The Tone of Posts on this Forum

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Re: The Tone of Posts on this Forum

Post by Valerie »

Good to hear from you Adam, I know of another missionary couple in that area that seem to be met with many trials- not surprising for missionaries! Mind full of so many of Apostle Paul's missionary journeys and the trials and tribulations he suffered-

It will be nice hearing some of your stories as they come about- and prayer requests shared as well?


Have you ever heard the Pineapple Stories? A missionary named Otto Koning, missionary to Indonesia?
A dear friend gave me the series and if you are able, it may be some humor you can possibly relate to in what you face in this important calling-I really enjoyed listening to him- may relieve a little 'stress' at times to know what a fellow missionary endured but told in such a way to make one smile- what a sacrifice!
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Re: The Tone of Posts on this Forum

Post by temporal1 »

Adam has not posted since May ..
but, thought of him today after reading about an earthquake in Papua, NG:

"Magnitude-5.1Earthquake Hits Off Coast of Papua New Guinea" ... ew-guinea/

hope all are ok.
maybe Adam will send word.
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Re: The Tone of Posts on this Forum

Post by temporal1 »

temporal1 wrote:Adam has not posted since May ..
but, thought of him today after reading about an earthquake in Papua, NG:

"Magnitude-5.1Earthquake Hits Off Coast of Papua New Guinea" ... ew-guinea/

hope all are ok.
maybe Adam will send word.
another .. :o
"Magnitude 6.0 earthquake strikes off Papua New Guinea: USGS" ... SKCN1C02X2
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Re: The Tone of Posts on this Forum

Post by temporal1 »

2017 / OP, Page 1: Adam+family are in Papua, New Guinea
Adam wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2017 7:19 pm I am a relative newcomer to Anabaptist/Kingdom Christian thinking, I have appreciated being able to ask questions and discuss important matters on this site.

However, as a newcomer, I have to say that I find the tone of some of the posts on this site to be discouraging. :-|

Some of the posts I have read seem to have an air or arrogance, sarcasm, and lack of respect to them that do not seem to uphold the principle of "They shall know we are Christians by our love."

This is one of the drawback of online forums--that it is easy for one's tone to be misinterpreted (perhaps the arrogance, sarcasm, and lack of respect is just imagined on my part), and it is easy to be less loving in what you say because you are not looking at someone face-to-face.

In humility, recognizing my own inclination to post in such a way, I would encourage everyone on this forum to post with the expectation that non-Christians, non-Anabaptists, and people exploring the Anabaptist Church will be reading your post and judging (whether it is fair to do so or not) the whole of the Anabaptist Church based on how you interact on this forum.

I recognize that it takes a lot more work and effort and patience to compose posts in such a way, but I think it is well worth the extra effort.

At the same time, I see that many posts are composed with great love and concern for others, despite disagreements, and I commend and encourage those posts. :D

I would argue that, in a public forum like this, it is more important to be humble and loving than it is to try to prove that you are right.

I am not saying that each one of us shouldn’t state our case regarding a particular issue, but I would ask that we please do so with humility and respect, realizing that we might be overlooking something in our own interpretation. I would also request that we put more effort toward trying to truly understand another’s perspective and giving that person the benefit of the doubt that he/she is trying to follow the words of our Lord Jesus Christ just as we are.

Finally, if I post in such a way that is not in accord with what I am stating here, I ask you to please point that out to me. :)
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Re: The Tone of Posts on this Forum

Post by temporal1 »

2017 / P.1:
Adam wrote: Thu Jan 26, 2017 7:43 pm On Monday I will be heading out to Immi village in Enga Province, Papua New Guinea for 3-4 weeks to build our house there with a small construction crew, so I will not be interacting on MennoNet.

I am not sure if I will continue interacting or not upon my return, but I doubt that I will.
Overall I am very pleased with the interaction of most people on this forum, but there continue to be negative, sarcastic comments that spoil the experience for me. And I am not talking about those who have stated their disagreements respectfully. I can handle disagreement, but I have trouble with people who insist on (and seem to enjoy) being disagreeable. I honestly expect more out of those who call themselves Anabaptists, and as a NMB seeker it disappoints me greatly (although it is a good reminder to keep focused on Jesus and not on people).

