Pirate Bible

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Pirate Bible

Post by mike »


The whole Bible done up in pirate-speak. Unbelievable. Somebody has too much time on their hands.

Matthew 6:3 (KJV)
But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth:

Matthew 6:3 (Pirate Bible)
But when ye scuttle booty, let not yer port hand know what yer starboard hand be doin'!

Genesis 1:2 (KJV)
And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

Genesis 1:2 (Pirate Bible)
The land was a mess, nary a speck of shape, 'n all was shrouded in dark over the deep abyss. But then the spirit of ol' God sailed across the waters.

Galatians 5:18-21 (KJV)
18 But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law.

19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,

20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,

21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

Galatians 5:18-21 (Pirate Bible)
18 But if ye be led by the wind, ye ain't subject to the Code.

19 Ayy, the scurvy deeds of the scallywag be plain to see: adultery, fornicatin', uncleanliness, and lecherousness.

20 Mutiny, voodoo, avast hatred, arguin', lookin' fer a fight, bombs burstin' with rage, scallywags at each other's throats, blasphemous thinkin', and mutinous notions!

21 Arrr, envyin's an' murders, guzzlin' grog an' revelries, o' th' likes o' that, I be tellin' ye afore, as I said afore t' those what do such, that they won't inherit th' kingdom o' God.
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Re: Pirate Bible

Post by mike »

Well I just answered my own question.

The translation was completed entirely using Artificial Intelligence and a fine-tuned algorithm. We worked hard to find a formula that produced true, pirate-like speech while still trying to preserve the meaning of the original text. In order to achieve that goal, we, at times, needed to adjust our algorithm and re-run verses through the translator but at no time did we interpolate our own words into the result or remove things we deemed unnecessary. While this certainly produced errors of its own, it was not affected by the biases of a small group of men or women and allows us to say that this is the first translation of the Bible done 100% by Artificial Intelligence.
The first Bible translation done 100% by AI!
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Re: Pirate Bible

Post by mike »

Well, here's the Pennsylvania Dutch translation of Genesis 1!

Here is Genesis 1 translated into Pennsylvania Dutch:
Im Aanfang hot der Yaad die Heemle un die Ard g'schaffe. Die Ard waas leer un wüst, un der Geist vun Yaad hot iwwer de Wasser g'schwebt. Un Yaad hot g'saat: "Es soll Licht wære!" Un es is Licht worre. Un Yaad hot g'sehne, dass des Licht gut waas. Un Yaad hot des Licht vun de Finsternis g'scheide. Un Yaad hot des Licht "Daag" g'nennt un die Finsternis "Nacht." Un es waas Aawend un es waas Morje, der eerscht Daag.

Un Yaad hot g'saat: "Es soll en Himmel iwwer de Wasser sei un er soll die Wasser vun de Wasser scheide!" Un Yaad hot de Himmel g'schaffe un hot die Wasser vun de Wasser drunder vun de Wasser owedrum g'scheide. Un es is so g'scheh. Un Yaad hot de Himmel "Himmel" g'nennt. Un es waas Aawend un es waas Morje, der zweit Daag.

Un Yaad hot g'saat: "Die Wasser uf de Erd solln an en Platz zammekumme, dass s' trocken Land wær!" Un es is so g'scheh. Un Yaad hot des trocken Land "Erd" g'nennt un die zammeg'kumme Wasser hot er "Meer" g'nennt. Un Yaad hot g'sehne, dass des gut waas.

Un Yaad hot g'saat: "Die Erd soll Gras herforbringe unn Kraut, das Same gitt, un fruchtbare Beem uf de Erd, die Frucht trage, der in ihr Selwer isch, jed'r nach seim Geschlecht!" Un es is so g'scheh. Un die Erd hot Gras hervorbringe un Kraut, das Same gitt, un Beem, die Frucht trage, der in ihr Selwer isch, jed'r nach seim Geschlecht. Un Yaad hot g'sehne, dass des gut waas.

Un es waas Aawend un es waas Morje, der dritt Daag.

Un Yaad hot g'saat: "Es solln Lichter am Himmel sei, dass se Uffteilunge mache uff de Erd, zwische Daag un Nacht un Zeichen sei'n un Daag un Johr z'bestimme! Un se solln Lichter sei'n am Himmel iwwer de Erd!" Un es is so g'scheh.

