Evangelism, Empathy, and Christian Nationalism...

When it just doesn't fit anywhere else.
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Re: Evangelism, Empathy, and Christian Nationalism...

Post by barnhart »

We might reassure ourselves when we see the proliferating Nones among our youth that the reason they are leaving is because they want to run their own lives and pursue the sexual hedonism the church (rightly) forbids. Some of that is no doubt the case. But if one believes the Bible, one knows that wanting to run one’s own life is not a new development with modernity. And one need only know a little bit of high school biology to know that the desire for sexual hedonism didn’t start during the Obama administration. First-century Athens, Greece, was just as intellectually averse to Christianity as is twenty-first-century Athens, Georgia—and far more sexually “liberated” too. And the gospel went forth and the churches grew. The problem now is not that people think the church’s way of life is too demanding, too morally rigorous, but that they have come to think the church doesn’t believe its own moral teachings.

Moore, Russell. Losing Our Religion (pp. 43-44). Penguin Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
I agree with Mr. Moore.
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