The End is nigh, right? CA perspectives wanted

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The End is nigh, right? CA perspectives wanted

Post by KingdomBuilder »

The Coming of the Son of Man
25 “And there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth distress of nations in perplexity because of the roaring of the sea and the waves, 26 people fainting with fear and with foreboding of what is coming on the world. For the powers of the heavens will be shaken.
Luke 21:25-26

I've seen so many people citing the Mexican earthquake, Irma and Harvey, wildfires, and the eclipse as "signs that the end is close".
Does this type of talk go on in CA circles?
How do CA's typically look upon this passage?
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Re: The End is nigh, right? CA perspectives wanted

Post by appleman2006 »

It does. However it is somewhat muted at least when I am around because most people know my views on the subject. :)
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Re: The End is nigh, right? CA perspectives wanted

Post by Valerie »

appleman2006 wrote:It does. However it is somewhat muted at least when I am around because most people know my views on the subject. :)
:pray for appleman :hug:
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Re: The End is nigh, right? CA perspectives wanted

Post by KingdomBuilder »

appleman2006 wrote:It does. However it is somewhat muted at least when I am around because most people know my views on the subject. :)
Care to elaborate?
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Re: The End is nigh, right? CA perspectives wanted

Post by YorkandAdams »

My opinion on the subject is that we have made it through much worse. Let's keep trudging through whatever is thrown at us, and be "blissfully surprised" when Christ comes. No man knows the time or day, and I find no use obsessing over possible signs.

When it comes, I'm ready!
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Re: The End is nigh, right? CA perspectives wanted

Post by Valerie »

YorkandAdams wrote:My opinion on the subject is that we have made it through much worse. Let's keep trudging through whatever is thrown at us, and be "blissfully surprised" when Christ comes. No man knows the time or day, and I find no use obsessing over possible signs.

When it comes, I'm ready!
I agree that we are not to obsess about the signs, but Jesus did teach about the signs, and compared them to birth pangs. Men cannot relate to birth pangs, but- women who have 'labored' in child birth knows what this means :D birth pangs, as the birth draws closer, intensify, and grow closer together in time. My feeling is that Jesus gave us the signs to watch for- even if we do not know the 'day or the hour' He, and the Apostles- taught the signs- now the the unbelievers, that day will come like a thief in the night- but this is what Apostle Paul says about Christians in 1 Thessalonians 5, that lead me to believe that we are going to have a sense about it to where it won't catch us off guard like a thief, and to be 'watchful' constantly- but agree, not to obsess about it or try to pinpoint it- but it, imo is not wrong to share about the signs of the end- because they are Scripturally taught-

1 Thessalonians 5:

1But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. 2For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. 3For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. 4But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. 5Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. 6Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober. 7For they that sleep sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night. 8But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation. 9For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, 10Who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him. 11Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do.
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Re: The End is nigh, right? CA perspectives wanted

Post by Josh »

KingdomBuilder wrote:
The Coming of the Son of Man
25 “And there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth distress of nations in perplexity because of the roaring of the sea and the waves, 26 people fainting with fear and with foreboding of what is coming on the world. For the powers of the heavens will be shaken.
Luke 21:25-26

I've seen so many people citing the Mexican earthquake, Irma and Harvey, wildfires, and the eclipse as "signs that the end is close".
Does this type of talk go on in CA circles?
How do CA's typically look upon this passage?
Depends on the CA. Many CAs are heavily influenced by premillennialism or teachings on the rapture.

The more "conservative", Old Order, or otherwise isolated from outside influences, the more CAs tend to be amillennial and to not really focus too much on various weather events as the "end times", but instead view the "end times" as here for all men who are called to repent and become part of Jesus' kingdom.
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Re: The End is nigh, right? CA perspectives wanted

Post by RZehr »

Josh wrote: Depends on the CA. Many CAs are heavily influenced by premillennialism or teachings on the rapture.
I agree with this. You may find premillennialism strongest in the east. Out here there is some that believe that, but the belief that the end is nigh is not strong.
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Re: The End is nigh, right? CA perspectives wanted

Post by appleman2006 »

KingdomBuilder wrote:
appleman2006 wrote:It does. However it is somewhat muted at least when I am around because most people know my views on the subject. :)
Care to elaborate?
DanZ's comment in another thread on this subject pretty well sums up my position. I feel that Christians have done a vast amount of harm to the cause of the Kingdom by trying to make predictions about the future.

I believe that storms and the like are given to us as a sign to remind us of our dependence on our creator. As they relate to "the end"? I really do not think we know that or are meant to know that. My desire is to be ready to meet my maker when he calls me be that today or 40 years from now. My other desire which is just as great is to be of service to him here on earth until he is finished with me here. Anything further than that I have no desire to know nor do I believe we are meant to know.
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Re: The End is nigh, right? CA perspectives wanted

Post by lesterb »

RZehr wrote:
Josh wrote: Depends on the CA. Many CAs are heavily influenced by premillennialism or teachings on the rapture.
I agree with this. You may find premillennialism strongest in the east. Out here there is some that believe that, but the belief that the end is nigh is not strong.
At Stirling, 25 years ago, Premillennialism was considered heresy, and the leaders would not allow it to be preached here. That has changed, but I don't know of more than maybe one or two people who would lean that way.
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