How was church today ?

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How was church today ?

Post by Sudsy »

A thread to share our Sunday experiences and learnings at our local churches. I'll begin -

Good fellowship and worship in contemporary style. Challenged to bring outsiders to church this Good Friday as some people are only 'C&E' church goers. They will hear the Gospel preached.

Today's sermon was about the colt Jesus rode into Jerusalem. Various areas of orthopraxy derived from this story. Here are a couple - One, how the ones owning the colt easily gave it up for Jesus use - thus what do we need to give up for Jesus to be of use ? Two, how a donkey must have it's spirit broken before it could be ridden - thus we too need to have our spirit broken to be used. Jesus had that kind of influence on the colt to ride it on a set path with the crowds cheering and waving palms.

Prior to this our lead pastor, previous Hindu, just came back from his father's funeral and at his father's bedside lead him to believing in Jesus. Something he prayed for and shared the Gospel on for some 20 years. How he had a chance to share the Gospel before 300 Hindu people at the funeral.

We also had an update on our MB churches latest decision on WIM. In the MB conference individual churches are allowed to make their own discerment in this area. Basically the change is, outside of lead pastor positions, women are now allowed to lead in all other phases of ministry. This probably was hard for some to accept but not me as I grew up under a woman pastor and always believed that God uses women as He does men to serve His purposes.
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Re: How was church today ?

Post by ohio jones »

Today's sermon was the book of Ephesians. Not "from" or "about" Ephesians, but just the epistle itself, delivered from memory by a visiting minister. He will take a more exegetical approach the next few evenings, but an interesting way to get an overview of the entire book.

This was followed by a meal, featuring a little over 3 tables of desserts. I chose peach.
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Re: How was church today ?

Post by Sudsy »

ohio jones wrote:Today's sermon was the book of Ephesians. Not "from" or "about" Ephesians, but just the epistle itself, delivered from memory by a visiting minister. He will take a more exegetical approach the next few evenings, but an interesting way to get an overview of the entire book.

This was followed by a meal, featuring a little over 3 tables of desserts. I chose peach.
Isn't desserts 'making way for the flesh' ? And too much dessert leads to larger pants to make way for more flesh. :lol:
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Re: How was church today ?

Post by Valerie »

Church today was good. Pastor was away- one of the associate pastors gave the message. It was in Jonah.
I missed our old Church today that we were members of 20 years (Foursquare Gospel)- Palm Sunday was a big event- just the focus on the final few days before Jesus Crucifixion and Resurrection and the Praise to Him- the church we go to now (for now) is definitely not in the Pentecost persuasion we are used to, but the doctrine is 'sound'.

However, upon hearing the news about brothers and sisters in the Lord who were killed in their church today as they were worshiping on Palm Sunday, to the Coptic Christians- there is much enthusiasm- for a bomb to go off in the church and kill so many, and then elsewhere at another church- I found myself too heavy hearted thinking about them to really be into our service. It was difficult hearing such trivial conversation going on around us after service was over knowing of so many suffering in Syria, in Egypt- for their faith. Hebrews 13:3 came to mind:

Hebrews 13:3King James Version (KJV)

3 Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body.

I found myself somewhat saddened that nothing was mentioned in Church about this news to pray for them. Maybe people hadn't heard yet-

Admittedly somehow things felt somewhat shallow at Church to me today in light of all going on in other fellow Christians lives that are truly suffering in the faith.
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Re: How was church today ?

Post by Wade »

Syria and the gasing and bombings were brought up. And it was made clear that this is not the way of Christ. The worlds ways have continual proven to be ineffective and that Christ is the only way to peace.
Blessed are the peacemakers.
It was a very supportive sounding sermon for non-resistance from a Catholic bishop...

Does this make me a Plain Catholic?
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Re: How was church today ?

Post by Josh »

Last night we had some baptisms which was a joyful time. I have never been to an Anabaptist baptism service before. During my years in MC USA, somehow I missed them all, and we never re-baptised any of the new members we received.

Four of them were of people not of Mennonite background, which was a whole family. It has been a long process to receive the whole family at once, sometimes our church has had to receive only some family members or sometimes just one. So it was especially joyful to welcome the entire family at once.

Afterwards a few of the young couples were gathering for some snacks and invited me to join them.
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Re: How was church today ?

Post by Josh »

Elsewhere in town, the church school of the church I used to attend had its Easter programme. For those of you who like pictures, click here:

And the youth group at the church I used to attend went to a homeless shelter to serve the residents, as they do on 2nd Sunday each month. I normally go but already found myself wishing to go to multiple places last night!
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Re: How was church today ?

Post by JimFoxvog »

A number of the regional churches put on a free Monday night dinner each week called Our Table, always at the same United Methodist church. Different groups take turns being in charge. Today was the Mennonite churches turn. There is a time of prayer for the meal and a sharing of joys and concerns for prayer. My wife worked with the team all afternoon; our son and I joined later. About 125 people attended. Was a good time getting to know some interesting people outside of our usual social circles. A fellow sitting next to me had a number of silver dollars, large bullets, and a cross on a necklace.
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Re: How was church today ?

Post by MaxPC »

Valerie wrote: However, upon hearing the news about brothers and sisters in the Lord who were killed in their church today as they were worshiping on Palm Sunday, to the Coptic Christians- there is much enthusiasm- for a bomb to go off in the church and kill so many, and then elsewhere at another church- I found myself too heavy hearted thinking about them to really be into our service. It was difficult hearing such trivial conversation going on around us after service was over knowing of so many suffering in Syria, in Egypt- for their faith. Hebrews 13:3 came to mind:

Hebrews 13:3King James Version (KJV)

3 Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body.
We stopped our service for a special prayer and time of reflection on the heavenly reward for the Palm Sunday martyrs in Egypt. Theirs is an authentic sacrifice for the Faith. It takes courage just go to church to worship knowing that one may be in danger and called to a profound reliving of Christ's passion and the martyrdom of those first Christians. The agony of their situation makes all of our petty arguments and worries shrink in importance.
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Max (Plain Catholic)
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Re: How was church today ?

Post by Sudsy »

We had a wonderful celebration of the resurrection in our service this morning. Church was full. Sermon was on the Gospel being "good news" and what that good news includes in the story of Jesus and His love. One of the points was how when we have good news to tell, we have no problem with sharing it as we usually don't expect to be persecuted for it. However, the good news of the Gospel is not always received as good news but rather considered as foolishness. And our human nature does not appreciate being thought of as foolish or weak minded. Yet if we really view the Gospel as good news that we can't help but share, then persecution will not stop us. The question is whether or not we are gripped by just how good the good news of the Gospel really is. Reminds me of one of my father's favourite hymns - I love to tell the story of Jesus and His love. And that was my dad. Every chance he got, he shared the Gospel.
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