omnium-gatherum part deux

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Re: omnium-gatherum part deux

Post by temporal1 »

“The chief danger that confronts the coming century will be

religion without the Holy Ghost,

Christianity without Christ,

forgiveness without repentance,

salvation without regeneration,

politics without God,

heaven without hell.”

Go straight for souls, and go for the worst."
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Re: omnium-gatherum part deux

Post by temporal1 »

mother's day - :)
my son called today, he indulged me. we had a relaxed, unrushed chat.
in the course of the chat, he shared about some positive things in his life ..
part of it is attending church with friends he values.
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Re: omnium-gatherum part deux

Post by temporal1 »

From Coblentz .. Page 4 ... 8&start=30
temporal1 wrote:an aside ..
when our son was a few weeks old, we decided to change his name.
this was allowed - but, the original name was NOT removed. the county folks simply "dashed" through it, and wrote his new name just above. it worked just fine. the record reflects an accurate picture.

as some states decide to allow birth certificates to be altered due to personal requests, i hope this type of responsible record-keeping continues. i.e., not to erase all of history due to personal requests.

my state is deciding this right now. (more accurate: Chicago career politicians are deciding it.)
i'm not sure if "responsible" record keeping is even part of the decision.
these guys are not known for being "responsible." :(
still, i hope so.
.. nothing to see here .. just moving things around. :)
talking to myself.

when the county clerk put the dashes through the first name, it was not blocked from view, it will always show. we didn't expect it, that was how they recorded changes. it's logical.

ours was a personal change, no attempt at a biology, physics, or science statement.
but, even if it were any of those, it's logical to let that be recorded, not erased.
i'm not a fan of attempting to rewrite history .. it is what it is. or, it's best to respect it that way.

it strikes me as very "old-school" to want to attempt to control reality by erasing facts.
history is full of it. it's happening today. that doesn't make it desirable. it makes it hard to try to reconstruct and understand history.

bottom line for this post is ..
if my state (Chicago, blah) decides to allow alterations to birth certificates, i hope they will record them in this way, to plainly document changes, and to leave it visible what those changes are. if not, the value of these documents will be compromised.

i may look into it.
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Re: omnium-gatherum part deux

Post by temporal1 »

“The past is never dead. It's not even past.”
― William Faulkner, Requiem for a Nun
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Re: omnium-gatherum part deux

Post by temporal1 »

From Page 8 (i bunny trailed) :-| ... 4&start=70
Re: Recently attended an EPMC Bible School AMA
by temporal1 » Fri Jan 26, 2018 11:08 am
Once Again wrote:
More thoughts on homeschooling versus public school.

Regardless of what type of schooling parents choose for their children, they need to be on the ball and stay engaged with their children.

Developing a loving, close relationship with your child is paramount.
It is essential for your child's spiritual development that they be willing to come to you with their problems, questions, and struggles.

You want them coming to you or some other christian adult in their lives, not their non-Christian peers.

From what I've seen, that is far more likely to happen when your child is homeschooled.
If a parent is able to develop and maintain a close relationship with their child while in public school, that's great.

There can be advantages in learning to live a christian life in a non-Christian environment while you are young-like being better able to relate to and talk to lost people.

As adults, we must be able to do that to fulfill the Great Commission.

I question whether that is possible for young children and early teens.

I feel like waiting until high school before starting public education gives young people a chance to mature and develop a good spiritual foundation before throwing them to the wolves, so to speak.

The flip side of this is the social struggles some homeschooled children have.
But I feel the problem is not with homeschooling itself, but rather the fault lies with the parents.

It is our responsibility to see that our children learn to interact with others outside our church.
We should see that they get daily opportunities to do so and set good examples by reaching out to others ourselves so our children will see what it looks like.
i did not want to overlook your many points.
i’m having a hard time now, struggling with how to (do my part as grandmother) to help my 10 year old grdaughter cope with going from Catholic school, K-3rd grade, to (a ridiculously) liberal public school, 4th grade. rated very high (whatever that means.) :-| wealthy, privileged location. :roll:

the Catholic school was not a perfect school. neither was it isolated from the world’s problems.
i was not surprised; i have had Catholic friends since i was young. i know what it means to be Catholic-in-name-only. i know U.S. libs want to destroy the Catholic Church, by policy, until the final blow can be struck .. same for all of Christianity, but, the Catholic Church is the big target.

children bring into school what they learn in their homes, neighborhoods, the world. all of it. my daughter was surprised it was not more .. insulated.

however, somehow, my grdaughter was able to get the best of the godly messages+guidance.
she definitely saw and experienced some bad behaviors/talk. but, she was able to learn how to respond, how to keep herself centered. i am grateful she had those years.

now, at public school, she is getting very different messages, having different experiences.

unfortunately, she is being indoctrinated with the lib agenda, no question about it.

one example.
i gave her a DVD of “how to learn piano” using hymns. she loves hymns and classical music.
after watching a few minutes, she remarked, horrified, “he should not be playing just (Catholic) hymns!” “not everyone is Catholic!”
(she did not realize, these are Christian hymns, not just Catholic. this was not a Catholic instruction DVD .. i explained that.)

however, she is now very sensitive that anything-Christian must be questioned, put aside, silenced, etc., for the benefit of others. this is one of several examples. that break my heart.

