POLL: Would you like these policies carried out by a future administration?

Events occurring and how they relate/affect Anabaptist faith and culture.

Which of these or none would you like to see carried out?

Use the military to participate in, facilitate the largest deportation of undocumented immigrants ever attempted.
Order the National Guard into cities with high crime rates, regardless of what state/local officials there want.
Impose a 10% tariff on almost all foreign goods (Guaranteeing increased prices for consumers).
Appoint a special prosecutor to prosecute their political opponents.
No votes
Purge the federal civil service of anyone who questions them (Or insufficiently loyal? Anybody not carrying the right party card?)
No votes
Shoot/kill suspected shoplifters, drug dealers or immigrants suspected of carrying fentanyl across border (no questions, no arrest, no due process)
None of the above.
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Re: POLL: Would you like these policies carried out by a future administration?

Post by Ken »

Josh wrote: Wed Nov 08, 2023 12:58 pm Maybe Trump wants to prevent insurrections like 1/6? Aren’t you folks against insurrections?
Other than the Civil War, we were pretty safe from insurrections before Trump came along.
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Re: POLL: Would you like these policies carried out by a future administration?

Post by Jazman »

I return to the theme from the beginning and later additions... I've sensed/observed here on this forum, that for some, these kinds of policies or top-down actions from an administration would be welcomed. Maybe it's unrealistic or too much on the nose to expect people to jump up and say, "Yes! I'd be onboard with this or that" But my curiosity continues. My interest in the thought experience continues. I think it's wise and helpful for myself and for Christians in all levels of community (broad to local church) to explore thought experiments because they can reveal our heart's intents under pressures and stressors.
So I'm still curious and although it may be unrealistic wishfulness, I'd still like to hear more from all those who, based on prior expressions here, would seem to be supportive of the proposed actions suggested at various times by the candidate in question.. and the Why you would want them to happen? Or is there a reason you don't want to publicly support them here or is there a place you would feel comfortable saying, "yes, I hope this happens"

So here's another recent goal offered by the candidate supported by many claiming Christians and supported by many who claim they want the country to return to a closer adherence to the Constitution and what they think the Founders intended....
During the interview on the Spanish-language TV network, journalist Enrique Acevedo asked Trump if he would weaponize the FBI and Justice Department on his opponents in the same way he claims federal law enforcement agencies have been weaponized against him.

“Yeah. If they do this, and they’ve already done it, but if they follow through on this, yeah, it could certainly happen in reverse,” Trump told Acevedo, according to excerpts of the interview.

“What they’ve done is they’ve released the genie out of the box,” the former president continued, adding, “You know, when you’re president and you’ve done a good job and you’re popular, you don’t go after them so you can win an election.”

“They have done something that allows the next party … if I happen to be president and I see somebody who’s doing well and beating me very badly, I say, ‘Go down and indict them.’ They’d be out of business. They’d be out of the election,” Trump continued.
(From Univision interview)
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Re: POLL: Would you like these policies carried out by a future administration?

Post by Josh »

Given how few people voted for the caricatures you posted, I suggest you give up your obsession with Mr Trump.
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Re: POLL: Would you like these policies carried out by a future administration?

Post by Jazman »

Josh wrote: Mon Nov 13, 2023 6:39 am Given how few people voted for the caricatures you posted, I suggest you give up your obsession with Mr Trump.
Ok, so if Trump wasn't a potential candidate but the replacement GOP frontrunner (DeSantos, Haley, whomever) were proposing the suggested policy/admin. actions so far given in this op and thread, would you be in favor of them? Yes, I'm quoting Trump... but that's beside the point of this op.

Return to the title and focus on that. "Would you like these policies carried out by a future administration?"
If you don't want to answer that, say so and why. Telling me to focus on something else is a deflection and not an answer to the question.
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Re: POLL: Would you like these policies carried out by a future administration?

Post by RZehr »

I selected 7 None of the above.
But if things got bad enough someday, maybe I’d be open to 2. I don’t want it now.
I don’t care much one way or another about the tariff, #3.
I’m opposed to 1, 4, 5, and 6.
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Re: POLL: Would you like these policies carried out by a future administration?

Post by Josh »

Jazman wrote: Mon Nov 13, 2023 12:52 pm
Josh wrote: Mon Nov 13, 2023 6:39 am Given how few people voted for the caricatures you posted, I suggest you give up your obsession with Mr Trump.
Ok, so if Trump wasn't a potential candidate but the replacement GOP frontrunner (DeSantos, Haley, whomever) were proposing the suggested policy/admin. actions so far given in this op and thread, would you be in favor of them? Yes, I'm quoting Trump... but that's beside the point of this op.

