Can Social Media Be Tamed?

When it just doesn't fit anywhere else.

Re: Can Social Media Be Tamed?

Post by Szdfan »

On YT mostly get videos about trains, model building, films and science fiction, which is a pretty accurate reflection of the videos I look at and the channels I subscribe to.

On FB, my issue is less about the ads and more about the fact that I get more sponsored and suggested group posts than I get posts from people that I'm friends with.
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Re: Can Social Media Be Tamed?

Post by Josh »

I haven’t really let them collect any data so they just show me whatever they think “urban male in his 40s” wants to see.

I’ve noticed Twitter is far more accurate (I get plenty of ads for various cloud hosted infrastructure services).
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Re: Can Social Media Be Tamed?

Post by Bootstrap »

barnhart wrote: Sat Jul 13, 2024 10:09 pm Boot, I agree with your call for individual responsibility, but I think this is an area that also needs corporate solutions as well. The algorithm driven media has a set of dangers all it's own.
I agree, but we actually have control over what we do. My first question: Can MennoNet be tamed? Because on most days, I think we look like we are just as much passive victims of the algorithm as the people we love to criticize.

The world is, in fact, worldly. That is not new.
barnhart wrote: Sat Jul 13, 2024 10:09 pmOnce FB and YT categorized me as middle aged, blue collar, white, male working in the NYC suburbs, I get a suite of offerings I have never clicked on and never searched for, real estate in Florida, scantily clad asian women who want to chat, horror stories about violent brown immigrants, angry people podcasts about politics, hair loss prevention, weight loss products, testosterone boosters, nutritional supplements ECT... I can't imagine what the offerings would be if I actually clicked or searched for such stuff. Sooner or later it reaches a person who not entirely mentally stable and something terrible happens.
Sure - and that's a real problem. Not a problem I have much direct control over, except that I don't use either of these as a source of news or all that often.

I see some things like that posted here. Outrage provoking videos aimed to rile people up and divide us into political tribes, hostile to each other. People using the same trolling techniques we complain about in other sources.

Other online forums I use are more respectful and thoughtful. Discussion oriented. That's why I use them.
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Re: Can Social Media Be Tamed?

Post by RZehr »

barnhart wrote: Sat Jul 13, 2024 10:09 pmOnce FB and YT categorized me as middle aged, blue collar, white, male working in the NYC suburbs, I get a suite of offerings I have never clicked on and never searched for, real estate in Florida, scantily clad asian women who want to chat, horror stories about violent brown immigrants, angry people podcasts about politics, hair loss prevention, weight loss products, testosterone boosters, nutritional supplements ECT... I can't imagine what the offerings would be if I actually clicked or searched for such stuff. Sooner or later it reaches a person who not entirely mentally stable and something terrible happens.
:shock: :lol:
You saying that you’re entirely mentally stable, and that their algorithm is off?
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Re: Can Social Media Be Tamed?

Post by barnhart »

RZehr wrote: Mon Jul 15, 2024 4:21 pm
barnhart wrote: Sat Jul 13, 2024 10:09 pmOnce FB and YT categorized me as middle aged, blue collar, white, male working in the NYC suburbs, I get a suite of offerings I have never clicked on and never searched for, real estate in Florida, scantily clad asian women who want to chat, horror stories about violent brown immigrants, angry people podcasts about politics, hair loss prevention, weight loss products, testosterone boosters, nutritional supplements ECT... I can't imagine what the offerings would be if I actually clicked or searched for such stuff. Sooner or later it reaches a person who not entirely mentally stable and something terrible happens.
:shock: :lol:
You saying that you’re entirely mentally stable, and that their algorithm is off?
Time will tell I guess... I haven't shot anybody yet.
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Re: Can Social Media Be Tamed?

Post by Arnold33_09 »

To crush it on social media, first set some clear goals and make a plan for what you wanna post. Keep up with posting regularly and chat with your followers to build a solid community.

Use analytics to see what's working and tweak your strategy. If you wanna make managing social media even easier, look into the [redacted] for extra help.
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Re: Can Social Media Be Tamed?

Post by Neto »

AI Overview

Some say that social media can be tamed, but it may require government, industry, and tech companies to work together to mitigate its problems. Others say that social media can be addictive and destructive, and that it may be difficult to break free from its hold on people. Here are some ways to consider taming social media:
Set goals
Instead of making vague promises to use social media less, set specific goals or boundaries for yourself, like limiting your use to a certain amount of time each day.
Delete the apps
Deleting social media apps can help you break free from the distraction of social media and regain some peace of mind.
Adjust algorithms
Tech companies could adjust the algorithms that reward and encourage the production of outrage-inducing content.
Rethink share features
Tech companies could rethink the share features that allow people to instantaneously spread content.
Social media can be powerful and inspire a lot of emotions, but some say that there's nothing like real-life human contact.
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Re: Can Social Media Be Tamed?

Post by R7ehr »

Taming social media is a complex challenge, but there are strategies that could help make it more manageable:

1. **Regulation and Policy**: Governments can enforce stricter regulations on data privacy, content moderation, and the prevention of harmful content like misinformation, hate speech, and harassment.

2. **Algorithm Transparency**: Social media platforms could be more transparent about how their algorithms prioritize content, ensuring they don't overly amplify divisive or harmful material.

3. **Content Moderation**: While this is a contentious area, platforms could invest in better moderation, both through AI and human oversight, to reduce harmful content while protecting free speech.

4. **User Empowerment**: Platforms can provide users with more control over their feeds, allowing them to filter out certain types of content, choose what they see, and be more selective about who they interact with.

5. **Education and Digital Literacy**: Teaching users, especially younger ones, how to navigate social media responsibly can help create a more mindful and informed user base.

However, the fast-paced, global nature of social media makes complete control difficult, so the idea of "taming" it may be more about balance and responsibility than total restraint.

Here’s how to crush it on social media:

1. **Set clear goals**.
2. **Be consistent** with posting.
3. **Engage** with your audience.
4. **Leverage trends** and hashtags.
5. Use **high-quality visuals**.
6. **Analyze** performance data.
7. **Collaborate** with influencers.
8. **Cross-promote** on platforms.
9. Tell **compelling stories**.
10. **Offer value** through useful or entertaining content.
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Re: Can Social Media Be Tamed?

Post by the-real-steve »

For me, social media is a tool and a means to connect.... almost. Recently, I had to switch from the facebook account that my wife and I share to an older account that had lied dormant. Short version: I was being stalked and due to complications, I simply couldn't "unfriend" the culprit.
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