Un Yaad hot die zwee grosse Lichter g'schaffe; des grössere Licht, dass er zum Daag regiere dät, un des klenner Licht, dass er zur Nacht regiere dät, un au die Sterne.

Un Yaad hot se an de Himmel g'setzt, dass se iwwer de Erd scheine däte un der Daag regiere un die Nacht un Licht un Finsternis scheide. Un Yaad hot g'sehne, dass des gut waas.

Un es waas Aawend un es waas Morje, der viert Daag.

Un Yaad hot g'saat: "Es soll wimmeln in de Wasser vun lewendigem Geziefer un Vögle soll'n uf de Erd fliege unterm Wölwe der Himmel!" Un Yaad hot die grosse Fisch un alles lewendig Kriecher, wo da kreucht, un allerlei geflügelt Viech g'schaffe, jed's nach seim Geschlecht. Un Yaad hot g'sehne, dass des gut waas.

Un Yaad hot se g'segnet un g'saat: "Seid fruchtbar un mehret euch un füllet die Wasser in de Meere, un die Vögle soll'n sich mehre uf de Erd!"

Un es waas Aawend un es waas Morje, der fimft Daag.

Un Yaad hot g'saat: "Die Erd soll Viech hervorbringe, Viech nach seim Geschlecht, un G'würm un allerlei Kriechendes uf de Erd!" Un es is so g'scheh.

Un Yaad hot die wilde Dier g'schaffe, jed's nach seim Geschlecht, un alles G'würm un alles Kriechendes uf de Erd, jed's nach seim Geschlecht. Un Yaad hot g'sehne, dass des gut waas.
I can speak and understand PA Dutch but it's not really a written language. Still, I can kinda pick it out. This translation seems like more of a mangled German translation, not sure.
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Re: Pirate Bible

Post by mike »

Back to the Pirate Bible. Anybody can obviously create a similar product themselves, and even create a book out of it, and sell it. Because AI-produced works can't be copyrighted. I assume if one edits the text, that version could possibly be copyrighted.

My Pirated version of Genesis 1:
Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round and listen to a tale older than Davy Jones' locker itself - the yarn of how this here world came to be!

Before time even be a squiggly line on a sea chart, there was nothin' but black as a moonless night and quiet as a tomb. Then, blam! Avast! A voice like thunder rolled through the void, and light, bright as a thousand doubloons, split the darkness like a cutlass. Day and night, they called 'em, and that was the first plank laid in the ship of creation.

Next, the Almighty rumbled like a kraken awakenin', and a sky stretched above, blue as a parrot's feather and studded with stars like diamonds scattered on a velvet deck. Then, he parted the waters - salty swashbucklers below, fluffy clouds above - and land rose from the depths, green as a mermaid's gown and brown as a seasoned pirate's coat. Trees sprouted like masts, flowers bloomed like treasures, and the land teemed with critters of every shape and size - creepin', crawlin', swimmin', flyin', all singin' the Creator's sea shanty.

Four days rolled by, each sun a golden galleon sailin' across the heavens, and the world filled with wonders. Whales as big as krakens lumbered in the deep, birds with wings like rainbows danced in the sky, and beasts roamed the land, fierce and free. But somethin' was missin', a gap in the crew.

So, on the sixth day, with a flourish of His divine cutlass, the Almighty carved the finest figurehead ever: a man and a woman, in His own image, with eyes bright as sapphires and hearts as deep as the ocean. He gave 'em the keys to the whole kingdom, the land, the beasts, the stars - to tend, to cherish, to fill the world with their own laughter and song.

And on the seventh day, the Creator rested, content as a seagull with a belly full of fish. He gazed upon His work, every wave, every whisper, every grain of sand - a masterpiece painted on the canvas of the universe. And He said, "Avast, ye landlubbers! This be good!"

So there ye have it, me hearties. From nothin' to somethin', a world spun from dreams and salt spray. Remember, every sunrise be a treasure chest opened, every creature a song of the sea, and we, the children of the first dawn, hold the compass to keep this grand adventure sailin' on, fair winds and following seas!
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Re: Pirate Bible

Post by barnhart »

I actually like the Galatians passage from the pirate Bible. Paul was not always polite nor did he use religious sounding language.

