The "Russian Hoax"

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Re: The "Russian Hoax"

Post by Grace »

FBI aside. The Mueller Investigation cost the tax payers over 12 million dollars. The investigation interviewed over 500 witnesses, lasted almost 2 years. Now we have the Durham Report, through investigation, saying that the Mueller Investigation should never have happened.

Adam Schiff was behind much of this and we now know he lied to all America taking the country down and disrupting democracy. He lied with the purpose of attempting to overturn the votes of millions of people. McCarthy is calling for the Ethics committee to deal with Schiff. I won't get my hopes up to high on that.
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Re: The "Russian Hoax"

Post by temporal1 »

GaryK wrote: Tue May 16, 2023 6:48 pm Here is what Durham says about it.
This report does not recommend any wholesale changes in the guidelines and policies
that the Department and the FBI now have in place to ensure proper conduct and accountability
in how counterintelligence activities are carried out.

Rather, it is intended to accurately describe the matters that fell under our review and to assist the Attorney General in determining how the Department and the FBI can do a better, more credible job in fulfilling its responsibilities, and in
analyzing and responding to politically charged allegations in the future.

Ultimately, of course, meeting those responsibilities comes down to the integrity of the people who take an oath to
follow the guidelines and policies currently in place, guidelines that date from the time of
Attorney General Levi and that are designed to ensure the rule of law is upheld.

As such, the answer is not the creation of new rules but a renewed fidelity to the old.
The promulgation of additional rules and regulations to be learned in yet more training sessions would likely prove to
be a fruitless exercise if the FBI's guiding principles of "Fidelity, Bravery and Integrity" are not
engrained in the hearts and minds of those sworn to meet the FBI' s mission of "Protect[ing] the
American People and Uphold[ing] the Constitution of the United States."
The underlined and bolded seems pretty substantial to me.
I'm taking from this and the rest of the executive summary that there was a significant departure from the FBI's guiding principles
and what is needed is a "renewed fidelity to the old" rules.

Whether or not people are going to be held accountable for departing from following the existing rules is yet to be seen.
I have my doubts.
^^ So often true.
Adding laws to existing-laws-that-are-ignored makes no good sense.
Grace wrote: Tue May 16, 2023 7:04 pm FBI aside.
The Mueller Investigation cost the tax payers over 12 million dollars.
The investigation interviewed over 500 witnesses, lasted almost 2 years.
Now we have the Durham Report, through investigation, saying that the Mueller Investigation should never have happened.

Adam Schiff was behind much of this and we now know he lied to all America taking the country down and disrupting democracy.
He lied with the purpose of attempting to overturn the votes of millions of people.

McCarthy is calling for the Ethics committee to deal with Schiff.
I won't get my hopes up to high on that.
^^As i’ve read some on the Durham report today, i had an idea that i would visit MN to see apologies extended, esp to Josh and Robert, about overly-idealizing the FBI. My personal Fantasy Island.

i also remembered Sam Harris’ candor about what lengths the TDS madness was/is willing to go:

TDS / Sam Harris, posterboy
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Re: The "Russian Hoax"

Post by Szdfan »

Grace wrote: Tue May 16, 2023 7:04 pm FBI aside. The Mueller Investigation cost the tax payers over 12 million dollars. The investigation interviewed over 500 witnesses, lasted almost 2 years. Now we have the Durham Report, through investigation, saying that the Mueller Investigation should never have happened.
I’d like to see a quote from the Durham report stating that the Mueller investigation shouldn’t have happened.

My understanding is that the Durham report states that the FBI shouldn’t have launched a full investigation into the Trump-Russia collusion allegations, but also states that the FBI should have launched a preliminary investigation. That’s a bit of a nuance.
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Re: The "Russian Hoax"

Post by Ken »

Grace wrote: Tue May 16, 2023 7:04 pm FBI aside. The Mueller Investigation cost the tax payers over 12 million dollars. The investigation interviewed over 500 witnesses, lasted almost 2 years. Now we have the Durham Report, through investigation, saying that the Mueller Investigation should never have happened.

Adam Schiff was behind much of this and we now know he lied to all America taking the country down and disrupting democracy. He lied with the purpose of attempting to overturn the votes of millions of people. McCarthy is calling for the Ethics committee to deal with Schiff. I won't get my hopes up to high on that.
Where are you getting your information? None of this is remotely true.

