POLL: Would you like these policies carried out by a future administration?

Events occurring and how they relate/affect Anabaptist faith and culture.

Which of these or none would you like to see carried out?

Use the military to participate in, facilitate the largest deportation of undocumented immigrants ever attempted.
Order the National Guard into cities with high crime rates, regardless of what state/local officials there want.
Impose a 10% tariff on almost all foreign goods (Guaranteeing increased prices for consumers).
Appoint a special prosecutor to prosecute their political opponents.
No votes
Purge the federal civil service of anyone who questions them (Or insufficiently loyal? Anybody not carrying the right party card?)
No votes
Shoot/kill suspected shoplifters, drug dealers or immigrants suspected of carrying fentanyl across border (no questions, no arrest, no due process)
None of the above.
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Re: POLL: Would you like these policies carried out by a future administration?

Post by Grace »

JohnHurt post_id=210483 time=1699964577 user_id=1351]
The People’s Republic of China is the world’s leading annual emitter of greenhouse gases and mercury. This noxious air pollution threatens China’s people, as well as global health and the world’s economy.

An estimated 1.24 million people died from exposure to air pollution in the PRC in 2017, according to a recent study in the medical journal The Lancet. Since 2000, the number of people who have died from air pollution in the PRC tops 30 million, according to New Scientist magazine.

Source: https://ge.usembassy.gov/chinas-air-pol ... the-world/

When Biden shut the pipelines down, gasoline in Tennessee went from $1.78 to $3.50 a gallon. He shut down the pipelines the day he got into office.
The war in Ukraine started under Biden, not Trump.
The Keystone pipeline would have brought oil to the Gulf Coast refineries for use in the USA, and now without it, they have to ship to British Columbia to refineries in China. That is why the oil from Canada is not here, it is in China.

The USA, for the first time under Trump, became an oil exporter nation. We produced more oil than we used. Not under Biden.

But there is more profit for the Elite bankers etc., the 1% that own almost everything, if there is a shortage of oil in the USA. That is the only way they can raise the price of gasoline, etc. to 3 times what it really costs, so that the Elite can make more profit. That is why you are broke under Biden, while you were doing "OK" under Trump.

Your "boy" Biden is a willing lackey for the Elite, as are all of the Democrats. They are no longer the "anti-war" party of the 1960's that represented the working class. The Democrats are pro-war, and represent the Elite class only.

Ken, just remember that Nancy Pelosi was the Speaker of the House, run by Democrats, until January of 2023 - only 10 months ago. The Democrats also control the Senate - even now. So both houses of Congress were controlled by the Democrats - and they did nothing but open the borders to illegal immigration.

The Democrats work for the Elite, the 1% that own everything. If the Elite says "jump", the Democrats are already off the ground. The Elites want cheap undocumented labor that won't complain about working conditions, and the Democrats have made that possible. The horrible truth is what the Democrats have done to all of the LEGAL immigrants and working poor, as unskilled labor can't find a job that pays a living wage. You can't make it on minimum wage in this country, and people have to live in their parents' basement because of the HUGE undocumented labor pool, made possible by the Democratic party.

And leaving the borders wide open also brings in members of MS-13 and other gangs to our country, along with fentanyl and drugs that are killing so many people. Not to mention the child smugglers. Children come across the border and just disappear into these pedophile rings.

Pedophilia is a big thing for the Democrats. Look at the Podesta brothers and all of that "pedo art" they have. Look at Jeffrey Epstein, and all of the young girls that he abused. Look at the emails from Barack Obama about whether they were having "hot dogs' (young boys) or "cheese pizza" (young girls) that day.

These people are Satanists. They worship the Devil. That is why they push LGBT, homosexual marriage, abortion and everything else that denies Jesus Christ.

This is NOT the same Democratic party that my family used to belong to. The Democratic Party is pro-war now, and they work for the Elites, not us.
The Democrat party hasn’t had a good track record either, when it comes to racial and civil rights issues. And the current President isn’t the exception either. He has revealed his racism in his comments and actions over the 50 years he has been in the political arena.

Since 1829 the Democrat party has fought against every major civil rights initiative, and has a lengthy history of discrimination. The Democratic Party defended slavery, started the Civil war, opposed Reconstruction, founded the KKK, imposed segregation, perpetrated lynching’s and fought against civil rights acts in the 50’s and 60’s.

When all the efforts to oppress and suppress blacks failed it was the Democrats that came up with a new plan; if black people were going to vote, they better vote for Democrats. It was LBJ who said about the Civil Rights Act, “I will have them n******s voting Democrat for 200 years”.

