March in DC January 6

Events occurring and how they relate/affect Anabaptist faith and culture.

Re: March in DC January 6

Post by temporal1 »


i received an unsolicited fundraising email from her today, i never before heard of her.
because of this thread, i’d been trying to remember what the Jan 6 day was oroginally about. as i could recall, i believe it wasn’t a protest, it was simply to show appreciation+support for the outgoing POTUS. (she uses the words, “peaceful protest.”)
her email described some of it: i knew nothing of the 20 city tour! not a word.
.. My name is Amy Kremer, and I remember January 6th like it was yesterday – because I organized the PEACEFUL PROTEST that the media wants everyone to forget about.

I got patriots from all over the country to come to Washington D.C. in the tens of thousands to fight for election integrity – and I’ve never been prouder.

But I had nothing to do with what happened at the Capitol.

I never set foot in the Capitol, told anyone to go there or even started marching towards it.

I’ll be honest with you:
the rally I organized on January 6th was the last of a 20-city tour across the United States, peacefully demanding fair, free and transparent elections. I was exhausted – and after everyone was done speaking at the Ellipse my daughter and I headed straight back to our hotel.

But the Rolling Stone Magazine led a smear campaign, attempting to pin the Capitol incident on me, my daughter, and our organization – Women for America First. :shock:

After that, other liberal news rags pounced and started spreading the Rolling Stone’s lies.

Congress has me and my daughter in their crosshairs, and they’ve sent us a 20-page subpoena.
We’ll have to go before Congress any day now.

And I need help from patriots like you right away.

The only way to clear my name – and yours – is to sue Rolling Stone.
They want to paint you, me and every other Trump supporter you can think of as “terrorists” and “threats to our democracy” –
all because we don’t give up without a fight.

And we can’t let them win.

But Rolling Stone is a multi-million-dollar corporation with access to hundreds of lawyers with powerful rich friends from the Hollywood and liberal elite. They know that as a parent like many of you, I don’t have those resources.

But if you can help, together, we can fight back to clear all our names. Rolling Stone is betting against you helping us and joining this fight to clear our name. ..
i don’t attend marches, i don’t contribute to political blocs, i’m not a party member. never have been.

this parallels arguments that various well-known lib blocs are “not violent” - when violence+destruction occur.
not that the general response is anywhere-near equal.

politicians have their work cut out for them, attempting to run 1 country with 2 very separate set of rules.
they are definitely giving it their best “shot.” “as the walls come tumblin’ down.”
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Re: March in DC January 6

Post by Ken »

This is the Rolling Stone article that Amy Kremer is suing about. It isn’t clear to me which part of the article she is claiming is wrong and defamatory. ... e-1260849/
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A fool can throw out more questions than a wise man can answer. -RZehr

Re: March in DC January 6

Post by temporal1 »

Ken wrote: Thu Jan 13, 2022 1:42 pm This is the Rolling Stone article that Amy Kremer is suing about. It isn’t clear to me which part of the article she is claiming is wrong and defamatory. ... e-1260849/

i’m not viewing your googled spoils of war.
it’s important for the courts to be made clear about her complaints; because of litigation, the public may not have important details/access.

as has been routinely proven, the court of public opinion, the peanut gallery, often falls short.
no matter how noisy.

my interest above was just trying to remember where Jan 6 began, BEFORE the mainstream went on its latest campaign.
evidently, there were 19-20 rallies that did not “get wild,” did NOT get press. see how that works?
Last edited by temporal1 on Thu Jan 13, 2022 2:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: March in DC January 6

Post by Josh »

Rolling Stone Magazine frequently has gross obscenity with pornographic depictions women on its front cover. None of us want to click your link, Ken.
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Falco Underhill
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Re: March in DC January 6

Post by Falco Underhill »

Ken wrote: Thu Jan 13, 2022 12:35 pm [What laws did he break?. This video is from 1/5, the day before.
This video includes footage from 1/6. You can see Ray Epps whisper something in the ear of a younger man who then immediately forces the fence. Then you see Ray Epps continue to shepherd them right into the Capitol building all the while yelling "C'mon this way!"

How is what he is saying any different from what Trump and Giuliani said themselves during the rally on 1/6?
They broke the fence 20 minutes before Trump finished his speech, and Trump never told anyone to go INTO the Capitol building.
Last edited by Falco Underhill on Thu Jan 13, 2022 2:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: March in DC January 6

Post by temporal1 »

Josh wrote: Thu Jan 13, 2022 2:07 pm Rolling Stone Magazine frequently has gross obscenity with pornographic depictions women on its front cover.
None of us want to click your link, Ken.

IF the mainstream had not chosen this incident to inflame+incite, it would have been a non-issue.
The mainstream decides winners+losers, they don’t even attempt to deny it.

i don’t consider “men climbing on things taking selfies,” EITHER scary OR interesting.
The mainstream decides perspective, they run with what they choose, how they choose.