But I don't recommend it for anything more than entertainment purposes.
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Re: Pirate Bible

Post by Josh »

mike wrote: Wed Jan 17, 2024 7:27 amI can speak and understand PA Dutch but it's not really a written language. Still, I can kinda pick it out. This translation seems like more of a mangled German translation, not sure.
The PA Dutch translation was commissioned by Wycliffe, and the translators said they sought to "fix" a problem with Amish not having the "right theology" about salvation because, according to them, Luther's translation has a translation error that supports the idea of salvation by works.

I find this suspect for a few reasons:

- I think that Amish actually are Christians who believe in rather orthodox theology, just like the rest of us do.

- Luther is the progenitor of the idea that works has no bearing on salvation at all and pioneered the concept of the "solas". It seems incredulous that his translation would have a translation error that would go against one of the doctrines he held near and dear.

- Many other Christian groups have used Luther's translation, but haven't ended up with Amish lifestyle or doctrine at all.

I also found this useless for a few reasons:

- Speakers of PA Dutch almost always know and understand English, usually at a native level. If they read and write, which almost all of them do, they read and write English. They might also know how to read standard (archaic) German.

- There isn't a standard PA Dutch orthography (although there are three) and most speakers of PA Dutch don't know any of them. To make matters worse, the commissioners of this translation decided to create a third orthography instead of sticking to one of the two that already existed.

Finally, this translation was the basis for two particular heinous books: the Jehovah's Witnesses false Bible in a form of PA Dutch audiobooks, and the Book of Mormon attempting to be translated into PA Dutch (I am unclear on if the Book of Mormon is also in audiobook form but I believe it is). Due to copyright issues, it is not word for word from the Wycliffe translation.

In the translator's own words:
“[The Amish] do not understand the German Scripture very well, and this can result in misinterpretation of the Scripture,” Hank says, referencing the Beatitudes as an example.

Martin Luther used a certain word in his translation to mean “blessed;” the same word is also used in Pennsylvania Dutch, but in this language it means “saved.” The confusion of this one word has resulted in a “works salvation” theology among the Amish, Hank explains.

“Instead of ‘blessed are the people,’ it means ‘saved are the people’ who do so-and-so, for theirs is the Kingdom of God.”

If more Amish churches were to use the Pennsylvania Dutch translation, Hank believes it would correct mistakes in doctrinal teaching.


Pray that the Amish will read God’s Word and that it will speak to them. Pray also that the Amish will believe the Word of God and act upon it.
I find it extremely concerning that a supposedly reputable Bible translator would be attempting to alter doctrine, and particularly would make what I feel is a false claim about Luther's translation.

I find the "prayer" above offensive, but I feel this would be a good idea instead:
Pray that the non-Amish Christians in America will read God's Word and that it will speak to them. Pray also that they will believe the Word of God, such as where Jesus teaches not to kill one's enemies, and act upon it.
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Re: Pirate Bible

Post by mike »

Josh wrote: Wed Jan 17, 2024 7:47 am I find it extremely concerning that a supposedly reputable Bible translator would be attempting to alter doctrine, and particularly would make what I feel is a false claim about Luther's translation.

I find the "prayer" above offensive, but I feel this would be a good idea instead:
Well, you needn't worry, because most Amish don't really read the Bible that much, and if they do, it's in German, not in some modern PA Dutch which they probably would find hard to read anyway.
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Re: Pirate Bible

Post by RZehr »

Arr matey! 'Tis a joy to have a Bible translation fit for pirates to read in their mother tongue! Spread it across the seas, swift as the wind!
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Re: Pirate Bible

Post by MaxPC »

I do not know whether to laugh or tearfully pray. :?

Why do I have a desire to see “Pirates of the Caribbean”?
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Re: Pirate Bible

Post by Soloist »

MaxPC wrote: Wed Jan 17, 2024 2:44 pm I do not know whether to laugh or tearfully pray. :?

Why do I have a desire to see “Pirates of the Caribbean”?
When did you last see it? Doesn’t really seem compatible with Christianity.
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