Supreme Court Overturns Roe v. Wade

Things that are not part of politics happening presently and how we approach or address it as Anabaptists.

Re: Supreme Court Overturns Roe v. Wade

Post by temporal1 »

One ordinary voter’s opinion:

ABL / Anthony Brian Logan / “Trump REVEALS His Stance On Abortion And SHOCKS The Nation!“ / -12min
President Donald Trump has revealed his stance on abortion ahead of the 2024 Presidential Election.
In a four-minute-long video uploaded to Truth Social, Trump gave a detailed opinion about abortion...

My opinion: Not shocking.
i don’t believe a federal law would change hearts.

The USSC put decision making on the states, the response of many has been raw anger.
It’s probably wise to give it time, to let the significance of valuing life become apparent - esp to those who are convinced killing the unborn is mandatory. Like breathing. An ugly oxymoron, they believe death is required for life. :(

It’s awful to know so many believe this. But, it’s beyond debate. They are loud+visible. Without shame.

Prayers to open eyes, to reveal the wrong involved; to help mothers choose life.
To empower mothers to refuse to be so pitifully used for corporate greed.

Many-many are praying and working to accomplish changed hearts. God bless them and their efforts.
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