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Re: Coming to a city near me

Post by Valerie »

Josh wrote:
Valerie wrote:Yet it also states: "Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same. For he is God's minsiter to you for goo. But if you do evil, be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God's minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil".

So my understanding is broader on what falls under 'evil' which would include immorality- and therefore I do believe when God's intention for government was to control 'all' evil- not just some evil. But when laws change to embrace that which God calls evil, and they call evil 'good' then that is not God's will.
Romans 13 is an observation that nearly all of what government does is basic law and order - don't steal, don't beat your wife, etc., and in my experience this is basically almost all of what police and the courts deal with.

In our country and many others, laws cover things like not assaulting people, stealing, fraud, and so forth, and that's pretty much what government does. Romans 13 teaches to submit under such laws.

It amazes me how much energy Christians expend on finding ways to not comply with Romans 13 - for example, citing it to say they don't need to obey building codes because our government is "immoral". Utterly ridiculous. Or printing false claims on an herbal remedy and then refusing to comply with the state that demands to remove those health claims.
Government USED to, in this nation, dictate morality as well. Divorces didn't even used to be legal- unless there was legitimate grounds for divorces. It was NOT easy, to get a divorce decades ago. Homosexuality was illegal. Abortion was illegal. These particular laws, were there not because of unbelievers, but because of God fearing leaders.
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Re: Coming to a city near me

Post by Josh »

And slavery was legal
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Re: Coming to a city near me

Post by Valerie »

Josh wrote:And slavery was legal
That's another issue so many atheists or 'doubters' have with the Bible, slaves were in OT & NT-

Thank goodness, there were many who helped set them free here.
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Re: Coming to a city near me

Post by Josh »

Valerie wrote:
Josh wrote:And slavery was legal
That's another issue so many atheists or 'doubters' have with the Bible, slaves were in OT & NT-

Thank goodness, there were many who helped set them free here.
I'm not talking about the Bible - I'm talking about the United States, where slavery was legal and promoted from the nation's founding until the Civil War a century later.

That's why I have a lot of trouble with the idea that America is somehow an excellent representation of the kingdom of heaven, or that American law (or American law as it was in the 18th and 19th centuries) is somehow based on biblical morality. It wasn't.
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Re: Coming to a city near me

Post by Judas Maccabeus »

Valerie wrote:
Judas Maccabeus wrote:
JimFoxvog wrote: I wonder why the renewing of New Testament spiritual power is so often connected with right wing politics?
Reconstructionism, plain and simple.

Buckeye Matt, to answer your question- it is because right wing voters, many times, are grievous over what's become 'legal' which these things grieve the heart of God, and also, give people the (wrong) impression/understanding, that if something is 'legal' it must not be wrong.

J.M. when you state "Reconstuctionism" - what are you conveying in this situation? That of polictics, or that of the Church?
Reconstructionism or Dominion theology is a stream of theology where the church has a mandate to "rule and reign" over the nation, establishing some form of Biblical law. Frequently this is done by getting Christians to control various areas of society, most notably Religion, Family,Education, Government, Media, Arts & Entertainment and Business. (The so called "Seven Mountains") It posits that the return of Christ will be brought about when christians have established God's law and rule over the earth.

These guys are neck deep into this sort of stuff. That are part of the so called "New Apostolic Reformation."

Essentially, the polar opposite of two kingdoms theology.


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Re: Coming to a city near me

Post by MattY »

Judas Maccabeus wrote:
Valerie wrote:
Judas Maccabeus wrote:
Reconstructionism, plain and simple.

Buckeye Matt, to answer your question- it is because right wing voters, many times, are grievous over what's become 'legal' which these things grieve the heart of God, and also, give people the (wrong) impression/understanding, that if something is 'legal' it must not be wrong.

J.M. when you state "Reconstuctionism" - what are you conveying in this situation? That of polictics, or that of the Church?
Reconstructionism or Dominion theology is a stream of theology where the church has a mandate to "rule and reign" over the nation, establishing some form of Biblical law. Frequently this is done by getting Christians to control various areas of society, most notably Religion, Family,Education, Government, Media, Arts & Entertainment and Business. (The so called "Seven Mountains") It posits that the return of Christ will be brought about when christians have established God's law and rule over the earth.

These guys are neck deep into this sort of stuff. That are part of the so called "New Apostolic Reformation."

