Fatherlessness and youth violence

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Re: Fatherlessness and youth violence

Post by temporal1 »

Page 2:
The government has been raising he children for the past 2-3 generations. Not a good thing. :-|

Public schools are no longer about education, but now indoctrination.
Yes, they do education secondly, but I think they only do that to justify the continual feed into them for indoctrination.

The education system has been hijacked.
The challenge is we let it happen because it is so easy to send our children away so we can play. :-|
It allows the ease of single parent families.
Texas / “Christian college student questions BLM in viral video.
Now college says she's no longer enrolled — after a 'disciplinary process.' “

https://www.theblaze.com/news/christian ... ry-process
.. According to Campus Reform, Ashleigh Brock — a former student at Hardin Simmons University in Abilene, Texas — created several TikTok videos in which she reportedly questioned the validity of the Black Lives Matter movement.

In one video, the outlet notes, Brock argued that there is way more outrage when a white person kills a black person than when a black person kills a white person — or even when a black person kills a fellow black person.

In another video, Brock reportedly insists that "all lives matter" — not just black lives.

"Do black lives matter?" she allegedly can be heard asking. "Yes, of course.
Do white lives matter? Yes, of course.
But I'm not gonna sit here and put each one in a group saying this race matters." .. ..
A Christian school in Texas?
i anticipate this kind of thing in public schools as children/students return. i dread it. :(

This reflects the “indoctrination” aspect of schools, no longer just public schools.

i’m serious about believing organized political blocs, and partisan politics, should be off-limits in schools. at this point, it’s gone so far, possibly the only way to mitigate damages would be for schools to implement and enforce policies requiring teachers to stick with their assigned curriculum.

this is complicated with the fact that textbooks increasingly reflect PC views.
parents need to watch it, identify it, and let schools know they are watching.
they could also stop voting for bad policies.

in comments on news stories, it’s easy to see, many parents have no idea what rights they’ve already lost. i suspect, often they have unknowingly voted for loss of their own rights.

politicians know what’s popular. they sell points that are favorable, while remaining silent on unfavorable policies they’ve written in, in the fine print. “pass this, to get this!” :-|

the House has come under widespread scrutiny for this very thing, in the COVID19 bills.
the practice is FAR from new. it is NOT healthy. lobbyists+activists LOVE it.

Jesus teaches all lives matter. He does not teach joining organized political blocs.
Christian schools should not confuse on this. (it’s poor policy for public schools.)
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Re: Fatherlessness and youth violence

Post by Aaron »

temporal1 wrote:This report reappeared recently.

Feb 2018 / “Of the 27 Deadliest Mass Shooters, 26 of Them Had One Thing in Common”,,,,,
A lot of information may be related/ important.

What is the biggest deception ? According to Scripture ?

Hint: not fatherlessness. God States "I WILL BE A FATHER to the fatherless" (and GOD IS, as He Pleases, Always Available to be A FATHER to the fatherless. When I read this in Scripture, I simply believed Him, and He never shirked nor ever withdrew from being my father) .

Back to the deception: what else was for a while reported about the mass shootings ? All along, it was covered up, distracted from, claimed not to be important, and so on, trying to protect the wicked one ....

Years ago, a few were brave and true enough to note: every one of the shooters was on drugs, or had come off their drugs. (legal drugs)
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Re: Fatherlessness and youth violence

Post by temporal1 »

Josh wrote: Sat May 01, 2021 12:14 am I’m interested in talking about the civil rights movement as a whole.
I’m not interested in criticising MLK Jr specifically, and certainly would never even try to do so in a conversation with you.

There’s a lot to criticise when it comes to the “civil rights” movement.

:arrow: One of the outcomes of it (that has nothing to do with race) was the destruction of stable families and the introduction of no fault divorce.

That’s not a good thing, yet it comes directly from the civil rights movement.

Thomas Sowell addresses many questions, he approaches matters from a FACT-BASED approach, not what is popular or PC.
He’s not alone. But folks like these do NOT “go viral.” so to speak.

In this other thread, HondurasKeiser and Thomas Sowell get into “gov policies that inadvertantly harm.”

“HK, CM, and Thomas Sowell, former Marxist”

Sacred cows should be identified and resisted. :-|

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Re: Fatherlessness and youth violence

Post by temporal1 »

“ Fatherlessness Can Be Fatal”
https://illinoisfamilyaction.org/2021/0 ... -be-fatal/
Written by Dr. Jerry Newcombe

There were more mass shootings in Chicago last weekend. The irony of these shootings, in which 54 were shot and 8 died, is the weekend itself….Father’s Day weekend.

Some sociologists note that what we’re seeing in large part are quite often the results of fatherlessness in America.

Mark J. Perry, a scholar with American Enterprise Institute, put out a chart on March 30, 2021 on fatherlessness in America. He compiled the statistics from the National Center for Health Statistics, and the chart compares the “percentage of U.S. births to unmarried women by race” for the year 2019.

