Poll: Freedom Convoy and Related Protests

Things that are not part of politics happening presently and how we approach or address it as Anabaptists.

Choose all that apply:

1. I support vaccine mandates
2. I'm not in favor of vaccine mandates and I do not support the Freedom Convoy. There are much better ways to appeal for clemency from the government.
3. I support the Freedom Convoy.
4. I would take food to the protestors if I had a chance to do so.
5. I would be glad to take fuel to the truckers if it was not illegal.
6. I would be glad to take fuel to the truckers if I could, even if it was illegal.
7. If I lived in Ottawa and a trucker came to my door wanting something to eat, I would feed him. If he was protesting outside my door, I would not feed him unless he threatened me. I would appeal with the words of John the Baptist to do violence to no man. If he was protesting downtown, I would not take food to him.
8. I do not think Ottawa residents and residents in other cities with "freedom" protests should need to put up with loud horn honking and harassment about wearing masks when they walk the streets. They should be able to go about their business without needing to take flack or be harassed due to the decisions of their government.
9. Professing Christians who support the Freedom Convoy should think about the freedoms the protestors have been taking away from the residents of Ottawa and other cities, and they should repent of their support and their actions.
10. Other
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Re: Poll: Freedom Convoy and Related Protests

Post by temporal1 »

I think some think I am very supportive of the Convoy.

I am supportive of people speaking with peace to authority. I watched the BLM protests/riots with the same interest. I am a student of humanity. Things like this interest me.
Unfortunately, even on this forum, which MIGHT be an exception to the world,
the world’s mantra is present. Intolerance became palpable via “Never Trumpers.”
The message was, nothing less than hate was translated to be loyal support, black+white.

i don’t believe there is 1 “loyal Trumpist” on this forum. not everyone here is a hater.
this is a frequent forum Quixote-ish topic.

It’s a primitive, easy place to settle. Great for mass consumption. Gold for the mainstream. $$$$
Buyer beware. Please.
I do like the truth to be shared. When I see one side distorting the truth, I speak to that.

I also want events like this to be treated equally by the authorities.

PM Trudeau met with the BLM protesters and smiled while they burned a Canadian flag,
yet is hiding and no authorities are meeting with the Truckers. There is no attempt to resolve issues.

When Police have met with them, the truckers compromised and have opened lanes.

Soon after the Police did not honor their side of the agreement. I see corruption in that.

There are a lot of lies being projected by the authorities about the truckers.
I have watched hours and hours of live stream. Much of what they are claiming is untrue.

They did the opposite with the BLM protests. They claimed they were mostly peaceful while cities were burning. Do not trust the authorities and their legacy media.

The truth is always somewhere in between.
You are consistent. i appreciate your consistent explanations.
i’m sure it’s a nuisance to repeat+repeat, but for the sake of new members+readers, explanation is valuable.
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Re: Poll: Freedom Convoy and Related Protests

Post by temporal1 »

Ernie wrote: Tue Feb 08, 2022 7:52 am
ohio jones wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 11:35 pmBut if they wear masks when they walk the streets, they deserve flak for that; outdoor masking makes very little sense.
I agree with your nuanced perspectives except for this one.

Some people wear masks because it is required indoors, and don't take them off while walking between stores, simply for convenience. They should not be harassed for this.

People take various roots and minerals to ward off colds, etc., even though blind studies show very little difference in outcomes. Humans do all sorts of things based on whatever information they have been given,

:arrow: and I think people should be able to do whatever they like, without being harassed.
i’m not sure i detect a difference between you and oj.

as i understand it, the brouhaha is about being free to mask versus gov mandates to mask (indoors or out).
the more general alarm is about allowing gov the formal power to micromanage .. avoid legal precedents.

if you read appleman’s recent post, he includes a few helpful words about people CHOOSING masks/vaccines, versus mandates that remove choice. (oops. i wanted to add a link to the thread page, his recent post is missing?) i think he posted about the truck convoy. not sure which date. viewtopic.php?f=9&t=91&start=220

just because one might agree with whatever topic at hand, FORESIGHT about future abuses is terribly important.
over decades, we’ve seen legal precedents stretched+abused with impunity. to a gross, insulting, extent.

