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Re: Bankman-crickets / Musk-endlessly fascinating

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2023 1:09 pm
by Ken
Josh wrote: Fri Jan 06, 2023 12:58 pm I don’t see the problem here. If someone murders someone, they need to go to trial.

Are you claiming these defendants did not actually commit murder and are unjustly convicted?

Are you claiming white 12 year olds who commit murder are getting away with it and aren’t getting convicted?
Once again you completely miss the point. Temp argued that we infantalize young adults in their 30s and tread them as children when it comes to being accountable and facing justice for their actions. Citing the Bankman’s girlfriend as an example. I am saying that is only true if you are affluent and white. We do the opposite if you are poor and black. Current statistics are that 67,000 children are tried and imprisoned as adults every year which is actually down from closer to 250,000 back in the 1990s and early 2000s. A disproportionate number of whom are poor and black. Feel free to look up the statistics yourself if you don’t believe me. They are easy to find.

Do YOU think a 12 year old belongs in an adult prison? If you believe that 12 year olds are mature enough to be held responsible for their own actions as adults then I assume you also believe that 12 year olds should:

Be able to drive
Be able to get married
Be able to buy alcohol, cigarettes, and pot
Be able to join the military against their parent’s wishes
Be able to drop out of school and work in dangerous factories
Be able to overrule their parent’s decisions when it comes to education, public school attendance, etc.
Be able to access any medical care they want such as birth control, vaccinations, transgender surgery, etc. without their parent’s consent or knowledge

Right? You believe all of those things?

Re: Bankman-crickets / Musk-endlessly fascinating

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2023 1:32 pm
by temporal1
Josh wrote: Fri Jan 06, 2023 12:16 pm
Ken wrote: Fri Jan 06, 2023 10:21 am
temporal1 wrote: Fri Jan 06, 2023 8:20 am when i was young, ages 16-18+ were considered adults, or close to it.
over decades, U.S. mentality has altered so that even 30 year olds are viewed as young adults, or even “kids.”
not all countries/cultures have made this change.
Honestly, that is only true if you are privileged and white.
Many poor, Black and Hispanic kids are tried as adults and jailed in adult prisons even though they are 12, 13, 14, etc. years old.
This is not true.
It’s not true, AS WELL, i wasn’t thinking of the legal system when i described this cultural change in the U.S./West.

i believe it was a byproduct of “college degrees for everyone!” - when colleges became extended kindergarten-like playgrounds for students who, before, were expected to GET A JOB, GET MARRIED, RAISE A FAMILY, etc. Grow up and contribute.
Those who chose higher ed knew they had to pay for it (invest skin in the game). The entire dynamic changed.

In crime, it’s well known, msm seeks out the most innocent-looking, innocuous pics of (non-white, or “preferred”) suspects possible - to sway public opinion. It’s effective. Courts and laws do tons to accomodate juveniles. Careers are built on it.

i wasn’t thinking of the legal system with those words. Frankly, even i often think of 30 year olds as “young’ns,” altho, as a teen, i clearly remember thinking of 30 as ANCIENT. definitely adult years.

More blowin’ smoke.

The topic has morphed to SBF versus Bernie Madoff. Reports are, young SBF eclipsed Madoff in financial crimes.
The general topic of juvenile crime should go to another thread. please. :arrow:

In public opinion, Madoff was uncontested as criminal, and died in prison.
SBF+buddies are facing possibly heavy charges. Media seems to suggest .. SBF and others may be treated with a lot of mercy.

msm deliberately influences public opinion.

Re: Bankman-crickets / Musk-endlessly fascinating

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2023 1:18 am
by ohio jones
So it seems Mr. Bankman-crickets, who has apparently changed his name to Bankman-Fried (at least that's what SeeEnnEnn is reporting, but we know how reliable they are), has been found guilty on all charges of fraud. The trial took a month; the jury took four hours.

Re: Bankman-crickets / Musk-endlessly fascinating

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2023 7:03 am
by barnhart
I believe the crickets have caught up with Mr. Bankman.

Re: Bankman-crickets / Musk-endlessly fascinating

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2023 10:25 am
by Josh
One of the highlights of the trial was that he claimed he needed to take Adderal (amphetamines) to adequately prepare his defence.