The chart notes that:

11.7% of Asian births in America were to unwed mothers,
28.2% to white mothers,
40% for all races,
52% for Hispanics,
69% for Americans Indians,
70% for Blacks.
That explains a lot. The breakdown of the family in America is one of the leading causes of societal breakdown.
The cliché is correct: “As the family goes, so goes society.”

Fathers can make a huge difference in the life of their children, and their absence can lead to all manner of problems.

African-American leaders are expressing concern.
John Diggs, M.D. of Massachusetts once talked with me about the devastation wrought by the breakdown of the family.

About 15 years ago, Dr. Diggs told me in an interview for Christian television that the seeds of fatherlessness were sown in the sexual revolution: “Social science has borne out that all the bad effects associated with sex outside of marriage have increased under this paradigm. For example, you can look in the Black community. If you look at 1960, it was on the order of 5 out of 100 children were born out-of-wedlock. Now that number is something on the order of 60 out of 100. And once you get that kind of number, the whole society tends to break down.”

Tragically, that 60% has now increased to 70% as noted in the chart cited above.

Diggs continued, “Marriage has a very important function. It gets people to commit to each other even when they don’t want to, even when they don’t like each other for some short period of time. It’s financially better to have a mother and father in the house where you have two different personalities, two different orientations in terms of maleness and femaleness affecting both the child, both the girl and the boy. And I think, clearly, the crisis of fatherlessness can be laid at the feet of the sexual revolution.”

He said one of the biggest problems with all this is viewing the father as “expendable.” :(

And who fills in the gap? Uncle Sam? The gang leaders? :(
Of course, many young men become gang-bangers because the gang leader becomes surrogate fathers for them.
The Bible warns: Bad company corrupts good morals.
And the whole thing becomes a vicious cycle.

And then on top of all this: welfare transfer payments reward those who bear children out of wedlock and punish those households where the father remains. We get what the government subsidizes. What a tragic nightmare. Fatherlessness can be fatal. :(

To compound all this are those on the left who are saying we need to defund the police.

Civil Rights leader Robert Woodson thinks that is a terrible idea. Woodson created the Woodson Center in Washington, D.C., which has had many years of providing effective help for inner-city communities. A Gallup Poll backs up Woodson.
The pollsters found that 81% of Blacks do not favor defunding the police.

Noted Woodson: “The people who are advocating hostile actions against police do not have to suffer the consequences of their advocacy. They live in gated communities; they live where they are protected.” :(

Woodson added, “This battle is critical to our future. I don’t think we have been this close to just anarchy that you see this assault on police. It is resulting in withdrawal from some of the most high crime areas. As a result, murder is soaring in some of these cities, and it’s directly related to the nullification of policing.”

:arrow: Woodson remembered when Black families used to be a model for the rest of the nation.
He said, “From1930-1940, during America’s 10 years of depression, when racism was enshrined in law, elderly people could walk safely in their community without fear of assault because of our faith in Christ and also our marriage—
:arrow: we had the highest marriage rate of any group…that has been our history.”

:arrow: Ultimately, a spiritual renewal is what is needed to turn things, including fatherlessness, around.

Woodson told me, “As a country, we must seek redemption and understand that we need to be all that we can be as a nation.
If we were to mimic Christ and understand the importance of our future, it depends upon redemption and restoration.”
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Re: Fatherlessness and youth violence

Post by temporal1 »

One factor in the big problem of FATHERLESSNESS (in my observation) is how so many wives and mothers REJECT and ALIENATE their husbands/fathers of their children. The presumption is these women are victims of being abandoned, but, are they always? i have my doubts.

i was surprised to stumble upon this piece: :shock:

‘Why I submit to my husband like it's 1959’ / #tradwife
https://www.bbc.com/reel/video/p080c4dw ... bWy56ax7lM
Search the hashtag ‘#tradwife’ on social media and you’ll see images of cooked dinners and freshly-baked cakes with captions like,
“A woman’s place is in the home” or
:arrow: ”Trying to be a man is a waste of a woman”. :shock:

For many years, i’ve been sad to see young people CORRALED into thinking marriage+family have no real “value,” that “anyone can do it,” without effort, guidance, training. :shock:

The messages hit home for me in 1983 when our son was born. i was looking forward to being home with him and his older sister.
i soon realized, all the public messages around me were that i really needed to be a lawyer or some description professional, etc.
(i felt sorry for younger mothers, how worthless they must feel, if “ONLY” being a wife and mother was where they were?)
a social non-entity. :( terrible messages.

Frankly, i came to this conclusion after seeing reports of parental abuse, even murder of children by incompetent, untrained, unprepared parents. Clearly, NOT everyone is up to the task of parenting. Huge social failure.

This young woman’s (#tradwife) unapologetic focus is on her importance as wife.
i agree with her. This is an important job, it takes time and work, altho there is no hourly paycheck.