(i wish) laws could be written to make them SPECIFIC+LIMITED, with EXPIRATION DATES.

new laws are, in fact, EXPERIMENTS.
experiments should not be understood as “settled,” experiments require evaluation+scrutiny.
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Re: Poll: Freedom Convoy and Related Protests

Post by Pelerin »

Ernie wrote: Tue Feb 08, 2022 7:52 am
ohio jones wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 11:35 pmBut if they wear masks when they walk the streets, they deserve flak for that; outdoor masking makes very little sense.
I agree with your nuanced perspectives except for this one.

Some people wear masks because it is required indoors, and don't take them off while walking between stores, simply for convenience. They should not be harassed for this.

People take various roots and minerals to ward off colds, etc., even though blind studies show very little difference in outcomes. Humans do all sorts of things based on whatever information they have been given, and I think people should be able to do whatever they like, without being harassed.
And also, it’s Canada in February. I’ve found it’s actually nice to wear a mask outside when air is freezing and I imagine that’s even more true up there.
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Re: Poll: Freedom Convoy and Related Protests

Post by temporal1 »

Pelerin wrote: Tue Feb 08, 2022 12:57 pm
Ernie wrote: Tue Feb 08, 2022 7:52 am
ohio jones wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 11:35 pmBut if they wear masks when they walk the streets, they deserve flak for that; outdoor masking makes very little sense.
I agree with your nuanced perspectives except for this one.

Some people wear masks because it is required indoors, and don't take them off while walking between stores, simply for convenience. They should not be harassed for this.

People take various roots and minerals to ward off colds, etc., even though blind studies show very little difference in outcomes. Humans do all sorts of things based on whatever information they have been given, and I think people should be able to do whatever they like, without being harassed.
And also, it’s Canada in February. I’ve found it’s actually nice to wear a mask outside when air is freezing and I imagine that’s even more true up there.
Sure. Choice or mandate?
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Re: Poll: Freedom Convoy and Related Protests

Post by RZehr »

Pelerin wrote: Tue Feb 08, 2022 12:57 pm
Ernie wrote: Tue Feb 08, 2022 7:52 am
ohio jones wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 11:35 pmBut if they wear masks when they walk the streets, they deserve flak for that; outdoor masking makes very little sense.
I agree with your nuanced perspectives except for this one.

Some people wear masks because it is required indoors, and don't take them off while walking between stores, simply for convenience. They should not be harassed for this.

People take various roots and minerals to ward off colds, etc., even though blind studies show very little difference in outcomes. Humans do all sorts of things based on whatever information they have been given, and I think people should be able to do whatever they like, without being harassed.
And also, it’s Canada in February. I’ve found it’s actually nice to wear a mask outside when air is freezing and I imagine that’s even more true up there.
Masking for the cold…I’ve seen anti-maskers wearing masks for cold protection recently, but they felt compelled to clarify that it was for cold and not for other reasons. Apparently didn’t want people to get the wrong idea.
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Re: Poll: Freedom Convoy and Related Protests

Post by Ernie »

Friday, February 11.

Now that protests have spread to the Ambassador Bridge...

The two perspectives...

Ontario governor Ford, "Your right to make a political statement does not outweigh the right of thousands of workers to make a living.”
Prime Minister Trudeau: [the best outcome would be for the protesters to] “decide for themselves that they’ve been heard, that they have expressed their frustrations and disagreements, and that it is now time to go home. This blockade of our economy that is hurting Canadians countrywide, Canadians who have been impacted by these blockades — this conflict must end.”

Protestor: (Ms. Ghanam) "This [the Ambassador bridge] is the place we need to be because this is all about shutting down the economy. They’ve done it to us for two years. We’re giving it back.”

I wonder how this standoff will end.

Meanwhile, ordinary residents need to deal with the brunt of it, while the rest of the world sit in their chairs and watch... or cheer...
Reid, an affected person: "The demonstrators are hypocritical — they're protesting for freedom, but restricting it by blocking the border. I'm angry that people on both sides of this border are being harmed by this. There are ways to voice your opinion...stand on the sidewalk and put your signs up and do whatever you want, don't shut down our border and damage the economy."
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Re: Poll: Freedom Convoy and Related Protests

Post by Ken »

Ernie wrote: Fri Feb 11, 2022 8:37 pm Friday, February 11.

Now that protests have spread to the Ambassador Bridge...

The two perspectives...

Ontario governor Ford, "Your right to make a political statement does not outweigh the right of thousands of workers to make a living.”
Prime Minister Trudeau: [the best outcome would be for the protesters to] “decide for themselves that they’ve been heard, that they have expressed their frustrations and disagreements, and that it is now time to go home. This blockade of our economy that is hurting Canadians countrywide, Canadians who have been impacted by these blockades — this conflict must end.”

