Chemtrails May Be Banned in Tennessee

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Re: Chemtrails May Be Banned in Tennessee

Post by Ken »

JohnHurt wrote: Sun Mar 24, 2024 8:58 am It would be nice if you had an open mind.

You recite and do whatever the Establishment tells you.

One thing you might consider, Ken, is that sometimes the truth is somewhere between the two opposing positions.

You find one small crack on the opposing side, and you suppose that small crack covers up the many cracks on your own side.

Perhaps the truth is relative in this case, and lies somewhere in the middle.

The pictures were bogus. I did not check out the site first. It could have been an overzealous person posting pictures he knew were inaccurate, or it could have been a deliberate misinformation site - to destroy the credibility of anyone that uses these pictures.

There is still a lot of other evidence that Chemtrails are being used for Geoengineering, and other purposes.

But why bother telling you that. Just look up in the sky and you can see it, at least if you live in the Eastern USA.

If you live in Washington State, you may not see these trails, as the wind blows to the East.

But you are not going to look in the first place. If you won't believe Holdren and Brennan when they tell you what they do, or what they can do, then you won't believe what you see with your own eyes either. They are just all harmless jet trails, that for some reason, do not dissipate.

Nothing to see here, move along.

Take care,
I do have an open mind. But I also try to use it.

I live near a major airport and near the major flight paths for planes flying up and down the west coast. So I see condensation trails (what you are calling chemtrails) all of the time. In fact, every single clear day. As I suspect we all do unless we live on some distant south Pacific Island away from all commercial flight paths.

So what are those "chemtrails" that we all see in the air? They are condensation trails from the water vapor generated by the combustion of jet fuel. You see something similar on a cold day when you start your car. Where do they come from? Let's do a little chemistry.

Jet fuel is essentially refined kerosine. It has the chemical formula: C8H18 When Just fuel is burned in a jet engine it combusts with atmospheric oxygen according to the following formula:

2C8H18 + 25O2 -> 16CO2 +18H20

If you want to convert that into numbers. A gallon of jet fuel weighs about 6.5 lbs. During flight, that 6.5 lbs. of jet fuel combines with about 25 lbs. of Oxygen to produce about 20 lbs. of CO2 and about 10 lbs. of water. There is incomplete combustion and impurities and additives in jet fuel which accounts for the fact that the numbers don't perfectly balance.

But what this means is that a typical jet on a long distance flight will generate an amount of CO2 equal to its total body weight. Which is why people point to the airline industry as a major source of greenhouse gases. But that same jet is also putting thousands and thousands of water into the atmosphere. A typical commercial jet might be burning about 1 gallon of jet fuel per second which means it is putting about 1.5 gallons of water into the atmosphere every second in the form of water vapor.

What happens when so much water vapor is released in the frigid dry high atmosphere at about 35,000 ft where jets fly? It instantly condenses into water droplets (clouds) which generate the condensation trails that you see overhead. Those chemtrails you see are just water and any other trace chemicals that result from the incomplete condensation of jet fuel or additives in that fuel.
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Re: Chemtrails May Be Banned in Tennessee

Post by JohnHurt »

Judas Maccabeus wrote: Sun Mar 24, 2024 8:59 am
JohnHurt wrote: Sun Mar 24, 2024 8:38 am
Judas Maccabeus wrote: Sat Mar 23, 2024 8:51 am

You might want to pay them a visit sometime. You will quickly find the scientific acumen is not a requirement for office. Staff is even worse.
You do not have any information to back that up.

If I said the same about you, or wherever it is that you work that your staff has no "scientific acumen", how would you feel about it?
I have testified before committee in the Maryland legislature, in my area of professional expertise, use of radioactive isotopes in medicine. Have trained students, and helped to train resident, total 40 years of experience. Other member of the delegation that was sent included an Sc.D. Delegates dis not understand such basics as the inverse square law and radioactive decay. Committee chair was suspicious of the principle of radioactive decay. They were working on legislation to regulate the disposal of radioactive material from medical sources.

And you wonder why I would suggest that legislators are wanting in scientific understanding? Most are lawyers. That will be true of all legislative bodies.
Burning people with radiation to "cure" cancer causes a LOT of problems. But scientific acumen is not a requirement for being a doctor, you just have to do what the AMA tells you to do.

