Meanwhile, in Canada

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Re: Meanwhile, in Canada

Post by temporal1 »

duplicate post. :oops:
Last edited by temporal1 on Sat Nov 19, 2016 6:01 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Meanwhile, in Canada

Post by temporal1 »

mike wrote:
Signtist wrote:You will hardly find one reliable news source in Canada. The best you can do is read 3 or 4 and and take the average. That and stay away from the Ottawa Citizen.
I was going to ask you what's happening up there but... :shock: :lol:
Signtist, i wish i could recall what i read, but, i read something, probably a year or more ago, about Canada's generalized "news" bias, evidently, worse than in the U.S. :(

(i believe) it was your thread about the (persecuted) woodshop owners in (northern Ontario?) that reflected some of this.

i pray for Canada, and all countries; prayers are needed. all are targets for evil.
when this is ignored, which is easiest when information is not shared, but "distributed," it's easy to fantasize that others "have it better."
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Re: Meanwhile, in Canada

Post by Jazman »

Josh wrote:LifeSiteNews tends to exaggerate, repeat poorly sourced stories, and use clickbait headlines. Just because I usually like what they are saying doesn't mean they are in the service of truth.

Let's try not to keep repeating fake news. There are lots of good, reputable outlets talking about things like this.
I'll join your pushback with this anecdote... I've not read LifeSiteNews until very recently. but an article/headline came across my social media and it went something like this. "German law enforcement in massive raid drives out ISIS..." with an accompanying img of an all-out street brawl between police and bearded imams, etc.
- First, past experience with this particular friend posting immediately made me wonder at the veracity of this "news".
- So I dug a little deeper and for awhile thought the story was a complete hoax. I couldn't find any mention of a massive German law enforcement raid in places like the BBC, the Guardian, der Speigel, etc. Then I found a Washington Post story about it and it kind of correlated with the LifeSiteNews one, but Not really... Yes there were raids but a lot of it was searching for evidence, not rounding people up to be thrown out of the country. Turns out the group being scrutinized was True Religion, a group suspected (but not yet proven in the court of law) to be recruiting people to fight for ISIS in Syria. Yes the group is "banned" but it seems like that extends to their public activities and not their residential status.

My conclusion after this encounter with LifeSiteNews... they're not trustworthy but rather enjoy inflating things and stirring up angst or other emotions based on not-quite-right claims. In this case, my social media friend, who commented "About time!", took the LifeSiteNews story/headline as a big win for his anti-immigrant/refugee political team ("ISIS being kicked out of Germany) when in actuality that hadn't even happened! If he'd read the other more credible stories about this event he probably would have been less excited (see German officials statements in the linked WP story) Imo, in this case LifeSiteNews is drumming up false hope.

So avoid LifeSiteNews if possible or dig into other sources to see how the LifeSiteNews story stands up against reality...
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Re: Meanwhile, in Canada

Post by Signtist »

This particular story seems quite accurate. While T1 put in a plug for Lifesite, the more important part of her post is the news she quoted. It will be interesting to see how this young man does in the long term.
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Re: Meanwhile, in Canada

Post by temporal1 »

Signtist wrote:This particular story seems quite accurate. While T1 put in a plug for Lifesite, the more important part of her post is the news she quoted. It will be interesting to see how this young man does in the long term.
1. This thread is about Canada, not about plugging or bashing, sources.
if that's your goal, please create a thread for it. :D

2. i've NEVER suggested LSN is the "word of God," or anything close to it.
how much more clearly could i state it?

3. Signtist, you made a good point about the across-the-board lack of reliable "news" sources.
Breitbart certainly is not a "genteel," or moderate source!
i read Breitbart about as frequently as LSN. i retain the same regard to read "with a grain of salt."

4. Signtist, i agree about the interesting aspect of this young man's election -
thus - this thread! but, i hope, this thread will not be isolated to this one event in the whole of Canada!
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Re: Meanwhile, in Canada

Post by temporal1 »

i'm afraid, when readers see how members attack honest thoughts, opinions, posts, they might be afraid to post, themselves! not everyone cares to subject themselves to that sort of thing.

i only do, because, "i'm an idiot" - :!:
(head-banging-against-the-wall icon.)
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Re: Meanwhile, in Canada

Post by temporal1 »

Source bashing soap box - :arrow:
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Re: Meanwhile, in Canada

Post by temporal1 »

This report is out of Australia, but it's about a case in Vancouver, Canada.
(The link contains additional informational links.) ... uman_right

i added arrows ( :arrow: ) and some line spacing to the text below.

Marriage Alliance Australia


In the debate over same-sex marriage, there are many consequences and effects that have to be considered. Often times, one is completely overlooked: surrogacy.

