Recently attended an EPMC Bible School AMA

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Re: Recently attended an EPMC Bible School AMA

Post by Hats Off »

Sudsy wrote:
I agree that there are scriptures that tell us to be careful who we hang out with, as you have shared a couple, and I think this especially applies to those who are not out to seek the salvation of others. When we look at Jesus who asks Levi to come with him, He goes for dinner, “And when the scribes and Pharisees saw Him eating with the tax collector​s​ and sinners, they said to His disciples, “How is it that He eats and drinks with tax collectors and sinners?” Jesus answers, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.” (Mark 2:13-17). Just hanging out with the unsaved was not what Jesus was about nor should we be. Sudsy, there is a huge difference between having the thirty to seventy year old crowd spending time with sinners and having our children exposed to everything that public school children experience. We avoid having TV so our children not not exposed to that corruption so why would we want them running with the other crowd. We believe it is wise to prepare them for the time when they will need to deal with the world.

I think the Romans 12:1-2 text points out we must have a renewing of our minds so we are not conformed to how the world views things. Without armouring ourselves with spiritual armour, we can be drawn into the world's way of viewing things and then into their sinning. So, preparedness as Jesus did by getting alone with the Father and His obvious knowing of the OT scriptures and being Spirit filled gave Him the renewed mind needed to not be conformed to the world's ways.Yes, renewing the mind of the adult but protecting/sheltering the mind of a child. Children don't yet need a renewing of the mind. You continue to confuse adults and children!

My question for those who have home schooled or private Christian schooled would be - Has this resulted in these children being able to engage with the world as they got older to lead people to the Lord ? Or did they get locked into a Christian community mindset that stays away from any possible worldly influence ? Just curious as to how this approach has worked out in calling sinner's to repentance.
Sudsy, it is not possible in an adult world to avoid "any possible worldly influence". You have a one track mind about "bringing sinners to repentance." We may err on the side of training our children but I think that beats exposing them to a lot of unnecessary worldly influence before they are prepared.
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Re: Recently attended an EPMC Bible School AMA

Post by Wade »

MaxPC wrote:
Sudsy wrote: My question for those who have home schooled or private Christian schooled would be - Has this resulted in these children being able to engage with the world as they got older to lead people to the Lord ? Or did they get locked into a Christian community mindset that stays away from any possible worldly influence ? Just curious as to how this approach has worked out in calling sinner's to repentance.
I think we agree on several things, Sudsy: we just frame our words differently.

Regarding your question above, our children did not get locked into a community mindset because Plain Catholics don't live in a Plain community. Our children grew into adulthood knowing how to maintain their discipleship while reaching out and interacting with others: they watched how their parents interact with others and model from that.
Thanks Max, the words of yours I highlighted; I believe is most likely how all children will turn out.
And Sudsy you make it sound like you are admitting you picked up on the negative attitudes rather than which type of schooling was the problem. That was not the fault of the form schooling.
So, with that being said their are different reasons for not public schooling and not all of them are good, but there are many who are doing it for good reasons even if they aren't perfect.
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Re: Recently attended an EPMC Bible School AMA

Post by Once Again »

More thoughts on homeschooling versus public school.

Regardless of what type of schooling parents choose for their children, they need to be on the ball and stay engaged with their children. Developing a loving, close relationship with your child is paramount. It is essential for your child's spiritual development that they be willing to come to you with their problems, questions, and struggles. You want them coming to you or some other christian adult in their lives, not their non-Christian peers. From what I've seen, that is far more likely to happen when your child is homeschooled. If a parent is able to develop and maintain a close relationship with their child while in public school, that's great. There can be advantages in learning to live a christian life in a non-Christian environment while you are young-like being better able to relate to and talk to lost people. As adults, we must be able to do that to fulfill the Great Commission. I question whether that is possible for young children and early teens. I feel like waiting until high school before starting public education gives young people a chance to mature and develop a good spiritual foundation before throwing them to the wolves, so to speak.

The flip side of this is the social struggles some homeschooled children have. But I feel the problem is not with homeschooling itself, but rather the fault lies with the parents. It is our responsibility to see that our children learn to interact with others outside our church. We should see that they get daily opportunities to do so and set good examples by reaching out to others ourselves so our children will see what it looks like.
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Re: Recently attended an EPMC Bible School AMA

Post by MaxPC »

Sudsy wrote:
MaxPC wrote:
Sudsy wrote: My question for those who have home schooled or private Christian schooled would be - Has this resulted in these children being able to engage with the world as they got older to lead people to the Lord ? Or did they get locked into a Christian community mindset that stays away from any possible worldly influence ? Just curious as to how this approach has worked out in calling sinner's to repentance.
I think we agree on several things, Sudsy: we just frame our words differently.