Return to the title and focus on that. "Would you like these policies carried out by a future administration?"
If you don't want to answer that, say so and why. Telling me to focus on something else is a deflection and not an answer to the question.
Your poll questions amount to asking Trump supporters “Have you stopped beating your wife yet?” Unsurprisingly, few of them want to engage with that - and we have few Trump supporters here to begin with.

If you want a reasonable debate and people to engage and respond, don’t ask rhetorical questions.
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Re: POLL: Would you like these policies carried out by a future administration?

Post by JohnHurt »

Josh wrote: Mon Nov 13, 2023 2:59 pm
Jazman wrote: Mon Nov 13, 2023 12:52 pm
Josh wrote: Mon Nov 13, 2023 6:39 am Given how few people voted for the caricatures you posted, I suggest you give up your obsession with Mr Trump.
Ok, so if Trump wasn't a potential candidate but the replacement GOP frontrunner (DeSantos, Haley, whomever) were proposing the suggested policy/admin. actions so far given in this op and thread, would you be in favor of them? Yes, I'm quoting Trump... but that's beside the point of this op.

Return to the title and focus on that. "Would you like these policies carried out by a future administration?"
If you don't want to answer that, say so and why. Telling me to focus on something else is a deflection and not an answer to the question.
Your poll questions amount to asking Trump supporters “Have you stopped beating your wife yet?” Unsurprisingly, few of them want to engage with that - and we have few Trump supporters here to begin with.

If you want a reasonable debate and people to engage and respond, don’t ask rhetorical questions.
It really was a loaded question. So let me load the other 5 chambers.

I understand that the Trump tariffs against Chinese imports are still in place in the Biden Administration because they can't do without the tremendous amount of revenue it provides to the US Government.

The Elite hate this tariff because it means they can't make incredible profits off importing cheap Chinese goods into the US. These Chinese goods have eliminated many US Manufacturing firms.

China has no EPA, and their coal plants make China one of the worst polluters on the planet. They also treat their workers like slaves, and had to install "suicide nets" around the FoxConn plants (Apple and HP). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foxconn_suicides

This is the fruit of Chinese Communism, and this what Socialism/Communism will do to our country as well. Every Socialist country has to put walls around their borders to keep their people from running away. That is the path where liberalism is taking us.

The Elite also supported Biden shutting down the oil pipelines, which sent gas prices skyrocketing, and pushed the price of everything that depends on oil much higher, like UPS delivering packages, fertilizer made from oil and natural gas, PVC pipe prices, etc. The Elite did this to so they can make more money off selling gasoline to us.

It only take $1 to make a gallon of gas, and the Elite want to create a permanent oil shortage to make themselves even wealthier. The Elite run America. Joe Biden is their ridiculous puppet with dementia, and Kamala communicates at a 4th grade level, so they are NOT the ones in charge. And that 81 million people voted for them, give me a break. No one would vote for their own slavery, so they have to steal their elections, because none of their policies are popular with the voters. That is why they put cardboard over the windows in Detroit, and had to stuff fake absentee ballots in all of the swing states. No one would vote for them otherwise.

But the real crime is what the Biden Administration does to the "illegal aliens". Here is a question that no liberal can answer: Why doesn't the Biden Administration just increase the LEGAL immigration levels so that all of these people can come to the USA "legally"? Crickets.

The Elite that run the Democratic Party want these people here "illegally" as a cheap underground source of labor that won't speak out about bad working conditions. This surplus of illegal labor drives down the prices of all unskilled labor. Want to know why your son or daughter with a high school diploma must work a minimum wage job for $7.75 an hour, which is not a living wage and must live in your basement? Because Biden and the Democrats have an open border to provide cheap labor to the Elite so your children can't have a living wage, that is why.

And for every illegal alien coming here that suffocates in a trailer in the sun, every woman that is raped by a "coyote", every child that dies in the desert trying to get to America, all of these unfortunate wretches - the Democrats are to blame for all of their deaths. Why not just let them come in legally? No. The Democrats tell us that they must suffer as "illegals". Biden stole the election and now we must all suffer, including the "illegals".

There is a place for Joe Biden, Kamala, Merrick Garland, and all the rest. On this side of Jordan, it should be Supermax in Florence CO, and on the other side of Jordan, something similar but worse.

