Illegal alien arrivals now greater than American births?

Things that are not part of politics happening presently and how we approach or address it as Anabaptists.
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Re: The “Great Replacement” in America.

Post by Ken »

Methinks Josh has been spending way too much time on white supremacist Telegram sites lately.
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A fool can throw out more questions than a wise man can answer. -RZehr

Re: The “Great Replacement” in America.

Post by Valerie »

1976 my Ecology teacher in college said "America is a lifeboat, and if a lifeboat takes on too many, it will sink" so apparently he was recognizing a potential problem. I'm surprised people on the forum are not recognizing the harm with this terrible situation, probably because it's not affecting "you" personally yet because you are not in impacted areas. Apparently not hearing about the handouts either that are atrocious. There does seem to be an agenda here. It has nothing to do with white supremacy. Know LL edg we of the ramifications for the millions coming seems to be absent here in the comments.
1 x

Re: The “Great Replacement” in America.

Post by Valerie »

barnhart wrote: Fri Dec 29, 2023 5:40 pm
Josh wrote: Fri Dec 29, 2023 2:20 pm Illegal aliens get free medical care, free housing, and so on, whilst hard working Americans basically pay for all of this. Of course this was called a “conspiracy theory” a few years ago, but now it is obviously true and happening. The elites don’t like middle class Americans and want to replace them.
None of this is true. Several semi truths at best veneered over a load of disturbing self interest and fear mongering. This tale is as old as Benjamin Franklin railing against German immigration. Shameful.
You cannot possibly compare the two. German immigration to what's happening the last 3 years here? Not even close to comparable. And they are getting a great deal free.
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Re: The “Great Replacement” in America.

Post by ken_sylvania »

Valerie wrote: Fri Dec 29, 2023 10:12 pm 1976 my Ecology teacher in college said "America is a lifeboat, and if a lifeboat takes on too many, it will sink" so apparently he was recognizing a potential problem. I'm surprised people on the forum are not recognizing the harm with this terrible situation, probably because it's not affecting "you" personally yet because you are not in impacted areas. Apparently not hearing about the handouts either that are atrocious. There does seem to be an agenda here. It has nothing to do with white supremacy. Know LL edg we of the ramifications for the millions coming seems to be absent here in the comments.
A philosophy that would encourages using a baseball bat to beat off those who are desperate to be allowed into the "lifeboat" comes from the devil, not from Jesus.

You are right though, it's hardly fair to compare the current immigration situation to the English, German and Scotch-Irish immigration into this country. That immigration was a hundred times more devastating for the people that inhabited this land at the time when compared with the current situation. The proportion of immigrants who were bent on violence against the native population was almost certainly much higher than is found among the Indians who are currently in the United States illegally.
2 x

Re: The “Great Replacement” in America.

Post by Josh »

Ken wrote: Fri Dec 29, 2023 7:15 pm Methinks Josh has been spending way too much time on white supremacist Telegram sites lately.
I have never spent time on any such thing, and am not really part of any Telegram chat groups at all, other than a few family chat type of ones.

Are you disputing the facts in the original chart I showed? It is obvious that the number of incoming migrants has now exceeded births (including both American births, births to illegal aliens, births to legal aliens, births to tourists, etc.)
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Re: The “Great Replacement” in America.

Post by Josh »

Bootstrap wrote: Fri Dec 29, 2023 6:44 pm
Josh wrote: Fri Dec 29, 2023 4:06 pm It wouldn’t make any difference. It simply doesn’t work to have this many people flooding the country.
Starting with the English and the Spanish and the French ... should we restore the country to Native Americans? Or is America now multi-ethnic? What exactly is a native-born America? Why are you, an immigrant, different from other immigrants? Why am I, the descendant of immigrants, different from other descendants of immigrants in this country?

And whatever happened to the Bible?

Leviticus 19:34 (NIV): "The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the LORD your God."
The one residing among you.

It doesn’t say anything about completely unsustainable waves of human movement that do no good for anyone involved. I am questioning if continued massive waves of migration need to keep happening.

Wouldn’t it be better to focus on all the migrants (illegal and otherwise) who are already here?
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Re: The “Great Replacement” in America.

Post by Josh »

barnhart wrote: Fri Dec 29, 2023 5:46 pm For the record, all births in the US are "legal" and full citizens. The story of how this came to be law is informative and shouldn't be forgotten.
What does that have to do with the chart?

The chart is for all births (including ones to illegal aliens). The point is the immigration is up so high it now exceeds babies being born to everyone in America (including to illefsl aliens).
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Re: The “Great Replacement” in America.

Post by Ken »

Josh wrote: Sat Dec 30, 2023 12:16 am
barnhart wrote: Fri Dec 29, 2023 5:46 pm For the record, all births in the US are "legal" and full citizens. The story of how this came to be law is informative and shouldn't be forgotten.
What does that have to do with the chart?

