It’s Sunday - What did you listen to?

General Christian Theology

Re: It’s Sunday - What did you listen to?

Post by Valerie »

Our message was mainly out of Psalm 2.
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Re: It’s Sunday - What did you listen to?

Post by temporal1 »

Related topic: 12 Sundays

Sunday School class on the church and power
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Re: It’s Sunday - What did you listen to?

Post by barnhart »

Neto wrote: Sun Jul 28, 2024 8:14 pm The preacher. (Had to listen to myself in SS, as I subbed today.)
Same here.
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Re: It’s Sunday - What did you listen to?

Post by Sudsy »

Sounds like a big day for subs. We had a husband and wife sub for our majors and they were both in their 80's.

His sermon was on Luke 2:21-40. One text that got my curiosity was verse 36-37a - Now there was one, Anna, a prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was of a great age, and had lived with a husband seven years from her virginity; and this woman was a widow of about eighty-four years, NKJV version.

This got my curiosity regarding how old she really was being 'of great age'. So, I looked up other versions of this text and most are worded to suggest her entire age to be 84 and not that she lived 84 years as a widow after her husband died.

Then looking at commentaries I found the Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary came to this conclusion -
lived, &c.—she had lived seven years with her husband (Lu 2:36), and been a widow eighty-four years; so that if she married at the earliest marriageable age, twelve years, she could not at this time be less than a hundred three years old.
So how long did she live ? 103 or 84 to be of 'great age' ? I was surprised to read this commentary that put her at 103. I'm going with the 84 as I'm not 84 yet but I am feeling 'of a great age'. :? And confused at times. :)
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Re: It’s Sunday - What did you listen to?

Post by ken_sylvania »

Listened to a short topic discussing Nebuchadnezzar's "I had a dream" speech. We were reminded that the most High still ruleth in the kingdom of men and giveth it to whomsoever He will.
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Re: It’s Sunday - What did you listen to?

Post by Josh »

We had a visiting preacher (one of our own who grew up here, but now lives elsewhere) give an excellent sermon. One of his illustrations caught my 3 year old's attention, which involved a story about a squirrel being pursued by a hawk and the squirrel having the perseverance to keep struggling to get away. My son wasn't quite sure what happened in the end, so I had him introduced himself to the preacher and then ask his question: "What did the hawk do??"
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Re: It’s Sunday - What did you listen to?

Post by temporal1 »

"Marriage, A Journey of Love" by Dan Miller / 42min

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Re: It’s Sunday - What did you listen to?

Post by temporal1 »

“The High Calling of Fatherhood" / 23min


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As i listened, i thought of and prayed for women and children without benefit of their husbands+fathers present, sometimes no grandfathers or uncles. God is present and provides. Humans survive following amputations. Still, a part is missing.

Fatherlessness ..
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Re: It’s Sunday - What did you listen to?

Post by Josh »

Enjoyed what seemed like a few hours of slow singing (the hymnbooks had English subtitles which was nice) followed by a few sermons in German, although oddly enough with scripture passages read in English. It’s always fun to take a “newcomer” to endure such a service, particularly to see their reaction when they think the first preacher is down and the service is over, only for the second preacher to get up…
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Re: It’s Sunday - What did you listen to?

Post by Bootstrap »

Josh wrote: Mon Aug 12, 2024 9:05 am Enjoyed what seemed like a few hours of slow singing (the hymnbooks had English subtitles which was nice) followed by a few sermons in German, although oddly enough with scripture passages read in English. It’s always fun to take a “newcomer” to endure such a service, particularly to see their reaction when they think the first preacher is down and the service is over, only for the second preacher to get up…
I would enjoy that. I miss church in Germany.
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