FB: Locked. Government Photo ID

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Re: FB: Locked. Government Photo ID

Post by temporal1 »

PeterG wrote: Mon Jul 02, 2018 3:32 pm
mike wrote:
PeterG wrote:We're not the customers, we're the products...
The heart of Facebook is still it's social media platform.
The heart of a hog farm is its feeding trough. 8-) :shock:
Sorry, I'm being cheeky here. :P
I understand and agree with what you're saying.
And you (and an increasing number of people) seem to understand this very well, but I just think it's important to articulate that most providers of "free" internet services (Facebook, Google, etc.) have an interest in their users' well-being
similar to the interest of a hog farmer in his hogs' well-being.

This isn't even a horrible thing, necessarily, but it's something to be realistic about. :)
https://www.washingtonpost.com/technolo ... ernatives/

There is a paywall. i discovered i can read if i use a new device. :)

There is good info in the article, remembering it’s written from the lib pov.
i took screenshots of the article, for future reference.

i use FB so little, and none of their several related options, so, if it all disappeared, that would be ok.

“Facebook, Whatsapp and Instagram back after outage” :yawn: :P
Published 5 October
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Re: FB: Locked. Government Photo ID

Post by temporal1 »

HondurasKeiser wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 2:55 pm
HondurasKeiser wrote: Fri Oct 29, 2021 10:36 am Perhaps like a "metaverse"?
This made me chuckle:
Facebook, it’s now widely accepted, has been a calamity for the world.
The obvious solution, most people would agree, is to get rid of Facebook.

Mark Zuckerberg has a different idea: Get rid of the world.
Interesting read. Good points.
MZ must have the smallest clothes closets of all today’s billionaires. “T-SHIRTS R US.” :-|
No need for clothing hangers, T-shirts in drawers.

In the 70’s, i was admin secretary for computing+tech services in a university, then community college setting.
It was evident, these guys were “good in math” and knew how to calculate+command incomes+profits for themselves.

50 years later, no slowing down. $$$$
.. For Meta, Facebook and Instagram are cash cows — established, mature businesses that throw off a lot of cash. The company will milk those social media platforms to fund billions of dollars of investment in metaverse technologies ($10 billion this year alone). ..
It’s about the money. And power. The 2 go hand-in-hand.
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Re: FB: Locked. Government Photo ID

Post by temporal1 »

More from HK’s link: ^^^
.. It is a place of pure form.
:arrow: Everything in it reflects the logic and order inherent to computer programming.

Hints of that old cyberian idealism float through Zuckerberg’s conception of the metaverse — he’s big on teleportation —
but despite his habit of reminding us that he took philosophy and classics courses in college, :-| Zuckerberg is no metaphysician.
A Mammonist rather than a Platonist, he’s in it for the money.

His goal with the metaverse is not just to create a virtual world that is more encompassing, more totalizing, than what we experience today with social media and videogames. It’s to turn reality itself into a product.

In the metaverse, nothing happens that is not computable.
That also means that, assuming the computers doing the computing are in private hands, nothing happens that is not a market transaction, a moment of monetization, either directly through an exchange of money or indirectly through the capture of data.

:arrow: With the metaverse, capital subsumes reality. It’s money all the way down.

These guys are in need of prayer. Truly. Deeply. Sincerely.
They have undeniable gifts. But they miss Truth by miles. It’s tragic. To have so much, yet, nothing.

Not unlike other pagan idols, including hollywood and major sports stars, they have so much. yet, nothing.
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Re: FB: Locked. Government Photo ID

Post by temporal1 »

(they don’t get everything right.) :-|

but this is fun. :)

Icelandverse / “Iceland Skewers Mark Zuckerberg's Metaverse With New Tourism Ad”
https://gizmodo.com/iceland-skewers-mar ... 1848044804

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Re: FB: Locked. Government Photo ID

Post by temporal1 »

i may be among FB users who have an account, but do not often use it, also, i’ve never used it in conventional ways, for instance, i have 1 FB friend, my daughter, i used to view her page to keep up with her family, she rarely uses it now. my son deleted his page years ago. he doesn’t want anything to do with it. i mostly use my FB page as a sort of filing place to hold articles to read later. i don’t use it as a statement page. it’s an eclectic mix of bees, plants, religion, Biblical history, ancient history, sciences, funnies, politics of any stripe, health, international news, travel, etc.

