Thoughts on public schooling

Christian ethics and theology with an Anabaptist perspective
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Thoughts on public schooling

Post by gracefortoday »

Just wanted to get everyone's thoughts on public schooling. We have some in our area that have off campus Bible classes and don't seem to be like public schools in other districts.
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Re: Thoughts on public schooling

Post by steve-in-kville »

Our elementary school has an after-school Bible Study that my children attend.
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Re: Thoughts on public schooling

Post by JimFoxvog »

It's important for all families to be able to have a good education for their children. Public schools often, but not always, do this in some ways. They do not have the resources or often attitude to treat children who learn differently in an appropriate different manner, so homeschooling or tutoring is often better for those who are able to do it. Some private schools are also good.

When most of the students have spiritual and political outlooks different from the parents' schools can indoctrinate children in "wrong" beliefs.

Schools are often places where children are cruel to other children. Not exposing one's sons and daughters to this may be the most loving thing to do. But everyone needs to be able to learn to live in this evil world.
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Re: Thoughts on public schooling

Post by AnthonyMartin »

We use public school for our children K-6. First one started kindergarten in 2003, last one will finish sixth grade in 2025. My wife volunteers regularly and we've gotten to know nearly all the staff. I've helped out with sports that my children have played and some have continued participating in sports into the higher grades. We've done a mix of home schooling and local Christian and Mennonite schools for the higher grades.

It's been a great way to connect in our community. We feel we have experienced no decline in academics or beliefs. Every movie, health class potential concern, and Halloween, etc., is preempted by communication with parents and alternatives that do not leave children feeling left out if they cannot participate.

Much of our positive experience is the result of a conservative school board. We aren't the only conservative looking families who attend this school.
Last edited by AnthonyMartin on Thu Jan 16, 2020 7:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Thoughts on public schooling

Post by steve-in-kville »

Honestly, the day our children walked out of the Mennonite school for the last time, my wife and I felt like the weight of the world was off our shoulders. I know its sad it turned into that, but the culture was much like the rest of the world.... the pressure to keep up with the Zimmermans or the Weavers or the Martins or whatever.

Our local public school has been a blessing to us. Yes, there was a transition, and the problemswe thought we would have never really materialized.
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Re: Thoughts on public schooling

Post by gracefortoday »

steve-in-kville wrote:Honestly, the day our children walked out of the Mennonite school for the last time, my wife and I felt like the weight of the world was off our shoulders. I know its sad it turned into that, but the culture was much like the rest of the world.... the pressure to keep up with the Zimmermans or the Weavers or the Martins or whatever.

Our local public school has been a blessing to us. Yes, there was a transition, and the problemswe thought we would have never really materialized.
What we have seen from the Christian schools in our area is a lack of respect by students of teachers AND parents of teachers and principal. We see it seeping over into the church.

Also, these students are getting out of school at 16 or 17 (with some parents urging them to or else permitting them to - we've seen both situations) and going to the workforce. They are making a lot of money but have no respect for their employer. Are we doing a disservice to our young people by putting more emphasis on occupation/wealth than on education?
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Re: Thoughts on public schooling

Post by Bootstrap »

Depends a whole lot on the specific school. That's probably true for both public and private schools.

I would suggest that you talk to local Christian parents about the schools you are considering, including parents of children who have graduated from these schools and seen the bigger picture.
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Re: Thoughts on public schooling

Post by Neto »

I went all 12 grades in the public school system, but that was a good pace back (graduated 1974), and in the "Bible belt". But what the latter part really means is that all of the kids who beat up on me were "Christian kids". (There was one time when I was a part of a group that mistreated another student - actually a friend of mine, we all were, to be truthful. But he was Catholic, and that was not very popular in the Southern Baptist stronghold I grew up in. I have tried to find out what happened to that boy, so I could confess to him, but his family moved away while we were still in grade school, and so there's no chance of finding him.)

But by the time I got to a "responsible age" (in my case, around 14) - when I became serious about following Christ, I would say that I benefited from the sometimes hostile environment, and I learned to live a testimony there.

Our two oldest children didn't go to any public school after grade 6, but our youngest finished up in the public school (after we moved up from Brazil). He had started in band in grade school, and that was a big part of letting him continue on. We talked a lot, to be sure we knew what was going on, and it is also a pretty conservative here in East Holmes County.
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Re: Thoughts on public schooling

Post by QuietlyListening »

I went thru public school K-12 but things were nothing like they are today and teachers were respected. My children went to public school thru middle school, one started high school when I began homeschooling them. They went to state universities.

Growing up only Christian schools were catholic schools where I lived.
Here the main Christian school that has a decent education is also off the charts expensive and basically is in many ways just like the public schools with some Christian-eze attached. Sadly, the head master and school board recently had to let the Bible teacher go and he ended up resigning rather than cause who knows what would have been the result, because the parents rose up and lambasted him- how dare he get rid of someone so beloved by the students- not caring that the reason had merit. You can tell I am no pro this school. Homeschooling went well for us but I also know it isn't for everyone and some public schools are very good and some not so much. Some Christian schools are excellent and some not so much. So it takes parent involvement and knowing and when my children were in public school I was there volunteering and knew the elementary/middle school teachers and the principal. My high school student requested homeschooling after her first semester so that is why we began.
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Re: Thoughts on public schooling

Post by Somebody »

Some of our children have done or are doing public high school online.
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