Bandwagons :-|

Every child who is warned about the hazards of jumping on bandwagons, by parents, in their churches, and, wishfully-thinking, by responsible teachers, is that much richer for it.
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Re: March in DC January 6

Post by Ken »

temporal1 wrote: Thu Jan 13, 2022 2:05 pm
Ken wrote: Thu Jan 13, 2022 1:42 pm This is the Rolling Stone article that Amy Kremer is suing about. It isn’t clear to me which part of the article she is claiming is wrong and defamatory. ... e-1260849/

i’m not viewing your googled spoils of war.
it’s important for the courts to be made clear about her complaints; because of litigation, the public may not have important details/access.

as has been routinely proven, the court of public opinion, the peanut gallery, often falls short.
no matter how noisy.

my interest above was just trying to remember where Jan 6 began, BEFORE the mainstream went on its latest campaign.
evidently, there were 19-20 rallies that did not “get wild,” did NOT get press. see how that works?
Fine. Send her your money then. I don’t care one way or the other .
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A fool can throw out more questions than a wise man can answer. -RZehr

Re: March in DC January 6

Post by temporal1 »

i wrote:
i don’t attend marches, i don’t contribute to political blocs, i’m not a party member. never have been.
i’ve repeated similar for years. no change here. no change expected.

i’m ever-thankful to my humble parents and to responsible teachers for warning of hazards of jumping on (esp) political bandwagons.
not all my teachers observed boundaries in classrooms. in the late 60’s it became chic to politicize in gov school classrooms.
i’m not sure trusting, respectful parents were aware. now, this.
Last edited by temporal1 on Thu Jan 13, 2022 2:41 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: March in DC January 6

Post by temporal1 »

Among Wayne’s last posts:
Wayne in Maine wrote: Sat Sep 04, 2021 9:37 am I think there are people here who come in riding their hobby horse who see their task here to get other to join their crusade or at least to validate their belief. They must strive to convince the rests of us of their righteousness. To them I say pleas leave us alone or at least listen and learn in humility.

Others are natural contrarians. Well Anabaptists are contrarians, aren’t they? They oppose they world and its wickedness. Unfortunately for some ”Anabaptists” contrarians they adopt ideas and positions that are contrary even to common sense, or think they have a special position and protection or are “above the law”. They wield the bible like a sword – it cuts and injures. They defend their contrariness and even attempt to propagate it here. Sheath that sword I say.

There are other who have strong political positions driving their interactions here, I think some don’t even realize it, they think all Christians should be anti-Trump for example or anti-Democrat. Their perception of the Gospel embraces a civil/social political stance that, I believe, fits the fundamental values of Mennonites like a square peg in a round hole. Anabapatism is not the old Protestant Social Gospel or the God and Country civil religion of rural American Fundamentalism and Evangelical, even where we share some of the same concerns about the course of this wonderful nation. And when the right and left factions clash as “Mennonites”, what can one expect but hostility instead of unity in the Kingdom that is going to subsume the kingdoms of this world in their politics.

I want to speak specifically though about my dear brother Josh. I’m not going to shoehorn him into one of the categories above, he can make his own choice. Josh, in person, has always been a warm caring and generous brother to me. I love him to pieces. When I go the Anabaptist Identity conferences, he always helps me find lodging. He has rented cars for me and even put me up and comfortable rooms at the airport to make my travel comfortable and convenient. I know that is how he treats people in his life. He is zealous to help seekers find the way, not the way to his denomination (which is often despised among other Mennonites) but the way to Jesus and discipleship. I would love for PeterG and Josh to meet in my home and have fellowship with me someday because I think in their hearts they have the same spirit of Christ. Let there be peace among the brethren so that we can work together to propagate the message of the Kingdom. If necessary walk away from divisive issue, don't try to win an argument. One aspect of Gelassenheit that brother Chester Weaver identifies is an unwillingness to debate - to try to "win" an argument. It is actually a part of non-reisitance if you think about it.

I would advise my brother Josh (and others) to take his Covid contrariness to another forum for debate. And on that whole topic I would advise that we followers of Jesus should cooperate with the authorities. A mask is as great a witness as a head covering. Vaccines do protect even if they are not perfect. Do things to protect not only yourself but others. I am among the vulnerable who could die for someone else’s right not to get vaccinated or wear a mask. Think about me and my dear family when you assert your rights – there are many more of us out here depending on you to make a little sacrifice for us.

"May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had." (Romans 15:5)

"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things." (Phillipans 4:8)

"Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you." (Ephesians 4:32)
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Re: March in DC January 6

Post by Ken »

Josh wrote: Thu Jan 13, 2022 12:45 pm
Ken wrote: Thu Jan 13, 2022 12:35 pm
Josh wrote: Thu Jan 13, 2022 12:06 pm Ray Epps honestly looks guilty to me of promoting insurrection and riot; he doesn't seem to be peacefully protesting, as nearly all of the other 1/6 protesters were.

Why is he not being charged?
What laws did he break?. This video is from 1/5, the day before. How is what he is saying any different from what Trump and Giuliani said themselves during the rally on 1/6?

Note. I’m not defending Epps. He looks like a garden variety Trump supporter. I see no evidence he was anything else.
Perhaps if the FBI would be more forthcoming about why he was on their most wanted list, we'd know.
Because it is Federal policy never to confirm or deny this sort of thing. And it is the correct policy because even a denial can inadvertently disclose confidential information. It isn’t the FBI’s job to respond to the latest hysterical nonsense from Tucker Carlson.
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A fool can throw out more questions than a wise man can answer. -RZehr
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