If you were Israel's Prime Minister, how would you respond?

Things that are not part of politics happening presently and how we approach or address it as Anabaptists.
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Re: If you were Israel's Prime Minister, how would you respond?

Post by Ken »

Josh wrote: Wed Oct 18, 2023 10:43 am
Ken wrote: Tue Oct 17, 2023 10:03 pm
JimFoxvog wrote: Tue Oct 17, 2023 9:36 pm
Jews and Arabs lived mostly in peace in Palestine until the creation of the State of Israel. In a secular state with equal rights for all, I believe a much more peaceful land would be possible.
For over 600 years from 1517 when Suleman the Magnificent conquered Jerusalem until 1920, Jews and Arabs were all ethnic minority citizens of the Ottoman Empire along with Turks, Armenians, Greeks, Kurds, Bulgarians, etc. Strictly speaking they were all minorities in a Turkish-dominated empire.

From 1920 until the creation of Israel in 1948, the territory was subject to British rule under the Palestinian Mandate and during that time Jews and Arabs were most definitely NOT living in peace: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_k ... _Palestine

To cite just a few random examples

The Jaffa riots in 1921: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaffa_riots
The Buraq Riots in 1929: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1929_Palestine_riots

And from 1947-1948 before the creation of the state of Israel there was a state of civil war between Jews and Arabs in the Palestinian mandate with lots and lots of massacres on both sides.
To be fair, virtually every British colony had regular riots and uprisings, including the U.S., India, Sri Lanka, and many others. The British tended to rule by pitting two groups of people against each other. They would usually give a formerly oppressed minority administrative jobs, who would then go and oppress the formerly dominant majority. The English could control huge territories with surprisingly tiny colonial staffs and military forces this way.
The larger point was that the Arab-Jewish conflict didn't start with the formation of Israel. And Jews and Arabs didn't live in some idyllic peaceful co-existence before that.
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A fool can throw out more questions than a wise man can answer. -RZehr

Re: If you were Israel's Prime Minister, how would you respond?

Post by Bootstrap »

Valerie wrote: Wed Oct 18, 2023 10:01 am I rook a picture of the t.v. screen from the news report but I can't seem to post it here so I will post the numbers:

Afganistan: 6,386
Egypt: 3,153
Iran: 659
Jordan: 185
Leban: 164
Lebanon: 164
Mauritania: 15,594
Pakistan 1,613
Turkey: 30,830
Uzbekistan: 13,624
Ah, but what is a Special Interest Alien? It does not mean "suspected terrorist".

This article is helpful, though old:

45,000 “Special Interest Aliens” Caught Since 2007, But No U.S. Terrorist Attacks from Illegal Border Crossers

So is this:

Terrorist Entry Through the Southwest Border
No SIA apprehended by Border Patrol has committed an attack on U.S. soil, which means that nobody has been killed or wounded by an SIA terrorist.
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Re: If you were Israel's Prime Minister, how would you respond?

Post by Valerie »

Bootstrap wrote: Wed Oct 18, 2023 4:59 pm
Valerie wrote: Wed Oct 18, 2023 10:01 am I rook a picture of the t.v. screen from the news report but I can't seem to post it here so I will post the numbers:

Afganistan: 6,386
Egypt: 3,153
Iran: 659
Jordan: 185
Leban: 164
Lebanon: 164
Mauritania: 15,594
Pakistan 1,613
Turkey: 30,830
Uzbekistan: 13,624
Ah, but what is a Special Interest Alien? It does not mean "suspected terrorist".

This article is helpful, though old:

45,000 “Special Interest Aliens” Caught Since 2007, But No U.S. Terrorist Attacks from Illegal Border Crossers

So is this:

Terrorist Entry Through the Southwest Border
No SIA apprehended by Border Patrol has committed an attack on U.S. soil, which means that nobody has been killed or wounded by an SIA terrorist.
Sorry, not where it came from. They just posted this on news the other day
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Re: If you were Israel's Prime Minister, how would you respond?

Post by Bootstrap »

Valerie wrote: Wed Oct 18, 2023 7:56 pm Sorry, not where it came from. They just posted this on news the other day
I was simply explaining what a Special Interest Alien is. It does not mean "suspected terrorist". Was the news broadcast clear about that?