it would be unreliable to view anything found there as representing my beliefs, re: anything. it’s not a partisan shill page.
i keep it private as possible without deleting, so as not to mislead or annoy others. i have gone for months without viewing it.

occasionally, i read in random online comments,
“o.look. that person has 1 FB friend! - dead giveaway he/she/they/it’s a troll!” :shock: :roll:

i don’t use my page as a means of communication. i sometimes view others’ public pages.
i’m not any sort of conventional user.

:arrow: imagine my surprise yesterday, when i stumbled upon a notice/warning about a post i’d shared. :? :?
i do not recognize the post, or anything about it.
We added a notice to your post
The post includes information that independent fact-checkers said was false.
False information in a post that you shared

Content preview image
You shared a video from Wokebreed.
Jan 24, 2022
Independent fact-checkers reviewed the video and said it was false.
Jan 28, 2022
Facebook added a notice to the post.
Jan 28, 2022
People who repeatedly share false information might have their posts moved lower in News Feed so other people are less likely to see them.
From independent fact-checkers

This 2009 David Icke video does not predict the present situation of the COVID-19 pandemic; he was talking in the context of the 2009 Swine Flu - FACTLY

See fact-check

Factly is certified by the International Fact-Checking Network. Learn more ..

i don’t recognize ANYTHING in their notice. Nothing. No recall.
i see no option to reply.

the notice is something like this:

i believe this has become a common thing with FB and other platforms. ^^^
i don’t feel this is at all unique.
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Re: FB: Locked. Government Photo ID

Post by temporal1 »


“Facebook allows war posts urging violence against Russian invaders”
https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ex ... 022-03-10/
March 10 (Reuters) -

Meta Platforms (FB.O) will allow Facebook and Instagram users in some countries to call for violence against Russians and Russian soldiers in the context of the Ukraine invasion, according to internal emails seen by Reuters on Thursday, in a temporary change to its hate speech policy.

The social media company is also temporarily allowing some posts that call for death to Russian President Vladimir Putin or Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, according to internal emails to its content moderators.

"As a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine we have temporarily made allowances for forms of political expression that would normally violate our rules like violent speech such as 'death to the Russian invaders.' We still won't allow credible calls for violence against Russian civilians," a Meta spokesperson said in a statement.

The calls for the leaders' deaths will be allowed unless they contain other targets or have two indicators of credibility, such as the location or method, one email said, in a recent change to the company's rules on violence and incitement.

Citing the Reuters story, Russia's embassy in the United States demanded that Washington stop the "extremist activities" of Meta.
read more

"Users of Facebook & Instagram did not give the owners of these platforms the right to determine the criteria of truth and pit nations against each other," the embassy said on Twitter in a message that was also shared by their India office.

The temporary policy changes on calls for violence to Russian soldiers apply to Armenia, Azerbaijan, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, and Ukraine, according to one email.

In the email recently sent to moderators, Meta highlighted a change in its hate speech policy pertaining both to Russian soldiers and to Russians in the context of the invasion.

"We are issuing a spirit-of-the-policy allowance to allow T1 violent speech that would otherwise be removed under the Hate Speech policy when: (a) targeting Russian soldiers, EXCEPT prisoners of war, or (b) targeting Russians where it's clear that the context is the Russian invasion of Ukraine (e.g., content mentions the invasion, self-defense, etc.)," it said in the email.

"We are doing this because we have observed that in this specific context, 'Russian soldiers' is being used as a proxy for the Russian military. The Hate Speech policy continues to prohibit attacks on Russians," the email stated.

Last week, Russia said it was banning Facebook in the country in response to what it said were restrictions of access to Russian media on the platform. Moscow has cracked down on tech companies, including Twitter (TWTR.N), which said it is restricted in the country, during its invasion of Ukraine, which it calls a "special operation."

Many major social media platforms have announced new content restrictions around the conflict, including blocking Russian state media RT and Sputnik in the European Union, and have demonstrated carve-outs in some of their policies during the war.