Perhaps I am being overly sensitive (it wouldn't be the first time) and misinterpreting the comments. If that is the case, I apologize for my inability to understand the heart of what is trying to be communicated. I recognize that internet communication is imperfect and that the trouble may be with my own perceptions and not the comments that are being made. At the same time, I know I am not the only one who feels this way.

Thank you for all of you who have been so helpful in assisting me to learn more about Anabaptism and Kingdom Christianity.
If I have further questions, I will probably continue corresponding privately with those who have been so helpful.

Adam wrote: Tue Dec 05, 2017 5:56 pm A quote to throw into the mix of the discussion:
What Jesus desires of us is not the observance of things He did not command, but the things He did command.


Adam hasn’t posted since 2017!
i’m not sure how many members keep in touch with him, i receive his email newsletters, which are always fascinating.
His newsletters have links to FB and other social media links .. i understand this means it’s ok to share content here (??)
Let me know if i misstep.

Bear with me as i figure out how to copy+paste .. :) ..
i can hardly imagine the emotion they are all experiencing in the ENGA PROVINCE. It certainly lifted my spirits this morning.
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Re: The Tone of Posts on this Forum

Post by temporal1 »

May 1 2023 / Adam’s EMAIL Newsletter:
The New Testament Is Finished!
Late in the afternoon on Thursday, April 6, William Walewale recorded verse 21 of Revelation chapter 22, and the translation and recording of the Enga New Testament were finished. After listening to the last section of Revelation one last time to check for any errors, the recording studio was filled with tears of joy. I (Adam) was overcome with emotion as I looked at William in the soundproof room and saw tears streaming down his face. As the one reading the entire New Testament, the burden of the work had fallen more heavily upon William than any of the other translation team members. He had done a fabulous job in making the final edits to the Enga New Testament and then recording all twenty-seven books in just nine weeks. As he emerged from the soundproof room, we embraced one another as we felt the burden of this enormous task being lifted in a short instant and as we realized that our translation of the Enga New Testament would now be easily accessible to the more than four hundred thousand people who speak the Enga language. The work we had begun nearly ten years prior on October 18, 2013, had finally reached completion. As expected, we made hundreds of minor adjustments to the text as we did the recording. In the world of Bible translation, it is always advisable to make an audio recording of your translation before printing it because the process of doing the recording serves as a final check for the translation itself. Although we made hundreds of adjustments, they were almost all extremely minor as we found the core of the translation itself to be quite good. A few days ago, on April 26, the technician who did the recording for us finished his post-production edits. I then uploaded the recording to Google Drive for the translation team members to download and begin distributing in their communities. Our prayer is that the audio recordings will spread like wildfire over the coming weeks and months. .. ..
.. Martha was in the room!
In last month’s newsletter Martha shared how much she had wanted to be in the room when William recorded the final chapter of the Enga New Testament. Although Martha had to be in California for nearly four weeks during the recording due to the passing of her father, by God’s grace she was able to be there with us when William finished the recording. Not only that, but Jacob’s school schedule also allowed him to witness this historic moment as well. Having Martha and Jacob there with us made the completion of the recording an even more joyous occasion. .. ..
.. Throughout the course of our translation work, and especially during our nine weeks in the recording studio, the Enga translators and I would often conclude our day by singing the Doxology. Soon after William completed the recording, the entire translation team and I crammed into the soundproof room, along with Jacob, and sang the Doxology together. Although we may not be winning any Grammy Awards for our singing ability, we have decided to include our rendition of the Doxology at the end of the Enga New Testament audio recording to represent our thankfulness to God for enabling us to finish this monumental task. .. ..
.. What now?
Although the translation and recording are now complete, there is still work to do to typeset the Enga New Testament to prepare it for print. We have received funding to print five thousand copies of the Enga New Testament as well as five thousand copies of an Enga-English edition of the New Testament. We are currently in the process of typesetting the Enga-only edition. When that is complete, we will begin typesetting the Enga-English edition. We were able to complete the more difficult preparatory work before and during the recording, such as selecting the dimensions of the printed books, fonts, layout, black and white illustrations, color photos, and maps. With most of that work done, our main job now is to review the PDF samples the typesetter sends us to make sure everything looks okay before going to print. I am hoping to have the Enga-only edition complete by the end of May and the Enga-English edition complete by the end of June. Please pray with us that we would complete the typesetting soon so that we can send the New Testament out for print.
To support our Wycliffe ministry please click here or visit
Our mailing address is:
Adam & Martha Boyd
PO Box 1 (43)
Ukarumpa EHP 444
Papua New Guinea

Wycliffe Bible Translators
P.O. Box 628200
Orlando, FL 32862

THE BOYDS / blog

^^The blog has helpful pictures, videos, and more content than the above copy+paste email.

