stimulus payments

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weyandt 1
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stimulus payments

Post by weyandt 1 »

The pastor at the Eastern Mennonite church I attend announced we must return the stimulus checks. Other conferences doing the same?
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Re: stimulus payments

Post by AnthonyMartin »

weyandt 1 wrote:The pastor at the Eastern Mennonite church I attend announced we must return the stimulus checks. Other conferences doing the same?
What is the reason?
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Re: stimulus payments

Post by ken_sylvania »

AnthonyMartin wrote:
weyandt 1 wrote:The pastor at the Eastern Mennonite church I attend announced we must return the stimulus checks. Other conferences doing the same?
What is the reason?
Essentially the stimulus checks are a government handout. It is the responsibility of the church to care for its members, not for the government to do so. It would seem inconsistent to ask for exemption from participating in the Social Security program and then accept other government financial gifts such as unemployment, disability, and in this case stimulus checks.
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Re: stimulus payments

Post by Soloist »

How do you return something that was directly deposited in your account?

We chose to invest it in a very good stock that always has good returns.
Essentially the stimulus checks are a government handout. It is the responsibility of the church to care for its members, not for the government to do so. It would seem inconsistent to ask for exemption from participating in the Social Security program and then accept other government financial gifts such as unemployment, disability, and in this case stimulus checks.
I would be interested in knowing if the Eastern Mennonite allows Medicare or if they have test of membership over social security.
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Re: stimulus payments

Post by undershepherd »

They do understand that this is basically a tax credit right? Does EPMC require all tax filers to refuse tax credits?
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Re: stimulus payments

Post by Soloist »

undershepherd wrote:They do understand that this is basically a tax credit right? Does EPMC require all tax filers to refuse tax credits?
I wouldn't be surprised if they do know that but to call this a tax credit is a technicality. This is a hand out otherwise it would be wrote into tax law year after year but as it is a one time deal.
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Re: stimulus payments

Post by Wade »

I think its one thing to be financial set up and have the backing of a strong church community when needs come but it is another thing for the rest of us.

When we attended a church that preached strongly against the child tax benefit here in Canada - I said okay and cancelled ours. What I found was that I went days without eating and my family suffering while members made comments how they felt pretty good about themselves and how hard working they were and didn't ever receive handouts from the government...
It may have been different if I had lived with biblical principles all my adult life but instead some of us are starting way in the hole.
And I learned unfortunately the church does not help and support enough to make up for the support the government gives - it shouldn't be this way - but neither am I in a position to help enough to change that or expect that from others...

For some the step of faith in not receiving is like stepping off a cliff while others it is like a stroll in the park maybe with a slight decline...

Also some people can reject help from a genuine faith while others reject government help because of pride.

What was the hardest, was as I was struggling to survive and even get enough food to eat one member of the church quoted
Philippians 4:19 And my God will supply all your needs according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
and then said surely that includes necessities like food too.

And the deacon said to me,
Psalm 37:25 I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread.
It was a great lessened learned - I accept the child tax benefit again. I try to live without government handouts and if I do receive I try to do so humbly and if money is left over then it can go to charity.
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Re: stimulus payments

Post by Soloist »

Wade wrote:
When we attended a church that preached strongly against the child tax benefit here in Canada - I said okay and cancelled ours. What I found was that I went days without eating and my family suffering while members made comments how they felt pretty good about themselves and how hard working they were and didn't ever receive handouts from the government...
It may have been different if I had lived with biblical principles all my adult life but instead some of us are starting way in the hole.
And I learned unfortunately the church does not help and support enough to make up for the support the government gives - it shouldn't be this way - but neither am I in a position to help enough to change that or expect that from others...

For some the step of faith in not receiving is like stepping off a cliff while others it is like a stroll in the park maybe with a slight decline...

Also some people can reject help from a genuine faith while others reject government help because of pride.

What was the hardest, was as I was struggling to survive and even get enough food to eat one member of the church quoted
Philippians 4:19 And my God will supply all your needs according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
and then said surely that includes necessities like food too.

And the deacon said to me,
Psalm 37:25 I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread.
It was a great lessened learned - I accept the child tax benefit again. I try to live without government handouts and if I do receive I try to do so humbly and if money is left over then it can go to charity.
I was hungry and you fed me not...

I've felt that when the church doesn't allow medicaid because its welfare but takes medicare... is very inconsistent in my eyes. We were told we couldn't be members unless we gave up medicaid and at the time I was a college student with physical limitations (people thought I was lazy) we chose to give it up and asked for help when we needed it, help has come and been enough but its not easy to ask for help when there is a bias against you already.
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Re: stimulus payments

Post by DrWojo »

weyandt 1 wrote:The pastor at the Eastern Mennonite church I attend announced we must return the stimulus checks. Other conferences doing the same?
That doesn’t surprise me. Are you currently 4029 exempt? If you are, then you could not accept an EIC. I realize this stimulus money is not an EIC but I’m just pointing out that might be the reason the EPMC are saying they don’t want to accept it. None of our family has currently received any yet but we are taking advantage of the extension on the day taxes are due, so we haven’t filed yet.
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Re: stimulus payments

Post by steve-in-kville »

If it were me, and I had *real* conviction against the stimulus payment, I would just drop that amount it the offering plate and move on with my life. Don't overthink it.

I cringe when I see conservative Mennonite churches "cherry-pick" what amenities they take from the government, be it local, state or federal. And then contradict those *alleged* convictions when it suits their own agendas.

If taking the handout is gonna keep you up at night, pass it along.
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