Chemtrails May Be Banned in Tennessee

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Chemtrails May Be Banned in Tennessee

Post by JohnHurt »

Tennessee Senate BANS ‘Chemtrail’ Geo-Engineering ... gineering/

Bill seeks to "prohibit the intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any means, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances, or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight."

Legislators in the great State of Tennessee this week passed a bill seeking to ban the spraying of chemicals into the atmosphere, a government weather manipulation technique known as “geo-engineering.“

On Monday, the state Senate passed SB2 691/HB 2063, which seeks to “prohibit the intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any means, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances, or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight.”

The bill continues, “The intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any means, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances, or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight is prohibited.”

For years, many have suspected the government’s spraying of aerosolized particulate matter into the atmosphere – seen as lingering white cloud trails that don’t dissipate – not only manipulates the weather, but also destroys the Earth’s ecosystem.

The bill comes as top geoscientists recently accused the United Nations of engaging in a conspiracy to destroy the Earth’s environment.

In their paper, published in the “Advances In Social Sciences Research Journal” in Sept. 2022, James Marvin Herndon and Mark Whiteside warned humanity’s “time is short to permanently end all geoengineering activities,” specifically “aerosolized coal fly ash, they say are sprayed out of jets” and “into the troposphere” where it’s “systematically breaking down Earth’s support systems and poisoning life on this planet.”

The US federal government has also tacitly admitted it engages in the practice, referred to as Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI), with former CIA Director John Brennan describing it as “a method of seeding the stratosphere with particles that can help reflect the sun’s heat in much the same way that volcanic eruptions do.”

“An SAI program could limit global temperature increases reducing some risks associated with higher temperatures, and providing the world economy additional time to transition from fossil fuels. This process is also relatively inexpensive,” Brennan said during a Council on Foreign Relations conference.

According to the Nashville Tennessean, SB 2691/HB 2063 “has yet to advance in the House.”
I found that this bill passed the TN Senate by a vote of 25 to 6, but it is currently stalled in the TN House. ... ber=HB2063

Apparently Chemtrails is no longer a "conspiracy theory", it is now just a "conspiracy."

I am not certain if the Tennessee Air Guard has the resources to force down one John Brennan's CIA Chemtrail planes at 30,000 feet in the air, but if they could do it on a sunny day and you could video it from the ground, that would make a very popular YouTube video.

Here are some pictures showing how the ChemTrail planes operate:





















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Re: Chemtrails May Be Banned in Tennessee

Post by Ken »

No John. It is still unhinged conspiracy theorizing.

First I actually watched the John Brennan YouTube clip. Even from the short clip that edits out any context, it is very clear he is just talking about theoretical engineering ideas to limit global warming. Seeding the oceans with iron is another. These are just any of hundreds of different ideas people toss around. None of them are actual projects.

As for your supposed damning photos? I did a reverse image search on the first several. Let's look at the first one. What is this terrifying image here:


Reverse image searching brings us here

Where we discover what we are actually looking at is this plane:


Which is an Evergreen Aviation Technologies 747 converted into a tanker for wildlands fire fighting. Here is the same plane dropping flame retardant during the Palmer fire in California a few years ago

And this is the "scary" looking interior of the same 747 supertanker fire-fighting plane showing the tanks where they hold the water or flame retardant used for fighting forest fires. Another of the photos you posted. In fact some of the other photos of tanks inside airplanes are of tanker planes used for fighting forest fires.



Don't your legislators there in Tennessee have any actual real problems to occupy themselves with?
Last edited by Ken on Thu Mar 21, 2024 10:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Chemtrails May Be Banned in Tennessee

Post by Ken »

Here is another one. What is this scary looking tank contraption that you posted a picture of?


Another reverse image search brings us here to this CNet story. It's a Boeing 787 test plane:

What are those mysterious black tanks? I'll screen shot them to include the descriptive captions. Oh....


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Re: Chemtrails May Be Banned in Tennessee

Post by JohnHurt »

Oh, you are right, it is not called "Chem Trails". It is called "Geo Engineering".

They have been doing it since the 1950's:

Regardless, it is now a political issue in Tennessee.

Here is John Holdren, Obama's Science Czar, in 2009 talking about geo engineering:

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Re: Chemtrails May Be Banned in Tennessee

Post by barnhart »

John, what is the connection between geo engineering and the photos you posted.
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Re: Chemtrails May Be Banned in Tennessee

Post by JohnHurt »

Ken wrote: Thu Mar 21, 2024 9:42 pm Which is an Evergreen Aviation Technologies 747 converted into a tanker for wildlands fire fighting. Here is the same plane dropping flame retardant during the Palmer fire in California a few years ago

Did it ever occur to you that the same jets that can be used for fighting wildfires can fly higher and be used for geo engineering too? Could the same plane can be used for more than one purpose? Yes!

Planes that pick up water from a lake and drop it on a fire, these are usually slow planes and propeller driven. The same slow propeller driven planes are used for spraying flame retardants. They are slow so they can fly low to hit the fires with precision.

Why would anyone need a jet plane the size of a commercial jet liner to drop flame retardants on fires? It would be too costly and inaccurate, unless, the plane serves a dual purpose.

And, with this dual purpose, companies like "Biegert Aviation" can spray wildfires for a "cover" and use the same plane to spray aluminum into the upper atmosphere when needed for that role.