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Re: The Tone of Posts on this Forum

Post by temporal1 »

Prayer Requests for 2024
Happy New Year!
In five days, I (Martha), Adam, Bella, and Asher will begin our journey back to Papua New Guinea.

Bella and Asher are looking forward to reuniting with their friends and resuming their normal lives. I typically hate change of all kinds, but this time around I am choosing to embrace it. For the last couple of months, the Lord has given me the word peace to meditate on. It just keeps popping into my head. I know that many people adopt a word to focus on each year. I have never done this. All I know is that the word peace keeps showing up. I hear it, I see it, and dare I say, I feel it. This is a pretty big deal for my anxiety-ridden mind.

Our family has been reading through a book called A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 by Phillip Keller. Adam and I read it together during our year in Ecuador in 1999-2000. It left a great impact on me back then, and I am enjoying reading it with my family now. Early on in the book, I came across a line that greatly convicted me:
“Contentment should be the hallmark of the man or woman who has put his or her affairs in the hands of God.”
Contentment, also known as peace.

The Christian should be at peace because they have given their lives over to God and they trust that He is good.

Though we are in the midst of great change in our family, the Lord has given me a unique sense of peace.

I know and believe that this greater sense of peace is a direct result of people praying. Please join us in praying for the following needs throughout 2024.

We part ways with this boy on January 6. On January 30 he goes to Emmaus, Pennsylvania, for a month of training with Push the Rock, a sports ministry, before heading to Costa Rica with Push the Rock in the beginning of March.
He plans to return to the US in August and begin a year of junior college north of Pittsburgh. Please pray for this huge transition of living away from his parents. Pray that his experience with Push the Rock will grow and stretch him spiritually and that he will be a blessing to the kids he is serving. Pray that he will be disciplined and motivated to do well academically when he returns to the US, and that he will seek the Lord’s direction and receive clarity on what is next for him.

Bella is excited to return to Ukarumpa and experience all the activities of her junior and senior years.
Pray that she will transition well. She will also be applying to colleges later this year. Pray that God will direct her as to where to attend. Pray that she will grow in her faith and walk with God and that she will have a meaningful and memorable school year both academically and socially.

Asher is also excited to return to Ukarumpa.
He will be starting his second semester of eighth grade. Pray that he will transition well socially and academically. Pray that he will be disciplined and motivated in his studies with organization and hard work. Pray for a smooth transition to high school. Pray that he has a great basketball season. This is his passion, and he can’t wait to get back and join the team. Pray that he will grow and mature in his faith and walk with God.

Martha and Adam
Pray for the Lord to guide us as we parent our children, and pray for us to trust God as we leave Jacob and return to PNG.
Pray that we will be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s leading and direction. Pray for strength and stamina to do the work we are called to do. Pray that I will be able to sleep through the night.

Enga Bible Translation
It is our hope that the Enga New Testament will be dedicated in June or July of 2024.
Please pray for peace and reconciliation among the tribes in Enga. There have been many disputes since the elections a couple of years ago that have caused civil unrest. Pray that nothing will delay the distribution and dedication of the Enga New Testament. Pray that the printed New Testaments will arrive in Ukarumpa on time and for an organized distribution process. Pray most of all that the Enga people will have a heart to receive and read or listen to the New Testament. Pray that the Holy Spirit would move in a mighty way and the Word of God will have a great and lasting impact on the lives of the Enga people.

Please let us know how we can be praying for you.
We are incredibly thankful for your prayers and partnership.
We could not do this without you. May the peace of God be with you all in the coming year.