If you vote for these people, you are responsible for what they do. The LGBT, binary bathrooms, the endless war in Ukraine and now Israel, this is not just Biden or the "Elite", but it is the work of those that voted for them.

These people worship Satan. Look at the book "Rules for Radicals" by Saul Alinsky which many Democrats have endorsed. It is dedicated to Lucifer:

Here is the dedication:
Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins — or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.

Don't believe me, see it for yourself, it is on page 10:
https://archive.org/details/RulesForRad ... 9/mode/2up

So maybe a better poll would be:

Do you support our Country following Satan? (transgender, homosexuality, abortion, endless wars, unlimited illegal immigration to create a permanent slave class, etc.)


Do you support our Country following Christ? (Marriage only between a man and woman, sex only in marriage, every life is sacred, no more wars, a legal immigration solution that treats everyone like real people, etc.)

Now that would be a good poll. I would probably be in the minority, just as Christ predicted. Mt 7:13-14.
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Re: POLL: Would you like these policies carried out by a future administration?

Post by Ken »

JohnHurt wrote: Mon Nov 13, 2023 9:48 pmChina has no EPA, and their coal plants make China one of the worst polluters on the planet. They also treat their workers like slaves, and had to install "suicide nets" around the FoxConn plants (Apple and HP). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foxconn_suicides
China most certainly has an EPA that has greater power than the EPA in the US. In China it is called the Ministry of Ecology and the Environment: https://english.mee.gov.cn/

And while China does have extensive use of coal, they also have made far greater investments in clean energy than we have here in the US: Wind, solar, hydro, nuclear, etc. As well as EVs, electrified trains, etc. And per-capita carbon emissions in China are about half what they are in the US and Canada.
JohnHurt wrote: Mon Nov 13, 2023 9:48 pmThe Elite also supported Biden shutting down the oil pipelines, which sent gas prices skyrocketing, and pushed the price of everything that depends on oil much higher, like UPS delivering packages, fertilizer made from oil and natural gas, PVC pipe prices, etc. The Elite did this to so they can make more money off selling gasoline to us.
Oil is traded on global markets and so very little the Biden Administration has done has had any effect on global oil prices. OPEC, the war in Ukraine, sanctions on Iran and Venezuela are far more consequential and none of those are actions by the Biden Administration. And as for pipelines? Are you talking about the Keystone XL Pipeline? That was intended to ship crude oil from Western Canada to refineries in the Gulf Coast. All of that oil is still making it to refineries and the world market through other pipelines including the Canadian trans-mountain pipeline to British Columbia: https://www.cer-rec.gc.ca/en/data-analy ... ystem.html
JohnHurt wrote: Mon Nov 13, 2023 9:48 pmIt only take $1 to make a gallon of gas, and the Elite want to create a permanent oil shortage to make themselves even wealthier. The Elite run America. Joe Biden is their ridiculous puppet with dementia, and Kamala communicates at a 4th grade level, so they are NOT the ones in charge. And that 81 million people voted for them, give me a break. No one would vote for their own slavery, so they have to steal their elections, because none of their policies are popular with the voters. That is why they put cardboard over the windows in Detroit, and had to stuff fake absentee ballots in all of the swing states. No one would vote for them otherwise.
What "elites" are you talking about? Certainly not any Democratic elites. This is who is profiting off of increased oil prices. And to the extend that Exxon-Mobile and the other major oil companies have a political constituency, it is Republican not Democratic.

JohnHurt wrote: Mon Nov 13, 2023 9:48 pmBut the real crime is what the Biden Administration does to the "illegal aliens". Here is a question that no liberal can answer: Why doesn't the Biden Administration just increase the LEGAL immigration levels so that all of these people can come to the USA "legally"? Crickets.
That answer is absurdly easy to answer. Legal immigration quotas are entirely the purview of Congress, not the Administration. If you want changes to immigration law, look to Congress.

Trump did three major things with respect to immigration. First, he imposed a Muslim ban that was shot down by the courts. Then he implemented a family separation policy that was also ultimately shut down by the courts. Finally he implement COVID-related emergency measures based on a declaration of a public health emergency that has since expired.

Anything else you want to do with respect to immigration requires action by Congress. The question you should be asking is why Congress hasn't addressed immigration in any meaningful way since the Reagan Administration. Both parties have had full control over Congress numerous times since then including Trump from 2017-2018 and Biden from 2021-2022 and none have addressed immigration in any sort of comprehensive way. Why is that? In fact the House of Representatives is currently under Republican control and they are voting to CUT funds for immigration enforcement and immigration courts, not increase them. And I'm not aware of any new Republican-inspired immigration laws being proposed and developed in the House, are you?
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Re: POLL: Would you like these policies carried out by a future administration?

