ChatGPT: Jesus and Paul

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ChatGPT: Jesus and Paul

Post by JohnHurt »

Compare the doctrines of Jesus Christ to the doctrines of Paul the Apostle

The teachings of Jesus Christ and Paul the Apostle are foundational to Christian theology, but there are some differences in emphasis and focus in their respective doctrines. It's important to note that both Jesus and Paul are considered central figures in Christianity, and their teachings are often seen as complementary rather than contradictory. Here are some key points of comparison:

Authority and Source of Teaching:

Jesus Christ: In the Gospels, Jesus often spoke with authority, claiming to be the Son of God and emphasizing that His teachings came directly from God the Father. He frequently referred to the Scriptures (Old Testament) as authoritative.

Paul the Apostle: Paul, on the other hand, saw himself as an apostle called by Jesus to spread the gospel. While he respected the teachings of Jesus, he also received revelations directly from Christ, as mentioned in his letters (epistles), which form a significant portion of the New Testament.

Focus of Ministry:

Jesus Christ: Jesus' earthly ministry was primarily focused on the Kingdom of God, repentance, love, and forgiveness. His teachings often used parables and focused on ethical and moral living.

Paul the Apostle: Paul's ministry was more oriented toward spreading the message of salvation through faith in Christ, especially to the Gentiles. His letters often deal with theological issues, explaining the significance of Christ's death and resurrection.

Salvation and Atonement:

Jesus Christ: Jesus emphasized repentance, forgiveness, and personal relationship with God. His death on the cross is central to Christian theology for the forgiveness of sins.

Paul the Apostle: Paul elaborated on the theological aspects of salvation, emphasizing justification by faith in Christ. He explained the atoning work of Christ on the cross and how faith in Him brings reconciliation with God.

Law and Grace:

Jesus Christ: Jesus upheld the moral and ethical teachings of the Law (Torah) but also emphasized the importance of mercy and love.

Paul the Apostle: Paul addressed the relationship between the Law and grace, arguing that salvation comes through faith in Christ rather than adherence to the Mosaic Law. He stressed that believers are not justified by works of the Law but by faith in Christ.

Ethical Teachings:

Jesus Christ: Jesus provided ethical teachings in the Sermon on the Mount and other sayings, emphasizing love, humility, forgiveness, and compassion.

Paul the Apostle: Paul also addressed ethical issues in his letters, providing guidance on Christian living, virtues, and ethical conduct within the Christian community.

While there are differences in emphasis and focus between Jesus and Paul, it is essential to recognize that both contributed significantly to the development of Christian theology, and their teachings are considered authoritative by Christians. The unity of their doctrines is often emphasized within the broader framework of Christian belief.

Nice, clean, and not one scripture reference. Watch out for that padded pew, you might fall asleep.
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"He replaced the teachings of Christ with his own opinions, and gave us a religion based on the doctrines of men."
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Re: ChatGPT outline of Sermon on the Mount

Post by JohnHurt »

What are the doctrines of Paul that contradict the doctrines of Jesus Christ?

2 / 2

The question of whether there are doctrinal contradictions between the teachings of Paul and Jesus Christ is a subject of theological debate. It's important to note that the New Testament includes the writings of various authors, and while Jesus' teachings are primarily found in the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), Paul's letters (Epistles) form a significant portion of the New Testament.

Some scholars argue that there are differences in emphasis and interpretation between the teachings of Jesus and Paul, but others see a continuity in their messages. It's also worth mentioning that the interpretation of biblical passages can vary among different Christian denominations.

Here are a few points that some scholars and theologians suggest as areas where there may be perceived differences or tensions between Paul and Jesus:

Law and Grace:

Jesus often emphasized the importance of keeping the law (Matthew 5:17-20), while Paul, especially in his letters to the Romans and Galatians, discussed the role of faith and grace in salvation, sometimes appearing to downplay the significance of strict adherence to the Jewish law.


Paul argued against the necessity of physical circumcision for Gentile converts, emphasizing faith instead (Romans 2:25-29, Galatians 5:6), whereas Jesus himself was circumcised and did not explicitly address the issue as directly.

