Poll: Freedom Convoy and Related Protests

Things that are not part of politics happening presently and how we approach or address it as Anabaptists.
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Choose all that apply:

1. I support vaccine mandates
2. I'm not in favor of vaccine mandates and I do not support the Freedom Convoy. There are much better ways to appeal for clemency from the government.
3. I support the Freedom Convoy.
4. I would take food to the protestors if I had a chance to do so.
5. I would be glad to take fuel to the truckers if it was not illegal.
6. I would be glad to take fuel to the truckers if I could, even if it was illegal.
7. If I lived in Ottawa and a trucker came to my door wanting something to eat, I would feed him. If he was protesting outside my door, I would not feed him unless he threatened me. I would appeal with the words of John the Baptist to do violence to no man. If he was protesting downtown, I would not take food to him.
8. I do not think Ottawa residents and residents in other cities with "freedom" protests should need to put up with loud horn honking and harassment about wearing masks when they walk the streets. They should be able to go about their business without needing to take flack or be harassed due to the decisions of their government.
9. Professing Christians who support the Freedom Convoy should think about the freedoms the protestors have been taking away from the residents of Ottawa and other cities, and they should repent of their support and their actions.
10. Other
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Poll: Freedom Convoy and Related Protests

Post by Ernie »

How should Christians think about and relate to the Freedom Convoy in Canada?

Attacking others for their views and un-Christlike behavior is not permitted in this thread.
Last edited by ohio jones on Tue Feb 08, 2022 8:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Poll: Freedom Convoy in Canada

Post by Soloist »

When some of FotW went to the BLM protests, I saw that as a problem. When Christians went to the rally or whatever it was at DC, I saw it as a problem. When Christians went to the truck protest, I also saw that as a problem. If any of those groups were to assemble in front of my house, I would offer them food and show that I cared for them as people, but to actively go to their rally/protest/whatever it is usually ends up implying allegiance to their cause.

Obviously I'm not in favor of vaccine mandates but I'm not sure as to the correct and proper way to advocate for my choices other then to suffer for Jesus.
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Re: Poll: Freedom Convoy in Canada

Post by ontariomartin »

I don't think a nonresistant Christian can in any way, shape or form be involved or actively supporting the protests and maintain their nonresistant status.

My wife and I were both recently summoned for jury duty. Both of us were quickly assured we do not need to show up after sending personalized emails explaining our dedication to the Heavenly Kingdom, and that we would be unable to serve as part of an earthly governing system.
There is no way to reconcile in my mind how I could claim to be nonresistant if there was a shred of evidence anywhere that I support an uprising against earthly government.

And sadly, evidence abounds at every turn on social media of friends and family and coworkers who are proudly travelling to where the action is, to be a part of this incredible "drawing together and unifying of the country". Exclamations of being "moved to tears at the oneness of the protests" are common.

I feel sad for anyone that has never experienced peace and unity with the Holy Spirit and Christ's Church, so that unity at a protest to rise up against government moves them to tears.

I understand the frustrations of the mandates. I don't like it and I don't even think most of the stuff really helps stop Covid. But if it's all a ruse to turn Canada into a communist country quicker, who are we to fight that change? We are passing through this life, and as a Christian in a foreign land, we have no rights to demand. Only privileges. Many privileges, the likes of which Christians in China or North Korea could only dream about.

This may well be my only Covid related post. I do not engage in all the pointless conspiracy talk at the office and I won't here. Just need to get this off my chest. How attached to the privileges we have enjoyed up to now, have we become?

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Re: Poll: Freedom Convoy in Canada

Post by ohio jones »

Other, since none of the poll questions seem to have my level of nuance:

I'm not in favor of vaccine mandates and I do not support or oppose the Freedom Convoy. There are better ways to appeal for relief from the government (in Canada, clemency seems to be a legal term that involves commutation or remission of a sentence).