Post by JohnHurt »

Ken wrote: Mon Nov 13, 2023 10:36 pm And while China does have extensive use of coal, they also have made far greater investments in clean energy than we have here in the US: Wind, solar, hydro, nuclear, etc. As well as EVs, electrified trains, etc. And per-capita carbon emissions in China are about half what they are in the US and Canada.
China emissions exceed all developed nations combined
The People’s Republic of China is the world’s leading annual emitter of greenhouse gases and mercury. This noxious air pollution threatens China’s people, as well as global health and the world’s economy.

An estimated 1.24 million people died from exposure to air pollution in the PRC in 2017, according to a recent study in the medical journal The Lancet. Since 2000, the number of people who have died from air pollution in the PRC tops 30 million, according to New Scientist magazine.

Source: https://ge.usembassy.gov/chinas-air-pol ... the-world/
Ken wrote: Mon Nov 13, 2023 10:36 pm Oil is traded on global markets and so very little the Biden Administration has done has had any effect on global oil prices. OPEC, the war in Ukraine, sanctions on Iran and Venezuela are far more consequential and none of those are actions by the Biden Administration. And as for pipelines? Are you talking about the Keystone XL Pipeline? That was intended to ship crude oil from Western Canada to refineries in the Gulf Coast. All of that oil is still making it to refineries and the world market through other pipelines including the Canadian trans-mountain pipeline to British Columbia:
When Biden shut the pipelines down, gasoline in Tennessee went from $1.78 to $3.50 a gallon. He shut down the pipelines the day he got into office.
The war in Ukraine started under Biden, not Trump.
The Keystone pipeline would have brought oil to the Gulf Coast refineries for use in the USA, and now without it, they have to ship to British Columbia to refineries in China. That is why the oil from Canada is not here, it is in China.

The USA, for the first time under Trump, became an oil exporter nation. We produced more oil than we used. Not under Biden.

But there is more profit for the Elite bankers etc., the 1% that own almost everything, if there is a shortage of oil in the USA. That is the only way they can raise the price of gasoline, etc. to 3 times what it really costs, so that the Elite can make more profit. That is why you are broke under Biden, while you were doing "OK" under Trump.

Your "boy" Biden is a willing lackey for the Elite, as are all of the Democrats. They are no longer the "anti-war" party of the 1960's that represented the working class. The Democrats are pro-war, and represent the Elite class only.
Ken wrote: Mon Nov 13, 2023 10:36 pm That answer is absurdly easy to answer. Legal immigration quotas are entirely the purview of Congress, not the Administration. If you want changes to immigration law, look to Congress.
Ken, just remember that Nancy Pelosi was the Speaker of the House, run by Democrats, until January of 2023 - only 10 months ago. The Democrats also control the Senate - even now. So both houses of Congress were controlled by the Democrats - and they did nothing but open the borders to illegal immigration.

The Democrats work for the Elite, the 1% that own everything. If the Elite says "jump", the Democrats are already off the ground. The Elites want cheap undocumented labor that won't complain about working conditions, and the Democrats have made that possible. The horrible truth is what the Democrats have done to all of the LEGAL immigrants and working poor, as unskilled labor can't find a job that pays a living wage. You can't make it on minimum wage in this country, and people have to live in their parents' basement because of the HUGE undocumented labor pool, made possible by the Democratic party.

And leaving the borders wide open also brings in members of MS-13 and other gangs to our country, along with fentanyl and drugs that are killing so many people. Not to mention the child smugglers. Children come across the border and just disappear into these pedophile rings.

Pedophilia is a big thing for the Democrats. Look at the Podesta brothers and all of that "pedo art" they have. Look at Jeffrey Epstein, and all of the young girls that he abused. Look at the emails from Barack Obama about whether they were having "hot dogs' (young boys) or "cheese pizza" (young girls) that day.

These people are Satanists. They worship the Devil. That is why they push LGBT, homosexual marriage, abortion and everything else that denies Jesus Christ.

This is NOT the same Democratic party that my family used to belong to. The Democratic Party is pro-war now, and they work for the Elites, not us.
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Re: POLL: Would you like these policies carried out by a future administration?

Post by JimFoxvog »

Wow, JohnHurt! You really have an interesting belief system.
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