For a few decades now, and presently the Democrat Party prospers on the votes of the people it has spent so much of history oppressing and denigrating.
Today massive government welfare has decimated the black family. It is Democrats that oppose school choice, trapping black children in failing schools. We have a Democrat President who “didn’t want his children growing up in racial jungles”. Democrats use the black people as mascots to push their agenda and use their pain to demonize the Right and make themselves feel virtuous.

As for the pedophilia, look no further than the President and his questionable penchant to touch and sniff little girls and sometime little boys.
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Re: POLL: Would you like these policies carried out by a future administration?

Post by Ken »

JohnHurt wrote: Tue Nov 14, 2023 7:22 amWhen Biden shut the pipelines down, gasoline in Tennessee went from $1.78 to $3.50 a gallon. He shut down the pipelines the day he got into office.
John, You do realize that no pipeline was shut down. What I believe you are referring to is the Keystone XL Pipeline. Construction was blocked by the Supreme Court during the last year of the Trump Administration: Here is an article describing these events: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/06/us/p ... =url-share

Construction was still blocked by the courts when the Biden Administration canceled the permit in 2021 and at that point the pipeline was only 8% completed and was still years away from being finished.
JohnHurt wrote: Tue Nov 14, 2023 7:22 am
Ken wrote: Mon Nov 13, 2023 10:36 pm That answer is absurdly easy to answer. Legal immigration quotas are entirely the purview of Congress, not the Administration. If you want changes to immigration law, look to Congress.
Ken, just remember that Nancy Pelosi was the Speaker of the House, run by Democrats, until January of 2023 - only 10 months ago. The Democrats also control the Senate - even now. So both houses of Congress were controlled by the Democrats - and they did nothing but open the borders to illegal immigration.

The Democrats work for the Elite, the 1% that own everything. If the Elite says "jump", the Democrats are already off the ground. The Elites want cheap undocumented labor that won't complain about working conditions, and the Democrats have made that possible. The horrible truth is what the Democrats have done to all of the LEGAL immigrants and working poor, as unskilled labor can't find a job that pays a living wage. You can't make it on minimum wage in this country, and people have to live in their parents' basement because of the HUGE undocumented labor pool, made possible by the Democratic party.
John, you do realize that Republicans have controlled the House of Representatives for 10 out of the last 12 years and that four out of the last 5 Speakers have been Republican? These are knowable facts. Republicans controlled the Senate during half that time as well. In the past decade there have been four years of Republican control of Congress, two years of Democratic control, and four years of split control. Here are the last 5 Speakers of the House and their terms of office:

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Re: POLL: Would you like these policies carried out by a future administration?

Post by Grace »

John, You do realize that no pipeline was shut down. What I believe you are referring to is the Keystone XL Pipeline. Construction was blocked by the Supreme Court during the last year of the Trump Administration: Here is an article describing these events.
Construction was still blocked by the courts when the Biden Administration canceled the permit in 2021 and at that point the pipeline was only 8% completed and was still years away from being finished.

Keystone pipeline aside. The Biden administration has pushed and still is pushing policies that curb and impede future domestic oil, coal, and natural gas exploration, production, distribution, and investment. All the while the country uses about 80% of those energy sources.
John, you do realize that Republicans have controlled the House of Representatives for 10 out of the last 12 years and that four out of the last 5 Speakers have been Republican? These are knowable facts. Republicans controlled the Senate during half that time as well. In the past decade there have been four years of Republican control of Congress, two years of Democratic control, and four years of split control. Here are the last 5 Speakers of the House and their terms of office
What is important is that, for two years the Democrats had control of the both the House and the Senate, as well as the Presidency. In those two years we have nothing but chaos at the border, chaos in inflation, chaos in other areas and now two wars.
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Re: POLL: Would you like these policies carried out by a future administration?

Post by Ken »

Grace wrote: Tue Nov 14, 2023 12:53 pm
John, You do realize that no pipeline was shut down. What I believe you are referring to is the Keystone XL Pipeline. Construction was blocked by the Supreme Court during the last year of the Trump Administration: Here is an article describing these events.
Construction was still blocked by the courts when the Biden Administration canceled the permit in 2021 and at that point the pipeline was only 8% completed and was still years away from being finished.