What is surrogacy exactly? What are the reasons for bringing a child into the world? A bizarre case has recently brought these questions to the forefront of the discussion, as Michael Cook explored in his article at Mercatornet:

A good example of this occurred last month in Vancouver in a motor vehicle accident compensation case. It shows that access to surrogacy is being treated as a human right for people who cannot otherwise have offspring.

The story of Mikaela Wilhelmson is truly incredible. When Ms Wilhelmson’s car was hit head-on by a cocaine-addled speeding driver, she sustained horrific injuries. Her fiancé – also in the car – was killed.

The list of her injuries and complications, physical and psychological, makes gut-wrenching reading. It’s not surprising that she was awarded the maximum amount for pain and suffering.

What is unusual is the way in which she was compensated. Justice Neena Sharma, of the British Supreme Court, said Ms Wilhelmson would struggle to have children later in life. In order to offset this risk, Justice Sharma decided that Ms Wilhelmson was entitled to the necessary funds for hiring a surrogate mother:

Justice Neena Sharma, of the British Columbia Supreme Court, awarded Mikaela Wilhelmson C$100,000 to cover the cost of hiring a surrogate to bear a child for her after she barely survived a car crash in which her fiancé was killed.

It is believed to be the first payment of this kind in Canada. The money was a component of a payout of $3.83 million from the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC).


Based on the medical evidence presented, I find on a balance of probabilities that Ms. Wilhelmson will have significant difficulties conceiving a child in the future as a direct result of her abdominal injuries from the accident. I also find as a fact that Ms. Wilhelmson would be putting her health and welfare at great risk, to an unreasonable degree, if she were to carry a baby. I have no doubt that the best option for Ms. Wilhelmson to have a biological child would be to hire a surrogate.

While Justice Sharma explained her reasoning, there are still many unaddressed and unanswered issues within this ruling. As Cook expounds:

The unanswered question at the centre of this case is whether Ms Wilhelmson has a right to a child – even if she does not have a husband, even if her health does not permit it, even if the psychological effects of surrogacy are unknown, even if the ethics of surrogacy are controversial, and even if the child will grow up without a father.

This poor woman has unquestionably been dealt a terrible hand.
But why does this entitle her to demand a child?
:arrow: The judge has treated a child as material compensation for pain and suffering.
:arrow: It’s a very strange reason to bring another human being into the world.

What is most surprising about this case is not only did the judge rule that there is a “right” to have a child, but there is also a “right” to co-opt another adult into bearing that child on your behalf.
:arrow: This is new territory.

At Marriage Alliance, we have frequently pointed out the complications of surrogacy.
Our supporters know that gushing media headlines tend to overstate the positive aspects of surrogacy, while underplaying the negative consequences. Stories of exploited women in countries such as Cambodia have repeatedly been brought to light.

In another bizarre case, a 71-year-old man was awarded joint custody over four children fathered by his 48-year-old partner, and born to two Thai surrogates.
The Australian government has even cautioned against the procurement of surrogate children from other countries.

The family is under fire at home and abroad, with pressure building to legalise same-sex marriage and give legal recognition to different types of families. The rights of both children and adults need to protected.
:arrow: Surrogacy commodifies a child, and enables the family to be deconstructed and destroyed by radical agendas. With your help, we can continue to stand up for the traditional family and speak where many others will not.
to clarify, i receive some updates from Marriage Alliance Australia in my news feed. i did not request them, i don't know anything about them, i have not blocked them. i read different things about different countries as reports land in my news feed from different sources.

different aspects of surrogacy have been discussed on this forum in the past, possibly there is an interest in this report.

from the general reports that show up in my news feed from Marriage Alliance Australia, Australians are struggling with the same problems others are. sad to me. in the past, i'd read that Australia stayed aporoximately 40 years behind the U.S. in general problems .. evidently, the internet has changed that.
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Re: Meanwhile, in Canada

Post by Hats Off »

Signtist wrote:You will hardly find one reliable news source in Canada. The best you can do is read 3 or 4 and and take the average. That and stay away from the Ottawa Citizen.
Hey, what do you have against my local paper? Actually after subscribing to the paper for over thirty years I discontinued it two years ago and only occasionally read articles on line. I don't even miss it.

And while I may be sympathetic to Sam Oosterhoff's views, I doubt that he will accomplish much along those lines in the political arena.
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Re: Meanwhile, in Canada

Post by appleman2006 »

For those of you that follow such things, as of this weekend Canada as a new opposition leader. Some have described Andrew Scheer as "Stephen Harper with a smile".
He is only 38 years old, younger than PM Trudeau BTW, has a wife and 5 young children. My gut feeling is that politics in Canada for the next 2 years just got a lot more interesting.
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