What drew you to your local church?

Christian ethics and theology with an Anabaptist perspective

What drew you to your local church?

Post by Bootstrap »

What drew you to your local church? What holds you there now? How does it help you in your walk with Jesus?

Request: This is a no-debate thread. Please don't criticize other people's churches in this thread.
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Re: What drew you to your local church?

Post by Valerie »

Bootstrap wrote:What drew you to your local church? What holds you there now? How does it help you in your walk with Jesus?

Request: This is a no-debate thread. Please don't criticize other people's churches in this thread.
May I ask if driving 50 min each way still makes it a 'local' church? We went 20 years to a church in our town- which one should I answer about?
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Re: What drew you to your local church?

Post by Fidelio »

Bootstrap wrote:What drew you to your local church? What holds you there now? How does it help you in your walk with Jesus?

Request: This is a no-debate thread. Please don't criticize other people's churches in this thread.

What drew me was a growing dissatisfaction with Lutheranism and a desire to look for a conservative Mennonite church but there were none in my area. Then we quite inadvertently (from my perspective) stumbled upon an Anabaptist church (ACCA) less than four miles from my house that having lived there 30 years I never knew about the church because it is in the woods, which is quite a feat for a church that is only three miles outside the City of Detroit. It was only because we were checking out assisted living for my mother-in-law we discovered it. By the name Apostolic we figured it must be charismatics and so were not planning to visit until we met someone from that church and learned that it is not charismatic, but is Anabaptist. We first visited 17 March 2019 and have not missed a Sunday (or Wednesday) since except when we took a vacation and attended a Mennonite Church in Ohio. What we like is the simplicity of doctrine, not going beyond the Bible like so many "theologians" do and that the people were very friendly and loving, and exhibited desire to serve God in all they do including manner of dress.
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Convert to Anabaptist truth early 2019; now associated (friend) with the Apostolic Christian Church of America.

Re: What drew you to your local church?

Post by Bootstrap »

Valerie wrote:May I ask if driving 50 min each way still makes it a 'local' church? We went 20 years to a church in our town- which one should I answer about?
Either. Both. Your choice.

Or any other church that have been part of that you still think was a really great church. I'd like to see people give examples of what they think good looks like, drawing concretely from their own experience.
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Re: What drew you to your local church?

Post by JimFoxvog »

We (my wife and family) came to Tiskilwa for Plow Creek Fellowship, which was closely tied to Plow Creek Mennonite Church. It was a rural intentional Christian community that believed in pacifism and peacemaking--all things important to us. I read the Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective and was very pleased with it and happily became a Mennonite. We had events together with the other local Mennonite church, Willow Springs. When Plow Creek sadly decided not to have weekly worship together, most of us then went to Willow Springs. When Plow Creek disbanded, my wife and I became members there. Kind, loving people, many very committed to following Jesus, keep us going there, even though there is not nearly the closeness of intentional community.
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Re: What drew you to your local church?

Post by steve-in-kville »

I attended the COB church we belong to as a teen, before I took a more conservative route. I spent over two decades in those circles, never really feeling like I fit in. Through some circumstances I won't indulge here, we found our way back almost 4 years ago, I think. I was welcomed with open arms, accepted, and we became members. There's a lot of diversity, both dress wise and economically, and I feel that's why they are able to get so much accomplished.
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Re: What drew you to your local church?

Post by Bootstrap »

I am attending a very small Mennonite church that still follows the Confession of Faith and takes a very straightforward, simple, biblical, love-first approach. If you walk in the door, you know they are happy that you are there. It is a diverse church - racially, economically, and in the range of personalities who attend.

The love is real. People really are interested in you and in the other people there. The faith is real. The desire to be Christlike is real.
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Re: What drew you to your local church?

Post by Valerie »

Bootstrap wrote:
Valerie wrote:May I ask if driving 50 min each way still makes it a 'local' church? We went 20 years to a church in our town- which one should I answer about?
Either. Both. Your choice.

Or any other church that have been part of that you still think was a really great church. I'd like to see people give examples of what they think good looks like, drawing concretely from their own experience.
Local Foursquare Church we were members of 40 years: Before we moved to our town, we were visiting, praying about whether to move to Medina- there was a concert going on in our public square- a Christian outreach- we joined in the crowd to listen, asked about the church- appreciated their outreach to the public- to share- we decided to visit that church when we moved to Medina- we loved it- felt immediately this is 'home'- our pastor seemed an empty vessel the Lord was speaking through- his messages challenged, seemed anointed- we appreciated the ministries at the Church, the doctrine/interpretations aligned with what we already believed- worship was deep, gifts were 'in order' and love for others obvious- 'helps' ministries, etc- a real Christian community. Also, we were accustomed to services where one could go 'forward' to the front for prayer, where others could pray over you- the invitation for prayer meant a lot to us, to come to the altar for prayer-

Where we go now: we were drawn there because of listening to Pastor Begg on the radio and appreciating his messages. Visited a couple times a year even though we belonged to our local fellowship. Loved the Church! We needed a break from pursuing Anabaptism & EO as we were 'not sure'- hit a wall-
We appreciate Pastor Begg's teachings, he doesn't sugar coat and challenges us. He expounds on Scripture in a way where I've learned to really appreciate what he can share-it amazes me- however, we appreciate the people there-the encouragement to evangelize, to get involved in numerous ministries- I had attended classes there before we started going that were great classes in areas I was interested in- they have Sunday school (well Sunday Bible studies) in addition to main service, something not offered anywhere else we've gone.
We had decided to 'park' ourselves at Parkside awhile while seeking the Lord on where exactly we should be- that was almost 4 years ago and still parked there- we believe it to be sound doctrine but not infallible, pastor doesn't claim infallibility- challenges us to read for ourselves- to see if these things are so- and so we remain for now-the worship music is not like a rock concert which is a turn off to us.

Christmas Eve service- we pulled into parking lot- a van pulled in next to us. Out comes an Amish family- but wait- they're driving??? They were totally dressed Amish- I'm glad we got out the same time so we could walk into together- I asked them if they were Amish, to which they said yes- I asked about them coming to Parkside then- they said they listen to Pastor Begg online!?!?!? When we went into the Christmas Eve service I saw quite a few Amish- it threw me (this was this past Christmas Eve-
Anyway- I guess the fact that there are so many people from different countries that have made that their home, the diversity there- is something else we appreciate-I see all colors and countries & it reminds me of how heaven will be where we have the common belief no matter our background, origin, prior church backgrounds- We don't like that it is a mega church at all- it's just they don't close the doors as it grows but they have planted other churches around the area.
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Posts: 37
Joined: Sat Feb 01, 2020 5:42 pm
Affiliation: Non-trad. Menno

Re: What drew you to your local church?

Post by Rdm »

I used to listen to Alistair Begg a lot when I worked in my dad's shop. I really appreciate his humility. And his accent. :D

My husband and I attend both of our families' churches.
And that's the only reason. Family.
I would love to have the opportunity to choose a church to attend; a place where I truly wanted to attend, and where I could worship freely without all this baggage.
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Re: What drew you to your local church?

Post by Bootstrap »

Rdm wrote:I used to listen to Alistair Begg a lot when I worked in my dad's shop. I really appreciate his humility. And his accent. :D

My husband and I attend both of our families' churches.
And that's the only reason. Family.
I would love to have the opportunity to choose a church to attend; a place where I truly wanted to attend, and where I could worship freely without all this baggage.
Family is important, of course.

If you could choose a church, what would it look like? What do you mean by "worship freely", have you been in church settings where that happened for you?
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