Emails also showed that Meta would allow praise of the right-wing Azov battalion, which is normally prohibited, in a change first reported by The Intercept.

The Meta spokesperson previously said the company was "for the time being, making a narrow exception for praise of the Azov Regiment strictly in the context of defending Ukraine, or in their role as part of the Ukraine National Guard."
2017 / “Mark Zuckerberg says Facebook's mission is to replace church, a Christian pastor responds” :shock: :-|
https://www.theblaze.com/news/2017/07/0 ... r-responds

A REALLY hard one:

Matthew 5:46
46 If you love those who love you, what reward will you get?
Do not even tax collectors do the same?

47And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others?
Do not even Gentiles do the same?…

Page 55 / viewtopic.php?f=24&t=4584&p=151818&hili ... es#p151818
The world does not lead Christians. Jesus leads away from the world.
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Re: FB: Locked. Government Photo ID

Post by temporal1 »

“Ken Burns: 'Mark Zuckerberg Should Be in Jail'
The master documentarian on his new film 'Benjamin Franklin' and the current state of our nation.
.. Social media and the age of misinformation

“First of all, social media isn't [social]," Burns insists. "Full stop. It's not.

And if you need proof of that, just go into a room of teenagers who are together but are not together because they're all on their individual devices.

And let's not blame it on teenagers.
Let's go into a room of adults or let's walk down a city block and see how many people are buried in their phones — myself included.

In nature, a web is a trap.
You get stuck in it, and then you get killed.

Throughout history, it is not uncommon to spread lies, but the pace it multiplies at is exponentially greater on the web.
There’s the old dictum that a lie goes around the world three times before the truth gets started.

It is extraordinarily frustrating because when we are making these films, we spend a lot of time making sure we get it right in our films. And none of that bothers any of these malicious gossip mongers on social media.” ..

i have mixed feelings about Ken Burns.
(for me) he is a prime example of an intelligent, gifted, talented man who appropriates much of Christianity - without being Christian, without ever giving credit where credit is due, to Jesus Christ (as recently mentioned in another thread).

Is it enough to just "follow Jesus' teachings"?
temporal1 wrote: Tue Apr 05, 2022 6:41 pm
ohio jones wrote: Tue Apr 05, 2022 6:32 pm
temporal1 wrote: Tue Apr 05, 2022 4:52 pm What i noticed - public schools seem to recognize the value of Christianity, they recognize the loss to public schools.
Their response to this shortfall??!

While first removing the words, “Jesus, God, Bible,” etc. with surgical precision, they attempt to appropriate Christian Truth in various ways - while deliberately never giving credit to the Originator. It’s absolutely bizarre, and excruciatingly painful.
Interestingly, this is precisely what Gothard did in stripping out the biblical content from his curriculum
and calling it "Character First" so it could be used in schools and other secular settings.

(for me) this is emptiness. like sugar provides empty calories to the body.
the world is attempting to function on empty calories. :-|
Last edited by temporal1 on Thu Apr 07, 2022 10:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: FB: Locked. Government Photo ID

Post by temporal1 »

More from Ken Burns:
Cancel culture
“The problem with cancel culture is that it leaves us feeling lonely," Burns says.

"We feel bereft of ideals and heroes.
But we have to remember that a hero was never perfect.
The Greeks were telling us that here are these imperfect people.
Achilles had his heel and his hubris to match his great powers.

It is so easy to dispense with somebody when you discover, ‘Aha, you did this!’

It is much more difficult to sit with those contradictions and to not accept them, but to try, as Benjamin Franklin would say, to improve on them. To get better. He did enslave people, but he also became an abolitionist and proposed in the United States Congress the first attempt to outlaw slavery. He was completely ignored in the Senate and voted down in the house, but he tried.

And so this is what we have to do. We're too static right now.
Everything is frozen because of this interest in ourselves. We have become focused on the transactional, rather than the transformational.”
All this, no Jesus.
Ken Burns in the metaverse?
"I've already said that I thought that Zuckerberg should be in jail," Burns says plainly.

“That he's an enemy of the people. I still believe that, so I don't think they'll let me into the metaverse!
Maybe I will sneak in surreptitiously. No.

