Personality Test?

When it just doesn't fit anywhere else.

What is your personality type

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Re: Personality Test?

Post by karpos »

Dan Z wrote:Interesting - this little query confirmed something for me.

Over the years I have met dozens of MD & MN folks, and a strong majority of them seem, to my observation, to be introverts. If the little poll attached to this thread is any indication, introverts outnumber extroverts on MN 4-1! (I'm one of the three extroverts who responded) ;)

This doesn't surprise me really. I would think a forum like this would be well suited to a more introverted personality. An introverted person can get into deep discussions without the social complexity of face to face interaction, plus they have time to ponder and formulate their thoughts before answering
I'd be curious to see what others think.
I score rather high on the "high functioning" autistic/Asperger scale (professionally diagnosed) and have always extremely introverted. I suppose that message forums are good for someone to socialize who has some degree of difficulty with face to face communication.

I used to be on usenet back when you had to know how to use the vi text editor and connect a 300bps modem to a dec vax. You could read a post, think for a while and then fit your entire response on one or two lines of an 80x25 vt100 terminal. Much higher quality content than the drivel on facebook (which I am not on) written by people with the attention span of a fruitfly.

there is a forum called wrong planet that is full of aspies and autistic folks that post constantly but have issues making conversation in person...
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