It’s Sunday - What did you listen to?

General Christian Theology

It’s Sunday - What did you listen to?

Post by temporal1 »

It’s Sunday - What did you listen to?

Lots of churches now offer online sermons/homilies.
Are you willing to share, whether you attended in person or listened IRT or later?

Videos, transcripts, summaries, all forms/formats are welcome.

i listen to a variety of denoms, not always on Sunday, not always just one. :D
i listened to three this morning. i’ll gladly listen to more!
i like to listen to my granddaughter’s home church homilies, sometimes IRT, another way to keep in touch.

New to me today: Fr Wilton: JOY

Don't allow the devil take your happiness away.... / 23min
December 17 2023
“In this homily for the Gaudete Sunday (B), Father David Wilton CPM, preaches about not allowing the devil to take your JOY away.

May God bless you all for your viewership.

This Homily was given at the Chapel of Divine Mercy in Auburn, KY at the 10:00am Mass.

We welcome anyone who would like to attend in person...
806 Shaker Museum Road Auburn Kentucky 42206.

May God bless you all!”

Interesting. A Catholic Church with a Shaker Museum Road address. Very “U.S.A.”, eh? :mrgreen:
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Re: It’s Sunday - What did you listen to?

Post by Valerie »

Admittedly we attended an Irish Catholic service today- don't throw rocks or stones.

You know what? It was a really good service & message

Please don't ask why we did

Will watch our own online in later as well as Oasis
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Re: It’s Sunday - What did you listen to?

Post by temporal1 »

Thanks, Valerie.
i’m looking forward to lots of Anabaptist sermons. i hope.
i’ve enjoyed a number in different topics on forum over years. some are online.

if folks want to share here, i expect a mix.

i’m hoping for sermons, not stones! :lol:
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Re: It’s Sunday - What did you listen to?

Post by Bootstrap »

I was in church today, in real life. That's true most Sundays unless I am traveling. For me, there's really no substitute for face-to-face church. I have been in this church since 1996, and there's a depth in these relationships.

Quite a good sermon on the tabernacle versus the tent, carrying the theme from Exodus straight through to the New Testament.

And the time of prayer is very special at our church.
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Re: It’s Sunday - What did you listen to?

Post by Josh »

Valerie wrote: Sun Jul 21, 2024 2:15 pm Admittedly we attended an Irish Catholic service today- don't throw rocks or stones.

You know what? It was a really good service & message

Please don't ask why we did

Will watch our own online in later as well as Oasis
I attended an Irish Catholic service last year (on Pentecost) and had a wonderful time. My son splashed in the holy water in the little lavers by the front doors. They had a meal afterwards which was a nice setting to visit in.
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Re: It’s Sunday - What did you listen to?

Post by temporal1 »

Josh wrote: Sun Jul 21, 2024 4:21 pm I attended an Irish Catholic service last year (on Pentecost) and had a wonderful time. My son splashed in the holy water in the little lavers by the front doors. They had a meal afterwards which was a nice setting to visit in.
did you listen to a sermon or homily today?
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Re: It’s Sunday - What did you listen to?

Post by Ernie »

We started an outreach worship and Bible study gathering last Sunday for unchurched and less churched people.
9 people including children showed up last Sunday.
17 today. It looks like even more will be with us next Sunday. People are inviting their friends.
We prayed, sang, had a children's lesson about the man who built a tower and couldn't finish it.
An adult Bible study from Luke 15.
Closed with people sharing a thought and/or praying if they wished.
The rest of the day we ate, visited, and played games.

The interest has been very encouraging.
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Re: It’s Sunday - What did you listen to?

Post by Josh »

temporal1 wrote: Sun Jul 21, 2024 8:36 pm
Josh wrote: Sun Jul 21, 2024 4:21 pm I attended an Irish Catholic service last year (on Pentecost) and had a wonderful time. My son splashed in the holy water in the little lavers by the front doors. They had a meal afterwards which was a nice setting to visit in.
did you listen to a sermon or homily today?
I did not.
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Re: It’s Sunday - What did you listen to?

Post by temporal1 »

Ernie wrote: Sun Jul 21, 2024 9:16 pm We started an outreach worship and Bible study gathering last Sunday for unchurched and less churched people.
9 people including children showed up last Sunday.
17 today. It looks like even more will be with us next Sunday. People are inviting their friends.
We prayed, sang, had a children's lesson about the man who built a tower and couldn't finish it.
An adult Bible study from Luke 15.
Closed with people sharing a thought and/or praying if they wished.
The rest of the day we ate, visited, and played games.

The interest has been very encouraging.
Thank you, Ernie. So good to read about this. :D
It reminds of MD, various members described positives of what was happenng in their fellowships and churches/church plants.
so much positive growth+activity. i recall appleman, undershepherd, GaryK and RZehr .. i’m sure there were others .. they were encouraging!

i’m trying to think, i recall BlueNoseAl looking for a place; there was mention of young Amish from Ontario (?) moving to Nova Scotia (?) to find new beginnings .. anyway .. growth!
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Re: It’s Sunday - What did you listen to?

Post by barnhart »

I listened to my church family sing, give testimony and teach from the scripture.
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