The Mueller Special Counsel Investigation was authorized by Trump's Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein after Trump fired FBI director James Comey for the absurd pretext the he was being too mean to Hillary Clinton. This happened after Trump's Attorney General Jeff Sessions had to recuse himself because he had his own Russia connection after it was revealed that Sessions had secretly met with the Russian Ambassador and had not reported the meetings. Which made a Special Counsel necessary. To recap:
  • Republican Donald Trump fires Republican FBI Director James Comey and appoints Republican Christopher Wray in his place.
  • Republican Attorney General Jeff Sessions recuses himself due to his own Russian entanglements
  • Republican Deputy Attorney General Rob Rosenstein appoints Republican Robert Mueller as a Special Counsel to investigate Russian interference in the election
  • As a result of his investigation, Republican Robert Mueller secures 34 separate indictments for wrong-doing associated with Russia and the 2016 elections including numerous counts of obstruction of justice, lying to Federal Investigators, and other forms of fraud including top ranking Trump Campaign officials.
  • At the same time, the Republican controlled Senate under Republican Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell conducted its own investigation of the 2016 election which also documented extensive Russian meddling in the 2016 election in the Senate Intelligence Committee's 5-volume report, led by the Intelligence Committee Chair, Republican Richard Burr of North Carolina
Democrat Adam Schiff had nothing to do with any of it. In fact, the House was under Republican control during this entire time period under Republican speaker Paul Ryan. Adam Schiff was in the minority during the 115th Congress (2016-2018) and played zero role in any of the investigations into the 2016 election.

In fact, during the period of time in question, Republicans were running the White House, Justice Department, Supreme Court, FBI, Senate, and House of Representatives and there were no Democrats holding positions of power anywhere in the government.
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A fool can throw out more questions than a wise man can answer. -RZehr

Re: The "Russian Hoax"

Post by Jazman »

Ken wrote: Tue May 16, 2023 11:08 pm
Grace wrote: Tue May 16, 2023 7:04 pm FBI aside. The Mueller Investigation cost the tax payers over 12 million dollars. The investigation interviewed over 500 witnesses, lasted almost 2 years. Now we have the Durham Report, through investigation, saying that the Mueller Investigation should never have happened.

Adam Schiff was behind much of this and we now know he lied to all America taking the country down and disrupting democracy. He lied with the purpose of attempting to overturn the votes of millions of people. McCarthy is calling for the Ethics committee to deal with Schiff. I won't get my hopes up to high on that.
Where are you getting your information? None of this is remotely true.

The Mueller Special Counsel Investigation was authorized by Trump's Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein after Trump fired FBI director James Comey for the absurd pretext the he was being too mean to Hillary Clinton. This happened after Trump's Attorney General Jeff Sessions had to recuse himself because he had his own Russia connection after it was revealed that Sessions had secretly met with the Russian Ambassador and had not reported the meetings. Which made a Special Counsel necessary. To recap:
  • Republican Donald Trump fires Republican FBI Director James Comey and appoints Republican Christopher Wray in his place.
  • Republican Attorney General Jeff Sessions recuses himself due to his own Russian entanglements
  • Republican Deputy Attorney General Rob Rosenstein appoints Republican Robert Mueller as a Special Counsel to investigate Russian interference in the election
  • As a result of his investigation, Republican Robert Mueller secures 34 separate indictments for wrong-doing associated with Russia and the 2016 elections including numerous counts of obstruction of justice, lying to Federal Investigators, and other forms of fraud including top ranking Trump Campaign officials.
  • At the same time, the Republican controlled Senate under Republican Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell conducted its own investigation of the 2016 election which also documented extensive Russian meddling in the 2016 election in the Senate Intelligence Committee's 5-volume report, led by the Intelligence Committee Chair, Republican Richard Burr of North Carolina
Democrat Adam Schiff had nothing to do with any of it. In fact, the House was under Republican control during this entire time period under Republican speaker Paul Ryan. Adam Schiff was in the minority during the 115th Congress (2016-2018) and played zero role in any of the investigations into the 2016 election.