Regarding your question above, our children did not get locked into a community mindset because Plain Catholics don't live in a Plain community. Our children grew into adulthood knowing how to maintain their discipleship while reaching out and interacting with others: they watched how their parents interact with others and model from that.
So, if I understand correctly, a Plain Catholic lives amongst non-plain Catholics and lives out their faith as demonstrated by their parents over the 'peer pressure' of non-plain Catholics who do not chose that way of life ? I can see that being a challenge but getting good results. Thankyou.
Not just non-plain Catholics but everyone we encounter and with whom we work. A great deal of fortitude and patience becomes a daily lesson. We don't preach, we just try to be good role models for others and let the Holy Spirit do all the teaching. It is indeed a challenge but God's work is worth it. :D
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Max (Plain Catholic)
Mt 24:35
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Re: Recently attended an EPMC Bible School AMA

Post by Sudsy »

Thanks everyone for sharing your views on giving children what you believe is the best way to prepare them for adult life. What, to me, seems like a good balanced view was this quote by Once Again -
I feel like waiting until high school before starting public education gives young people a chance to mature and develop a good spiritual foundation before throwing them to the wolves, so to speak.

The flip side of this is the social struggles some homeschooled children have. But I feel the problem is not with homeschooling itself, but rather the fault lies with the parents. It is our responsibility to see that our children learn to interact with others outside our church. We should see that they get daily opportunities to do so and set good examples by reaching out to others ourselves so our children will see what it looks like.
I'm curious about the reasonings of Christians in how they raise their children as, in my case, things did not turn out and years after a marriage breakup, my son, at age of 16, took his own life. I know what exposure to the world can do in a young person's life and pray that none of you with children will ever go through that experience. So, one might think I would be a supporter of isolation but I also know of those who were isolated and once free from that isolation also couldn't handle the world's influence. Stay close and love your kids while you can. Be that example they choose to model. God bless !
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Re: Recently attended an EPMC Bible School AMA

Post by MaxPC »

Sudsy wrote:Thanks everyone for sharing your views on giving children what you believe is the best way to prepare them for adult life. What, to me, seems like a good balanced view was this quote by Once Again -
I feel like waiting until high school before starting public education gives young people a chance to mature and develop a good spiritual foundation before throwing them to the wolves, so to speak.

The flip side of this is the social struggles some homeschooled children have. But I feel the problem is not with homeschooling itself, but rather the fault lies with the parents. It is our responsibility to see that our children learn to interact with others outside our church. We should see that they get daily opportunities to do so and set good examples by reaching out to others ourselves so our children will see what it looks like.
I'm curious about the reasonings of Christians in how they raise their children as, in my case, things did not turn out and years after a marriage breakup, my son, at age of 16, took his own life. I know what exposure to the world can do in a young person's life and pray that none of you with children will ever go through that experience. So, one might think I would be a supporter of isolation but I also know of those who were isolated and once free from that isolation also couldn't handle the world's influence. Stay close and love your kids while you can. Be that example they choose to model. God bless !
You have our prayers and condolences, Sudsy. :pray :hug:
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Max (Plain Catholic)
Mt 24:35
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1 Corinthians 3:19 For the wisdom of this world is folly with God
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Re: Recently attended an EPMC Bible School AMA

Post by temporal1 »

Once Again wrote:More thoughts on homeschooling versus public school.

Regardless of what type of schooling parents choose for their children, they need to be on the ball and stay engaged with their children.

Developing a loving, close relationship with your child is paramount.
It is essential for your child's spiritual development that they be willing to come to you with their problems, questions, and struggles.

You want them coming to you or some other christian adult in their lives, not their non-Christian peers.

From what I've seen, that is far more likely to happen when your child is homeschooled.
If a parent is able to develop and maintain a close relationship with their child while in public school, that's great.

There can be advantages in learning to live a christian life in a non-Christian environment while you are young-like being better able to relate to and talk to lost people.

As adults, we must be able to do that to fulfill the Great Commission.

I question whether that is possible for young children and early teens.

I feel like waiting until high school before starting public education gives young people a chance to mature and develop a good spiritual foundation before throwing them to the wolves, so to speak.

The flip side of this is the social struggles some homeschooled children have.
But I feel the problem is not with homeschooling itself, but rather the fault lies with the parents.