she tells me about how men can marry men, anyone can be a boy or girl, etc.
she is a very sheltered, protected child! .. yet, there it is.
this began before the age of 10. in Catholic school. not from Catholic school teachers.

children learn from one another with lightning speed. :(

i made up an analogy for her.
(like her mother) she loves horses. she does not get much exposure, but, she reads everything she can about horses:
Sweetie, attempting to remove God, His Son, The Holy Spirit, from education/life is leaving big holes in understanding.
Can you imagine trying to teach horseback riding - while refusing to acknowledge horses exist?!
i went on to tell her, many people have a lot to learn about God’s Truth.

we continue this “lesson” by trying to figure out and describe how such horseless horseback riding lessons might go! honestly, we have fun with it. i hope the message helps her deal with the world in front of her.

there is a fierce battle raging for the hearts+minds of everyone’s children and young people.
how to help them manuever through it? we must pray for them everyday.

as i watch and get to know her teachers, i pray for them.
they are trying to do their best. they are good people. they’re cute. they’re sociable. i’m sure they “know not what they do.”
that’s the problem. :(

i welcome any correction/criticism, esp of my (horse) analogy. :)
any suggestions are most welcome.

i have learned a lot on this forum about what messages i hope to convey to my family.
still learning.
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Re: omnium-gatherum part deux

Post by Once Again »


It is distressing to hear what your granddaughter is being exposed to. What do your daughter and son-in-law think about the situation?
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Re: omnium-gatherum part deux

Post by temporal1 »

Once Again wrote:T1,
It is distressing to hear what your granddaughter is being exposed to. What do your daughter and son-in-law think about the situation?
i’m not sure where to begin. i’m not sure if what i describe today would be true tomorrow. there is so much confusion in the world. so many lies.
i pray. i hope others pray, too.

i listen, think, i pray to find good words. i respond when i feel the ability to communicate Truth in understandable ways. like, the horse analogy. then, i try to live my words.
i am so grateful the child is honest and candid. if not, i would not have the opp to respond.
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Once Again
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Re: omnium-gatherum part deux

Post by Once Again »


Praying for your daughter, son-in-law, and granddaughter. It's so hard to raise children in the faith without a strong church.

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Re: omnium-gatherum part deux

Post by temporal1 »

Once Again wrote:T1,
Praying for your daughter, son-in-law, and granddaughter. It's so hard to raise children in the faith without a strong church.
thank you for your prayers.
please, i hope to extend them to all children and their families who are attempting to learn how to live on earth .. without Truth.

the William Booth quote at the top of this page is entirely relevant to what i witness in the world.

i’m finding it impossible to fairly describe what is happening.
if i describe my worries, it may seem as tho worry is all i have. that’s not accurate.
if i describe what i think my family is getting wrong, it may seem they are all wrong.
no, that’s not it.

honestly, i’m amazed with all they are getting right.
there is extra-confusion right now, leaving a parochial school for a public school.
some of this is very hard for me. i understand the decision to move, the school was costly.
for all the financial cost, it was not a “perfect” setting.

somehow, from her birth, my granddaughter and i have had a special closeness.
i won’t describe how this unfolded just now, but, as things went, i happened to have lots of time with her, even tho they have lived far away. multitudes of small moments, even at a distance, building this closeness.

during this last visit, she happened to ask,
”grammy, why are you happy all the time?!” :shock:

this caught my attention. :-|
i felt so badly, knowing how i do worry. :(

but, her question was sincere.
i give thanks to the Holy Spirit, i pray everyday to find good words. her question tells me i’m doing something right. i cannot take credit.

i responded to her,
“i have you as my granddaughter, how can i not be happy?!” and,
“and, you have always been the happiest child i’ve ever known!” :D

she has been a happy child, even in the face of unhappiness around her.
she’s 10 now, her emotions are becoming more complex. she’s growing up.
still, a joyful spirit. i hope this endures with her throughout life.

in the past, i talked (with them) about one of my grandmothers.
she was an only child, born in 1899, on a farm in the Midwest.
she was loved, but described her childhood as remote from other children, and lonely. i’m sure it was.

eventually, she married my grandfather who came from a big family. her instant big family!
they had 9 children, then many many grandchildren and great-grandchildren in their lifetimes.
i don’t recall ever seeing or hearing of my grandmother (or grandfather) being anything but happy.
they loved their family.
as an older child, she once told me about her lonely childhood. i had no idea.
this was a special confidance. “people” didn’t talk about the sad parts of life.
they emphasized positives, tried to minimize negatives.

there had to be so many sad things for them
the World Wars, flu pandemics, life before polio vaccine, deadly childhood illnesses, the Great Depression .. so many things.

but, esp prior to “talk TV,” gratitude to God in all circumstances was valued.
“talk TV” brought out the (underbelly) of life. this was found to be a big seller.
by now, the uglier the better. many have abandoned TV.

now i wonder.
will i be remembered as the grandmother who was always happy?! :?
i never dreamed this would be. now i think it could be.
funny how things go.

i would love that legacy. however unearned. :)
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Re: omnium-gatherum part deux

Post by MaxPC »

Continuing prayers for your granddaughter and all of our grandchildren and children. :pray
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Max (Plain Catholic)
Mt 24:35
Proverbs 18:2 A fool does not delight in understanding but only in revealing his own mind.
1 Corinthians 3:19 For the wisdom of this world is folly with God
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