. After wiping out all their income leaving families to try to survive the bills left to them.
But it was not a 'natural' doctor that encouraged our friend to go but an actual Onocologist, and an Onocologist who came up with the method which has healed many- in some cases, a man with experience is not at the mercy of a man with an argument but I'm glad to see they are improving on chemo, I have just heard so many horror stories.

Wonder if Joy (on here) would be interested in sharing her baking soda testimony?
Guy that promotes this is going to cool his heels for a few years. Maybe he can peddle his fake cures in the "house of many doors" ... ted-2017-1

One person testimonials of a "cure" do not impress me at all. Carefully constructed double blind studies on a large group of patients do.

Of course, you actually have to DO the hard work, rather than just writing books or going on TV shows.

Certainly I would agree with you on doing the hard work, but as I said- it was our friends Onocologist that told him about, and encouraged him to go to Italy- it's hard to deny the fact that there was something believable to that Onocologist to encourage our friend to go get cured there, and he did. He was given 6 to 12 months to live 'here' and now it has been at least 4 years since he came back from Italy. Same with the Amish girl- her family was told she would certainly die if Akron's Children Hospital did not treat her the conventional way. That's been a good 2 or so years ago and whatever treatment she got in another country, did indeed cure her- what are her parents to think? They were told she would die. She did not die. She is alive and well- I realize many of these type of procedures are persecuted by Big Pharma and I will believe you if you say these treatments are helping but it's how can one assume that so many who die that were on chemo were because they waited to long? I just have heard personally from a lot of people who suffered in other ways from these treatments but there are testimonies of people who went on to live & thrive.
God is sovereign-

Neither of the articles you shared were actually about THE Onocologist in Italy who has had more than one testimony of benefits- but he has suffered for the cause for sure: ... odayelena/

Apparently it is being practiced in our country now (Arizona) and just read a few comments from people that it worked for: ... treatment/

Some people refuse to go the chemo/radiation route- for a variety of reasons-
Last edited by Valerie on Fri May 05, 2017 6:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Amish Salve-maker in Jail, Facing Federal Prison

Post by Valerie »

appleman2006 wrote:Chemo has worked for many many people I know. And for many types of cancer it has improving success rates all the time. Most often when it does not work is when people have waited too long to begin and often because they have been convinced to try any number of quackery before. Sorry if this sounds harsh but unless you are a trained health practitioner and I mean really trained you have no business overruling one's advice. You may be playing with someone's life. Be very carefull.
Thank you appleman, I hope you don't think I am giving out medical advice because I am not. I think both methods have had success- perhaps ultimately it is God's sovereignty and will and their appointed time when they die, or when they are granted more time to live. My cousin was healed of leukemia in the early 60's- she had gone through the treatments at that time (which indeed they have come a LONG way) and she was on her deathbed- doctors said there was nothing else they could do- mom & aunt went to say good-bye and she was granted a miracle, even the doctors claimed it to be a miracle from God (at my Grandma's funeral, her pastor shared how they had been praying for my cousin's healing)- our lives are in his hands.
I realize the Amish rely heavily on natural cures-they also don't rule out chemo- and yet ultimately, they trust God
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Re: Amish Salve-maker in Jail, Facing Federal Prison

Post by Josh »

The Amish also rely heavily on modern medicine. I'm not sure how using quackery like baking soda to cure cancer has anything to do with "trusting God".
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Re: Amish Salve-maker in Jail, Facing Federal Prison

Post by Valerie »

Josh wrote:The Amish also rely heavily on modern medicine. I'm not sure how using quackery like baking soda to cure cancer has anything to do with "trusting God".
To clarify- ultimately they trust God with "the outcome", I realize they a lot of them rely on modern medicine, some do not- our friend who died of colon cancer did trust in modern medicine- he also was one who had us pray for 2 other of his friends who were Amish who also died of cancer who had gone conventional, and sadly, two of his daughters as children, had cancer- he shared that whole story with us all on MAP Ministry discussion forum- both daughters went conventional treatments for their cancer, one lived and one went to be with the Lord- so ultimately they consider God's will but do not rule out modern medicine and/or natural medicines.
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Re: Amish Salve-maker in Jail, Facing Federal Prison

Post by Josh »

It's pretty close to lying to call baking soda to cure cancer a "natural medicine".

We as Christians have a duty to speak out against such deceptions. There is nothing traditional, natural, or effective about them. And if there were, don't you think Big Pharma would be bottling up baking soda and selling it for a high profit?
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Re: Amish Salve-maker in Jail, Facing Federal Prison

Post by Valerie »

Josh wrote:It's pretty close to lying to call baking soda to cure cancer a "natural medicine".

We as Christians have a duty to speak out against such deceptions. There is nothing traditional, natural, or effective about them. And if there were, don't you think Big Pharma would be bottling up baking soda and selling it for a high profit?
Well- Big Pharma has truly damaged a dear friend and sister in the Lord. It is a very long story- but she is now speaking out against particular antiobiotics that were prescribed to her last year that almost ruined her- it is a horror story and come to find out- there are many others who were damaged. We came along side her in prayer and time (too lengthy to explain why she needed someone with her at all times)- after going to many medical physicians, she was advised to see a holistic health care professional. Her husband was dead set against these 'quacks' but after not getting taken serious enough or being made out to be a liar, she finally turned to a holistic dr. a couple months ago. She has never been so impressed in her life by the detail of help she is receiving from the tests he has run and the explanations he is giving her, on what exactly has happened to her- why didn't all the professionals & specialists figure this out? Now her husband who considered these people quacks, wants to start seeing him for his own health issues.

I don't know- if people are cured they have the right to chose.
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Re: Amish Salve-maker in Jail, Facing Federal Prison

Post by joshuabgood »

Josh wrote:It's pretty close to lying to call baking soda to cure cancer a "natural medicine".

We as Christians have a duty to speak out against such deceptions. There is nothing traditional, natural, or effective about them. And if there were, don't you think Big Pharma would be bottling up baking soda and selling it for a high profit?
You put it well. It is seriously deluded. And more than a bit sad, to give people with cancer a very false hope in baking soda.
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