Protestor: (Ms. Ghanam) "This [the Ambassador bridge] is the place we need to be because this is all about shutting down the economy. They’ve done it to us for two years. We’re giving it back.”

I wonder how this standoff will end.

Meanwhile, ordinary residents need to deal with the brunt of it, while the rest of the world sit in their chairs and watch... or cheer...
Reid, an affected person: "The demonstrators are hypocritical — they're protesting for freedom, but restricting it by blocking the border. I'm angry that people on both sides of this border are being harmed by this. There are ways to voice your opinion...stand on the sidewalk and put your signs up and do whatever you want, don't shut down our border and damage the economy."
They are certainly making a compelling case to industry to shift to rail for cross-border shipping and accelerate the transition to autonomous self-driving trucks.
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Re: Poll: Freedom Convoy and Related Protests

Post by temporal1 »

if there’s anything the U.S. needs, it’s another huge industry removed, honest workers displaced and put on the streets.
(anything-but acknowledge their existence and value.) anything-but acknowledge the group is both huge and nonpartisan.

maybe there will soon be enough homeless they’ll set up tents in your neighborhood, threaten your views+Adirondack chairs?
move over, here we come.

the lib response to the peaceful convoy in Canada is quite aggressive+war-like, in rhetoric and action - -

the opposite response to the numbers of violent+destructive (riots) in the U.S. that left a ripple effect of damage+increased crime so great even libs are begging for relief. (they are not admitting error, just begging for “magical” relief.)

in the late 70’s, early 80’s, i recall a family friend, a steel worker in Chicago area predicting, “jobs are leaving the U.S., soon, the only jobs remaining will be at McDonald's, coast to coast. (he didn’t forsee automated McD’s back then.)

Well. How much better the U.S. is now?

i have wondered if the U.S. can justify the cost of improved infrastructure? historically, great infrastructure results from NECESSITY of business/industry, and military purposes. NOT for convenience of the welfare class, the abortion industry, gamblers, drug dealers.

now i’m wondering if there are ample competent workers available+willing to do the hard labor involved in such construction?
i doubt they will appear “out of thin air.” for any wage.

- - - - - - -

Trudeau seems to ignore REDUCED crime in this particular situation; as well, as far as business goes, there are always winners+losers.
Business is generated. Some may have some temporary losses, others (like Signtist) may have temporary booms.

Only gov can put masses of people out of work for extended periods, or permanently, as witnessed over+over for decades.
Canada’s convoy is unlikely to “light a candle” in net damages, compared to incompetent+corrupt politicians.
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Re: Poll: Freedom Convoy and related Protests

Post by Ernie »

It looks like France decided to be preemptive.

French Prime Minister Jean Castex on Friday defended the protest ban in Paris, arguing: "The right to protest and to have an opinion is a right that's constitutionally guaranteed in our republic and in our democracy. The right to block others ... is not."

"People need to see us, and to listen to the people who just want to live a normal and free life," said Lisa, a 62-year-old retired health worker.

So another standoff...

"My freedom ends where your nose begins." Or to paraphrase... "My freedom ends if it impedes my fellow citizens ability to provide for his or her family." This is no more than the Golden Rule.

Jesus obviously taught the Golden Rule. This is the least that a person can do. But Jesus also calls Christians to a much higher standard. That of loving others as he loved us.
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The old woodcutter spoke again. “It is impossible to talk with you. You always draw conclusions. Life is so vast, yet you judge all of life with one page or one word. You see only a fragment. Unless you know the whole story, how can you judge?"
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Re: Poll: Freedom Convoy and Related Protets

Post by Sudsy »

Ernie wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 9:48 pm How should Christians think about and relate to the Freedom Convoy in Canada?

Attacking others for their views and un-Christlike behavior is not permitted in this thread.
Ignore links like this - https://theconversation.com/majority-of ... wns-176323
as they only breed controversies. :)

Pray that any Christian involved will not allow bitterness to set in and destroy their witness and relationship with God. Philippians 4:8 AMP
Finally, believers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable and worthy of respect, whatever is right and confirmed by God’s word, whatever is pure and wholesome, whatever is lovely and brings peace, whatever is admirable and of good repute; if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think continually on these things [center your mind on them, and implant them in your heart].
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