In fact, during the period of time in question, Republicans were running the White House, Justice Department, Supreme Court, FBI, Senate, and House of Representatives and there were no Democrats holding positions of power anywhere in the government.
But Ken, Ken... that's not the narrative we Want To Hear! :D
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Re: The "Russian Hoax"

Post by Grace »

Democrat Adam Schiff had nothing to do with any of it. In fact, the House was under Republican control during this entire time period under Republican speaker Paul Ryan. Adam Schiff was in the minority during the 115th Congress (2016-2018) and played zero role in any of the investigations into the 2016 election.
No .....Schiff had zero role in pushing for investigations(sic).

Yet for several years, Adam Schiff, took every opportunity he could to be on every talk and late-night show lying to the American people and to congress that he has strong evidence that Trump colluded with Russia. He was an just about every Main stream media news program pushing his lie about having overwhelming evidence that Trump colluded with Russia.

On March 2017 Schiff made an appearance on MSNBC and promoted his lie, by saying, “There is more than circumstantial evidence now” of a relationship between Russia and Trump’s associates. Later in December of that year, Schiff said on CNN: “The Russians offered help, the campaign accepted help. The Russians gave help and the president made full use of that help. That is pretty damning, whether it is proof beyond a reasonable doubt of conspiracy or not.”

Schiff also said on ABC that the Russian trolling of Democratic National Committee emails is “like Watergate in the sense that you had a break in at the Democratic headquarters, in this case a virtual one, not a physical break in, and you had a president as part of a cover up,” he said. Schiff said later that the Russia investigation is “a size and scope probably beyond Watergate.”

It was Schiff who insisted that FBI and DOJ officials did not abuse the FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) courts or hide information from judges. Also We now know Schiff lied to the public and claimed that the FBI didn’t rely heavily on the Fake Steele Dossier to obtain an illegal FISA warrant on Trump’s campaign, when he knew they did.

Even after the results to the Mueller Investigation came out the desperate Schiff still pushed his lie, by dragging Mueller out for a public hearing on the matter. For anyone who listened to that hearing, Mueller's performance was disastrous.

Schiff may not been part of the inner workings to get an investigation together and going. But it was his and others rhetoric and their out and out lies that pushed for an investigation. To say that Schiff didn’t promote and push for an investigation is ridiculous. ... entID=1572 ... alsehoods/ ... d-america/
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Re: The "Russian Hoax"

Post by JimFoxvog »

Grace, since what Rep. Schiff said has been shown to be true, why are you calling it lies?
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Re: The "Russian Hoax"

Post by Grace »

JimFoxvog wrote: Wed May 17, 2023 8:27 am Grace, since what Rep. Schiff said has been shown to be true, why are you calling it lies?
Do not confuse the fact though, that the Mueller Investigation DID find that Russia did interfere with the 2016 election, but the investigation DID NOT find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it, conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in these efforts. Yet Adam Schiff consistently and forcefully made the false claim that there was ample evidence the Trump Campaign did collude with Russia.

BTW, Russia has been attempting to interfere with United Sates elections for the last 75 years.
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Re: The "Russian Hoax"

Post by Bootstrap »

Grace wrote: Tue May 16, 2023 7:04 pm FBI aside. The Mueller Investigation cost the tax payers over 12 million dollars. The investigation interviewed over 500 witnesses, lasted almost 2 years. Now we have the Durham Report, through investigation, saying that the Mueller Investigation should never have happened.
Actually, no. It doesn't say that. It actually says that it SHOULD have been investigated, but Durham says he thinks it should have been opened as a preliminary investigation, not as a full investigation. But Durham did not say that opening it as a full investigation violated any rule or law. He didn't charge any high-level FBI or intelligence official with any crime, and one of his footnote says that the Clinton campaign did nothing prosecutable in 2016.

It does not accuse the investigation of political bias, though it does accuse it of "confirmation bias", finding what it expected to see. It does not invalidate a single result of the Mueller Investigation.

The Durham Report does mention problems that previous reports found - the FISA irregularities involving Carter Page, but I don't see much new here. The Horowitz Report already found those things. And Horowitz found explicitly that the FBI investigation was not politically motivated.

So there's really not much substance to this report. Over the years, a lot of claims were made about what it would find. This report doesn't seem to contain any bombshells.
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Re: The "Russian Hoax"

Post by Bootstrap »

Grace wrote: Wed May 17, 2023 8:53 am BTW, Russia has been attempting to interfere with United Sates elections for the last 75 years.
But as far as I know, Trump's campaign is the first to interact so closely with Russians who were trying to interfere in our election. That's the part that was surprising and new.
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