What if DJT Gets Impeached?

Events occurring and how they relate/affect Anabaptist faith and culture.
Judas Maccabeus

Re: What if DJT Gets Impeached?

Post by Judas Maccabeus »

Pence becomes president. Likely he will do a better job than the current one.

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Re: What if DJT Gets Impeached?

Post by Szdfan »

barnhart wrote:So far I'm staying with my initial prediction, the house will impeach but the senate will not remove him from office. In the end I don't think it will amount to much, except both parties will have fresher grievances to take into the elections.
I agree with you, I don’t think the Senate will remove Trump. In that case, Trump will be the first incumbent President who’s been impeached and is running for re-election. It will be interesting to see how that changes the dynamics for the election.

Whoever the next president is, it’s pretty safe to say that at least one half of the country will despise them.
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Dan Z

Re: What if DJT Gets Impeached?

Post by Dan Z »

mike wrote:The War on Pence starts.
Politically - no doubt - Pence is unapologetically conservative and will be attacked relentlessly for that - but most of the impeachable conduct of Trump's self-serving, reckless and transactional style won't likely happen under a Pence administration. In many ways, Trump has made the bed he's lying in (pun intended). From what I can tell, Pence and Trump are dramatically different types of leaders in terms of integrity, honor, empathy, respect for process, understanding of governance, consideration of others, openness to expert advice, collaboration, and concern for the greater good over personal gain. It's still a mystery to me why Pence hitched his wagon to Trump in the first place - but if Pence does get impeached it will be because he gets pressured into covering or lying for Trump (I honestly don't think the Democrats will try this kind of overreach).

Anyway, if Pence were to become president (an unlikely occurrence), it may help conservatism in America begin to regain some of the moral capital it has so willingly spent in its unfortunate marriage to DJ Trump - ironically this may be the greatest gift the Democrats can give to the Republicans - saving them from themselves. :)
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Re: What if DJT Gets Impeached?

Post by temporal1 »

The altruistic DNC. Good one. (i hope you have not resorted to morning drinking.) :-|
What measures will they then take, to save themselves? :?

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Re: What if DJT Gets Impeached?

Post by mike »

Dan Z wrote:
mike wrote:The War on Pence starts.
Politically - no doubt - Pence is unapologetically conservative and will be attacked relentlessly for that - but most of the impeachable conduct of Trump's self-serving, reckless and transactional style won't likely happen under a Pence administration. In many ways, Trump has made the bed he's lying in (pun intended). From what I can tell, Pence and Trump are dramatically different types of leaders in terms of integrity, honor, empathy, respect for process, understanding of governance, consideration of others, openness to expert advice, and concern for the greater good over personal gain. It's still a mystery to me why Pence hitched his wagon to Trump in the first place - but if Pence does get impeached it will be because he gets pressured into covering or lying for Trump (I honestly don't think the Democrats will try this kind of overreach).

Anyway, if Pence were to become president (an unlikely occurrence), it may help conservatism in America begin to regain some of the moral capital it has so willingly spent in its unfortunate marriage to DJ Trump - ironically this may be the greatest gift the Democrats can give to the Republicans - saving them from themselves. :)
You have a wonderfully kind take on the Democrats, bless your heart. :) In politics it is all about power, and I think the Democrats would be just as dedicated to taking out Pence. Remember McCain and Romney? You certainly don't need to be a Donald Trump to get the Democrats fully dedicated to take you out (although it probably does help). :)
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Dan Z

Re: What if DJT Gets Impeached?

Post by Dan Z »

mike wrote:
Dan Z wrote:
mike wrote:The War on Pence starts.
Politically - no doubt - Pence is unapologetically conservative and will be attacked relentlessly for that - but most of the impeachable conduct of Trump's self-serving, reckless and transactional style won't likely happen under a Pence administration. In many ways, Trump has made the bed he's lying in (pun intended). From what I can tell, Pence and Trump are dramatically different types of leaders in terms of integrity, honor, empathy, respect for process, understanding of governance, consideration of others, openness to expert advice, and concern for the greater good over personal gain. It's still a mystery to me why Pence hitched his wagon to Trump in the first place - but if Pence does get impeached it will be because he gets pressured into covering or lying for Trump (I honestly don't think the Democrats will try this kind of overreach).

