Children speak ..

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Re: Children speak ..

Post by temporal1 »

ohio jones wrote:
temporal1 wrote:Recently, my grdaughter read The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, and enjoyed it very much.
If she has an appetite for more of Lewis, the next question is whether to read the Chronicles chronologically. I would suggest The Magician's Nephew next, then following the rest of the Harper Collins reading order.
Yes. and, thank you for the list. :D
after she got the book, we realized The Magician’s Nephew was first! lol
we looked at the HC list, and agreed to follow it.

we talk about authors, and learning about everything they may have written. to get to know the author better, to get a glimpse of who they are. her interest drives it. she reads! :lol:

when we talk about how many people were illiterate in Jesus’ time, she is astonished.
literally speechless. :)

thankfully, she can imagine life without smartphones, she doesn’t have one, i don’t, her parents do.
but, no books? no reading? no. that is just too much for her.
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Re: Children speak ..

Post by temporal1 »

Today .. :)
What a day. There has been a whirlwind of activity for 2 weeks, school resuming, starting middle school. Very busy, my granddaughter is thriving, evidently, ready for the changes.

i give credit to the schools, too. :D
Even when our children were entering middle school, schools were making adjustments to help the new students adjust to middle school life .. esp scheduling classes so 6th graders are with 6th graders, not thrown in with older students right off (like in my day - sink or swim!) :lol:

But, today. She was not well, tummy problems. Unusual for her to drag around.
She was quiet and napped nearly all day. Not wanting to eat, nothing.

The day before, she saw something that bothered her. She takes things hard.
We were picking her mother up, there was a small group of people nearby. i noticed, looked away, forgot about them.

She noticed the young woman gave one of the men something to drink, the man drank it, then threw up. i did not see this. Another time when we were out, she saw a man relieving himself on a sidewalk. She talked about that again, too. The world she sees is extreme wealth and extreme poverty.

She told me how these things hurt her to see, she said it feels as tho the images are “burned” into her memory like being branded. She cried, feeling so awful about how much misery is in the world.

i told her she has many who love her and want to protect her. her family, her church, her friends.
i told her i was glad she could find words to talk about it, and she can write about it, too.

With tears in her eyes, she asked to pray. Unusual. A first?
She prayed for the world to have relief from sadness, i prayed for her to be protected and safe.

Hours later, that evening, after her shower, feeling much better, she looked at me and said, “grammie, i’ve decided i want to pray more, to be closer to God, to go to church more,
‘and, yeah.’ “ :dance:
She said she noticed when we prayed how much better she felt, it helped her. 8-)

.. God bless the little children.
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Re: Children speak ..

Post by temporal1 »

Last post was about beginning 6th grade. ^^ :)
Six months later, 6th grade has become, no school, no church, living in a world-wide pandemic.
:shock: :(
Hard lessons.


Last summer, when we were together, we did several sewing and knitting projects.
Several were about FINISHING projects. :D
We finished several, her mother was pleased to see projects FINISHED. :D

The reward for finishing was being allowed to begin a new project. :D
The child wanted to knit a shawl for her mother. Secretly, we purchased yarn and supplies, she worked+worked on it herself, her own creation! When it was complete, we bought a pretty gift box that could double for storage. It was a great success, her mother has worn the shawl many times.

While we were working away on these things, i told her about HOPE CHESTS.
That my mother told me about that age, that young girls would begin preparing and collecting linens and items - for when they marry. She was 11 then, 12 now.

As we talk about books and things during this pandemic, i thought, let’s start a hope chest. :D
To begin, i’m sending her a PIE BIRD. :D She doesn’t know.


“How to use a pie bird” .. ... ou-should/

i’m not sure what we’ll use as a chest.
Space is at a premium for them. We’ll think of something. :mrgreen:

For her birthday, last November, i gave her a special journal.
i suggested she go to the back page of her journal, turn it upside-down, write “HOPE CHEST” at the top of the page, decorate however she likes, then begin a list of items. The first item could have a historical note that her HOPE CHEST was begun in the 2020 Pandemic, or however she’d like to word it.

She loves to read.
She’s read many stories of children who lived in different periods of struggles.

i’m wondering if others keep this old HOPE CHEST custom? :) .. ..
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Re: Children speak ..

Post by Rdm »

4-year-old daughter: I wish we could start days over.
Me: Why?
Daughter: Because THAT way, if I messed up and did something BAD, I could start over and then I would know not to do it!

Me too, darlin. Me too.....
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Re: Children speak ..

Post by temporal1 »

4 years old! :)
Rdm wrote:4-year-old daughter: I wish we could start days over.
Me: Why?
Daughter: Because THAT way, if I messed up and did something BAD, I could start over and then I would know not to do it!

Me too, darlin. Me too.....
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Re: Children speak ..

Post by Wade »

Yesterday my 5 year old and I spent about 3 hours weeding the garden. He had come out and stayed the whole time without being asked.
Near the end he says, "It's too bad you have to work tonight and we couldn't stay in the garden all day."
I tried to explain how I needed to work to pay back the money we borrowed to buy this property to even have a garden.
He says, "You borrowed money... from who?"
I then tried to explain borrowing from the bank, but maybe if he is diligent when older he could buy a home one day without borrowing if he wanted.
His serious reply, "Or I could live here when I am older and take care of the garden for you."

Today he was anxious and excited asking to go out again. Once out there he must have hoed an area about 30ft by 30ft singing "Sweet bye and bye," most of the time.

Our three year old was out for a while too and he asked me, "Dad, can you pick me up a watermelon today?"
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Re: Children speak ..

Post by Wade »

Wade wrote:Our three year old was out for a while too and he asked me, "Daddy, can you pick me up a watermelon today?"
And his mothers reply to me when I told her what he said, "Well, did you?!"
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Re: Children speak ..

Post by violet »

we are hatching turkey eggs.

My youngest wants to know when God decided to hatch her.

I think we need to spend a bit more time on science....but she is newly five, so I guess there is time.

We grow amazing pumpkins. But, when it comes to watermelon, we don't do a very good job at all......
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Re: Children speak ..

Post by RZehr »

My 12 year old: What is Mennonet? Is it like a yearlong men’s meeting or members meeting?
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Re: Children speak ..

Post by temporal1 »

RZehr wrote:My 12 year old: What is Mennonet? Is it like a yearlong men’s meeting or members meeting?
The mods need to read this. :lol:

.. don’t mention to your son this meeting’s been going on - since (before?) he was born? or close.
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