Otherwise, why do they need jet planes that can go up to 30,000 feet in altitude to spray a wildfire on the ground? Why would anyone use those types of jet planes to spray wildfires only, since operating them is much more expensive?

Also, the CIA under Brennan is obviously behind this activity. Would it be too much for the CIA to take actual pictures that were leaked to the public of their chemtrail projects, and make up a website that said that the tanks in these planes were for "moving weight back and forth in the plane for testing purposes"?

These tanks appear to hold several tons of liquid. How many scenarios can you think up where thousands of pounds are somehow moved back in forth in the fuselage of a plane while it is in flight?

The only one I can think of, is when you are spraying chemicals out of the plane, and do not tap all of the tanks evenly. They would definitely need to test for that.

But I don't think they are testing for all of the fat people in commercial jet plane to go and line up at the single bathroom at the back of the plane, so that the plane tilts up. Then all of the fat people run to the front of the plane as there is an open bathroom there, and the plane tilts down. I don't see that as being a reasonable hypothesis of why they need to "test" moving tons of liquid back and forth on a plane in flight.

That just does not add up.

What do you think?

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Re: Chemtrails May Be Banned in Tennessee

Post by JohnHurt »

barnhart wrote: Fri Mar 22, 2024 9:34 am John, what is the connection between geo engineering and the photos you posted.
Some of these pictures may be genuine. If you can find one that you "think" is not, it doesn't negate the others.

My question is this:

Why would anyone put tanks holding liquid on a high flying commercial jet liner unless it was being used to spray liquid chemicals at a very high altitude?

Why put tanks on a jet plane? They fly too high and too fast for spraying wildfires or for agricultural purposes.

When you were growing up, do you ever remember seeing jet trails that hung in the atmosphere for hours?

When I was young, I remember that the jet trails would slowly disappear.

A few weeks ago, I saw two jets cross, and one of the jet trails slowly disappeared, and the other hung in the sky for a long time. How does that happen?

I also noticed that the last two years under Trump (2019 and 2020), there seemed to be less chemtrails in the atmosphere. Since 2021, they seem to as prevalent as all the other years.

There has been a lot of chemtrail activity that I could see in the skies over the past few weeks, and now we are all having respiration problems. I cannot prove the two are linked, this happens a lot in the spring with things blooming, but other elderly people say that when they see the chemtrails, they notice that they have respiratory issues a few days later. it could be a placebo effect, I don't know.

I had a hard time believing in chemtrails even 10 years ago, it was just another nutty conspiracy theory. But we need to keep an open mind on these issues. The CIA and others keep us under control by ridiculing these ideas, and since we don't want to be ridiculed in front of others, we close our minds to what is happening to us.

Yet, we have Brennan and Holdren telling you that they do it. Now the people that run the Tennessee State Government have enough evidence to support a bill banning it. That should tell you more than any picture I have provided.
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Re: Chemtrails May Be Banned in Tennessee

Post by Ken »

JohnHurt wrote: Fri Mar 22, 2024 9:59 am
barnhart wrote: Fri Mar 22, 2024 9:34 am John, what is the connection between geo engineering and the photos you posted.
Some of these pictures may be genuine. If you can find one that you "think" is not, it doesn't negate the others.
Every one that I looked at turned out to be a lie. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are just copying these from the infowars site? So someone else is lying to you if they are deliberately copying mundane photos off the internet and claiming they show things that they do not.

Throwing up a bunch of random photos and lying about what they show certainly negates the argument about "chemtrails" and destroys the credibility of infowars, assuming they actually had any to begin with. And it also leads one to question the intelligence of the TN legislature if they are buying such shoddy nonsense.

And no, we DON'T need to keep an open mind about every conspiracy theory, especially when the people promoting them are doing so with such amateurish lies.
Last edited by Ken on Fri Mar 22, 2024 10:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Chemtrails May Be Banned in Tennessee

Post by mike »

JohnHurt wrote: Fri Mar 22, 2024 9:59 am
barnhart wrote: Fri Mar 22, 2024 9:34 am John, what is the connection between geo engineering and the photos you posted.
Some of these pictures may be genuine. If you can find one that you "think" is not, it doesn't negate the others.
No, but when you present a case in court, and some of your evidence is proven false, it makes it unlikely that the court will believe you.

I appreciate Ken doing the work to demonstrate that at a minimum, some of your pictures don't portray what they say they do.
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Re: Chemtrails May Be Banned in Tennessee

Post by Ken »

JohnHurt wrote: Fri Mar 22, 2024 8:01 am Oh, you are right, it is not called "Chem Trails". It is called "Geo Engineering".

They have been doing it since the 1950's:
No, we've been doing "geo engineering" since the start of the industrial revolution when we began to burn millions of tons of carbon-based fuels and pour millions of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. By the 1950s we were emitting 6 BILLION (with a B) tons of CO2 into the atmosphere annually. Today it is closer to 35 BILLION. That is actual geo-engineering on a global scale. Not a few mystery planes that aren't what people say they are. And the only thing about it that alarms you is when people like John Brennan say maybe we should have second thoughts about this?

Since the 1950s we've also known exactly what we are doing and the potential consequences. Here's a 1 minute clip from the 1950s Bell Telephone Hour Science Show that was created for schools back then showing the state of science in the 1950s. Before the fossil fuel industry started spending millions to lie about the science and confuse the issue

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