Trump Convicted

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Re: Trump Convicted

Post by Grace »

Read the testimony. There's plenty to dislike there. No matter what a president's policies are, this is simply not OK. You seem to think that this is common for presidents, I think this goes way beyond anything I have seen, and it's based on testimony under oath. But even if other presidents actually did stoop to this level, that would not justify this at all.
Sleazy behavior has been common with some (not all) presidents, going all the way back to Thomas Jefferson and his slave Sally Hemings. And no, I was never ok with it. You must be very young if you think that Trump's behavior goes way beyond what you have ever seen. I won't get into JFK and RFK's horrible sleazy behavior with Marilyn Monroe and other women. Just because the testimony is under oath, doesn't mean anything. Especially if the testimony was from a known liar and a porn star.

As for the comment:
And now Trump's campaign promise is retribution, he is going to get all those people who investigated him. He is going to make the DOJ his personal weapon to reward his friends and punish his enemies. The Republican party is rallying behind that.
That is what the Democrats have been doing to Trump since 2016. We saw the fake Steele Dossier being used to get a FISA warrant to spy on the Trump Campaign. Then there was the Trump/Russian collusion lie. We had the sick lovers and all their crazy stuff, Lisa Page and Andrew McCabe. The list is endless. We saw Adam Schiff's constant lies, concerning Trump. I am not justifying making the DOJ a personal weapon, but it certainly has been used by the Democrats. Why would anyone be surprised if Trump returned in kind?

I posted this video before, but it shows how the mainstream media works in their TDS.
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Re: Trump Convicted

Post by Josh »

The Democrats have run a policy of retribution for a while now.

I really want to hear from those of you think this is OK what, exactly, the plan is when it's a two way street and there are Republicans who decide to do the same thing. It means a descent into Latin American-style politics, where a change of power always involves a great deal of turmoil. My big question is why on earth you have ever been comfortable voting for Democrats who openly do this. There is no better example than Georgia DA Fani Willis (who is currently in hot water for reasons completely unrelated to Trump).
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Re: Trump Convicted

Post by temporal1 »

Trump readily softened on retribution talk in the Dr Phil interview.
Similarly, i noticed a headline wrt him empathizng with biden wrt hunter. i didn’t pursue it.

He has a way of moderating (^^like this) when he senses his point has been made.
He isn’t like a radical relentless ideologue that doesn’t know when to let go.

The GOTCHA types have a hard time because of it.
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Re: Trump Convicted

Post by justme »

Ken wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2024 11:35 amI also think that whichever party loses in 2024 will have the inside path to taking over the White House in 2028 because politics in this country is a pendulum that swings back and forth. And it is very difficult for any party to maintain power from president to president.
maybe that is why both sides are nominating such inadequate candidates. they are just biding their time until the next election.
maybe they want their candidate to lose this time around, so that they have a much better chance once it really matters.
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Re: Trump Convicted

Post by Ken »

justme wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2024 11:22 pm
Ken wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2024 11:35 amI also think that whichever party loses in 2024 will have the inside path to taking over the White House in 2028 because politics in this country is a pendulum that swings back and forth. And it is very difficult for any party to maintain power from president to president.
maybe that is why both sides are nominating such inadequate candidates. they are just biding their time until the next election.
maybe they want their candidate to lose this time around, so that they have a much better chance once it really matters.
I think we are also sort of in the very last gasp of the Baby Boomer generation and 2028 will be something of a watershed moment to usher in lots of young new candidates up and down the ballot. There are a lot of geriatric politicians out there who will have finally reached their pull date by 2028 (some who already reached it some time ago).

I kind of expect historians will look back on 2028 as some sort of watershed political year that marks the changing of the political tide and political generations.

Or maybe not. What do I know? No more than anyone else.
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A fool can throw out more questions than a wise man can answer. -RZehr

Re: Trump Convicted

Post by Bootstrap »

Ken wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2024 11:28 pmI think we are also sort of in the very last gasp of the Baby Boomer generation and 2028 will be something of a watershed moment to usher in lots of young new candidates up and down the ballot. There are a lot of geriatric politicians out there who will have finally reached their pull date by 2028 (some who already reached it some time ago).

I kind of expect historians will look back on 2028 as some sort of watershed political year that marks the changing of the political tide and political generations.
Something's got to give. Americans seem very unhappy with their choices.
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Re: Trump Convicted

Post by temporal1 »

Bootstrap wrote: Sat Jun 15, 2024 6:56 am Something's got to give. Americans seem very unhappy with their choices.
No mystery. Look at those lined up behind the presidential candidates.
Governors, senators, activists, etc. There will be unknowns, but, for starters, it makes sense to look at what exists.

Career politicians “got lazy,” took things for granted, are now paying the price.

Part of good leadership is preparing those to come for service. In business, politics, families, communities, churches.
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ohio jones

Re: Trump Convicted

Post by ohio jones »

justme wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2024 11:22 pm
Ken wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2024 11:35 amI also think that whichever party loses in 2024 will have the inside path to taking over the White House in 2028 because politics in this country is a pendulum that swings back and forth. And it is very difficult for any party to maintain power from president to president.
maybe that is why both sides are nominating such inadequate candidates. they are just biding their time until the next election.
maybe they want their candidate to lose this time around, so that they have a much better chance once it really matters.
The Democrats especially are just biden their time.
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Re: Trump Convicted

Post by Ken »

Bootstrap wrote: Sat Jun 15, 2024 6:56 am
Ken wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2024 11:28 pmI think we are also sort of in the very last gasp of the Baby Boomer generation and 2028 will be something of a watershed moment to usher in lots of young new candidates up and down the ballot. There are a lot of geriatric politicians out there who will have finally reached their pull date by 2028 (some who already reached it some time ago).

I kind of expect historians will look back on 2028 as some sort of watershed political year that marks the changing of the political tide and political generations.
Something's got to give. Americans seem very unhappy with their choices.
That's pretty much the same in every election though. Hillary vs. Trump. Bush vs. Gore. Bush vs. Dukakis, Clinton vs. Dole. Reagan vs. Mondale, etc. It is the inevitable consequence of a a 2-party system.
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A fool can throw out more questions than a wise man can answer. -RZehr

Re: Trump Convicted

Post by Josh »

Parliamentary style systems result in bizarre compromises such as the recent ANC-DA coalition government.
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