If I lived in Ottowa, I would not be able to find my city on the map. If I lived in Ottawa and a trucker came to my door wanting something to eat, I would feed him. If he was protesting outside my door, feeding him would probably not cross my mind. I might remind him of the words of John the Baptist to do violence to no man, if he seemed potentially violent. If he was protesting downtown, I would not take food to him.

I think Ottawa residents and residents in other cities with "freedom" protests should be able to go about their business without needing to take flak or be harassed due to the decisions of their government; on the other hand, the government inconveniences them enough that a little more could be put up with short term if it provides hope for future relief. But if they wear masks when they walk the streets, they deserve flak for that; outdoor masking makes very little sense. On the other hand, it's winter in Canada; maybe a scarf or balaclava would provide harassment-free weather protection.

Professing Christians who support the Freedom Convoy should think about the freedoms the protestors have been taking away from the residents of Ottawa and other cities, and they should carefully consider the ramifications of their support and their actions. If they favor overthrow of the government or want to take an unscheduled tour of the Parliament building, they should repent of their support and their actions.
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Re: Poll: Freedom Convoy in Canada

Post by barnhart »

I generally favor peaceful protest of abusive power as an antidote to quietism, but occupying a seat of government city for extended period of time fails for me on several counts. First, it is forceful. I can see occupying a street temporarily, especially with permits, but extended occupation is a show of force. Second, it will likely be seen as a partisan action with the goal of bringing down the seated government.

For example, I have gone with prolife organizers to pray and sing in front of a planned Parenthood clinic in my city and I joined a peaceful BLM walk when it passed my house. But I would not do either in Albany or Washington DC because both those groups have political aspirations of power I will not facilitate.

There is also the question of how abusive are travel restrictions during a pandemic. I don't want the job of public health officials and I give them a wide berth in this type of situation. At the same time, I think vaccine mandates are unwise as they cause so much stress and resistance. I try to pray for these officials, for supernatural wisdom.
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Re: Poll: Freedom Convoy in Canada

Post by JimFoxvog »

Other: The capital of Canada is spelled "Ottawa", not "Ottowa". :D
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Re: Poll: Freedom Convoy in Canada

Post by Ernie »

ohio jones wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 11:35 pmBut if they wear masks when they walk the streets, they deserve flak for that; outdoor masking makes very little sense.
I agree with your nuanced perspectives except for this one.

Some people wear masks because it is required indoors, and don't take them off while walking between stores, simply for convenience. They should not be harassed for this.

People take various roots and minerals to ward off colds, etc., even though blind studies show very little difference in outcomes. Humans do all sorts of things based on whatever information they have been given, and I think people should be able to do whatever they like, without being harassed.
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Re: Poll: Freedom Convoy in Canada

Post by Grace »

Other : I always thought protests often prove very little.
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Re: Poll: Freedom Convoy in Canada

Post by Robert »

I think some think I am very supportive of the Convoy. I am supportive of people speaking with peace to authority. I watched the BLM protests/riots with the same interest. I am a student of humanity. Things like this interest me.

I do like the truth to be shared. When I see one side distorting the truth, I speak to that. I also want events like this to be treated equally by the authorities. PM Trudeau met with the BLM protesters and smiled while they burned a Canadian flag, yet is hiding and no authorities are meeting with the Truckers. There is no attempt to resolve issues. When Police have met with them, the truckers compromised and have opened lanes. Soon after the Police did not honor their side of the agreement. I see corruption in that. There are a lot of lies being projected by the authorities about the truckers. I have watched hours and hours of live stream. Much of what they are claiming is untrue.

They did the opposite with the BLM protests. They claimed they were mostly peaceful while cities were burning. Do not trust the authorities and their legacy media.