Essentially, the polar opposite of two kingdoms theology.


Reconstructionism, also known as theonomism, is actually the other, Calvinist form of Dominionism. The New Apostolic Reformation teaches the Pentecostal version, also known as Kingdom Now theology. There are some differences, including that the Calvinist version is cessationist and greatly dislikes the NAR, but you're right, basically both are the opposite of two-kingdom theology.
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Re: Coming to a city near me

Post by Judas Maccabeus »

buckeyematt2 wrote:
Judas Maccabeus wrote:
Valerie wrote:
Buckeye Matt, to answer your question- it is because right wing voters, many times, are grievous over what's become 'legal' which these things grieve the heart of God, and also, give people the (wrong) impression/understanding, that if something is 'legal' it must not be wrong.

J.M. when you state "Reconstuctionism" - what are you conveying in this situation? That of polictics, or that of the Church?
Reconstructionism or Dominion theology is a stream of theology where the church has a mandate to "rule and reign" over the nation, establishing some form of Biblical law. Frequently this is done by getting Christians to control various areas of society, most notably Religion, Family,Education, Government, Media, Arts & Entertainment and Business. (The so called "Seven Mountains") It posits that the return of Christ will be brought about when christians have established God's law and rule over the earth.

These guys are neck deep into this sort of stuff. That are part of the so called "New Apostolic Reformation."

Essentially, the polar opposite of two kingdoms theology.


Reconstructionism, also known as theonomism, is actually the other, Calvinist form of Dominionism. The New Apostolic Reformation teaches the Pentecostal version, also known as Kingdom Now theology. There are some differences, including that the Calvinist version is cessationist and greatly dislikes the NAR, but you're right, basically both are the opposite of two-kingdom theology.
The connection between the two was/is Gary North, who is Rushdooneys son-in-law. He is the one who got it going among the Pentecostal groups. They used to call them "Gary's crazy friends ".

I understand the difference, but it was my understanding that the Calvinist version was essentially dead.

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Re: Coming to a city near me

Post by Valerie »

Wonder- what would be a way to expose this as such- it has the appearance of good, really- strong Christians which many see as people of God- is it simply just misinerpretation of Scriptures? You guys seem to know more about it than us, but- some of this direction we were witnessing is why we got out altogether- and we received strong warnings 'not' to get out- to wake up (to embrace it) before it's too late. Of course, that warning only made me (us) more sure of wanting to get out.

But with these rallies going nationwide in the name of Christ, and the "Jesus Culture" involved, if anyone says negative things about it- you will be accused of being against Christ Himself!
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Re: Coming to a city near me

Post by Hats Off »

Valerie wrote:Wonder- what would be a way to expose this as such- it has the appearance of good, really- strong Christians which many see as people of God- is it simply just misinerpretation of Scriptures? You guys seem to know more about it than us, but- some of this direction we were witnessing is why we got out altogether- and we received strong warnings 'not' to get out- to wake up (to embrace it) before it's too late. Of course, that warning only made me (us) more sure of wanting to get out.

But with these rallies going nationwide in the name of Christ, and the "Jesus Culture" involved, if anyone says negative things about it- you will be accused of being against Christ Himself!
I would risk being accused of being against Jesus in order to oppose that which is so obviously unscriptural. Didn't Jesus say that we will be persecuted even as He was? I followed a few of your links and read enough to know that they contradict much of what I have learned over the years.
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Judas Maccabeus
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Re: Coming to a city near me

Post by Judas Maccabeus »

Valerie wrote:Wonder- what would be a way to expose this as such- it has the appearance of good, really- strong Christians which many see as people of God- is it simply just misinerpretation of Scriptures? You guys seem to know more about it than us, but- some of this direction we were witnessing is why we got out altogether- and we received strong warnings 'not' to get out- to wake up (to embrace it) before it's too late. Of course, that warning only made me (us) more sure of wanting to get out.

But with these rallies going nationwide in the name of Christ, and the "Jesus Culture" involved, if anyone says negative things about it- you will be accused of being against Christ Himself!
The problem is that the Jesus of groups like this worship is not the Jesus that many of us here have as Lord. It is a Jesus that wants his followers to gain civil power, it is a Jesus that wants his law imposed upon all by government rather than received by his followers willingly. It is a Jesus that calls the his church to assume power over people, not to be a servant to people.

In other words, a "fake" Jesus.

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