How do you or did perceive candidate Trump's position on abortion

Events occurring and how they relate/affect Anabaptist faith and culture.

Which one best describes your understanding?

Always felt Trump's position was transactional/finger in the wind/pandering.
Suspected Trump's position might be transactional/finger in the wind/pandering.
Now realizing that Trump's position is or might be transactional/finger in the wind/pandering.
No votes
Now realizing that Trump's position IS transactional/finger in the wind/pandering.
Still believe Trump's position is mostly or wholly anti-abortion and the media is just mis-reporting things to make it look like he's a centrist turncoat.
No votes
Still believe Trump's position is mostly or wholly anti-abortion and that he is only now playing some kind of 3-D chess and will lead the pro-life political movement to even more victories.
No votes
Nothing can shake your conviction that Trump's position is wholly anti-abortion and he is the best figurehead for the movement.
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Total votes: 17

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Joined: Thu Jun 13, 2019 12:02 am
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Re: How do you or did perceive candidate Trump's position on abortion

Post by Ken »

Valerie wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 12:51 pm
Instead of articles, it's best to actually listen to him discuss it.
Here you go then. In his own words:

1. He wants the government to pay for IFV for everyone which would blow an enormous hole in the budget (or jack up everyone's insurance rates if insurance is required to pay for it). And

2. He opposes a 6-week abortion ban. He actual words are "I want more weeks"

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A fool can throw out more questions than a wise man can answer. -RZehr

Re: How do you or did perceive candidate Trump's position on abortion

Post by Jazman »

Valerie wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 12:44 pm
HondurasKeiser wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 10:15 am
Valerie wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 7:53 am Trump is emphatically pro-life- he makes exceptions for certain reasons for abortions as he has said "we have to win" so he is still anti-abortion but also is honest where he gives a little & why. If he loses, advocates for abortion up to 9 months gain.
I am emphatically pro-life, Josh is emphatically pro-life, you are emphatically pro-life. Trump is emphatically not pro-life and to claim that he is strikes me as an exercise in self-delusion.
He is pro-life life.
Kamala Harris is pro-death

Share what you know
It may be that simple for you, but even Trump apparently doesn't think it's that binary or simple... If it were, this thread wouldn't exist and we wouldn't have Trump on public record waffling all over the even he (or team) believes it's complicated, hence them trying to thread a needle...
You're welcome to make it simple for you, but you may not be able to make Trump (or his now family-run RNC) fit into that simple mold...

Eric/Lara Trump quote:
"The ex-president’s son indicated that he saw abortion rights as a comparatively minor issue in the face of others such as inflation. Speaking on NBC News, he was asked directly why the platform omitted support for an abortion ban.

'My father has always been there on those issues,” claimed Eric Trump. “That’s reflective of my father and what he believes in… and my wife Lara who runs the RNC and what she believes in. At the end of the day, this country has holes in the roof, and you’ve got to fix those holes and stop worrying about the spot on the wall in the basement.' - Eric Trump
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Re: How do you or did perceive candidate Trump's position on abortion

Post by HondurasKeiser »

Valerie wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 12:51 pm
HondurasKeiser wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 12:49 pm
Valerie wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 12:44 pm

He is pro-life life.
Kamala Harris is pro-death

Share what you know
This from the article I posted yesterday. There links attached to some of the specific claims so if you navigate to the article you can click on them to read further.
To begin with, there is the high-handed way Trump has gutted the platform of any distinctly social conservative language (not just on abortion but on things like the definition of marriage). Having thus thrown socons under the bus, he has proceeded to back up over them, repeatedly. Democrats will still insist he could be playing 4D pro-life chess this whole time, because that’s how they will get themselves elected. The rest of us are free to state the obvious. He’s willfully misread and praised a SCOTUS ruling as if it enshrined a right to chemical abortion, when the ruling did no such thing. He’s boasted that his administration will be “great for women and their reproductive rights.” He’s denigrated so-called “heartbeat bills” which set a cutoff at 6 weeks as “stupid” and “a terrible mistake.” He was still so focused on taking jabs at Ron DeSantis that he recently appeared ignorant of what Florida’s new Amendment 4 even contained (protecting abortion through the duration of the pregnancy), merely repeating vaguely that “6 weeks is too early.” Pro-lifers are now trying hard to find a silver lining in his newly informed announcement that he will vote no on the amendment, because it’s “too extreme.”
Instead of articles, it's best to actually listen to him discuss it.
Most of us don't have time to sit through 3-hour sermons that range in topic from Komrade Kamala to his golf swing. What we do have time to do is read quotations. You say Trump is pro-life because of what he says and I say he isn't for the same reason so let's compare his quotes. Show me 5 quotations of his that prove his pro-life bonafides and I'll show you 5 quotations that prove he's nothing of the sort.

