omnium-gatherum part deux

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ohio jones
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Re: omnium-gatherum part deux

Post by ohio jones »

temporal1 wrote:“Ag Lab.” :?:
With the period? Probably an abbreviation of Laborer.
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Re: omnium-gatherum part deux

Post by temporal1 »

ohio jones wrote:
temporal1 wrote:“Ag Lab.” :?:
With the period? Probably an abbreviation of Laborer.
now, i must revisit to see if there is a period.
i first read your post, and, thought, “period: early 1800’s.”

how do history scholars keep from going mad?! - or, maybe they don’t. :?
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Re: omnium-gatherum part deux

Post by temporal1 »

Want to add a link to mike’s new thread here.
“Mormons Don’t Want You Calling Them Mormons Anymore”
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Re: omnium-gatherum part deux

Post by temporal1 »

OP From Ernie’s thread:
Ernie wrote:Should Women have a Spiritual Head other than Jesus?

If a woman's husband is not a spiritual person, should she have other men that she submits to and receives spiritual direction from?
What if her non-spiritual husband discourages her (as a member of the church) from going to church or covering her head? Should she submit to his wishes or just his demands?

What about single women?

Does submitting to a church as a whole (both men and women) fill this role of a spiritual head?

Posting in this thread is limited to conservative Anabaptists and other Plain people of similar beliefs.
On MD, Sunbeam shared good insights on this topic.
There are valuable responses in Ernie’s thread.

From a non-Anabaptist perspective, in the world, i grieve this as a topic of great importance that is both overlooked, and denied. At great cost. There is suffering caused by refusal to respect any headship order, at all. Individuals, families, churches, communities - the cost is high.

Worse, because of outright denial, there is confusion about why there is suffering.
It might be like bumping into a door everyday, refusing to admit there is a door, then repeating+repeating, acquiring new bumps+bruises each-passing-day.

Open your eyes! - Stop walking into the door. :?
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Re: omnium-gatherum part deux

Post by temporal1 »

Ernie’s thread. Page 2: ... 4&start=10
Ernie wrote:
Neto wrote:Red flags everywhere. I automatically think of the instruction that the older women should teach the younger women. (Yes, it goes on to say " be subject to their husbands", so maybe then some would think this doesn't apply to single women?)

Opinion: I think that the safest "arrangement" would be for teaching and any necessary direction to come through the older 'sisters' of the congregation. I don't think that the 'submit to the elders' directive should be applied to one-on-one consultation (where the 'consultee' is a woman). If a leader has no wife, or if she is not able or willing to participate in consultations with other women, then he should not be doing it.
Good thoughts...

So which of the following do you think is accurate?

English Standard Version
:arrow: But I want you to understand that the head of every man is Christ, the head of a wife is her husband, and the head of Christ is God.

Berean Study Bible
But I want you to understand that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God.

i don’t believe this is about choice.
it does not say any of us, male or female, can choose (headship order). it describes what “is.” not what might be.

in the world, i see this “play out,” in every family.
the husband-father, present or not present, godly or not godly, intentionally leading, or determined to not lead - still leads his family. husbands-fathers have impact that transcends human choice. they don’t “take it,” it is given by God.

what they choose to do with it is what makes the difference. the differences can be extreme.

every man who fathers a child has impact on the mother, child, community, ever-after.
the world deceives (only itself) by refusing to acknowledge this.

the importance of these things cannot be overstated.
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Re: omnium-gatherum part deux

Post by temporal1 »

i don’t intend to suggest we live in rigid isolation. that husbands-fathers rule alone. no.
that’s not what scriptures say.
from scriptures, from what i observe in the world, there is a God-designed order that prevails. even when unknown or denied.

2 Corinthians 4:18
…17 For our light and temporary affliction is producing for us an eternal glory that far outweighs our troubles.

18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen.
For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
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Re: omnium-gatherum part deux

Post by temporal1 »

i’m visiting family again. :D
each visit is somewhat different. local driving, or not, has “colored” the impact, for my family, and, for me. successful eye surgery opened many doors.

before surgery, i limited my driving to “very local,” non-highway driving.
i couldn’t read even the large green highway signs, the many roads looked like a plate of spaghetti, fast city traffic, it was confusing+frightening. my daughter was impatient at my refusal to drive on highways.

after surgery, with near 20/20 vision, the world opened up.
i expanded my boundaries. :mrgreen:
my daughter was in disbelief. “it’s like you are a different person!” 8-)
i counseled her, “when a person tells you they can’t see to drive: believe them!” :D

this trip, they moved to a new location. “everything” requires highway driving.
we all wondered how i would manage, or if i could.

i reviewed (new) local maps before arriving. to be somewhat aware ..
i’m doing it. nearly everyday on busy highways, city traffic. i’ve even driven “over the bridge” into Seattle. :lol: nervous as a cat. but, i’ve now done it.

the child is big enough and old enough to sit in the front seat now.
she has been my trusty navigator, we work together to figure things out.
her mother is fluent with GPS, the child and i are “getting there,” child leading.
we don’t have it all figured out. but, i’m depending on it more+more.

i really-really disliked “that GPS voice” talking all the time while my daughter was driving.
now, if “she’s” not talking, i miss her. :?

it makes occasional mistakes.
it works best when you basically know where you are going, but need help with details.
it’s best if you know enough ahead of time to spot errors.
somewhat unnerving.

my daughter is impressed. she really did not think i would be able to do it.
i was not at all sure.

i do believe, “necessity is the mother of invention.”
this is not the first time i’ve been tested beyond my limitations.

so.many.tests. i guess that’s just what life on earth is about.

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Re: omnium-gatherum part deux

Post by temporal1 »

speaking of driving. :mrgreen:
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Re: omnium-gatherum part deux

Post by temporal1 »

i drove a lot today. seattle area. the thought of highway driving no longer makes me panic. as much as it did. GPS now comforts me, rather than annoys me. even tho it misled us again today. :P

i saw a lot of this:
i’m ok with it. it seems normal to me.
seeing this meme makes me realize, it’s probably not normal to everyone. :P :)
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Re: omnium-gatherum part deux

Post by temporal1 »

..beyond random .. :)
just reread this from Gene.
there’s a general message in there i hope to remember.
by Gene » Thu Jun 07, 2018 4:31 am

I am sort of curious why anyone thinks the cost of the investigation relative to the cost of Trump's travel is at all meaningful or relevant. It is not the same thing.
On the subject of source bias, every person is likely possessed of an opinion; this is understood and conceded,
but when an entire group can be shown to be of the same general view, it seems legitimate to question the objectivity of the source.
The only truly objective source, naturally, resides on the extreme eastern coast of the North American land mass and has not as yet opined on this forum regarding this issue.
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