The chart is for all births (including ones to illegal aliens). The point is the immigration is up so high it now exceeds babies being born to everyone in America (including to illefsl aliens).
The chart you posted is deliberately and egregiously wrong.

The title of the chart is "American Births versus Illegal Immigrants" while the graph merely shows "encounters" which is an entirely different metric.

First of all, not all "encounters" result in an entry into the US. Doing a bit of research it turns out that "encounters" result in one of three different outcomes. Some encounters result in immediate expulsion from the US. The percentage was about 2/3 during the Trump Administration where expulsions were conducted under Title 42 (public health emergency) which has been rescinded under Biden because we are no longer in a pandemic emergency. But immediate expulsions still continue under Biden and were about 1/3 of all encounters during 2022.

Immigrant encounters who are not immediately expelled are "apprehended" and then their cases are adjudicated in one of two ways. If they are making an asylum claim they are generally given a court date and released. Those are the people showing up in US cities. But if they do not make an asylum claim or any sort of background check turns up information that they are ineligible for asylum (for example, repeat immigrants who were previously deported) they are detained and put into the queue for deportation. Many immigrant detainees fall into this category.

So, in point of fact, ZERO immigration "encounters" actually result in illegal immigrants. They are either (1) immediately expelled, (2) apprehended and detained for deportation proceedings and many of these agree to leave voluntarily rather than wait for deportation, or (3) released into the US pending asylum hearings. All of these people are actually in the US LEGALLY. Their asylum claim may fail (and many/most do) but until it is actually adjudicated, they are legally entitled to remain in the US. Hence they are not illegal immigrants.

There are, of course, still illegal immigrants entering the country who are not caught by the border patrol. However these people escape into the US unnoticed and therefore are not part of the "encounters" statistics on your chart.

So bottom line? Not all immigrant "encounters" result in entry into the US. Many are immediately expelled and many more are detained for future deportation or leave voluntarily . And of those immigrant "encounters" that do result in an entry into the US, all of them are in the country legally pending asylum hearings. None of them become illegal unless they fail to show up for an asylum hearing or otherwise violate the terms of their status.

So of the source of your chart (which is someone called @fentasl) got that fundamental fact so egregiously wrong, one wonders what else about the chart is garbage.
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A fool can throw out more questions than a wise man can answer. -RZehr

Re: The “Great Replacement” in America.

Post by Szdfan »

Valerie wrote: Fri Dec 29, 2023 10:12 pm 1976 my Ecology teacher in college said "America is a lifeboat, and if a lifeboat takes on too many, it will sink" so apparently he was recognizing a potential problem. I'm surprised people on the forum are not recognizing the harm with this terrible situation, probably because it's not affecting "you" personally yet because you are not in impacted areas. Apparently not hearing about the handouts either that are atrocious. There does seem to be an agenda here. It has nothing to do with white supremacy. Know LL edg we of the ramifications for the millions coming seems to be absent here in the comments.
The "Great Replacement" referred to in the OP and the title of this thread is a white supremacist conspiracy theory that originated with Renauld Camus who argued that elites were diberately replacing white Europeans with migrants and committing "demographic genocide." It's a conspiracy theory that's been tied to anti-migrant and racially motivated violence. The shooters of the 2019 Christchurch mosque shootings, the 2019 El Paso shooting, the 2022 Buffalo shooting and the 2023 Jacksonville shooting have all cited the Great Replacement theory as motivation.

Josh's characterization of Indian migrants as an "infestation" is blatantly racist language and I'm glad people are calling him out on it.
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Re: The “Great Replacement” in America.

Post by Grace »

mike wrote: Fri Dec 29, 2023 4:17 pm
Josh wrote: Fri Dec 29, 2023 4:06 pm It wouldn’t make any difference. It simply doesn’t work to have this many people flooding the country.

Incidentally the #3 group of illegal aliens by country are Indians. India is a long way from America and it involves either a plane ride or a very long boat ride to get here. Why are so many infesting this country?
You're an immigrant if I remember correctly.

In my opinion, the use of the term infesting is offensive and shouldn't really be allowed on this board because it is a disgraceful way to refer to human beings.
I agree the term "infesting" should not used in reference to people. However I am not sure what word could be used to describe the dramatic increase in human trafficking, the sex trafficking, the rapes of women and little girls, the fentanyl, padding the pockets of evil cartels with millions of dollars, since 2021? Is there a better word that could be used to describe babies thrown into the river by cartel traffickers? Or 50 people being cooked alive in a trailer? Although the word "infestation" in reference to people is wrong, that word is mild if used to describe the actions and policies that encourage and embolden the horrible evils that accompany open borders,
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