Public libraries. 21st Century saloons?

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Public libraries. 21st Century saloons?

Post by temporal1 »

Increasingly, reports are that children are being deliberately targeted for politics and sexual perversions in public libraries. Not only in reading material available and promoted, but by (“library guests?”) acting out their exotic preferences in real life, for all children to witness.

Libraries, or saloons? :-|
Is there a need to put ratings on libraries, as is expected for movies, for instance, PG-13, X-rated, etc. Should children show ID as proof of age before entering?

My grdaughter is 11. Libraries have been a loved family tradition - “for always,” so far as i know.
In recent decades, libraries have courted children, and have gained unlimited TRUST of the public.
:arrow: Now, the ditch.

This year, i studied her local library’s FB page in attempt to be forewarned of any unwanted exotic displays that might be found there. :arrow: And, i will continue to watch.

What are others seeing? Response? :?
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Re: Public libraries. 21st Century saloons?

Post by francis »

Any sources on this? All my public libraries keep a close eye on the children's section and keep the internet filtered. I think the kids have specific computers as well.
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Re: Public libraries. 21st Century saloons?

Post by temporal1 »

francis wrote:Any sources on this?

All my public libraries keep a close eye on the children's section and keep the internet filtered.
I think the kids have specific computers as well.
sadly, i will add a link below. :(

i’m very glad to know there are public libraries (and, maybe public schools?) that continue to put children’s interests first, over questionable social engineering experiments and biased politics.
i’m sorry to read about all that is being pushed onto children, evidently by frustrated adults who cannot find a way to adequately meet their adult interests and perceived needs within their adult peer groups.

i live in two states, IL and WA, both states seem to be among those vying for the “most depraved policies possible” title.

(this report includes a petition. i’m not soliciting signatures. i have not signed.)

.. “Tell U.S. libraries to stop pushing 'drag queens' on our kids!” ... mpaign=LSN
.. You might think that if you live outside of a big, liberal city like San Francisco or New York, your children will be safe at your local library, right?

Think again.

A cross-dressing man is coming to a library near you, to teach your child about "gender fluidity,"
and YOU are actually helping to fund him with your state, local and federal tax dollars.

Believe it or not, there is a well-orchestrated, subversive plan being promoted by the American Library Association, to promote a phenomenon known as "Drag Queen Story Hour" (DQSH) to small-town American libraries, in order to “capture the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of childhood and give kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models.” ..
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Re: Public libraries. 21st Century saloons?

Post by temporal1 »

i knew of these things happening in libraries with increased frequency, so, i searched my grdaughter’s library system and local library FB pages, in attempt to avoid any such content or experience.

the library system here is centered in Seattle, so, it was no surprise to find some of these displays featured. outside Seattle, on their local library FB page, i found “hat tips” to the “cause,” but no events planned.

i went to the local library with the child. this visit, we were looking for a few particular titles.
we asked the young librarian for help, she was helpful, but, somehow, seemed ill-at-ease over “something,” i had no idea what that would be. we focused on our book search.

we requested historical fiction as a category, and, specific titles of, Gone with the Wind, To Kill a Mockingbird, Number the Stars, and, author, Mark Twain. my grdaughter reads tons! we left with a stack of books, the librarian suggested several titles. i sincerely thanked the librarian for her time and help.

later that evening, the child giggled and pointed out a book about homosexual teens. :shock:
i was shocked.

that sweet, demure, little librarian silently sneaked that book, and one other, to my grdaughter’s trusting arms, as i was looking away. how completely underhanded. now, i felt i had a better idea of what that odd feeling was about her. SHE DECIDED SHE knew “what was best” for the child, AND, she conveyed the message, “come here to go around your stupid family.”

i was so disgusted.

i gave the books to my daughter. i told her what happened. she read.
later, we talked.
she told me that book was unfit on every level. filled with dirty language.
i told her, i noticed, reviewing teen books in their fav local bookstore, foul language seems “the literary norm” for that age group.