Keystone pipeline aside. The Biden administration has pushed and still is pushing policies that curb and impede future domestic oil, coal, and natural gas exploration, production, distribution, and investment. All the while the country uses about 80% of those energy sources.
John, you do realize that Republicans have controlled the House of Representatives for 10 out of the last 12 years and that four out of the last 5 Speakers have been Republican? These are knowable facts. Republicans controlled the Senate during half that time as well. In the past decade there have been four years of Republican control of Congress, two years of Democratic control, and four years of split control. Here are the last 5 Speakers of the House and their terms of office
What is important is that, for two years the Democrats had control of the both the House and the Senate, as well as the Presidency. In those two years we have nothing but chaos at the border, chaos in inflation, chaos in other areas and now two wars.
Both oil prices and inflation are global. But the US has done better than any other developed country on both counts. Our gas prices are lower than anyplace else and our rate of inflation has come down faster than in any other developed country. Probably thanks more to the Federal Reserve. But looking forward to 2024, EVERY SINGLE ONE of Trump's proposed domestic policy changes would be inflationary: More tariffs, trade war with China, more tax cuts, stricter immigration limits, etc. Every one of those things would be inflationary.

As for immigration. That is almost entirely the responsibility of Congress. The Republicans have held the House of Representatives for 10 of the last 12 years. How many comprehensive immigration reform bills have come out of the House of Representatives during that time? Hint, the answer is NONE. They have no answers. Every time there is an election there is a parade of Republican politicians going to the border for photo ops. But they do nothing about the problem and don't even have any proposed solutions in the form of legislation. Which is their job. Instead we are treated to the annual spectacle of Republicans trying to shut down the government over fights to cut the budget INCLUDING the budget for immigration enforcement and immigration courts.

The only real thing that has changed from the Trump to the Biden Administration is the expiration of the Title 42 COVID related emergency measures. Otherwise it is the exact same agencies doing the exact same work. Do you think we are still in a COVID emergency or not? Do you think Biden was correct to let the COVID emergency declaration expire or not? The alternative was to leave a permanent state of emergency in effect so that the President could continue to go around Congress and rule by decree. I expect that would have made Republican heads expode.
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Re: POLL: Would you like these policies carried out by a future administration?

Post by ohio jones »

JohnHurt wrote: Mon Nov 13, 2023 9:48 pm There is a place for Joe Biden, Kamala, Merrick Garland, and all the rest. On this side of Jordan, it should be Supermax in Florence CO, and on the other side of Jordan, something similar but worse.
For those of you who think John is extreme, we should be thankful he's not one of those who believes that Biden, Harris, and others are in Guantanamo, the people we see in their roles are actors, the inauguration was staged in California, Trump is still president and is in control of the military, and the Truth will be revealed for all to see Any Day Now ("next month" has morphed into "next year" but they still believe).
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Re: POLL: Would you like these policies carried out by a future administration?

Post by Jazman »

Grace wrote: Tue Nov 14, 2023 12:53 pm
John, You do realize that no pipeline was shut down. What I believe you are referring to is the Keystone XL Pipeline. Construction was blocked by the Supreme Court during the last year of the Trump Administration: Here is an article describing these events.
Construction was still blocked by the courts when the Biden Administration canceled the permit in 2021 and at that point the pipeline was only 8% completed and was still years away from being finished.

Keystone pipeline aside. The Biden administration has pushed and still is pushing policies that curb and impede future domestic oil, coal, and natural gas exploration, production, distribution, and investment. All the while the country uses about 80% of those energy sources.
John, you do realize that Republicans have controlled the House of Representatives for 10 out of the last 12 years and that four out of the last 5 Speakers have been Republican? These are knowable facts. Republicans controlled the Senate during half that time as well. In the past decade there have been four years of Republican control of Congress, two years of Democratic control, and four years of split control. Here are the last 5 Speakers of the House and their terms of office
What is important is that, for two years the Democrats had control of the both the House and the Senate, as well as the Presidency. In those two years we have nothing but chaos at the border, chaos in inflation, chaos in other areas and now two wars.
The idea that there wasn't chaos during the Trump pres. is an untruth and partisan wishful thinking... this is, as David French explained recently, a lawyer's approach: where as a lawyer you try to minimize your client's faults (or maximize the faults of their accusers) and you maximize/inflate your clients good characteristics and/or minimize the other witnesses/evidence etc. We all struggle with this.
My perspective is the opposite of yours. There was much much Chaos during that admin... Does that mean Biden has done all good? No. Does that mean there aren't some bad things? No. But imo it's not really more or less chaotic than any other time in the last 20-30yrs. Just different challenges, but challenges none the less, with God still in charge.
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Re: POLL: Would you like these policies carried out by a future administration?

Post by JohnHurt »

Ken wrote: Tue Nov 14, 2023 1:13 pm

Both oil prices and inflation are global. But the US has done better than any other developed country on both counts. Our gas prices are lower than anyplace else and our rate of inflation has come down faster than in any other developed country.
So you are telling us that gasoline prices and inflation is now lower under Biden. Is that right?
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Re: POLL: Would you like these policies carried out by a future administration?