Our mailing address is:
Adam & Martha Boyd
8616 Lexington Pl
Wexford, PA 15090

Wycliffe Bible Translators
P.O. Box 628200
Orlando, FL 32862
.. ^^i added some italics, bold, underlines, spacing .. only to help me more easily find certain words.
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Re: The Tone of Posts on this Forum

Post by temporal1 »


It may be awhile until Adam thinks of posting; from what i can tell, the Enga are involved? :(

“At least 64 killed in ‘largest’ tribal clashes in Papua New Guinea”
Police retrieve 64 bodies after fighting breaks out between rival tribes in Papua New Guinea’s northern highlands. ... new-guinea
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Re: The Tone of Posts on this Forum

Post by temporal1 »

May 24 2024 / ENGA PROVINCE

:arrow: More than 670 estimated to be dead after massive landslide in Papua New Guinea ... 863576007/

:arrow: Landslide covers whole village in Papua New Guinea
A remote village in Papua New Guinea has been flattened by a landslide.
The landslide levelled Kaokalam village, 370 miles northwest of the capital Port Moresby. It struck in the early hours of Friday while many people were asleep at home. The disaster is feared to have killed hundreds.

:arrow: Massive, deadly Papua New Guinea landslide: What to know
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Re: The Tone of Posts on this Forum

Post by temporal1 »


“Papua New Guinea Landslide Tragedy In Visuals: Over 2000 Dead”
Watch Houses Damaged, Cars Upturned
The once-bustling remote hillside village in Enga province of Papua New Guinea was almost wiped out after a massive landslide.

More than 670 people are now believed to have died after a chunk of Mount Mungalo collapsed, burying scores of homes.
Survivors searched through tons of earth and rubble by hand, looking for missing relatives at the site of a landslide.
According to reports, rescue crews have given up hope of finding any survivors under the rubble, which is 6 to 8 meters deep.
Watch this video for more information. ..

CBS / More than 2,000 believed buried alive in Papua New Guinea landslide, government says ... ied-alive/
A Papua New Guinea government official has told the United Nations that more than 2,000 people are believed to have been buried alive by last Friday's landslide and has formally asked for international help.

The government figure is roughly triple the U.N. estimate of 670 killed by the landslide in the South Pacific island nation's mountainous interior. The remains of only five people had been recovered by Monday, local authorities reported. It was not immediately clear why the tally of six reported on Sunday had been revised down.

In a letter to the United Nations resident coordinator dated Sunday, the acting director of the country's National Disaster Center, Luseta Laso Mana, said the landslide "buried more than 2,000 people alive" and caused "major destruction" in Yambali village in Enga province.

The landslide caused "major destruction to buildings, food gardens and caused major impact on the economic lifeline of the country," the letter said, according to Agence France-Presse.

Estimates of the casualties have varied widely since the disaster occurred, and it was not immediately clear how officials arrived the number of people affected.

The International Organization for Migration, which is working closely with the government and taking a leading role in the international response, has not changed its estimated death toll of 670 released on Sunday, pending new evidence.

"We are not able to dispute what the government suggests but we are not able to comment on it," said Serhan Aktoprak, chief of the U.N. migrant agency's mission in Papua New Guinea.

"As time goes in such a massive undertaking, the number will remain fluid," Aktoprak added.

The death toll of 670 was based on calculations by Yambali village and Enga provincial officials that more than 150 homes had been buried by the landslide. The previous estimate had been 60 homes.

The office of Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape did not respond Monday to a request for an explanation of what the government estimate of 2,000 was based on. Marape has promised to release information about the scale of the destruction and loss of life when it becomes available.

Determining the scale of the disaster is difficult because of challenging conditions on the ground, including the village's remote location, a lack of telecommunications and tribal warfare throughout the province which means international relief workers and aid convoys require military escorts.

At least 26 tribal warriors and mercenaries were killed in a battle between two warring tribes in Enga in February, as well as an unconfirmed number of bystanders.

The national government's lack of reliable census data also adds to the challenges of determining how many are potentially dead.

The government estimates Papua New Guinea's population at around 10 million people, although a U.N. study, based on data including satellite photographs of roof tops, estimated in 2022 it could be as high as 17 million. An accurate census has not been held in the nation in decades.

The landslide also buried a 200-meter (650-foot) stretch of the province's main highway under debris 6 to 8 meters (20 to 26 feet) deep, creating a major obstacle for relief workers.

Mana said the landslide would have a major economic impact on the entire country. .. ..
Text continues.
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Most or all of this drama, humiliation, wasted taxpayer money could be spared -
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