I would be suspicious of any radioactive substance with a half life that really never ends. Maybe your Legislature knew more than the doctors, like what happens when a radioactive substance gets into the ground water 20 years from now and makes a lot of people sick.

I saw both of my parents die from cancer, and the doctors did not have a clue on how to save either of them. They both died horrible deaths, gurgling in their own fluids. But they trusted completely in their doctors.

In their case, the only "scientific acumen" I could see is that the medical establishment knew how to soak every last dime out of them and their insurance company.

My mother went to Duke University. They took her bone marrow out of her hips, zapped her with huge amounts of chemo, then put the bone marrow back in, and she died, horribly. Almost everyone died from this procedure, as it did not work.

My father was misdiagnosed repeatedly for what turned out to be colon cancer. When the goofball doctor finally decided to do a colonoscopy, it was too late. He died a horrible death too.

My wife's father used a lot of sunblock on his ears, which caused his skin cancer. He got cancer on his face, and behind his left ear. The doctors zapped the cancer with radiation, and it made the whole side of his face melt, like putty. Thankfully he died not long afterwards. it was horrible.

So yes, if your State Legislature doesn't believe you or the medical profession, and is trying to make certain the general public is protected from yet another doctor related illness, and are skeptical about having any radioactive waste anywhere near where it could make other people sick (which would require the sick people to visit the doctor and start the whole cycle over again), well I don't blame them. I think your Legislature may be smarter than all of us.

And I don't want to tarnish your personal medical reputation, because you may have done a lot of good in a lot of areas, for a lot of people. But there are so many quacks in the Medical profession, it is hard to believe that any of them are safe to be around.

Here is one last example. A friend of mine worked in a urology clinic in Nashville. Each day the doctor would come by and ask the scope technician how many people that day had the scope machine pushed up their urinary track to inspect the bladder. The technician would give a number for that day, the and doctor would say "good."

My friend asked the technician what was happening, and he said the doctor was trying to get into the Guinness Book of World Records for the most scopes ever used on patients by a single doctor. There was another doctor in Arizona that was ahead of him. And so everyone that came into the clinic that could possibly be scoped, got a very painful scope procedure that was many times unnecessary.

So I don't trust doctors.

You might look at the clots the morticians are finding in the blood vessels of people that took the COVID shots. That is a nightmare. My friend's wife died after taking the COVID shot. These clots are huge.

There has been a spike in "excess deaths" this last year or so, and the VAERS system reported a lot of deaths due to vaccines. But the way the Medical Profession operates, no one will ever be held accountable for what happened. Not Pfizer, not J&J, not Moderna, not anyone that caused these deaths. And not the doctors. And COVID had a very small death rate, compared to the vaccines, so the vaccines were just as dangerous as the disease.

I consider my very good health to be a result of avoiding doctors and eating healthy food.

Take care,

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Re: Chemtrails May Be Banned in Tennessee

Post by Judas Maccabeus »

JohnHurt wrote: Sun Mar 24, 2024 2:30 pm
Judas Maccabeus wrote: Sun Mar 24, 2024 8:59 am
JohnHurt wrote: Sun Mar 24, 2024 8:38 am

You do not have any information to back that up.

If I said the same about you, or wherever it is that you work that your staff has no "scientific acumen", how would you feel about it?
I have testified before committee in the Maryland legislature, in my area of professional expertise, use of radioactive isotopes in medicine. Have trained students, and helped to train resident, total 40 years of experience. Other member of the delegation that was sent included an Sc.D. Delegates dis not understand such basics as the inverse square law and radioactive decay. Committee chair was suspicious of the principle of radioactive decay. They were working on legislation to regulate the disposal of radioactive material from medical sources.

And you wonder why I would suggest that legislators are wanting in scientific understanding? Most are lawyers. That will be true of all legislative bodies.
Burning people with radiation to "cure" cancer causes a LOT of problems. But scientific acumen is not a requirement for being a doctor, you just have to do what the AMA tells you to do.