Love for Enemies:

Jesus' teachings on love for enemies are well-known (Matthew 5:43-48), while some interpret Paul's writings, such as Romans 12:19-21, as potentially allowing for a more punitive stance.

Eschatology (End Times):

There are differences in the emphasis on eschatology between Jesus and Paul. Some argue that Jesus' teachings in the Gospels reflect an imminent expectation of the Kingdom of God, while Paul, especially in later writings, develops a more complex eschatology.
It's essential to approach these comparisons with care and to recognize that different Christian traditions and scholars may interpret these passages differently. Many theologians argue for the coherence and continuity between the teachings of Jesus and Paul, emphasizing that apparent differences can be reconciled within a broader understanding of the Christian message. It's always advisable to consult various perspectives and engage in open dialogue when exploring such theological questions.
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"He replaced the teachings of Christ with his own opinions, and gave us a religion based on the doctrines of men."
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Re: ChatGPT outline of Sermon on the Mount

Post by Bootstrap »

JohnHurt wrote: Fri Dec 29, 2023 3:53 pm User
Compare the doctrines of Jesus Christ to the doctrines of Paul the Apostle
Could this please be split into a separate thread, since it's about a different topic?
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Is it biblical? Is it Christlike? Is it loving? Is it true? How can I find out?
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Re: ChatGPT outline of Sermon on the Mount

Post by JohnHurt »

Bootstrap wrote: Fri Dec 29, 2023 6:39 pm
JohnHurt wrote: Fri Dec 29, 2023 3:53 pm User
Compare the doctrines of Jesus Christ to the doctrines of Paul the Apostle
Could this please be split into a separate thread, since it's about a different topic?

The point was to ask ChatGPT to answer a controversial topic, and it would only be display the most commonly accepted answers from its knowledge base, which shows its limitations.

It won't do any real investigative research or find out anything new that you don't already know.
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"He replaced the teachings of Christ with his own opinions, and gave us a religion based on the doctrines of men."
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Re: ChatGPT outline of Sermon on the Mount

Post by Bootstrap »

JohnHurt wrote: Sat Dec 30, 2023 8:28 am
Bootstrap wrote: Fri Dec 29, 2023 6:39 pm
JohnHurt wrote: Fri Dec 29, 2023 3:53 pm User
Compare the doctrines of Jesus Christ to the doctrines of Paul the Apostle
Could this please be split into a separate thread, since it's about a different topic?

The point was to ask ChatGPT to answer a controversial topic, and it would only be display the most commonly accepted answers from its knowledge base, which shows its limitations.

It won't do any real investigative research or find out anything new that you don't already know.
I would like to discuss this, but in a different thread, please. I would like this thread to focus on the subject of the title.
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Is it biblical? Is it Christlike? Is it loving? Is it true? How can I find out?
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Re: ChatGPT: Jesus and Paul

Post by JohnHurt »

If you ask Artificial Intelligence a question that is outside its knowledge base, it will respond with generalities.

Here is the question I asked ChatGPT 3.5


compare the holdeman mennonites to the mennonite church usa

Holdeman Mennonites and Mennonite Church USA represent two distinct branches within the broader Mennonite tradition. While they share historical roots, there are significant differences in their beliefs, practices, and organizational structures. It's important to note that the information provided here is a generalization, and there may be variations within each group.

Theological and Doctrinal Differences:

Holdeman Mennonites: Holdeman Mennonites are part of the larger Anabaptist tradition but have specific theological and doctrinal distinctives. They emphasize a conservative interpretation of biblical teachings, strict adherence to traditional values, and separation from the broader society. They typically practice a more conservative form of Anabaptism, with a focus on maintaining a distinct and separate community.

Mennonite Church USA: Mennonite Church USA is more diverse in its theological perspectives. It represents a spectrum of beliefs, ranging from conservative to liberal. While it holds to the core Anabaptist principles of peace, justice, and community, individual congregations within Mennonite Church USA may differ in their interpretation of specific doctrines.

Community and Lifestyle:

Holdeman Mennonites: Holdeman Mennonites often live in close-knit, intentional communities. They place a strong emphasis on communal living, simplicity, and mutual support. Their lifestyle choices are guided by a commitment to separation from the secular world and a focus on maintaining a distinct Mennonite identity.