It is our responsibility to see that our children learn to interact with others outside our church.
We should see that they get daily opportunities to do so and set good examples by reaching out to others ourselves so our children will see what it looks like.
i did not want to overlook your many points.
i’m having a hard time now, struggling with how to (do my part as grandmother) to help my 10 year old grdaughter cope with going from Catholic school, K-3rd grade, to (a ridiculously) liberal public school, 4th grade. rated very high (whatever that means.) :-| wealthy, privileged location. :roll:

the Catholic school was not a perfect school. neither was it isolated from the world’s problems.
i was not surprised; i have had Catholic friends since i was young. i know what it means to be Catholic-in-name-only. i know U.S. libs want to destroy the Catholic Church, by policy, until the final blow can be struck .. same for all of Christianity, but, the Catholic Church is the big target.

children bring into school what they learn in their homes, neighborhoods, the world. all of it. my daughter was surprised it was not more .. insulated.

however, somehow, my grdaughter was able to get the best of the godly messages+guidance.
she definitely saw and experienced some bad behaviors/talk. but, she was able to learn how to respond, how to keep herself centered. i am grateful she had those years.

now, at public school, she is getting very different messages, having different experiences.

unfortunately, she is being indoctrinated with the lib agenda, no question about it.

one example.
i gave her a DVD of “how to learn piano” using hymns. she loves hymns and classical music.
after watching a few minutes, she remarked, horrified, “he should not be playing just (Catholic) hymns!” “not everyone is Catholic!”
(she did not realize, these are Christian hymns, not just Catholic. this was not a Catholic instruction DVD .. i explained that.)

however, she is now very sensitive that anything-Christian must be questioned, put aside, silenced, etc., for the benefit of others. this is one of several examples. that break my heart.

she tells me about how men can marry men, anyone can be a boy or girl, etc.
she is a very sheltered, protected child! .. yet, there it is.
this began before the age of 10. in Catholic school. not from Catholic school teachers.

children learn from one another with lightning speed. :(

i made up an analogy for her.
(like her mother) she loves horses. she does not get much exposure, but, she reads everything she can about horses:
Sweetie, attempting to remove God, His Son, The Holy Spirit, from education/life is leaving big holes in understanding.
Can you imagine trying to teach horseback riding - while refusing to acknowledge horses exist?!
i went on to tell her, many people have a lot to learn about God’s Truth.

we continue this “lesson” by trying to figure out and describe how such horseless horseback riding lessons might go! honestly, we have fun with it. i hope the message helps her deal with the world in front of her.

there is a fierce battle raging for the hearts+minds of everyone’s children and young people.
how to help them manuever through it? we must pray for them everyday.

as i watch and get to know her teachers, i pray for them.
they are trying to do their best. they are good people. they’re cute. they’re sociable. i’m sure they “know not what they do.”
that’s the problem. :(

i welcome any correction/criticism, esp of my analogy. :)
any suggestions are most welcome.

i have learned a lot on this forum about what messages i hope to convey to my family.
still learning.
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Most or all of this drama, humiliation, wasted taxpayer money could be spared -
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Re: Recently attended an EPMC Bible School AMA

Post by Josh »

Well I’m motivated to keep supporting Anabaptist schools both for members and non members children. Maybe some day we will have one in every city.
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Re: Recently attended an EPMC Bible School AMA

Post by temporal1 »

Josh wrote:Well I’m motivated to keep supporting Anabaptist schools both for members and non members children. Maybe some day we will have one in every city.
i did not know this was a consideration. if conservative, i welcome the idea. children, and their families, need it.

one thing i liked about the Catholic school was, they required parents to be involved, they provided various ways to do that. as parents, we did this in public schools, and church, but, most do not.
havng the requirement for parental presence is something private schools can do. i’m for it.

being a good parent is an ongoing learning process, families need guidance and support. whether they know it or not.
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Most or all of this drama, humiliation, wasted taxpayer money could be spared -
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Re: Recently attended an EPMC Bible School AMA

Post by Josh »

temporal1 wrote:
Josh wrote:Well I’m motivated to keep supporting Anabaptist schools both for members and non members children. Maybe some day we will have one in every city.
i did not know this was a consideration. if conservative, i welcome the idea. children, and their families, need it.

one thing i liked about the Catholic school was, they required parents to be involved, they provided various ways to do that. as parents, we did this in public schools, and church, but, most do not.
havng the requirement for parental presence is something private schools can do. i’m for it.

being a good parent is an ongoing learning process, families need guidance and support. whether they know it or not.
A few churches in PA/Maryland and one in Manitoba run schools like this and there is a vision for there to be even more. They are around 1/3 members children and 2/3 children of people in the community. Sometimes the parents attend church, sometimes they don’t.
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