Children speak ..

A place to relate, share, care for, and support one another. A place to share about our daily activities and events around the home.

Re: Children speak ..

Post by temporal1 »

2023 / our baby is 15 :)

Still the light of my life. Sweet. Modest. Thoughtful. Generous. Overly sensitive for her own good.

Yesterday: a real crisis she never anticipated. a disastrous haircut.
She’s always had long hair, without change, other than trimming, length, one year it was thinned. She has thick hair, thinning didn’t change appearance, but lightened the load for her. She’s practical, and works like a farmhand with horses. She doesn’t think about her hair, no makeup, etc. Very feminine, not a tomboy.

Starting place:

There is no explanation for what happened. From pictures, i believe she now has a Farrah Fawcett cut. :shock:
Is that still a cut?? ok for adult FF, but this child is not a FF. she was in tears. trying to hold back.

of course she’s beautiful, of course it will grow out. how could the stylist get it so wrong?!

i have memories to share with her. i was about her age, a little older, when i went to a shop (on my own) to get a cut (not my mother). i was happy, a milestone. so grownup.
^^i left the shop with something like this, replace the smiling face with anguished tears, i got on my bicycle and headed home, not able to see very well through the tears. i might have been 18. a young 18.

brushing out that mess was a challenge. sweet pea, i feel your pain.
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Re: Children speak ..

Post by temporal1 »

Not something to hope for ..
as i read this report, i kept imagining my granddaughter in Charley’s 8 year old shoes.

Children can be so .. pragmatic and resourceful with their limited knowledge, experience, in their tiny vulnerable persons.
They can be, “The adults in the room,” so to speak. Blessings.

8-year-old Wisconsin girl saves herself and 2-year-old sister from carjacking ... 09402.html
.. “I was scared,” Charley told the station. “I was like, 'What’s happening?'”

“Then, he told me to get out and I was like, 'What should I do? Should I run and be a scaredy cat or should I save my sister too.'
So I said, 'What about Autumn?'” the little girl recalled.

Charley said she felt she needed to "do something."

“I should try to kick him or defend myself and Autumn. But then, I was like, 'I should stay in my seat and do nothing.
Stay here, do the questions.'

But when I realized that dad had the key, I was like, 'He can’t do anything without the key,'” Charley explained.

She said the driver asked where the keys were, and she said her dad had them. ..
Reminder - This topic is: “Children speak” ..
Carjackings could be another topic. Car theft and carjackings have become all too frequent.
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Re: Children speak ..

Post by temporal1 »

YOUTUBE: brothers, 17 years ago / babies bite! without remorse.

2007 / Charlie bit my finger - again ! / -1min

2015 / What was the 'Charlie Bit My Finger' video? | Newsround / / 2:30min
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