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Home Weather Stations?

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 4:18 pm
by steve-in-kville
Does anyone have experience with the digital/remote weather stations for home use? Something like this: ... 417bl.html

Years ago, when Radio Shack still was around, mom got one for my dad for his birthday... but it was extremely basic. Temp, humidity and such like. Dad kept the remote end in the barn to keep tabs on his *guinea's living conditions. In all likelihood, it still works and he still uses it.

Does anyone have one of these? Waste of money? Worth the cost? Please do expound!

(*guineas as in the poultry. Not the racial slur)

Re: Home Weather Stations?

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 4:47 pm
by MaxPC
In my experience of having one years ago, they last only for a year or two and then stop functioning. When monitoring livestock, my experience is that there is no substitute for hands on, in the flesh inspections and monitoring. Livestock born in the winter months can easily perish when not monitored in person for signs of stress which can come on suddenly for a variety of reasons.

Re: Home Weather Stations?

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 5:33 pm
by QuietlyListening
We have the acurite one. We monitor weather where we keep the well pump and some other things we want to not freeze. We have found it to be fairly accurate. Have had it 3 years and no problems so far.

Acurite has different varieties. But have been glad to have that remote sensor to check the housing of the well pump so it doesn't freeze and we can heat that place.

Have found the rain gauge pretty accurate too- we use one on the fence in the summer and this and keep checking them and they are close. Not sure what you are looking for and purpose. My husband just enjoys monitoring the weather and humidity and barometric pressure etc. Wind speeds so forth.

Re: Home Weather Stations?

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2021 5:17 am
by steve-in-kville
Thanks for the replies. The ones I am looking at don't measure wind speed or rainfall, although that may be useful. I certianly am lead to believe that "you get what you pay for" applies to these.