.. almost forgot. the child told her mother, she noticed, the librarian was very “chatty” about all the books, EXCEPT those 2. with those, she silently added them to the stack of books, not a word mentioned. loss of respect for librarians is a painful loss.

even before the child began school, i warned my daughter to “get in front of” all lessons and reading in school, to not wait until her daughter brings it home, that’s too late.

i realize, that is not always easy.
thankfully, the child is open and honest, she is not secretive. so far.

when i say i grieve for today’s parents, i mean it. :-|

my daughter is planning to visit with the local head librarian to discuss this encounter.
i hope she does.

i do not expect she will get a response we would hope for, but, i think it’s ok to be honest about expectations of trust in settings designed to serve “everyone’s” children, paid with everyone’s combined tax dollars.
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Re: Public libraries. 21st Century saloons?

Post by steve-in-kville »

Not sure where you live, but I have to say that our public libraries are one of the safer places!

What does amuse/concern me is watching conservative Mennonites browse the DVD section and check out PG-13 and even R rated movies. I'm sure its in pure ignorance, but perhaps that stuff should be in a different section??
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Re: Public libraries. 21st Century saloons?

Post by mercysfree »

The material is not the only possible problem. We had an issue with young men hitting on my youngest daughter. One fellow she finally told, "I am thirteen!" He said, "Well, ^%&##/÷×!!" I talked to a librarian and she said to tell her if it ever happened again, and they would ban him. Evidently it was not the first time.

I guess a public library is a good half-way house for youth to learn to handle the world in a sort-of contained, supervised environment. It should in no way be considered a safe place. We have found the two college libraries in our nearby town to be better environments for teens, both people-wise and learning-wise.
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Re: Public libraries. 21st Century saloons?

Post by temporal1 »

mercysfree wrote:The material is not the only possible problem.
We had an issue with young men hitting on my youngest daughter. One fellow she finally told, "I am thirteen!" He said, "Well, ^%&##/÷×!!" :shock:
I talked to a librarian and she said to tell her if it ever happened again, and they would ban him. Evidently it was not the first time. :shock:

I guess a public library is a good half-way house for youth to learn to handle the world in a sort-of contained, supervised environment. It should in no way be considered a safe place.

We have found the two college libraries in our nearby town to be better environments for teens, both people-wise and learning-wise.
i appreciate this, predators will put themselves in any setting where they sense they can get away with it. it seems RARE to find predators that are not repeat predators! altho, in the past, this mistake was often made, which contributed to them accessing more victims, often, many more.
the appetites predators have!

in the past, my family had great trust in libraries, thinking of them as public places, with responsible librarians watching over, both good preventions of predatory behaviors.

today, with library policies increasingly going toward biased lib politics, some drenched in it, others targeted for it, without personally knowing the individual librarians, i cannot continue the former level of trust.

our experience last week is proof-enough that no one can tell what a librarian might do in the privacy and power of their trusted positions in libraries. outward appearances do not indicate dark hearts. :(

untested, i would not trust our local state university libraries with children or teens.
not with librarians or patrons. i wish this were not so! but, even when i was young, my parents were very cautious and protective about maintaining distance from the university. that was a place for college students, young adults out of high school, no place for children/teens. socially, i see no improvement in the following decades.

i believe what you are saying about your local college library experience. :)
i would not trust it as something reliably true.

the state university near me is liberal and political. locally, it is spoken of as nothing less than a temple to be worshipped. it is worshipped by many. (we never went that far!)
several family members graduated, i worked hard to help some of them achieve their goals.
i now regret every penny invested there, donated there, and wish it could all be undone, going back to early 1900’s.

i believe they have remarkable, extensive libraries.
i would not trust a child or young one with librarians or patrons found there.
i have no desire for my grdaughter to attend such a place. esp not for a Bachelor’s degree.
hyper-sexualization is one complaint, lib political propaganda, another; currently, these two go arm-in-arm.
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Re: Public libraries. 21st Century saloons?