I would be suspicious of any radioactive substance with a half life that really never ends. Maybe your Legislature knew more than the doctors, like what happens when a radioactive substance gets into the ground water 20 years from now and makes a lot of people sick.

I saw both of my parents die from cancer, and the doctors did not have a clue on how to save either of them. They both died horrible deaths, gurgling in their own fluids. But they trusted completely in their doctors.

In their case, the only "scientific acumen" I could see is that the medical establishment knew how to soak every last dime out of them and their insurance company.

My mother went to Duke University. They took her bone marrow out of her hips, zapped her with huge amounts of chemo, then put the bone marrow back in, and she died, horribly. Almost everyone died from this procedure, as it did not work.

My father was misdiagnosed repeatedly for what turned out to be colon cancer. When the goofball doctor finally decided to do a colonoscopy, it was too late. He died a horrible death too.

My wife's father used a lot of sunblock on his ears, which caused his skin cancer. He got cancer on his face, and behind his left ear. The doctors zapped the cancer with radiation, and it made the whole side of his face melt, like putty. Thankfully he died not long afterwards. it was horrible.

So yes, if your State Legislature doesn't believe you or the medical profession, and is trying to make certain the general public is protected from yet another doctor related illness, and are skeptical about having any radioactive waste anywhere near where it could make other people sick (which would require the sick people to visit the doctor and start the whole cycle over again), well I don't blame them. I think your Legislature may be smarter than all of us.

And I don't want to tarnish your personal medical reputation, because you may have done a lot of good in a lot of areas, for a lot of people. But there are so many quacks in the Medical profession, it is hard to believe that any of them are safe to be around.

Here is one last example. A friend of mine worked in a urology clinic in Nashville. Each day the doctor would come by and ask the scope technician how many people that day had the scope machine pushed up their urinary track to inspect the bladder. The technician would give a number for that day, the and doctor would say "good."

My friend asked the technician what was happening, and he said the doctor was trying to get into the Guinness Book of World Records for the most scopes ever used on patients by a single doctor. There was another doctor in Arizona that was ahead of him. And so everyone that came into the clinic that could possibly be scoped, got a very painful scope procedure that was many times unnecessary.

So I don't trust doctors.

You might look at the clots the morticians are finding in the blood vessels of people that took the COVID shots. That is a nightmare. My friend's wife died after taking the COVID shot. These clots are huge.

There has been a spike in "excess deaths" this last year or so, and the VAERS system reported a lot of deaths due to vaccines. But the way the Medical Profession operates, no one will ever be held accountable for what happened. Not Pfizer, not J&J, not Moderna, not anyone that caused these deaths. And not the doctors. And COVID had a very small death rate, compared to the vaccines, so the vaccines were just as dangerous as the disease.

I consider my very good health to be a result of avoiding doctors and eating healthy food.

Take care,

First, understand that I am NuclearMedicine and not Radiation therapy. They are different. Very Different. While not knowing the details of there cases, I really do not want to comment, except that cancer is frequently a fatal disease, and how far to go and what measures that should be used to treat it is a conversation that need be had between patient and doctor. Informed consent really is important, and you can be certain that it was obtained, otherwise it would be assault. And, yes, all of our patients die...sooner or later. We all do, are you thinking you can achieve immortality.

""I would be suspicious of any radioactive substance with a half life that really never ends. Maybe your Legislature knew more than the doctors, like what happens when a radioactive substance gets into the ground water 20 years from now and makes a lot of people sick.""

All material has a half life. Many of ours are expressed in minutes. And it ultimately comes down to a question as to whether you believe someone who spends half his life in school, learning from both the body of knowledge that God has enabeled us to compile.........or some internet troll.

Choice is yours.
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Re: Chemtrails May Be Banned in Tennessee

Post by Josh »

Neutrons have a half life of just 10 minutes, and protons 16,700,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years.

Bad news: neutrons and protons are in everything. Even in you and me.
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Re: Chemtrails May Be Banned in Tennessee

Post by Ken »

Josh wrote: Mon Mar 25, 2024 11:05 am Neutrons have a half life of just 10 minutes, and protons 16,700,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years.

