How do you or did perceive candidate Trump's position on abortion

Events occurring and how they relate/affect Anabaptist faith and culture.
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Which one best describes your understanding?

Always felt Trump's position was transactional/finger in the wind/pandering.
Suspected Trump's position might be transactional/finger in the wind/pandering.
Now realizing that Trump's position is or might be transactional/finger in the wind/pandering.
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Now realizing that Trump's position IS transactional/finger in the wind/pandering.
Still believe Trump's position is mostly or wholly anti-abortion and the media is just mis-reporting things to make it look like he's a centrist turncoat.
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Still believe Trump's position is mostly or wholly anti-abortion and that he is only now playing some kind of 3-D chess and will lead the pro-life political movement to even more victories.
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Nothing can shake your conviction that Trump's position is wholly anti-abortion and he is the best figurehead for the movement.
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Total votes: 17


Re: How do you or did perceive candidate Trump's position on abortion

Post by Josh »

Ken wrote: Mon Sep 02, 2024 6:52 pm
Josh wrote: Mon Sep 02, 2024 6:42 pm But we do regulate buying and selling guns, just like we do regulate buying and selling prescriptions.
I could sell you a gun today with zero regulation whatsoever. None at all. No background check. No registration. No nothing.
You could not do so legally. Perhaps you should acquaint yourself with the relevant laws and regulations a bit more before making such claims.
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Re: How do you or did perceive candidate Trump's position on abortion

Post by Ken »

Josh wrote: Mon Sep 02, 2024 7:03 pm
Ken wrote: Mon Sep 02, 2024 6:52 pm
Josh wrote: Mon Sep 02, 2024 6:42 pm But we do regulate buying and selling guns, just like we do regulate buying and selling prescriptions.
I could sell you a gun today with zero regulation whatsoever. None at all. No background check. No registration. No nothing.
You could not do so legally. Perhaps you should acquaint yourself with the relevant laws and regulations a bit more before making such claims.
Private sales are indeed legal without any gun registration or background check. Those requirements only kick in for purchases from licensed dealers.
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A fool can throw out more questions than a wise man can answer. -RZehr

Re: How do you or did perceive candidate Trump's position on abortion

Post by temporal1 »


temporal1 wrote: Mon Sep 02, 2024 3:44 pm Every form of intentional abortion has close to 100% kill rate.
It might be in excess of 100%, if multiples, twins-triplets, are counted, and loss of mothers’ lives are included.

No weapon, no military compares. (Auschwitz? Not as efficient.) Pathogens?
i’m not aware of anything in history to compare.
Not to belabor the point about the extreme KILL RATE .. adding this about THE BLACK DEATH:

Black Death / mid-1300’s
.. Over the next five years, the Black Death would kill more than 20 million people in Europe—
almost one-third of the continent’s population.
The numbers pale in comparison.
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Re: How do you or did perceive candidate Trump's position on abortion

Post by Josh »

Ken wrote: Mon Sep 02, 2024 7:17 pm
Josh wrote: Mon Sep 02, 2024 7:03 pm
Ken wrote: Mon Sep 02, 2024 6:52 pm

I could sell you a gun today with zero regulation whatsoever. None at all. No background check. No registration. No nothing.
You could not do so legally. Perhaps you should acquaint yourself with the relevant laws and regulations a bit more before making such claims.
Private sales are indeed legal without any gun registration or background check. Those requirements only kick in for purchases from licensed dealers.
They would be completely illegal between you and me; specifically, a federal felony and possibly a state charge under your state’s laws.
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Re: How do you or did perceive candidate Trump's position on abortion

Post by Moses »

Ken wrote: Mon Sep 02, 2024 6:35 pm Is the parallel an exact one? No, of course not. Parallels never are. But it is telling that the same people who say we don't need gun regulations because "guns don't kill people, people kill people." are also quick to take the opposite approach when it comes to Mifepristone.
Is it also telling that the loudest voices in favor of gun regulation seem to be the same voices that are in favor of removing all barriers financial or otherwise to make abortion as accessible as possible?
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ohio jones

Re: How do you or did perceive candidate Trump's position on abortion

Post by ohio jones »

Ken wrote: Mon Sep 02, 2024 6:52 pm
Josh wrote: Mon Sep 02, 2024 6:42 pm But we do regulate buying and selling guns, just like we do regulate buying and selling prescriptions.
I could sell you a gun today with zero regulation whatsoever. None at all. No background check. No registration. No nothing.
At 23:52 in my time zone, I don't think that's possible. 8-)
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Re: How do you or did perceive candidate Trump's position on abortion

Post by barnhart »

I once bought an old shotgun for $40 and sold it several years later for $40 with no reporting. Was this transaction legal.
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Re: How do you or did perceive candidate Trump's position on abortion

Post by Valerie »

Ken wrote: Wed Aug 28, 2024 1:51 pm
Josh wrote: Wed Aug 28, 2024 1:40 pm Swing voters simply don’t care that much. It’s true the issue is good for riling up the base.
Just last year Ohio voters approved Ballot Measure 1 by a 57%-43% margin which enshrined abortion rights into state constitution. I believe it was the biggest turnout for a stand-alone ballot measure in state history.

So actual election results seem to belie the assertion that swing voters don't care. They do seem to care and mostly seem to "swing" to the side of abortion rights.
It's a REAL shame because it portrays itself as "Women's Rights" and "Reproductive Rights" so women always jump on the bandwagon to preserve their "rights" more than anything else with no thought to the baby.
Men I notice, as a cashier, are weaker than they used to be. Men customers frequently refer to their wives as "the boss" and it's easy to see why ben would jump on the abortion bandwagon as well.

Trump is emphatically pro-life- he makes exceptions for certain reasons for abortions as he has said "we have to win" so he is still anti-abortion but also is honest where he gives a little & why. If he loses, advocates for abortion up to 9 months gain.

I want a pro-life president
I do not want a president that is more about deceiving people in the name of rights.

Governor Newsome of CA made me sick when he put billboards up in pro-life states inviting women to CA for abortions and used Jesus words in Scripture on that invitation! He knows not what's coming to him unless he repents!
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Re: How do you or did perceive candidate Trump's position on abortion

Post by Josh »

barnhart wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 7:43 am I once bought an old shotgun for $40 and sold it several years later for $40 with no reporting. Was this transaction legal.
That depends on if you did so across state lines, and if both buyer and seller were residents of the same state.
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Re: How do you or did perceive candidate Trump's position on abortion

Post by HondurasKeiser »

Valerie wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 7:53 am Trump is emphatically pro-life- he makes exceptions for certain reasons for abortions as he has said "we have to win" so he is still anti-abortion but also is honest where he gives a little & why. If he loses, advocates for abortion up to 9 months gain.
I am emphatically pro-life, Josh is emphatically pro-life, you are emphatically pro-life. Trump is emphatically not pro-life and to claim that he is strikes me as an exercise in self-delusion.
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