Mennonite Church USA: Mennonite Church USA congregations can vary widely in their community structure and lifestyle. While some may also emphasize close-knit communities, others may integrate more with the broader society. Lifestyle choices can range from traditional and conservative to more progressive and liberal.

Technology and Modernity:

Holdeman Mennonites: Holdeman Mennonites tend to be more conservative regarding the use of technology and engagement with modernity. They may limit access to certain technologies and emphasize a simpler, agrarian way of life.

Mennonite Church USA: Mennonite Church USA congregations can have diverse views on technology and modernity. Some may embrace modern technologies, while others may be more cautious or restrictive in their use.

Peacemaking and Social Justice:

Holdeman Mennonites: Holdeman Mennonites, like other Mennonite groups, generally uphold a commitment to nonviolence and peacemaking. However, the emphasis on social justice and engagement with broader societal issues may vary among different communities.

Mennonite Church USA: Mennonite Church USA has a history of actively engaging in social justice issues. Many congregations within the denomination are involved in peace and justice initiatives, community development, and humanitarian efforts.

Organizational Structure:

Holdeman Mennonites: Holdeman Mennonites typically have a more hierarchical and centralized organizational structure, often led by bishops and ministers who provide spiritual guidance and oversight.

Mennonite Church USA: Mennonite Church USA has a more decentralized structure with congregations having a significant degree of autonomy. Decision-making is often carried out through consensus building, and there is a collaborative approach to governance.

In summary, Holdeman Mennonites and Mennonite Church USA, while sharing a common Anabaptist heritage, differ in their theological emphases, community lifestyles, engagement with modernity, approaches to social justice, and organizational structures. These differences reflect the diversity within the broader Mennonite tradition.

The answer seemed a little "thin" to me, with no references or citations.

My guess is that AI is scraping the internet for information, and there is not a lot there on this topic, as a lot of these groups don't have a plurality of websites.

I did use AI to help me produce a new internet domain name idea for my sheep farm. It produced one really good suggestion, because it can access large amounts of public information and find something appealing to many people.

It looks like AI is good at thinking that "what most people believe to be true" is actually "reality". And that is why it lacks depth in Bible discussions.

Here is an example:

what was the first bible translation where "all foods are clean" is listed in mark 7:19?

The statement "all foods are clean" in Mark 7:19 is found in the New International Version (NIV) of the Bible. The NIV is a widely used modern English translation that was first published in full in 1978. In Mark 7:19 (NIV), the passage reads:

"For it doesn’t go into their heart but into their stomach, and then out of the body.’ (In saying this, Jesus declared all foods clean.)"

It's important to note that other translations may render the passage differently, and the specific wording may vary. The idea conveyed, however, is that Jesus is declaring all foods clean, indicating a shift in understanding dietary laws.

The first translation that has this statement is the Hort and Westcott Bible in the 1880's, and then copied by all of the translations that depend on Hort and Westcott, like the NIV. So ChatGPt is incorrect. It could be that the phrase is stated slightly different in the various translations that followed the original Hort and Westcott, or ChatGPT does not have access to them.

But AI won't know this information because it is not known by many people, or easily found on the web. You and I have to research it from the source texts to get the correct answer, and AI is not looking at the source texts, it is looking at what most people say about the source texts. So if most people are wrong, then the AI is wrong.

Here is a list of 33 AI Tools: ... y-for-free

One of my sons is writing the programs for video games, and has been stymied by not finding a human artist can can produce good backgrounds and other types of artworks. I understand these AI tools can draw better images than most artists.

I am starting to see videos on YouTube produced by AI.

To help us think creatively in a way that would appeal to most other people, that would be a strong point of AI.
AI is good at finding the "broad path" that everyone follows.

But if you are looking for the Biblical "narrow way" that few people can find, then AI won't find it either.

Whatever AI says about the Bible, it will give the "popular" answer, and so I would look in the opposite direction.

Take care, and I appreciate your posts. Sorry for the tangent.

1 x
"He replaced the teachings of Christ with his own opinions, and gave us a religion based on the doctrines of men."
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