Most people trying to enter the United States from countries like Afghanistan are deemed Special Interest Aliens. Most of them are probably fleeing terrorism at home, not trying to commit terrorism here. Nobody designated as an SIA by border patrol has ever killed anyone in the United States.

I do think both the United States and Israel have the right to protect their borders against those who want to harm them.
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Re: If you were Israel's Prime Minister, how would you respond?

Post by AndersonD »

Valerie wrote: Wed Oct 18, 2023 10:01 am
AndersonD wrote: Wed Oct 18, 2023 9:21 am
Valerie wrote: Wed Oct 18, 2023 9:09 am

Bootstrap. Whether YOU see it happening or not, doesn't mean what they are reporting is not true. Maybe you miss some reports. Maybe more liberal news outlets are hiding statistics if the thousands of illegal crossing of men from Arab nations because it makes this administration look really bad for putting Americans at great risk by having open borders. I don't know. But your lack of seeing the statistics does not make it untrue. Because I've had 2 weeks now to see the #s they've given exact counts of each nation of origin of those they've apprehended. 150 plus were men that were actually on the terror watch list. Why do YOU think they are sneaking over the border? If countries like Iran call America "Big Satan" and Israel "Little Satan" you can bet this is not just about the land.

Perhaps understanding radical Islam & the 12th Imam would help you understand there's more than just land involved. Radical Islam has their own (false) prophecies they believe are to be fulfilled. Maybe it would behoove you to listen to former Muslims that converted to Christianity that can enlighten us the "real" intentions of Islam.
I was not aware Valerie of Arabs crossing the Southern border. Are they flying to Mexico??? And then trying to cross over? Please post your sources.
I rook a picture of the t.v. screen from the news report but I can't seem to post it here so I will post the numbers:

Afganistan: 6,386
Egypt: 3,153
Iran: 659
Jordan: 185
Leban: 164
Lebanon: 164
Mauritania: 15,594
Pakistan 1,613
Turkey: 30,830
Uzbekistan: 13,624

You can do a search under homeland security, border patrol etc.
Why do we think these would want to enter "Big Satan" There are also thousands of what they call "Gotaways".

If you think for a minute ite there are not evil intentions for America it is because life is busy so one cannot keep up with all the reporting. Priorities. I usually cannot either but have been free for 2 weeks to watch especially since the Hamas terrorist attack on civilians in Israel Oct 7
Ok I checked various sources and was unable to verify your info.
1 x

Re: If you were Israel's Prime Minister, how would you respond?

Post by Bootstrap »

AndersonD wrote: Thu Oct 19, 2023 9:54 am Ok I checked various sources and was unable to verify your info.
I agree. This resource gives more relevant numbers:

https://www.dhs.gov/sites/default/files ... 3Sep23.pdf

Last year, 100 people suspected of terrorist connections were apprehended at the Southern border. This year, the number is higher, it's over 160. This number includes both terrorism suspects and people associated with them.
Individuals with potential terrorism connections continue to attempt to enter the Homeland. As of July, approximately 160 non-US persons in the TSDS attempted to enter the United States via the southern border this year, most of whom were encountered attempting to illegally enter between ports of entry. This represents an increase from the approximately 100 encounters in all of FY 2022. Inclusion in the TSDS ranges from known associates of watchlisted individuals, such as family members, to individuals directly engaged in terrorist activity.
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Re: If you were Israel's Prime Minister, how would you respond?

Post by Valerie »

AndersonD wrote: Thu Oct 19, 2023 9:54 am
Valerie wrote: Wed Oct 18, 2023 10:01 am
AndersonD wrote: Wed Oct 18, 2023 9:21 am

I was not aware Valerie of Arabs crossing the Southern border. Are they flying to Mexico??? And then trying to cross over? Please post your sources.
I rook a picture of the t.v. screen from the news report but I can't seem to post it here so I will post the numbers:

Afganistan: 6,386
Egypt: 3,153
Iran: 659
Jordan: 185
Leban: 164
Lebanon: 164
Mauritania: 15,594
Pakistan 1,613
Turkey: 30,830
Uzbekistan: 13,624

You can do a search under homeland security, border patrol etc.
Why do we think these would want to enter "Big Satan" There are also thousands of what they call "Gotaways".

