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Re: The electoral college

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2020 12:52 pm
by Ken
Judas Maccabeus wrote:
Ernie wrote:This will be interesting. ... b684d4711a
But quite useless. If Mitch McConnell can do anything he can count, and he knows that any challenge is sure to lose in the house, and likely to lose in his Senate as well. There are a number of votes so committed, so it is a waste of time. It would need a majority in BOTH chambers to select any alternative votes.

Second, he likely knows that if something like that is done, and the election is thrown into the house, it opens the door to any political hardball that his counterpart in the house could pull. I am sure he does not underestimate her. Neither should the rest of us. She has been involved in politics since infancy.

The end-game to absolute scorched-earth GOP obstruction in Congress to certifying the electoral college result is interim-President Nancy Pelosi.

There is no end-game that results in a second Trump term once he automatically becomes a private citizen again on Jan 20. McConnell knows this, which is why I suspect he will block attempts to disrupt the result in the Senate. He doesn't want to be forced to vote with the Democrats and against Trump. So they will do whatever they can to avoid having to take that vote in the first place.