Bad news: neutrons and protons are in everything. Even in you and me.
There is a difference between subatomic particles and radiation.

Radiation is the EMISSION of high-energy subatomic particles. Alpha radiation is helium nuclei. Because the particles are relatively large it is the easiest to block with things like lead. Beta radiation is high-energy electrons. Neutron radiation is high-energy neutrons. And gamma radiation is high-energy ionizing electromagnetic waves.

What makes radiation so dangerous is that when living tissue is exposed to any of these sorts of high-energy particles they shoot right through the cells like lasers or bullets at an atomic scale and if there is enough of it they cause irreparable damage. Radiation will chew up your cells and destroy them.
That is essentially what radiation sickness is. Cancer is simply the out-of-control growth of human cells which is why radiation is used to target cancer cells.

Radiation comes from the decay of unstable (radioactive) isotopes of various elements like uranium and thorium and even unstable forms of common elements like carbon (Carbon-14). Take away the source of the radiation and it goes away. Yes, ordinary non-radioactive elements are all around us. The world is made of them. And yes, they contain all of the same particles that form radiation. But they are not EMITTING such particles at high energy. That is the difference. A slug of lead sitting on the table is harmless. But fired from the barrel of a rifle it is deadly. Same thing with radiation. Electrons are everywhere and harmless. But shooting at you in extremely high velocity they are deadly beta radiation.
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Re: Chemtrails May Be Banned in Tennessee ...

Post by ohio jones »

... and in Pennsylvania. The state senator most discussed on MN is involved, naturally.

Mastriano proposes bill to combat ‘chemtrails’ rooted in conspiracy theory and climate science
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Re: Chemtrails May Be Banned in Tennessee ...

Post by Ken »

ohio jones wrote: Mon Mar 25, 2024 8:02 pm ... and in Pennsylvania. The state senator most discussed on MN is involved, naturally.

Mastriano proposes bill to combat ‘chemtrails’ rooted in conspiracy theory and climate science
From the link:
The legislation would ban the release of substances within the borders of Pennsylvania to affect the temperature, weather or intensity of sunlight. It would mirror legislation that passed in the Tennessee Senate on Wednesday.
So he's banning gasoline and diesel powered vehicles and coal fired powerplants?
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Re: Chemtrails May Be Banned in Tennessee ...

Post by ken_sylvania »

Ken wrote: Mon Mar 25, 2024 8:07 pm
ohio jones wrote: Mon Mar 25, 2024 8:02 pm ... and in Pennsylvania. The state senator most discussed on MN is involved, naturally.

Mastriano proposes bill to combat ‘chemtrails’ rooted in conspiracy theory and climate science
From the link:
The legislation would ban the release of substances within the borders of Pennsylvania to affect the temperature, weather or intensity of sunlight. It would mirror legislation that passed in the Tennessee Senate on Wednesday.
So he's banning gasoline and diesel powered vehicles and coal fired powerplants?
If they are releasing substances to affect the temperature, weather or intensity of sunlight, yes.
Did they teach reading comprehension where you went to school?
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Re: Chemtrails May Be Banned in Tennessee ...

Post by Ken »

ken_sylvania wrote: Mon Mar 25, 2024 8:30 pm
Ken wrote: Mon Mar 25, 2024 8:07 pm
ohio jones wrote: Mon Mar 25, 2024 8:02 pm ... and in Pennsylvania. The state senator most discussed on MN is involved, naturally.

Mastriano proposes bill to combat ‘chemtrails’ rooted in conspiracy theory and climate science
From the link:
The legislation would ban the release of substances within the borders of Pennsylvania to affect the temperature, weather or intensity of sunlight. It would mirror legislation that passed in the Tennessee Senate on Wednesday.
So he's banning gasoline and diesel powered vehicles and coal fired powerplants?
If they are releasing substances to affect the temperature, weather or intensity of sunlight, yes.
Did they teach reading comprehension where you went to school?
Carbon dioxide emissions do affect all three of those things. We've known that for over 100 years.

But as long as you aren't doing it on purpose it's OK?
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Re: Chemtrails May Be Banned in Tennessee

Post by barnhart »

I imagine this sort legislation, if passed will be routinely ignored.
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