You know what?
This world here is so beautiful in its natural components and even in its built components.
Other people in our lives are so compelling. We've got as big a job as possible as to submit ourselves — literally surrender — to the larger thing of creation and to try to treat other people as we would like to be treated."
:-| All this, no Jesus.

It boggles the mind.
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Re: FB: Locked. Government Photo ID

Post by temporal1 »

Mandating religion via government is not what we do in the U.S. (no state religion).
However, mandating the opposite extreme is not better. It’s a gasp-worthy failure.

Freedom of religion was never meant to be freedom from religion = rule by atheists, humanists, secularists, et al.

Deep ditches on both sides of the road.

Somehow, i pray in future people will not be able to believe these “post everything” times actually existed.
HondurasKeiser wrote: Wed Apr 06, 2022 7:08 pm There’s much that I find attractive about postliberalism (and New Polity as well). Incidentally, when I first read Patrick Deneen’s Why Liberalism Failed a few years ago my first thought to his open ended question at the end of his book “What comes next?” was: “He ought to look to Anabaptist communities for an alternative to liberalism”. Maybe I made to much of our own nonconformity to the Liberal order but I still think our Third Way

:arrow: offers a viable way forward in this ‘post everything’ moment we find ourselves in.
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Re: FB: Locked. Government Photo ID

Post by temporal1 »


temporal1 wrote: Sun Apr 08, 2018 11:04 pm FaceBook is in all kinds of news these days.
Privacy, hacking, blocking content, esp blocking conservative sites ..

Today, reading this surprised me.
Diamond and Silk are saying they have been (FB scrutinized) for several months.
From what they are saying, FB scrutinizers don’t appreciate them ..

Diamond and Silk / About us

Diamond and Silk facebook (over 1,300,000 followers)
Diamond And Silk have been corresponding since September 7, 2017, with Facebook (owned by Mark Zuckerberg), about their bias censorship and discrimination against D&S brand page.

Finally after several emails, chats, phone calls, appeals, beating around the bush, lies, and giving us the run around, Facebook gave us another bogus reason why Millions of people who have liked and/or followed our page no longer receives notification and why our page, post and video reach was reduced by a very large percentage.

Here is the reply from Facebook.
Thu, Apr 5, 2018 at 3:40 PM: "The Policy team has came to the conclusion that your content and your brand has been determined unsafe to the community."

Yep, this was FB conclusion after 6 Months, 29 days, 5 hrs, 40 minutes and 43 seconds.
Oh and guess what else Facebook said: "This decision is final and it is not appeal-able in any way." (Note: This is the exact wording that FB emailed to us.)

So our questions to Facebook (Mark Zuckerberg) are:
1. What is unsafe about two Blk-women supporting the President Donald J. Trump?
2. Our FB page has been created since December 2014, when exactly did the content and the brand become unsafe to the community?
3. When you say "community" are you referring to the Millions who liked and followed our page?
4. What content on our page was in violation?
5. If our content and brand was so unsafe to the community, why is the option for us to boost our content and spend money with FB to enhance our brand page still available? Maybe FB should give us a refund since FB censored our reach.
6. Lastly, didn't FB violate their own policy when FB stopped sending notifications to the Millions of people who liked and followed our brand page?

This is deliberate bias censorship and discrimination. These tactics are unacceptable and we want answers!

~Diamond and Silk
1. i have not “followed” D&S.
2. i occasionally see their opinions here+there on the internet.
3. before today, i did not visit their FB page, or website. i don’t twitter.

i was pretty sure there would be quite a lot of censoring going on in this Primary Election year.
not just by FB.

January 9, 2023: i had no idea she was ill. What a loss for her loved ones.


GIVESENDGO: Diamond (Lynette Hardaway) Memorial
https://www.givesendgo.com/DiamondandSi ... CyJrKGJP1k
The World just lost a True Angel and Warrior Patriot for Freedom, Love, and Humanity! Diamond blazed a trail, founded on her passion and love for the entire race of humanity. The memory of her passing should forever remain in our hearts. In this time of grief, please respect the privacy of Diamond’s family but remember and celebrate the gift that she gave us all!
Facebook: DIAMOND and SILK

i don’t see an obituary.
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