The truth is always somewhere in between.
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Re: Poll: Freedom Convoy in Canada

Post by temporal1 »

Grace wrote: Tue Feb 08, 2022 8:35 am Other : I always thought protests often prove very little.
In the past, i probably leaned this way.
i’ve never joined a political party, i have voted, not regularly, not often, no pattern i recognize.

i have not contributed to organized political blocs, and have learned to seriously dislike this form of action.
i have never joined a rally, or protest (i don’t believe they are the same thing). even ones i support, like March for Life.

organized blocs ALWAYS begin with some very attractive purpose, but they have the potential to become political beasts that go out of control. easy to sign on, then what?? - evidently, hard to extricate oneself. blocs are not human. Jesus never suggested His Way was to form power blocs to control governments! Beware.

unfortunately, MLK Jr, for godly goals, normalized protests+blocs - which quickly led to terrific ongoing political power.
of course it’s been abused beyond recognition.

libs now routinely use these methods over+over for any cause they can dream up - for the express purpose of political power, influence, generous access to the Public Treasury - and, free promotion of their many agenda throughout the DOE, preschool thru colege. PRICELESS. money cannot buy this level power. 100% partisan abuse of the Public Treasury.

it’s the INSURRECTION EVERYONE SHOULD CARE ABOUT. the cancer within. growing for decades.

i would really like if thinking people would divide out those seeking LEGAL POWER and TAXPAYER FUNDING from others.
libs do NOT pay their own way.

they go straight for the Public Treasury - the deep pockets, “What’s mine is mine; What’s yours is mine!”
the deeply ambitious obamas are a great example. they personally LOVE the high life, they “give” out of the Public Treasury.

i’m always cautious about new groups, so, it was normal for me to not jump on the BLM bandwagon - of course it quickly devolved into violence+destruction, AND political muscle, AND access to the Public Treasury, AND it runs unimpeded thru gov schools.

TRY to put a dollar figure on that. :shock:

will the Jan 6 rally be fast-tracked thru gov schools??! - only for the single purpose of promoting libs.
same with the truck convoys - which began worldwide but were sccessfully silenced until Canada. Evenso, they are NOT receiving fair coverage, most mainstream coverage, again, is for the single purpose of promoting libs.

“heads we win, tails you lose.” the INSURRECTION EVERYONE SHOULD CARE ABOUT.

i don’t gamble, i’ve never been to Las Vegas. it doesn’t take a gambler to spot dirty tricks.
wise people refrain from seduction by beautiful objects. discernment is important in the final analysis: eternity.

i don’t believe one person on this forum is driving with the convoy in Canada. nor any roadside supporters. maybe no financial support, nor roadside meals prepared.

so, this is yet another Quixote-ish discussion on this forum. imho.

i hope there are plenty of prayers. not for a specific desired outcome! - for God’s will to be done.

i think it’s well for folks to share about their beliefs and thought processes.
there is diversity on this forum. imagine the diversity within the truck convoy!!

for myself, i kinda hate to see their fund grow so large. money tempts the greedy+corrupt.
however, i trust the truckers with these funds - more than i trust Congress - proven corrupt+incompetent!

between operating expenses for individuals, AND legal defense which seems inevitable, several million DONATED will vaporize.
in separate prayers, i pray for their funds to not be corrupted. i pray for them to not form an organized political bloc.

:arrow: i pray for gov schools to stop teaching organized political blocs are THE WAY. :shock:

because i favor healthy God-designed patriarches, i’m happy to see ordinary men peacefully speaking up for their families and communities. i sometimes wonder where all the men are. (on this forum, men leading is normal.) not so in the world.
there are increasing mandates against functioning, able, qualified men. no secret. it’s prideful and open.

abuse of patriarches happens.
the entire order should not be thrown out due to minority abusers. this leads to tails wagging dogs.

money, itself, is not evil. love of money leads to evil. money is important. cited often in scriptures.

the need is to become more sophisticated in understanding scriptural “nuances.”
once understood, they aren’t nuances!
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Most or all of this drama, humiliation, wasted taxpayer money could be spared -
with even modest attempt at presenting balanced facts from the start.

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