Post by mercysfree »

temporal1 wrote:
mercysfree wrote:
I guess a public library is a good half-way house for youth to learn to handle the world in a sort-of contained, supervised environment. It should in no way be considered a safe place.

We have found the two college libraries in our nearby town to be better environments for teens, both people-wise and learning-wise.
...untested, i would not trust our local state university libraries with children or teens.
not with librarians or patrons. i wish this were not so! but, even when i was young, my parents were very cautious and protective about maintaining distance from the university. that was a place for college students, young adults out of high school, no place for children/teens. socially, i see no improvement in the following decades.

i believe what you are saying about your local college library experience. :)
i would not trust it as something reliably
Yes, certainly test it out! We are in the South; the two I was speaking of are a small community college and a very small liberal Christian 4 year college. I was a student myself when I took my teen children with me sometimes. One daughter was in some of my classes with me. That was fun! Since I was not a stranger there, I think it would have taken more than usual gall for someone to treat the children poorly.

However, the main difference was that in our college libraries people have a serious purpose. They are there to study, not socialize (although we visited quietly some, too.) It might be altogether different if your local college is a large party school!
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Re: Public libraries. 21st Century saloons?

Post by temporal1 »

Yes, certainly test it out! :D
We are in the South; the two I was speaking of are a small community college and a very small liberal Christian 4 year college. I was a student myself when I took my teen children with me sometimes.
One daughter was in some of my classes with me. That was fun! :D

Since I was not a stranger there, I think it would have taken more than usual gall for someone to treat the children poorly.

However, the main difference was that in our college libraries people have a serious purpose.
They are there to study, not socialize (although we visited quietly some, too.)

It might be altogether different if your local college is a large party school!
Yes. i guessed “the particulars” would be much like this. thank you for adding. :D

As well, i’ve been told, there are differences in degrees pursued, and, differences in levels.
i would be far more cautious with my freshmen in college young ones today.

(i think) it’s an outrage that we parents send our young ones off to (state) colleges, only to have them turned against their upbringing, families, and faith - specifically our Christian faith. foreign students, and students coming from non-Christian backgrounds are “allowed” to respect their families and faith.

the (blue) state university i live near has always had a large foreign student population.
these students attend from all over the world, they manage to graduate with their families, faith and culture intact. :) it’s allowed. no peer pressure, or other, to reject it.

in the past, i thought nothing of it.
today, i specifically urge my adult children to recognize this disparity, to be prepared for it.
Christian children deserve to have their beliefs respected, they deserve to have a respected culture, too.

A lot of trust in all public schools has been damaged or lost.
Parents sacrificed to allow their children the privilege of education.
On one hand, it’s sad to lose respect, but, the former level of trust was too much, to begin.

i appreciate your experience and pov. 8-)
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Re: Public libraries. 21st Century saloons?

Post by temporal1 »

It seems public libraries+public schools have become favorite places to target everyone’s children;
in broad daylight, with all creature comforts not present in back alleys and saloons.

Brooklyn / ‘Drag Queen Story Hour' Moves into Public Schools: 'The 1st Graders Loved It' ... ed-it.html
.. Families are asked to pay $6 each for the event. :shock:

“We are so excited to bring this to our classrooms,” the note concludes. “I know the children will learn a lot and enjoy it as much as they did last year. Please let me know if you have any questions.”

Ahmari wrote on Twitter,
“Remember when I predicted that Drag Queen Story Hour wouldn’t stay confined to public libraries. Well, here it is:
It’s coming to Primary School 118 in Brooklyn — to teach *first-graders* about “gender fluidity.” ..
Robbing the Public Treasury for this is not enough. Parents PAY additionally out of pocket.

Parents? Society? Courts? Nobody home?

A warning voice:

Drag Queen Warns Parents Not to Involve Their Children in 'Filthy' Drag Scene ... scene.html
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