If you think for a minute ite there are not evil intentions for America it is because life is busy so one cannot keep up with all the reporting. Priorities. I usually cannot either but have been free for 2 weeks to watch especially since the Hamas terrorist attack on civilians in Israel Oct 7
Ok I checked various sources and was unable to verify your info.
All I can tell you is I took a picture of it on the TV screen the other day reported on the news.
I will try to find out "their" source. I have a photo I couldn't transfer
to the forum. They showed if a few times so I was able to take the photo
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Re: If you were Israel's Prime Minister, how would you respond?

Post by ken_sylvania »

Bootstrap wrote: Thu Oct 19, 2023 8:57 am
Valerie wrote: Wed Oct 18, 2023 7:56 pm Sorry, not where it came from. They just posted this on news the other day
I was simply explaining what a Special Interest Alien is. It does not mean "suspected terrorist". Was the news broadcast clear about that?

Most people trying to enter the United States from countries like Afghanistan are deemed Special Interest Aliens. Most of them are probably fleeing terrorism at home, not trying to commit terrorism here. Nobody designated as an SIA by border patrol has ever killed anyone in the United States.
And you would know that how?
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Re: If you were Israel's Prime Minister, how would you respond?

Post by Bootstrap »

ken_sylvania wrote: Thu Oct 19, 2023 2:27 pm
Bootstrap wrote: Thu Oct 19, 2023 8:57 am
Valerie wrote: Wed Oct 18, 2023 7:56 pm Sorry, not where it came from. They just posted this on news the other day
I was simply explaining what a Special Interest Alien is. It does not mean "suspected terrorist". Was the news broadcast clear about that?

Most people trying to enter the United States from countries like Afghanistan are deemed Special Interest Aliens. Most of them are probably fleeing terrorism at home, not trying to commit terrorism here. Nobody designated as an SIA by border patrol has ever killed anyone in the United States.
And you would know that how?
I provided this link together with the claim. The Cato Institute, a libertarian think-tank, wrote this article, which makes that claim and provides evidence:

https://www.cato.org/testimony/terroris ... est-border

The Department of Homeland Security says that the number of terrorist suspects or close associates apprehended at the border was around 100 last year and is about 160 so far this year.

That's quite different from the 72,885 Special Interest Aliens in the list. The source for this list seems to be a xweet by Bill Melugin:

Here's how he defines "Special Interest Alien":
A special interest alien is a term used by the U.S. government to refer to people coming from countries that have conditions that favor or harbor terrorism, or pose a potential national security to the U.S.
He is citing anonymous sources and data that is not available, apparently. And he only cites the last two years, so there is no way to compare this to other years:
Internal CBP data provided & confirmed by CBP sources reveals thousands of “special interest aliens” from mostly Middle Eastern countries have been apprehended by Border Patrol while crossing into U.S. illegally over last 2 years.
Regardless, most people from these countries are not suspected terrorists.
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Re: If you were Israel's Prime Minister, how would you respond?

Post by ken_sylvania »

Bootstrap wrote: Thu Oct 19, 2023 2:42 pm
ken_sylvania wrote: Thu Oct 19, 2023 2:27 pm
Bootstrap wrote: Thu Oct 19, 2023 8:57 am

I was simply explaining what a Special Interest Alien is. It does not mean "suspected terrorist". Was the news broadcast clear about that?

Most people trying to enter the United States from countries like Afghanistan are deemed Special Interest Aliens. Most of them are probably fleeing terrorism at home, not trying to commit terrorism here. Nobody designated as an SIA by border patrol has ever killed anyone in the United States.
And you would know that how?
I provided this link together with the claim. The Cato Institute, a libertarian think-tank, wrote this article, which makes that claim and provides evidence:

https://www.cato.org/testimony/terroris ... est-border

The Department of Homeland Security says that the number of terrorist suspects or close associates apprehended at the border was around 100 last year and is about 160 so far this year. That's quite different from the 72,885 Special Interest Aliens in the list. They aren't the same thing at all.

Incidentally, the list provided above counts Jordan and Lebanon twice each.
The article doesn't make that claim at all. The claim that the article makes is that no SIA apprehended by Border Patrol has killed anybody in a terrorist attack.
It kind of stands to reason that if Border Patrol apprehens a terrorist he might not get the chance to kill anyone. I'm not aware that Border Patrol arrests all of the SIAs that cross the border through legal ports of entry (I may be wrong) in which case "apprehended by" is a much smaller subset compared with your "encountered by" claim.
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