Post by Grace »

Jazman wrote: Wed Nov 15, 2023 7:24 am
The idea that there wasn't chaos during the Trump pres. is an untruth and partisan wishful thinking... this is, as David French explained recently, a lawyer's approach: where as a lawyer you try to minimize your client's faults (or maximize the faults of their accusers) and you maximize/inflate your clients good characteristics and/or minimize the other witnesses/evidence etc. We all struggle with this.
My perspective is the opposite of yours. There was much much Chaos during that admin... Does that mean Biden has done all good? No. Does that mean there aren't some bad things? No. But imo it's not really more or less chaotic than any other time in the last 20-30yrs. Just different challenges, but challenges none the less, with God still in charge.
It is true that Trump's unpredictability, his mean, uncouth ways, words and mannerisms came across as chaotic. However It was Trump's chaotic unpredictability, his craziness, that the nation's arch enemies feared, and what kept wars at bay during his presidency. I think there are millions of people caught in these horrific wars today, who would rather have a the leader of the free world, who foreign leaders feared, versus the chaos of their loved ones being killed, maimed, taken hostage, etc. Which chaos do you think was better for this world, the chaos of a president who sent out mean tweets, was uncouth, and crazy, or the chaos of horrific wars, because the brutal leaders see weakness in an American president?
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Re: POLL: Would you like these policies carried out by a future administration?

Post by JohnHurt »

ohio jones wrote: Tue Nov 14, 2023 1:40 pm
JohnHurt wrote: Mon Nov 13, 2023 9:48 pm There is a place for Joe Biden, Kamala, Merrick Garland, and all the rest. On this side of Jordan, it should be Supermax in Florence CO, and on the other side of Jordan, something similar but worse.
For those of you who think John is extreme, we should be thankful he's not one of those who believes that Biden, Harris, and others are in Guantanamo, the people we see in their roles are actors, the inauguration was staged in California, Trump is still president and is in control of the military, and the Truth will be revealed for all to see Any Day Now ("next month" has morphed into "next year" but they still believe).
Those are some very ridiculous theories by Q or QANON posted on 4Chan.

Q and QANON is a CIA operation, and they spread all of these ridiculous theories as misinformation to make everyone that opposes them look stupid.

Here is another ridiculous theory they created:

Jeffrey Epstein killed himself in prison.

Epstein was the most highly visible prisoner to the media, and locked away in the most secure prison in New York.

Then the two prison guards that are watching Epstein both take a break at the same time, and the cameras recording Epstein in his cell also malfunction at the same time - just a 30 minute window where everything miraculously "lines up".

Somehow, Epstein knew this, and picked this time to kill himself.

We are told that Epstein hung himself with his own bedsheet and broke his neck in 3 places. He supposedly tied his bedsheet to his bedpost - that was 5 feet off the ground. No drop from 10 feet to snap the neck, just that Jeffrey Epstein could somehow lean over against a bedsheet and break his own neck.

That is absolutely impossible, yet Bill Barr, Trump's Attorney General, never investigated. Why?

Epstein ran a blackmail operation, where rich and powerful men were allowed to have sex with underage minors, while Epstein secretly videoed them to control them. Men like Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Alan Dershowitz, and others were all recorded by Epstein on video committing crimes against children. Epstein's New York mansion had cameras in every room, and the police recovered thousands of hours of sex videos featuring hundreds of the most powerful men in the USA (and overseas royalty), engaging in pedophilia, which is a very serious crime.

If Epstein had gone to trial, these videos would have come out in the discovery process. And a LOT of Democrats and many Republicans would have gone to jail, that is, if they found someone honest enough to prosecute them.

The point is, almost all of the Democrats, and the majority of the Republicans are pedophiles. Republicans like George Bush Sr. and Jr. - are members of Skull and Bones, and go each year to Bohemian Grove where they worship Satan. Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon also attended Bohemian Grove.

The Devil controls our political process, and he is able to give the kingdoms of the world to whoever he pleases:

The Devil tempted Christ with this power over the kingdoms of men, and for it to be a valid temptation of Christ, then the power the Devil has must be real:
Luke 4: (5) And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.

(6) And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it.

(7) If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine.

(8) And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.
This should tell us that almost everyone that achieves a high political office has been compromised, either Democrat or Republican.

The only difference between the two parties is that the Republican "cater" to the Christians to get their votes. That is why the Republicans never seem to be able to "turn the tide" as they are on the same side with the Democrats. The Republicans are the "slow walk" to socialism, while the Democrats are hell bent.

It is time to put your trust in God, and build a Christian Community that is independent of their system.
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"He replaced the teachings of Christ with his own opinions, and gave us a religion based on the doctrines of men."
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