“Fatherlessness” does not happen in a vacuum.
Who are the players? What can be done by everyone to mitigate damages?

Our culture would be improved if the value of women+children (and fatherhood) were raised.
To recognize the importance, to stop pretending “EVERYONE CAN DO THIS - IN THEIR SPARE TIME.” No. False.

True across all socio-economic boundaries. Poverty does not mean marriage+children mean nothing.
Scriptures do not suggest poverty equates to immorality or amorality - in fact, the opposite.
Scriptures tell us the wealthy are more at risk.

i just stumbled on this. i don’t know anything more about it beyond this link. i don’t do hashtags. :?

i believe there is a major failure to ignore the real work and honor involved in being a husband/wife, and parent.
not everyone is up to the task. not everyone can do it - IN THEIR SPARE TIME. what a poor message.
Last edited by temporal1 on Tue Aug 10, 2021 11:23 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Fatherlessness and youth violence

Post by Josh »

2/3 of divorces are initiated by women. Most divorce is done out of convenience / “falling out of love” (yes, some legitimate situations with abuse do exist, but this is not the norm).

The Bible teaches not to get divorced and actually lays it out as a serious sin, except in very specific cases (including sexual immorality).

Of course, promoting women getting divorced because they’re “unhappy” or “fell out of love” has been a prime goal of social engineers and the global elite; they pushed no fault divorce on the people and then pushed the idea that divorce leads to happiness in films and other media. They are truly anti-God, anti-family people. We would all do well to not listen to the lies of the global elites and oligarchs and obey the Bible instead.

I don’t want a family situation like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, or Bill Gates.
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Re: Fatherlessness and youth violence

Post by temporal1 »

Josh wrote: Tue Aug 10, 2021 11:03 am 2/3 of divorces are initiated by women. Most divorce is done out of convenience / “falling out of love” (yes, some legitimate situations with abuse do exist, but this is not the norm).

The Bible teaches not to get divorced and actually lays it out as a serious sin, except in very specific cases (including sexual immorality).

Of course, promoting women getting divorced because they’re “unhappy” or “fell out of love” has been a prime goal of social engineers and the global elite; they pushed no fault divorce on the people and then pushed the idea that divorce leads to happiness in films and other media.

:arrow: They are truly anti-God, anti-family people.
:arrow: We would all do well to not listen to the lies of the global elites and oligarchs and obey the Bible instead.

I don’t want a family situation like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, or Bill Gates.
“Fatherlessness” does not happen in a vacuum.
Who are the players? What can be done by everyone to mitigate damages?

yes. to expect improvement, i think we all need to take hard looks at ALL the contributing factors.
the default to blame “irresponsible men,” alone, is getting us nowhere.

there is so much unnecessary heartache. dedication to scriptures could PREVENT so much heartache.
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Re: Fatherlessness and youth violence

Post by temporal1 »

To clarify above. ^^^

Altho this young woman cites “1959” style submission to paint a picture, to convey a message, traditional marriage is fairly universal, across all cultures and faiths, not all traditional families look like the model she uses.

The point is, marriage and family are commitments that require thought and dedication, mutual respect.
No matter faith, setting, or style.

One of the most loving marriages i’ve witnessed in my life was an arranged Hindu marriage. Mutual respect eminated from these two, their children thrived in this setting. Altho thousands of miles away, their home families and community emotionally supported this family from that distance. i’m not suggesting we all convert to arranged marriages and Hinduism. :-|

Government can’t replicate this! ^^
Evidence is, government can interfere with it.
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Re: Fatherlessness and youth violence

Post by Josh »

Let's remember that our government spent $1 trillion to try to introduce feminism and "women's rights" to Afghanistan in an effort to promote fatherlessness and destroy the family unit there.

Fortunately, the U.S. government was not successful, and the Taliban is returning to power. The Taliban promotes traditional family values. Perhaps these values are more enduring than the cultural rot the U.S. government wanted to replace it with.

Eventually, weak families and fatherlessness means a populace that can't even win a war, despite being handed a blank cheque for $1 trillion. Expect to see the U.S. to continue to lose against people and culture that value family more over vague notions like "women's rights" which is actually just a stalking horse to destroy the family.
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Re: Fatherlessness and youth violence

Post by temporal1 »

Josh wrote: Tue Aug 10, 2021 12:30 pm Let's remember that our government spent $1 trillion to try to introduce feminism and "women's rights" to Afghanistan in an effort to promote fatherlessness and destroy the family unit there.

Fortunately, the U.S. government was not successful, and the Taliban is returning to power. The Taliban promotes traditional family values. Perhaps these values are more enduring than the cultural rot the U.S. government wanted to replace it with.

Eventually, weak families and fatherlessness means a populace that can't even win a war, despite being handed a blank cheque for $1 trillion. Expect to see the U.S. to continue to lose against people and culture that value family more over vague notions like "women's rights" which is actually just a stalking horse to destroy the family.

so many sacred cows
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