Anyway, if Pence were to become president (an unlikely occurrence), it may help conservatism in America begin to regain some of the moral capital it has so willingly spent in its unfortunate marriage to DJ Trump - ironically this may be the greatest gift the Democrats can give to the Republicans - saving them from themselves. :)
You have a wonderfully kind take on the Democrats, bless your heart. :) In politics it is all about power, and I think the Democrats would be just as dedicated to taking out Pence. Remember McCain and Romney? You certainly don't need to be a Donald Trump to get the Democrats fully dedicated to take you out (although it probably does help). :)
Boy are you misreading me here (bless my heart) :D - I don't give the Democrats credit because of their pure motives or moral superiority. This is about political calculus pure and simple - 1) I don't believe a President Pence will give the Dems any real impeachable cause for removal like Trump has (he'll be more like the Bush's in this regard), and 2) impeaching both the President AND Vice-President at the same time (thus changing the party) or even back to back would be a HUGE overreach and a political and temporal impossibility for them. They would pay for it dearly at the voting booth - and I'm sure they know that. They are crafty and power-hungry...but they're not crazy. :)
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Re: What if DJT Gets Impeached?

Post by mike »

Dan Z wrote:They are crafty and power-hungry...but they're not crazy.
OK - I'll take your word for it! :) :)

I've heard more than one pundit say that all the Democrats have to do to win in 2020 is to not be crazy... we'll see.
Last edited by mike on Thu Nov 21, 2019 11:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What if DJT Gets Impeached?

Post by appleman2006 »

Dan Z wrote:They are crafty and power-hungry...but they're not crazy. :)
There was a time I would of agreed with this statement.
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Re: What if DJT Gets Impeached?

Post by Grace »

Dan Z wrote:
Boy are you misreading me here (bless my heart) :D - I don't give the Democrats credit because of their pure motives or moral superiority. This is about political calculus pure and simple - 1) I don't believe a President Pence will give the Dems any real impeachable cause for removal like Trump has (he'll be more like the Bush's in this regard), and 2) impeaching both the President AND Vice-President at the same time (thus changing the party) or even back to back would be a HUGE overreach and a political and temporal impossibility for them. They would pay for it dearly at the voting booth - and I'm sure they know that. They are crafty and power-hungry...but they're not crazy. :)
The Dems will do anything to oust Pence. Look what they attempted with Kavanaugh, using the testimony of a person whose story had no corroboration, no evidence, no facts, nothing, but they still used Christine Ford. If they take steps to get naked pictures of Trump, or believed the Steele Dossier, they will use anything they can against Pence, throw it up against the wall and see if it sticks. Many Democrats (not all) have an evil force within them that causes them to hate anyone who is pro-life, pro-Israel, and pro-Christian.
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Re: What if DJT Gets Impeached?

Post by Fidelio »

Grace wrote:
Dan Z wrote:
Boy are you misreading me here (bless my heart) :D - I don't give the Democrats credit because of their pure motives or moral superiority. This is about political calculus pure and simple - 1) I don't believe a President Pence will give the Dems any real impeachable cause for removal like Trump has (he'll be more like the Bush's in this regard), and 2) impeaching both the President AND Vice-President at the same time (thus changing the party) or even back to back would be a HUGE overreach and a political and temporal impossibility for them. They would pay for it dearly at the voting booth - and I'm sure they know that. They are crafty and power-hungry...but they're not crazy. :)
The Dems will do anything to oust Pence. Look what they attempted with Kavanaugh, using the testimony of a person whose story had no corroboration, no evidence, no facts, nothing, but they still used Christine Ford. If they take steps to get naked pictures of Trump, or believed the Steele Dossier, they will use anything they can against Pence, throw it up against the wall and see if it sticks. Many Democrats (not all) have an evil force within them that causes them to hate anyone who is pro-life, pro-Israel, and pro-Christian.
As I see it:
Slavery ended in the 1800s, so they tell us, but the reality is the Democrats merely transformed the slavery from the plantation to the ghetto/welfare state. Sure, the slaves are not under the whip, but they are still under control. This primarily for democrat votes, as well as all the illegals made citizens via birth or issuance of driver's licenses to get more voters in the attempt to finally tip the scales and over throw the democratic republic that we so cherish for the freedom or religion it gives us. The Bushes were not a big threat to the Democrat/Progressive Liberal agenda, but Trump is and so they are going at him with a vengeance. I am really surprised they have not found a way to get him assassinated, other than they don't want Pence either.
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Convert to Anabaptist truth early 2019; now associated (friend) with the Apostolic Christian Church of America.
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