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Orthodoxy and Orthopraxy

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2023 9:47 am
by Ernie
In this thread I will attempt to summarize what I have been trying to same in some other threads recently. If you are in general agreement with me, how would you make this better?

orthodoxy (correct belief and understanding)
orthopraxy (correct practice or behavior)
New Testament (the 27 books commonly understood to be inspired by most Christians over the centuries)

Regarding doctrine and defining orthodoxy: Do not attempt to clarify something that the New Testament does not clarify but rather consider everything the New Testament has to say about that topic.
[If a person or church thinks something needs clarified, they should frame it as, "Here is what I/we think about this but we may not be seeing this accurately."]

Regarding orthopraxy: Practice what is taught in the New Testament.
[Do not withhold communion and full Christian fellowship from those who are practicing what Jesus and the NT writers instructed followers of Jesus to do. If a group of believers wish to establish additional practices or certain applications of NT teaching that will help them follow Jesus, they can go for it. The sky is the limit. (e.g. There is no restriction on how many cups of cold water a person can offer in Jesus name.) However, the promotion of or adherence to such additional defined practices should not be viewed as making one spiritually superior.]

Re: Orthodoxy and Orthopraxy

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2023 3:39 pm
by MaxPC
I see these as excellent definitions. I will read with continued interest.