I'll start with this:

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Re: How do you or did perceive candidate Trump's position on abortion

Post by Valerie »

HondurasKeiser wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 1:42 pm
Valerie wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 12:51 pm
HondurasKeiser wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 12:49 pm
This from the article I posted yesterday. There links attached to some of the specific claims so if you navigate to the article you can click on them to read further.
Instead of articles, it's best to actually listen to him discuss it.
Most of us don't have time to sit through 3-hour sermons that range in topic from Komrade Kamala to his golf swing. What we do have time to do is read quotations. You say Trump is pro-life because of what he says and I say he isn't for the same reason so let's compare his quotes. Show me 5 quotations of his that prove his pro-life bonafides and I'll show you 5 quotations that prove he's nothing of the sort.

I'll start with this:

Okay let's put it this way, he is much more pro-life than Biden administration, Obama, & Clinton administration. He took a "stand" for life knowing he's getting seriously attacked which he w was & which scared Dem women to death. He was faithful to appoint conservative judges and Roe V Wade was overturned. That made a statement. He is highly criticized by liberals for his position so I still see him as pro-life life since I have more time to listen to discussions from him since I vote, than for Mennonet-
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ohio jones

Re: How do you or did perceive candidate Trump's position on abortion

Post by ohio jones »

Valerie wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 3:04 pm ... since I have more time to listen to discussions from him since I vote, than for Mennonet-
Seems like a case of misplaced priorities. :P
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Re: How do you or did perceive candidate Trump's position on abortion

Post by HondurasKeiser »

Valerie wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 3:04 pm
HondurasKeiser wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 1:42 pm
Valerie wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 12:51 pm

Instead of articles, it's best to actually listen to him discuss it.
Most of us don't have time to sit through 3-hour sermons that range in topic from Komrade Kamala to his golf swing. What we do have time to do is read quotations. You say Trump is pro-life because of what he says and I say he isn't for the same reason so let's compare his quotes. Show me 5 quotations of his that prove his pro-life bonafides and I'll show you 5 quotations that prove he's nothing of the sort.

I'll start with this:

Okay let's put it this way, he is much more pro-life than Biden administration, Obama, & Clinton administration. He took a "stand" for life knowing he's getting seriously attacked which he w was & which scared Dem women to death. He was faithful to appoint conservative judges and Roe V Wade was overturned. That made a statement. He is highly criticized by liberals for his position so I still see him as pro-life life since I have more time to listen to discussions from him since I vote, than for Mennonet-
Well in that case Biden is more pro-life than Peter Singer but would hardly be considered “Pro-Life”.
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Re: How do you or did perceive candidate Trump's position on abortion

Post by Josh »

Trump is pro-life in a realpolitik sense.

The problem is a lot of pro-life political activists want to find some kind of moral clarity in the political realm. They’re looking in the wrong place.
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Re: How do you or did perceive candidate Trump's position on abortion

Post by HondurasKeiser »

Josh wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 4:49 pm Trump is pro-life in a realpolitik sense.

The problem is a lot of pro-life political activists want to find some kind of moral clarity in the political realm. They’re looking in the wrong place.
So to be clear, we shouldn’t want murder in all its forms to be outlawed?
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Re: How do you or did perceive candidate Trump's position on abortion

Post by Josh »

HondurasKeiser wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 7:23 pm
Josh wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 4:49 pm Trump is pro-life in a realpolitik sense.

The problem is a lot of pro-life political activists want to find some kind of moral clarity in the political realm. They’re looking in the wrong place.
So to be clear, we shouldn’t want murder in all its forms to be outlawed?
We should, but also realise the political reality that it’s just not going to happen with the moral clarity that we wish it would and believe it should.

I mean, the standard pro-lifers wanted in states like mine was a 6 week “hearbeat” law. I have a hard time seeing how chemical abortions from 2-6 weeks are somehow OK. Yet somehow they conceded that as the political reality.

We should continue to call out murder is wrong, but also recognise governments aren’t offering a lot of clarity on what murder is. It used to be OK to murder slaves. It’s still OK to murder enemies of the state with drone strike assassinations. It’s somewhat OK to murder a baby depending on where it’s done and how old the baby is. In other countries and eras, it’s been OK to murder people depending on their ethnic background or their religion. In times past in Central America, it was OK to murder people if they thought the gods would consider it an acceptable sacrifice.

What is to be done with such governments? I believe the right thing is to preach the gospel of peace. If Trump or Harris want to ask a Christian believer, we can tell them.
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Re: How do you or did perceive candidate Trump's position on abortion

Post by Valerie »

HondurasKeiser wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 7:23 pm
Josh wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 4:49 pm Trump is pro-life in a realpolitik sense.

The problem is a lot of pro-life political activists want to find some kind of moral clarity in the political realm. They’re looking in the wrong place.
So to be clear, we shouldn’t want murder in all its forms to be outlawed?
What Josh said yes.
So why turn people away from Trump and towards the party who actually promotes abortion even up to the time of birth, ,& some after birth,? Don't play into the liberal hands at their tactic of trying to make Trump look pro-abortion- they are doing this on purpose to eliminate voters that can't see the difference. They truly are very cunning.
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